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Everything posted by CptPatriot

  1. Re: Help me build a Peacebringer character (City of Heroes) I've always wanted to be one to help support our community. Glad to help.
  2. Re: Help me build a Peacebringer character (City of Heroes) A few generalities about Peacebringers from CoX. They are tougher than the average hero(more Stun) and seemed to be able to fire off their attacks more frequently(a point or two more SPD than average), and were extremely vulnerable to the Negative Energy damage type(Vulnerability to Negative Energy, Stun x2). They weren't any more capable of defending against Psionic attacks than any other hero but more resistant to Energy damage than physical damage(a few points to Resistant ED). All Peacebringers fly. Kheldians naturally thrive off the energy and essence of their teammates. Peacebringers' metamorphic nature allows them to bring balance to their team. They do more damage if their allies are more defensive in nature and more defensives if their allies are more offensive. I'd avoid trying to balance issue and treat it as a general buff to damage and defenses based on team size. Depending on the type of build the character uses: Energy Attacks but a key component to them was the Defense Debuff Probably best written up as a Blast with a small linked PD/ED Drain with [*]two different forms, i assume they return to the base form if KO'd Bright Nova As it didn't have access to the rest of the powers from the game in that form, I'd suggest a multiform with extremely powerful attacks with a linked PD/ED Drain at the campaign maximum but limit the defenses to lower than the base form Flight [*]White Dwarf As it didn't have access to the rest of the powers from the game in that form, I'd suggest a multiform with extremely powerful melee attack with a linked PD/ED Drain at the campaign maximum but relatively high defenses compared to the base form No Flight [*]a self heal and an ally heal I'd buy it as a Stun Aid to prevent it from interfering with your self resurrection [*]a self resurrect ​I'd buy it as a heal to Stun and Body, triggered upon being brought into negative BODY [*]A number of defensive toggles probably best written up as a single force field(Resistant Defenses, Cost End)
  3. Re: Power Suits Remote Assault Drones Couldn't you buy them as the indirect blastx4 and the multiple POV clairsentience but for a computer to control? With the computer controlling them, it takes the onus away from the PC. Buying them as followers risks them being destroyed and unrecoverable though a nice GM will allow you to repair them.
  4. Re: High Range Radio Perception with visual display? If HRRP is only to be used by the owner as in the case of a heads up display, then "Affected as more than one sense, sight and hearing as well as radio" is appropriate. Senses are not normally shared by others, to share the sensory data with others, the use of Images would be the best bet.
  5. Re: Hero Designer 3 die roller ported to Android? I don't remember what the die roller even looks like anymore, since it was removed.
  6. Re: A quick question Since the game only runs on PC, your only options are to have a dual boot setup with Windows, or run Windows as a virtual machine, the first being your best option IMO.
  7. Re: A 1960's Batman for a serious Champions game Cool ideas. Let me see if I can make up something.
  8. Re: A 1960's Batman for a serious Champions game I was concerned what might happen if the dupe died.
  9. Picture the 1960's Batman and the zaniness in the way they fought physically & crime. Robin pushing Batman's arms as he punches, coordinated attacks, the batcomputer and batcave. Now picture that the Robin character is insane but is completely functional and the Batman character is a mental projection from Robin but that projection does indeed fight and they are more effective together and you cannot tell he is not real by looking at him. This character is for a standard superheroic game set in the current day. Any suggestions?
  10. Re: AoE HTH attacks and Blocking The point of the OP is that the GM posed the AoE HtH attack against us and my character is trying to defend against it.
  11. Re: AoE HTH attacks and Blocking I feel that since my shield approximately the same size(BTW Capt America's shield has about a 2.5 feet diameter) as an enlarged fist, the shield should be able to block it, but that plays with the special effects and at this point, I was looking at a game mechanic solution. Your query about Interposing though has me thinking though. In movies/tv, where the hero uses a shield to protect himself from a dragon's breath weapon, like in Dragonslayer, the hero uses the shield as a barrier in the same way a modern cop might use their tactical shield to protect themselves from a Molotov Cocktail. Maybe I need to remember that in Cap's case, the blocking is the special effect. Perhaps Barrier is the best way to handle it?
  12. During a recent combat my party encountered a 18 ft giant with his AoE fists. While my shield-bearing Flag Suit Martial Artist didn't get to fight the giant, I was shocked when I found out my Captