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Everything posted by CptPatriot

  1. Re: Deflection at Range I forgot that Deflection was ranged. I think I was remembering how Missile Deflection was handled in the 5th Edition.
  2. This situation came up during my groups' last game session. I'm not trying to overrule my GM's decision, but I do want to make sure our understanding of the rules are clear when this happens again. Character A got knocked back from an attack from Character B. Character A acted prior to Character B in the same phase. 1) Does Character A get to make his Breakfall roll at that moment to avoid the knockback damage? The reason I'm asking is that our GM said that all skill rolls require time to use and said Character A could not use his Breakfall skill as he already acted in the segment. 2) If Character A failed his Breakfall roll to land on his feet from the knockback, can Character A still make his Breakfall roll to get on his feet as a 0 phase action when his next action comes?
  3. If a character buys Deflection with the Ranged advantage, can she choose to deflect all the attacks coming to hit her team and herself? can she choose which attacks she deflects, assuming she can tell the types of attacks apart? does she pay END to Deflect the attacks once(which is what I was thinking) or each time it is used?
  4. Re: What FTL Drives do people use in their campaigns? And what techno bable do you us Well, I only ran one sci-fi/supers game and I used Babylon 5 jump technology though one of the PCs had megascale teleportation defined as using wormholes. Then he tried to pull it off in hyperspace one game and I let him get away with it.
  5. Re: Teleport Mega Scale and willing passengers Assuming we follow the rules for the moment... All the people being teleported are at that penalty until they act on their next phase. It is not dependent on the Speed of the teleporter. Using your example, say you have the teleporter (let's say Dex 24)and his passenger(Dex 20) and let's assume they are also both at Speed 6. On phase 4, the teleporter activates his Teleport power and is now committed. Teleporter is now 0 OCV & 1/2 DCV. As per the rules, on phase 6 at his Dex, he now teleports to point B. The teleporter is now at point B and his phase 6 action done. At phase 8, he may now act freely and is at his normal OCV & DCV. The passenger, on the other hand, has to stay motionless beside the teleporter(DCV 1/2), if he wants to still be the recipient of the teleport. He can act on phase 4, if he chooses. He arrives at point B at the teleporter's Dex on phase 6 and remains at 0 OCV & 1/2 DCV until he acts on his next action, in this case, at Dex 20. Now, let's assume instead of Speed 6, the passenger is Speed 5. On segment 5, the passenger can still act, he arrives at point B on segment 6 and is at 0 OCV & 1/2 DCV until the passenger acts at segment 8. Now, suppose the passenger held his action from phase 5, after the two of them teleport to point B, the passenger can now take advantage of his held action to move away from the teleporter or whatever other action he chooses with his normal OCV & DCV.
  6. Re: Picking a Free to Play Archetype I've never played the archetypes, but in general, you can solo most of the content.
  7. Re: [LoH] Nemcon Tonight, 715 PM Server/PT Another close of a fun run.
  8. Re: So Which Hideout are you looking at? Already fixed up my basement. I plan to get the penthouse and possibly the caves when the bundles come out.
  9. Re: Bloodbath Comic It was good. I liked it. Nice use of the Champions Online elements.
  10. Steven S. Long (07:59.30 PM) Gooood evening everyone! matthew fink (07:59.32 PM) hmm, that's odd..instead of my login name it's my real one. ehh, I'll survive Ralph Young (07:59.59 PM) Good evening matthew fink (08:00.11 PM) howdy hey Lord Liaden (08:00.29 PM) Welcome, Steve Steven S. Long (08:00.51 PM) Hope everyone's doing well to-night. Gregory (08:01.14 PM) I see APGII is out on PDF! Steven S. Long (08:01.22 PM) Indeed it is. Gregory (08:02.05 PM) It will be mine!...shortly. Ralph Young (08:02.09 PM) Any highlights? Steven S. Long (08:03.21 PM) Oh, all sorts of good stuff. Social Combat rules, expanded Focus creation rules, guidelines for doing Skills like combat and combat like Skills, lots of juicy tidbits. Indiana Joe (08:03.28 PM) Hi everyone. Steven S. Long (08:03.34 PM) Hi, IJ Several new Powers, and on and on. It's a great book! (he said modestly). Gregory (08:04.33 PM) How is the Empress book progressing? Lord Liaden (08:04.38 PM) Hello, IJ Christougher (08:04.39 PM) What are the names of the new powers? Indiana Joe (08:04.42 PM) I'm waiting for the dead tree version. Ralph Young (08:04.55 PM) I am ambivalent about "social combat." It seems to be a hot-button issue with designers these last five or six years, but I don't see the utility much. But, then I'm old. Steven S. Long (08:05.11 PM) The new Powers are (let me see if I remember 'em all): Extradimensional Space; Object Creation; Probability Alteration; Time Stop; and Replay. Gregory (08:05.25 PM) TARDIS!!!!!!!!!!!! matthew fink (08:05.45 PM) ohh, probability alteration sounds fun! Steven S. Long (08:05.51 PM) Time for announcements! I guess we've all hit on the first one: APG2 is now available in PDF! Into the print queue it goes and we hope to have hardcopy versions in the "soon" timeframe. I haven't seen anyone post any reviews yet, but I expect HERO fans will enjoy it and find lots of useful stuff in there. Second, to answer Gregory's last question, I'm currently working hard on THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS! Lord Liaden (08:06.58 PM) Just testing -- three consecutive posts eaten by the chat software. Ralph Young (08:07.35 PM) Book of the Empress! Yay! Steven S. Long (08:07.36 PM) Yesterday I finished Chapter One (History); today I finished most of Chapter Two (The Empress herself). Tomorrow I will write a brief description of her daily routine, and then Ch. 2 will be done except for the alternate genre V'hans, which I'll save for later. LL, I find that putting dashes in a post makes it more likely to be "eaten." I suggest avoiding 'em. Tomorrow I'll then proceed to Chapter Three (The Imperial Legions). I've already written up six sample superhumans for her, and will proceed with some more information on that part of her force (the Imperial Battalion, it's called), then proceed onward to mundane troops and forces. Chapter Three's gonna be a looooong one, as you might imagine. Chapter Four (the Multiverse) is already done; after that is another loooong one, describing the Empire itself. Then the GMing chapter, IIRC, and it's all done. Whew! Gregory (08:09.46 PM) and then on to the gods book? Steven S. Long (08:09.55 PM) Yes, then on to MYTHIC HERO. Ralph Young (08:09.58 PM) Does her empire include parallel earths? Steven S. Long (08:10.25 PM) Ralph, yes it does. Quite a lot of them. Also alternate V'has, and alternate versions of many other dimensions. And of course non-alternates. Lord Liaden (08:11.12 PM) Steve, is there a distinction between a "parallel Earth" and an "alternate Earth?" Ralph Young (08:11.44 PM) I've noodled with a visit to Kinematik and Lancer's world, only to have it invaded by Istvatha or Tyrannon at the end. Gregory (08:12.25 PM) There's always Wimp World! Steven S. Long (08:12.33 PM) AAMOF, Ralph, that particular world gets a brief description in Chapter Four. The formal name is "Emperor Martinez Earth," which provides a bit of a clue to some of its background. Ralph Young (08:13.05 PM) Cool! You are incorporating bits of Champions in 3-D type material? Steven S. Long (08:13.21 PM) There are quite a few other fun dimensions in Chapter Four. Then in Chapter Five are descriptions of dimensions ruled by the V'hanian Empire. Ralph, no, not precisely. I am simply describing various dimensions of interest, both within and without the Empire. Some material similar to parts of C3D may appear in Chapter Six (GMing), but I'm not copying anything from that book per se. They're just both partly about the same subjects. Ralph Young (08:14.37 PM) Yes, thats actually what I meant. Champions Beyond incorporated space settings, Book of the Empress alternate dimensions. Steven S. Long (08:15.44 PM) On the assumption that it's relatively easy for the GM to concoct "the world where the Romans still rule" (or Aztecs, or Vikings, or whatever), I'm trying to delve a bit farther afield and come up with alternate Earth and other dimension ideas that are less likely to occur to the average GM. Ralph, that's a good way to put it. Between CBY and BOTE we'll be covering the CU away from Earth pretty darn thoroughly. Lord Liaden (08:17.38 PM) Steve, do any of these alternate Earths include alternates of Skarn or Bromion, and their realms? Ralph Young (08:17.38 PM) LO, do BOOK OF THE TIME TRAVEL about Captain Chronos and describe different Epoch settings like Turakian Age et. al. Steven S. Long (08:18.19 PM) Well, Ralph, we do have TIME TRAVEL HERO on the schedule, so yeah, we've got that covered too -- though I'll be focusing on historical settings rather than ones we've previously published. Lord Liaden (08:18.24 PM) I.e. alternates to the other Sephirothic dimensions Steven S. Long (08:19.46 PM) LL, not all dimensions, and not all beings, have alternates. Certainly Bromion, as a cosmic entity (even a fallen one), isn't going to be duplicated from reality to reality. Ralph Young (08:21.46 PM) There is only one Foxbat in the multiverse. Any more and reality itself would be overwhelmed by awesomeness. Steven S. Long (08:22.17 PM) No, there are plenty of alternate Foxbats. Lord Liaden (08:22.19 PM) Will the Multifarian be treated? If so, will it include the latest developments from CO? Archie (08:23.05 PM) OMG, a Foxbat that actually became a good guy?! matthew fink (08:23.47 PM) or even scarier, a Foxbat who was competent Steven S. Long (08:23.48 PM) LL, the Multifarian gets a section in Chapter Four. There can be many types of Foxbats. Chapter Four even includes ::drumroll:: Foxbatworld! How's *that* for an alternate Earth, True Believers??!? Archie (08:24.43 PM) Maybe that's the world where he ran for President and won? matthew fink (08:24.44 PM) BOOM!!!!! (head explodes) Steven S. Long (08:25.05 PM) You'll just have to wait and see what it's all about. Ralph Young (08:25.12 PM) Too... much... awesome... Archie (08:25.42 PM) Ralph, you need to stop watching so much Kick Buttowski. Ralph Young (08:26.35 PM) Stop watching.. start LIVING What kind of variety do we have for D-Soldiers? Archie (08:28.08 PM) BTW Steve and gang. Scott "Thundrax" Bennie and I are trying to get regular lair runs going on Thursday Nights at 7PM Server Time every Thursday in Champions Online. Steven S. Long (08:28.27 PM) More than your mind can comfortably encompass, Ralph. That's one reason Chapter Three will be so very very large. Ralph Young (08:29.24 PM) Set the bar higher! More than the fingers on one hand is too much for my mind to encompass. Steven S. Long (08:29.28 PM) I've got regular D-Soldiers, specialist D-Soldiers, special forces D-Soldiers, genetically-enhanced D-Soldiers, you name it. Heimdall (08:29.30 PM) Hihi Steven S. Long (08:29.37 PM) Hey, Heimdall, come on in. Archie (08:29.40 PM) Hey, Heim! Eddie! (08:29.51 PM) Sorry I am late fell asleep after two beer. What I miss Heimdall (08:29.52 PM) I have an errata for apg2 will do Lord Liaden (08:30.30 PM) This may be obvious, but is the "D" intended to stand for "dimensional?" ;-) Eddie! (08:30.33 PM) What does "D" stand for again? Ralph Young (08:30.40 PM) Cup size? Steven S. Long (08:30.43 PM) LL, well, yeah. Eddie! (08:30.54 PM) snickers Archie what level characters we using Lord Liaden (08:31.24 PM) Just thought it would've been cool if they were the baseline troops... Eddie! (08:31.40 PM) D-Help is on D-Way Steven S. Long (08:31.43 PM) LL, they are. The basic D-Soldier, as seen in CV1, is her standard troop. Lord Liaden (08:31.51 PM) ... and the higher grades were the "C," "B," and "A" soldiers. Steven S. Long (08:32.09 PM) Nope, that'd be too predictable. Eddie! (08:32.20 PM) Insert Species/Racial modifications here Ralph Young (08:32.20 PM) Because every dimension uses the Roman alphabet! Steven S. Long (08:32.48 PM) Ralph, that's actually discussed and dealt with in the Introduction. Eddie! (08:32.51 PM) What about their Imperical Guard or Elite Troops? Lord Liaden (08:32.54 PM) Hey, V'han might have conquered Roman Earth! :-p Archie (08:33.04 PM) @Eddie, We will be announcing it on the Hero Forums here. Steven S. Long (08:33.05 PM) Eddie, what about them? Eddie! (08:34.14 PM) Steve must resist the Mythic Hero Gods of the Champions Universe K Heimdall (08:35.07 PM) no problem.. its a minor quibble doh Eddie! (08:35.23 PM) Did someone say Tribble? Lord Liaden (08:35.27 PM) Does Istvatha have any family? Eddie! (08:35.43 PM) Friends? Is she Dating? Steven S. Long (08:35.50 PM) LL, you'll have to read the book to find that out. } Lord Liaden (08:36.36 PM) You seriously think I won't? :-D Ralph Young (08:36.43 PM) Just wondering, any mention of the Janus Key, since we're talking alternate dimensions? Eddie! (08:36.58 PM) Latest Hard Copy releases if HERO Games Products are? Archie (08:36.58 PM) Janus Key? Lord Liaden (08:37.04 PM) Oh yeah, Janus Key! Wondered about that myself. Steven S. Long (08:37.10 PM) Ralph, you'll have to read the book to find out about that, too. Archie, the Janus Key is a powerful dimension-related artifact once wielded by the Silver Age villain Dr. Macabre. Ralph Young (08:37.41 PM) Any explanation regarding what happened to Jimmy Hoffa? Steven S. Long (08:37.47 PM) No. Ralph Young (08:38.09 PM) Couldn't hurt to ask. Archie (08:38.18 PM) Eddie, Star Hero came out very recently. Lord Liaden (08:38.29 PM) That would be an interesting alternate. Hoffaworld! ;-) Narf the Mouse (08:39.00 PM) Is APGII supported in Hero Designer at this point? Steven S. Long (08:39.18 PM) Eddie, that'd be STAR HERO, which was released at GenCon, and CHAMPIONS BEYOND, which arrived in the warehouse last week IIRC. Archie (08:39.22 PM) "I ain't gonna hear that, see? We're wise to that, see?" Narf the Mouse (08:39.24 PM) @LL: What happened to the other Hoffa it? Steven S. Long (08:39.47 PM) Narf, not specifically. You could handle a lot of it with "Custom" options, though, I assume. Lord Liaden (08:39.57 PM) @Narf: It ended up Hoffa world away. Archie (08:40.25 PM) Speaking of which, any word on what's his name and continuing updates on HD? Narf the Mouse (08:40.34 PM) @LL: That's a Hoffal run. Christougher (08:41.17 PM) Hey, don't hassle the Hoffa.. Lord Liaden (08:41.31 PM) Hm... wasn't sure if asking about Dan Simon was politic. Eddie! (08:41.34 PM) I already decided that my Champions Universe, the Milky Way Galaxy has difference Natural and Elemental Laws. Visitors from the Andromeda Galaxy for instance find their Powers lessened in the Milky Way Galaxy while visitors to the Andromeda Galaxy find their Powers dangerously increased. Thus capable of playing both a Galactic Champions and Champions Beyond settings. Narf the Mouse (08:41.57 PM) @Chris: Don't worry, we're just Hoffing some fun. Eddie! (08:42.16 PM) Planet Baywatch, Ruled by the Hoff? Narf the Mouse (08:42.16 PM) Besides, everyone knows he's in the underground kingdom under Greg Dean's old car seat. Eddie! (08:43.28 PM) Awesome, now I need them in my hands. Ralph Young (08:44.04 PM) On a tangent, is Robert Caliburn = Archmage part of the PnP license canon continuity? Steven S. Long (08:44.33 PM) Ralph, that remains to be seen. We haven't reached a point where that needs to be addressed in print. Until it does I see no reason to lock myself into anything. Lord Liaden (08:45.18 PM) I figure a new Vibora Bay sourcebook will have to decide on a lot of issues raised in CO. Eddie! (08:45.19 PM) In Galactic Champions "The Book of the Archmage" i srumored to have resurfaced. Ralph Young (08:45.27 PM) So the cat is still alive and dead. Eddie! (08:45.36 PM) Chat needs an edit function That old Horse beaten to death comes back as a Nightmare Archie (08:46.21 PM) Eddie, it wouldn't be feasable due to the origin of the chat program. Eddie! (08:47.06 PM) Heh Christopher I am enjoying Rainbow's End and New Heroes Welcome! Thanks for the booster. matthew fink (08:47.25 PM) Hero Chat is actually the secret identity of an Evil AI trying to take over the world Eddie! (08:48.07 PM) I thought we determined that Steve was an AI with a Cat and a Human Mind Controlled Slave? Indiana Joe (08:48.08 PM) Must not be trying very hard. :-) Lord Liaden (08:48.22 PM) I wish more AIs would find a rewarding hobby instead. :-( Archie (08:48.39 PM) You mean like that penguin and the guy in PvP? Eddie! (08:49.11 PM) One of my Gaming group is teleconfrencing this week for the session. Should be interesting. Ctrl+alt+Del Lord Liaden (08:49.32 PM) I'm hoping Mythic Hero will have lots of statted artifacts to equip superheroes with. Archie (08:49.50 PM) Sorry, mixed them up Eddie! (08:49.58 PM) Like the Bow of Artemis? Lord Liaden (08:50.00 PM) The likes of Gungnir, the Tablet of Destinies, the Varja, that sort of thing. Narf the Mouse (08:50.11 PM) @Eddie: http://nodwick.humor.gamespy.com/ffn/index.php Steven S. Long (08:50.35 PM) LL, it will certainly have quite a few, assuming your heroes want to get their hands on Mjolnir, or the Aegis, or the Aegishj�lmr, or the Sampo, or the Xiuhcoatl... stuff like that. Eddie! (08:51.11 PM) Ahhh... sublte I throw a Beautiful Cosplay Star Trek Gaming Geek infront of Pip and watch his head explode. Why do the Gods leave this stuff lying around? Archie (08:51.53 PM) Heh... Steven S. Long (08:52.19 PM) OK, folx, it's time for me to skedaddle. I gots ta get ma beauty sleep! See you next week, same Steve-time, same Steve-channel. Indiana Joe (08:52.33 PM) Night! Eddie! (08:52.37 PM) Damn... Sleep is for the weak Night Steve Post the Game on the Forums yet Archie??? matthew fink (08:53.12 PM) oh no Hero Chat has eaten Steve! Archie (08:53.20 PM) Because it is part of the "Master Plan™" I need to talk with Scott about it, but you could try ringing in on the thread on the CO forum here on Hero Games.
  11. Re: Daentar - Storm Hero Barbarian Warrior I actually never read anything about TORG save it having some sort of metaplot.
  12. Re: Stealth Build? Ever since the 4th Ed., successful Stealth rolls gave a penalty to PER rolls equal to how much the skill roll was made by. In contrast, what you are speaking of is similar to Require skill roll, a -1/2 limitation, but that would not give you the benefit you are looking for. I would declare it a -1/4 limitation, but the 2 point savings would either best be served by going without the limitation.
  13. Re: So Which Hideout are you looking at? I got Mom's Basement and the Hi-tech Basement. You can mix from the different items of the same style, such as equipping Mom's Basement with the florescent lights from Hi-tech Basement.
  14. Steven S. Long (07:58.14 PM) Good evening Herophiles! Jake Sweeper (07:58.22 PM) heya Narf the Mouse (07:58.24 PM) It is! Hi James Cook (07:58.29 PM) It sounds horribly complex, but it is real easy. Especially...Hello Steve. Indiana Joe (07:58.38 PM) Hey Steve. fryguy (07:58.44 PM) Hi Steve Thx James Steven S. Long (07:59.17 PM) If you're talking about programs to let people play together on their computers from different locations, I'd also suggest taking a look at Epic Table. I saw a demo at GenCon and it was pretty impressive. Can't handle full-blow HERO System dice mechanics yet... but I predict it'll be able to pretty soon. James Cook (07:59.38 PM) We were talking MapTool.. fryguy (07:59.54 PM) yes...I was talking about it has been a long time since I've played with new folks...and I'd like to travel to meet, etc Steven S. Long (08:00.02 PM) I'm not familiar with that but I'll check it out later. fryguy (08:00.02 PM) James suggested MapTool... I will check the Epic Table too James Cook (08:00.15 PM) Me too. Steven S. Long (08:00.37 PM) Epic Table is in beta, IIRC; going to launch sometime soon. Might be possible to get in on the beta, not sure about that. James Cook (08:00.52 PM) I'll keep an eye out for it. Steven S. Long (08:01.03 PM) The programmer was a very friendly guy, open to suggestions. Looked like a pretty powerful tool. You should also check out Infrno (note the lack of e); there are some Hero games being run there I believe. fryguy (08:01.43 PM) thx Steve The other day I looked thru the 5e rules...I was looking for what all can be done in a 0 phase acttion. I came across the "turning 1 power on at time" which is something we never played with. Steven S. Long (08:03.10 PM) I'll start with announcement in a few minutes; as usual I'll give stragglers a couple minutes to arrive. fryguy (08:03.19 PM) oops...my bad Scott Bennie (08:04.45 PM) Evening. fryguy (08:04.48 PM) well, I hope the temps have dropped off for everyone...it has been nice here for a few days Steven S. Long (08:04.49 PM) Oh, no worries fry, that's just my usual general start-off. Feel freed to keep discussin' stuff. Hi Scott! fryguy (08:04.59 PM) Hi Scott Scott Bennie (08:05.18 PM) Steve, did you see the fan-made Mechanon video I linked on the boards? Steven S. Long (08:05.18 PM) It's gotten a little cooler here -- 80s instead of 90s. Still looking forward to autumn and winter though. James Cook (08:05.25 PM) Amen to that. Steven S. Long (08:05.31 PM) Scott -- no, I missed it. I'll look for it, thanx! fryguy (08:05.55 PM) Oh! Does anyone know Indiana Joe (08:05.55 PM) It's definitely cooled off here. I'm getting more of a late summer/early fall vibe now. Maybe not so much cooler as drier. Scott Bennie (08:06.11 PM) Steven S. Long (08:06.11 PM) OK, it's 5 after, time for announcements! fryguy (08:06.16 PM) ick..."Ghost" who created wild-hunt.org? James Cook (08:06.40 PM) Speaking of the boards, would it be possible to add a forum for ongoing games so that players and GMs can keep up an out of game communication area? It would prevent clutter in either the Player Finder or Genre forums. Steven S. Long (08:06.44 PM) First, tonight's chat will be shorter than usual. I have houseguests (the inimitable Scott Heine and family) arriving tomorrow, so I need to get up extra early to take care of both work and preparations. Eddie! (08:06.56 PM) hehya Scott GhostArcher fryguy (08:07.17 PM) thx Eddie Scott Bennie (08:07.48 PM) Hey Eddie! Eddie! (08:08.05 PM) Check out my Links on the forums his site is listed under Champions Superhero Resources. On my signature Steven S. Long (08:08.16 PM) Second, as I mentioned last week, CHAMPIONS BEYOND has headed off to the printer. We hope to have that in our hot li'l hands soon. Eddie! (08:08.22 PM) Scott how is Champions Online today? Hurrah the PRINTER Steven S. Long (08:09.06 PM) James, generally we prefer not to add fora. If people are going to communicate about specific campaigns that's really more suited to Hero Central or a campaign-specific website. James Cook (08:09.15 PM) Cool. Eddie! (08:09.21 PM) fora? fryguy (08:09.35 PM) pl...forum? Eddie! (08:09.40 PM) Thanks Steven S. Long (08:09.51 PM) Third, today I finished the final edits on ADVANCED PLAYER'S GUIDE II! That includes indexing. So, it's back in Bill's hands for final layout, and will probably be available in PDF form next week sometime. Yes, it's the plural of forum. James Cook (08:10.02 PM) Oh nice. Scott Bennie (08:10.05 PM) New hideouts (Primal Cave is cool) and a new PvP map on Test. Eddie! (08:10.28 PM) Hmmm... I just started Resistance, Steven S. Long (08:10.28 PM) APG2 comes in at 124 pages, IIRC. And it's jam-packed with fun! Scott Bennie (08:10.44 PM) Yay, fun! James Cook (08:10.47 PM) * Adds to list. Eddie! (08:11.01 PM) I hope you provide lots of example in the sides Steven S. Long (08:11.08 PM) I had to redo parts of the index because I deleted some stuff and Bill was able to tighten things up and track back a couple pages. That's what I get for being all efficient. Eddie! (08:11.25 PM) Online Index....hmmm... Steven S. Long (08:11.32 PM) Eddie -- there aren't any sidebar examples. They're not really necessary given the nature of the book. Indiana Joe (08:11.43 PM) Looking forward to it. Steven S. Long (08:11.53 PM) I suppose I could've put some in for the optional new Powers, but I think people can figure out how to use 'em. Eddie! (08:11.54 PM) I'll have to read it then...gimmie Steven S. Long (08:12.18 PM) In fact, I intend to use one of them for Istvatha V'han in BOOK OF THE EMPRESS, which I'll be getting back to now that APG2 is done. Eddie! (08:12.21 PM) Fient? Steven S. Long (08:12.38 PM) What with one delay and another, it seems like it's been forever since I was working on it. Time to get back in the multidimensional saddle. Eddie! (08:12.53 PM) Looking forward to the V'hanian Invasion Multidimensional Saddle...Like side saddle? Steven S. Long (08:13.24 PM) And when BotE is done, I'll turn to MYTHIC HERO. Ordered some more research materials for that this week. Eddie! (08:13.51 PM) What about Greg Stolez book fryguy (08:13.56 PM) Mythic Hero...that sounds interesting! Eddie! (08:14.04 PM) This is Sparta Steven S. Long (08:14.09 PM) Eddie -- what about Greg? Which of his books are you referring to? fryguy (08:14.46 PM) afk..doorbell Eddie! (08:14.50 PM) The latest one you picket up with the green cover and giant golem on the cover. Wild Talents Sourcebook Dave Mattingly (08:15.37 PM) Howdy, gang. James Cook (08:15.43 PM) Hi Dave. Eddie! (08:15.45 PM) Heh Dave! How is the Art coming? Steven S. Long (08:15.54 PM) Hi Dave! Dave Mattingly (08:16.00 PM) A few minutes late -- had to take my son to get stitches over his eyebrow, thanks to a sporting accident. Eddie! (08:16.08 PM) Ouchie Narf the Mouse (08:16.12 PM) Indeed. Dave Mattingly (08:16.29 PM) Hi, QM. Now that I'm past my mighty hurdle of publishing 20 books in a two weeks period, I can finally refocus my attention on that. Eddie! (08:16.42 PM) @ Narf with a raised eyebrow. Booyah Scott Bennie (08:16.53 PM) Hey Dave. Sorry to hear that. Hope recovery is quick. Narf the Mouse (08:17.04 PM) ...@Eddie: I was agreeing that it sounded "Ouchie". Eddie! (08:17.13 PM) They recover faster than we do... Scott Bennie (08:17.32 PM) Like they actually recover. Eddie! (08:18.20 PM) Champions Villains: Volume 3 instock yet? Steven S. Long (08:18.35 PM) Eddie -- no. We'll announce it as soon as it is, we promise! Eddie! (08:18.37 PM) Ice Cream helps Darn it Steven S. Long (08:18.46 PM) Ice cream is a cure for many ills! fryguy (08:18.48 PM) I know the new books being released are 6e but how hard is it to use them with 5e? Dave Mattingly (08:18.53 PM) The hard part is getting the ice cream to balance on the stitches. Archie (08:18.55 PM) Hello, gang, Steve. Scott Bennie (08:19.05 PM) Hey Archie. Eddie! (08:19.16 PM) Not hard, just fudge the stats a little. Archie (08:19.18 PM) Was watching Ironman on DVR, lost track of time. Eddie! (08:19.39 PM) One or Two Archie (08:20.00 PM) fryguy, you can likely use the stats as they are, just needing translation on the powers. {SORRY, Eddie, Ironman cartoon} Steven S. Long (08:20.17 PM) Hey, Archie. fryguy (08:20.37 PM) Archie-yes, I found it somewhat confusing on the 6e discussions Archie (08:20.52 PM) Well, I'm willing to help you, if you need it. Eddie! (08:20.52 PM) Last 6E books I got from HERO Games was the Equipment Guide. Have I missed anything? Steven S. Long (08:20.58 PM) In other news, I've been acquiring some nice stuff for my Pulp-era maps and travel guides collection. Just got a nice booklet all about Rio de Janeiro in 1927. Eddie -- the Grimoire and Star Hero. Eddie! (08:21.30 PM) They are in Print? Awesome more for me Archie (08:22.00 PM) @Fryguy, you can contact me via PM, my user name is cptpatriot Steven S. Long (08:22.01 PM) Yes -- though I'm not sure how many Grimoires we have left. fryguy (08:22.03 PM) Steve-other than the internet what resource(s) do you use to find maps, etc? Steven S. Long (08:22.40 PM) fry -- pretty much just the Internet. Mostly eBay. I surf some private dealer sites too, but they usually don't have maps in my period of interest, and what they do have is waaaaay too expensive for me. Eddie! (08:22.50 PM) Google Maps used to have a Historical Version of its Popular Maps program Steven S. Long (08:22.58 PM) I have some friends who keep a lookout for me at antique shows they attend, etc. Indiana Joe (08:23.12 PM) Maybe I should hurry up and buy it, although the chromebook is making PDFs look viable. fryguy (08:23.39 PM) Steve-Well, I've been searching for floor plans or ANY kind of layout for the U.N. building but I haven't found much. 'Tis why I asked Archie (08:24.02 PM) Floor Plan for a secure building? Bad idea. fryguy (08:24.19 PM) I suppose it's a security...yes...I know Archie; you're right Steven S. Long (08:24.48 PM) Finding maps of the UN is likely to be difficult, security and all that. Your best bet might be to look for books about the buildings. Eddie! (08:25.00 PM) Google Images - united nations building floor plans fryguy (08:25.03 PM) Well, I was looking for anything fictional too but there really isn't anything out there Sometimes it's hard to just find the time to create all this (I'm sure Steve knows all about that!) so I try to use plans, etc for stuff and just copy those Steven S. Long (08:26.38 PM) Sure, nothing wrong with shortcuts. No point reinventing the wheel, if'n you can find the wheel. fryguy (08:26.47 PM) True Is Adventure Trythat again Archie (08:27.44 PM) I think I've been playing too much CO lately. fryguy (08:27.57 PM) Is Adventure's Club (r whatever it's current incarnation) still being released? Eddie! (08:28.05 PM) Me too think of buying a base soon Steven S. Long (08:28.09 PM) fry -- no, not for 15 years or more. We had Digital Hero for awhile, ably edited by Dave, but it went away some years ago as well. Eddie! (08:28.34 PM) Nope Haymaker is released every once and a while fryguy (08:28.46 PM) Ah... Dave Mattingly (08:28.51 PM) Haymaker is quarterly. Dave's not here, man. Eddie! (08:29.00 PM) http://livelyland.com:4080/haymaker/ fryguy (08:29.04 PM) Well, I find the discussion board to be a bounty of information Eddie! (08:29.21 PM) Which one? Dave Mattingly (08:29.33 PM) For a while, CTO (clobberin' times online) came back for a stretch of a few years, too. fryguy (08:29.37 PM) oh...the HERO one. are there others? Eddie! (08:29.37 PM) I prefer a Flood of Information Biblical even Archie (08:29.47 PM) And you have a community that loves to help others. Eddie! (08:29.59 PM) Who? Where? fryguy (08:30.26 PM) Well, I am new to all this...at least the "e" form of HERO games, etc Archie (08:30.48 PM) What 'e' form are you refering to? Eddie! (08:30.49 PM) "e" as in Eddie? fryguy (08:31.04 PM) I've been living under a rock for awhile..and the tech to convert silica to electricity is just not available yet Steven S. Long (08:31.24 PM) All right, folx, I'm afraid it's time for me to bow out -- morning comes eeeeaaarly tomorrow. See ya next week! fryguy (08:31.29 PM) @ Eddie-electronic Archie (08:31.36 PM) Take care, Steve Indiana Joe (08:31.48 PM) Night Steve. James Cook (08:31.49 PM) Have a nice one. fryguy (08:31.53 PM) Laters Archie (08:31.56 PM) What do you mean by electronic Hero? PDFs? Dave Mattingly (08:32.04 PM) Good night, all. Eddie! (08:32.10 PM) Later Steve fryguy (08:32.10 PM) HERO games on the internet I've only recently gotten a computer at home to use the internet Descoto (08:32.30 PM) There was EZ Hero. Eddie! (08:32.32 PM) So DAVE, how is Micheal's book coming along? Archie (08:32.53 PM) Well, I've played using Maptool with Descoto before. Combined with voice chat of some sort, it has been a decent substitute. fryguy (08:33.32 PM) I'm going to check out that Maptool and the EpicTable Steve mentioned Archie (08:33.51 PM) I missed this EpicTable discussion. Descoto (08:34.01 PM) There is a pretty good framework to do Hero 6e on Maptool James Cook (08:34.05 PM) Epic Table, sadly, looks like a bust. Windows only. No Linux. No Mac. fryguy (08:34.45 PM) Steve mentioned seeing it at GENCON James Cook (08:34.59 PM) It's a little prettier than MapTool, but I did not see much that made me want to switch.
  15. Re: Fan-made Mechanon trailer Nice, thanks for sharing
  16. Re: Got the Game[Finally!] But--Having trouble with the Patching Make sure you are using a wired connection instead of wireless. I've had experience patching on wireless and it is most annoying.
  17. Re: A thread for spaceship and starbase frameworks If you post it as a blog entry, let me know so I can add it to the index.
  18. Re: Does this mine do what I think it does? The rules say that the trigger must use senses that the player has, so while you could detect the victim entering the AoE of the attack, you will need to have a sense to detect the radio signal of the detonator.
  19. Re: Can a vehicle w/ multiple weapons fire them at 1 time w/1 operator Ok, how about in a situation where the weapons are linked to fire together?
  20. Archie (07:50.25 PM) Hey, Indy. So, everyone's here for Stevechat? Indiana Joe (07:53.54 PM) Yes. Archie (07:54.45 PM) I'm trying to research Star Trek ship equipment for use in Star Trek based games. I might have to just fudge it a bit. Narf the Mouse (07:56.00 PM) Heya Archie (07:56.06 PM) Hey, Narf. Shiva13 (07:56.29 PM) Yup George (07:58.08 PM) Hey all Archie (07:58.22 PM) The more I go over the ship specifications the more I see how hollow ship construction has been. For the effort I'm going through, I might as well look for the old FASA rules to see how they constructed starships. Hi, George. Hey, Dave. Bye, Dave Christougher (07:59.05 PM) Did you check my MoO framework on Narf's thread? Archie (07:59.21 PM) Of course, that is why it is on the index I made. Steven S. Long (07:59.39 PM) Good evening everyone! Shiva13 (07:59.41 PM) hi Steve George (07:59.41 PM) Hey Dave Dave Mattingly (07:59.44 PM) Howdy, gang. Archie (07:59.45 PM) Good evening, Steve Indiana Joe (07:59.47 PM) Hey Steve. Steven S. Long (08:00.18 PM) Archie -- if you haven't found it yet, go to Memory Alpha and download my book SPACEDOCK and my books of Trek ships. George (08:00.18 PM) Hello Steve Archie (08:00.36 PM) k, on my way Steven S. Long (08:00.45 PM) If I do say so myself, they're the most thorough books on the subject of Trek ships ever written, for what they are. Gregory (08:01.28 PM) ...and the author is of course a Mr. S. Long Steven S. Long (08:01.52 PM) I'd've loved to have written more of 'em, but I ended up getting a job as Hero Line Developer, so side projects like that had to go by the wayside. Archie (08:02.34 PM) Well, I loved playing Trek in Last Unicorn and later, Decipher. I GM'd a nice campaign back then Steven S. Long (08:02.54 PM) SPACEDOCK et al. are for LUGTrek. But the information in them is "generic" to the STU; it's applicable to any game, really. Though I'm sure the Abramsverse will end up messing around with things and "invalidating" some of what I wrote. But I'm not bitter. Archie (08:04.59 PM) Just having a hard time looking for the link Indiana Joe (08:05.00 PM) "LUGTrek" makes me think there was a set of rules for using Lego bricks for Star Trek. Gordon Feiner (08:05.22 PM) Hello Steve. George (08:05.30 PM) Not a fan of the Abrams' Trek Steven S. Long (08:05.38 PM) Archie -- try Googling for Memory Alpha Spacedock, that may pull it up. Hey Gordon! George (08:05.42 PM) so I agree totally there Archie (08:05.46 PM) Narf and I had started a thread about Star Hero starship construction frameworks Steven S. Long (08:05.57 PM) OK, it looks like it's 5 after, so time for announcements! First, as you know last week was GenCon! Gregory (08:06.10 PM) I'll always be a TOS fan. The others not so much Christougher (08:06.28 PM) Enjoyed meeting you in the elevator, Steve. Steven S. Long (08:06.32 PM) Hero had an awesome show there. We were of course running both our own booth and the IPR booth, and sales were strong throughout. STAR HERO debuted there, with lots of fans picking it up. Both the cover and the interiors got many compliments... and of course the text is first-rate! Gregory (08:07.05 PM) Someone said 36,000 people showed up?! Steven S. Long (08:07.09 PM) Christougher -- likewise! That's the best thing about GenCon, meeting the fans. George (08:07.21 PM) that is the official count (there about) Steven S. Long (08:07.31 PM) Gregory -- that's the official estimate. 120,000 turnstile attendees, about 36,000 unique attendees, representing almost a 20% increase over last year. And those who came, were spending money, it seemed. Gregory (08:07.41 PM) WOW!!! Gordon Feiner (08:07.50 PM) good to see it increasing in size. George (08:08.14 PM) ditto Steven S. Long (08:08.14 PM) We're already full of ideas on how to improve our booths next year. This year it took 12 hours hard labor in 90+ degree heat to set them up, and we prefer to avoid that in the future. George (08:08.35 PM) ouch did they not have the air on Wednesday? Dave Mattingly (08:08.49 PM) They never do for vendors. Gregory (08:08.58 PM) Get your own booth rather than sharing one if I understood what you did this time. Steven S. Long (08:09.05 PM) We were so busy that none of us had much time to walk around the exhibit hall; I only saw maybe half of it. Christougher (08:09.10 PM) See if you can get one of those roof hangers. I found the Hero booth /once/. It got lost in the crowd after that. George (08:09.11 PM) Sorry to hear that. Steven S. Long (08:09.19 PM) George -- they never do for setup. ;( Gordon Feiner (08:09.43 PM) Vendor's don't complain as loudly as attendees... Dave Mattingly (08:09.57 PM) 36,000 attendees versus 300 vendors... Steven S. Long (08:10.02 PM) I picked up FORTUNE AND GLORY, the enormous Pulp-era boardgame of globetrotting adventure; looking forward to trying that out. George (08:10.12 PM) there was a lot of good swag in and out of the vendors booth Hero booth not venrdors vendors Steven S. Long (08:10.27 PM) And Shannon Appelcline's DESIGNERS AND DRAGONS, a 400-page company-by-company history of the RPG industry; fascinating reading! Dave Mattingly (08:10.43 PM) Gregory, the Hero and IPR booths were supposed to be adjacent instead of scross the aisle from each other like GenCon ended up assigning. Would have made setup a little easier, but still a lot of work. Steven S. Long (08:10.55 PM) Also my friend Greg Stolze's PROGENITOR superhero setting for Wild Talents, and a big ol' mess of Campaign Cartographer stuff. Dave Mattingly (08:11.20 PM) Oh! I didn't realize Applecline's book was out. Darn the luck. Steven S. Long (08:11.25 PM) Yeah, the across-the-aisl thing was a pain, but not insurmountable. We're gonna make sure that doesn't happen next year. George (08:11.37 PM) the gem I pick up for a friend was Hellcats and Hockeysticks for a friend. He is a big St, Trinian Fan Steven S. Long (08:11.46 PM) Dave -- it's from Mongoose. They told me they only printed 750 copies and do not intend to print any more, so get it while you can. Also picked up a few presents for friends, things like that. Wish I'd had time for more shopping, but I was too busy selling books! George (08:13.20 PM) Same here Steve, I was loaded with games did not see much of the floot Steven S. Long (08:13.41 PM) So, to move past GenCon, next announcement: STAR HERO is now available! Get your copy today! Gregory (08:14.03 PM) Yah!! Steven S. Long (08:14.06 PM) Over 350 pages of Science Fiction gaming awesomeness, replete with illustrative quotes, useful information, and cool illos! Shiva13 (08:14.10 PM) Pring or PDF? print Steven S. Long (08:14.18 PM) Shiva -- both! George (08:14.18 PM) very nice book Shiva13 (08:14.26 PM) cool Steven S. Long (08:14.27 PM) And if you want some cool settings for it, check out Blackwyrm Archie (08:14.30 PM) A reasonable price for the bundle Steven S. Long (08:14.34 PM) s line of "Wyrmstar" books. They have half a dozen intriguing and cool settings for your Sci-Fi gaming pleasure. Dave Mattingly (08:14.59 PM) Aww, thanks, Mr. Long. Shiva13 (08:15.02 PM) Any word on Champions Villains Volume 3 hitting print soon? Steven S. Long (08:15.23 PM) Shiva -- no specific word, but now that we've cleared SH out of the color printing queue we hope to get to that soon. George (08:15.32 PM) a quick plug for Bill Keyes book. It rocks. Gordon Feiner (08:15.46 PM) Was there a cool GenCon special this year if you were lucky enough to go and pick up SH? Steven S. Long (08:16.08 PM) Gordon -- nope, 'fraid not, I couldn't think of anything. Gordon Feiner (08:16.21 PM) well, then I didn't miss out on anything Christougher (08:16.25 PM) Steve, any particular reason for the move to hardback books instead of softcover? Archie (08:16.49 PM) Probably due to the size of the books that were released. Steven S. Long (08:16.51 PM) Third, CHAMPIONS BEYOND is also now available to order! The first thing on Darren's desk after he cleared away GenCon matters was getting CBY off to the printer. Christougher -- I wouldn't say there's a "move" per se. If we want to do color books, generally those need to be hardcover, given the size of the books in question. I don't think they'd hold up well at all as perfectbound softcovers. George (08:18.15 PM) I may wait on a physical copy of Champions Beyond, so I can give to my friend John whose name is in the book. Steven S. Long (08:18.23 PM) Fourth, right before GenCon Bill Keyes sent me the layout files for ADVANCED PLAYER'S GUIDE II, which I am currently reviewing! George (08:18.25 PM) by getting it signed cool on APGII Steven S. Long (08:18.58 PM) All is going well and I hope to get that back to Bill in the next few days. I just got done reviewing the Time Powers section a little while ago. Fourth, when APG2 is done, it's back to writing THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS! I finished up Chapter Four (the Multiverse) before GenCon, and when I get back to it will dive into V'han's history. Gordon Feiner (08:19.33 PM) shoot, if I'd known he was doing the layout I'd have snuck into his office last game and added "Electric Boogaloo" to the title Dave Mattingly (08:20.06 PM) Nah, APG2: The Wrath of CON. Steven S. Long (08:20.12 PM) And of course, when BotE is done, then I will at long last turn to MYTHIC HERO full time. Indiana Joe (08:20.24 PM) "Wrath of COM," more likely. :-) George (08:20.35 PM) what was Mythic HERO again? Scott Bennie (08:20.47 PM) Evening folks. George (08:20.51 PM) hey Scott Steven S. Long (08:20.54 PM) George -- think of it as "Steve's Deities and Demigods." It's gods, heroes, monsters, and more from the mythologies of the world. Heya Scott! Dave Mattingly (08:21.03 PM) Hi, Mr. Gestalt. George (08:21.13 PM) Cool Shiva13 (08:21.19 PM) Mythic Hero interests me. I have a keep interest in the mythic heroic ages Archie (08:21.22 PM) Hey, Scott. Gregory (08:21.27 PM) Or how Zeus will fry Doc D's Armor!!! Scott Bennie (08:21.29 PM) Hey Dave. How was GenCon? Shiva13 (08:21.34 PM) keen interest Dave Mattingly (08:21.47 PM) Lot of fun. And good sales. Great church service -- 148 attendees. George (08:22.26 PM) good games all around too Scott. I enjoyed every single HERO game I was in. Archie (08:22.26 PM) "I'll let no mere being with delusions of godhood hurt me! I am Dr. Destroyrer!" *Destroyer Dave Mattingly (08:22.52 PM) There was a new group there, called Game Church. They were giving out Bibles, shirts, and popcorn. I'll catch up the CGG list on it later. Scott Bennie (08:23.24 PM) Look forward to it. Dave Mattingly (08:23.34 PM) Dr. D would consider Zeus a new power source. Gordon Feiner (08:23.38 PM) can't wait for BotE. Steven S. Long (08:23.53 PM) Me either, Gordon. But there's a looooong way to go yet. Archie (08:24.48 PM) That reminds me, I need to get back into CO, hadn't been doing any roleplay in CO in a while. Gordon Feiner (08:24.53 PM) at your typing rate? If by "looooong way" you mean "gimme a couple days" .... George (08:25.02 PM) Well I am off to finish Top Gear (British) and read a manga and head to bed. Nice meeting all of you at GenCon and have a good night. Scott Bennie (08:25.11 PM) "Abtiquated buffoon, dripped in the past of a failed culture, the echo of a storyand fallen monuments raised by long-dead zealots. What does Zerstoiten need with the likes of you?" Archie (08:25.20 PM) Good night, George. Steven S. Long (08:25.31 PM) Bye Beorge! Scott Bennie (08:25.41 PM) Take care, George. Steven S. Long (08:26.13 PM) Gordon -- with all I have to describe in BotE, even for me it'll take a long time. Gordon Feiner (08:26.37 PM) couple weeks then Oh, reminded - I have to rebuild the Master Index from scratch, eventually I'll come back around asking for the recent books. Scott Bennie (08:27.18 PM) Obviously, I am really looking forward to it. Steven S. Long (08:27.20 PM) Sure thing, Gordon, ping me for whatever you need. Gordon Feiner (08:28.25 PM) cool. Gregory (08:29.24 PM) Zeus to Doc D - That's just downright mean! Gordon Feiner (08:29.45 PM) any more nifty HPAs in the works? Steven S. Long (08:30.17 PM) Gordon -- no, not at present. Actually, I had an entire for an adventure that won't quite work as an HPA, so I am going to pitch it to Pelgrane for TRAIL OF CTHULHU. Gordon Feiner (08:30.35 PM) ooh, nice. Scott Bennie (08:31.00 PM) Neat, Steve. That'll turn a few heads. Archie (08:31.11 PM) BTW Found it Steven S. Long (08:31.21 PM) Basically the PCs accompany Roy Chapman Andrews on one last expedition into Mongolia... where he digs up more than just dinosaur fossils. MWAH hah hah hah HAH! Gregory (08:31.42 PM) Now thats cruel Gordon Feiner (08:32.00 PM) I need that for our current Urban Fantasy campaign we just started up last week... get to writing! Steven S. Long (08:32.20 PM) Archie -- excellent! Scott Bennie (08:33.53 PM) Steve, Archie, at some point I'd like to gather the gang together to do an Aftershocks run. Steven S. Long (08:34.11 PM) Sure, that sounds like fun, Scott! Let Let's plan a time when Scott H's available again. Archie (08:34.43 PM) Sure, Enermatrix would love to hang with the Thunder man again. Scott Bennie (08:35.19 PM) And afterward we can party in Harby's vigilante basement hideout (due out in 3 weeks.)) Archie (08:35.24 PM) Hopefully I'll make it through the entire session Steven S. Long (08:35.34 PM) Hmmm, hadn't thought about building a hideout... that could be cool! Archie (08:36.06 PM) Hmmm, that's true... what does the Blue Moon Killer's lair look like? Scott Bennie (08:36.08 PM) Sure Steve. I can understand Scott being preoccupied at the moment. Dave Mattingly (08:36.34 PM) Nah, everyone would expect Harbinger to hide in a basement. He'd surprise them all by living inside a garbage truck. Scott Bennie (08:37.04 PM) That one may be awhile in comng Dave. Christougher (08:37.11 PM) Yeha, the one Megatron turned into... Gordon Feiner (08:37.12 PM) or a swank highrise penthouse Shiva13 (08:37.14 PM) Dave: Complete with the funky trash odor? Indiana Joe (08:37.22 PM) If he wanted to really surprise people it would be an ice cream truck. Or maybe tacos. Steven S. Long (08:37.31 PM) Harbinger has many headquarters... all lovingly detailed in my head. Dave Mattingly (08:37.38 PM) No, hollowed out and filled with armaments. Archie (08:37.43 PM) And many safehouses Gordon Feiner (08:37.49 PM) Book Of The Harbinger, due out 2013ish Scott Bennie (08:38.02 PM) Penthouse will hopefully be next month. Anyhow, the Cryptic sale has gone through and they're hiring a couple more bodies for the team. Dave Mattingly (08:38.16 PM) Cool. Shiva13 (08:38.29 PM) Cryptic has been sold? To who? Archie (08:38.35 PM) I was concerned that things might fall apart after the sale Steven S. Long (08:38.45 PM) To a Chinese game company called... Perfect Dream? I forget the name. Scott Bennie (08:38.46 PM) Perfect World Entertainment. Archie (08:38.46 PM) A Chinese MMO company What Scott said. Steven S. Long (08:39.03 PM) Scott's got it. Dave Mattingly (08:39.10 PM) They do... EVE Online is it? Steven S. Long (08:39.17 PM) Dave -- I never saw him either. I doubt he actually made it there. Shiva13 (08:39.19 PM) That is going to be interesting Scott Bennie (08:39.28 PM) But it has a history of being hands off with American properties, so tit looks like an improvement over Atari. Steven S. Long (08:39.31 PM) Dave -- no. That's CCP. I forget what else PWE does. Archie (08:39.33 PM) What MMO properties do they own? Christougher (08:39.40 PM) Oh noes! Influence farming will be a requirement. Shiva13 (08:40.05 PM) what did Atari do that was so objectionable? Archie (08:40.27 PM) No, can't buy Globals, that only helps support the North Koreans that do the farming. Scott Bennie (08:40.31 PM) I have no idea Darren. People get riled, fan hate builds. I belueve their premier game is one called perfect World, a fair standard East Asian MMO. They also picked up, I believe it's called Torchlight. Shiva13 (08:42.23 PM) I honestly try to avoid the Forums for any MMO. Because there is just too high a garbage ratio on them from spoiled kids, who could not enjoy a game to save their lives. Scott Bennie (08:42.55 PM) Steve, any chance we can get Rob to do a guest Q&A here? Steven S. Long (08:44.03 PM) Which Rob is that, Scott? Scott Bennie (08:45.07 PM) Overmayer. We had Poz last year. Steven S. Long (08:45.36 PM) Oh. Hmmm, I suppose I could ask him. I'll see what I can do. Scott Bennie (08:45.45 PM) Thanks! Steven S. Long (08:47.12 PM) All right, folx, it's time for me to sign off. See you next week!
  21. Star Trek ship frameworks My framework will be based on a popular sci-fi series that had exploration/military ships exploring the galaxy with a bunch of central casting aliens and had five TV spinoffs and eleven movies to date... Star Trek. I will be dealing with the technology of Star Trek during the time of the Next Generation movie. Fortunately, much of the legwork has already been done. Statistics for some starship weapons have been done before and what I didn't find there I was able to use the resources at http://www.coldnorth.com/memoryicon/index.htm. Characteristics Federation ships range from 3.6 meters (Type 15 Shuttlepod) to approximately 700 meters (Sovereign class). That roughly equates to size 3 to size 26. More to come...
  22. Re: A thread for spaceship and starbase frameworks Making a starship in the Hero System is easy, making starships with consistency within a campaign setting is not? Take a setting like Babylon 5? You need certain assumptions in place so you can go about making ships that are consistent and can be made easily. How fast are the drives on their ships? How much do they cost? How much space do they take up? How much mass does it take up? Energy Requirements?
  23. Re: A thread for spaceship and starbase frameworks Here is an index of the frameworks discussed to date that I've been made aware of: Master of Orion by Christougher Star Trek Universe by CptPatriot (INCOMPLETE)
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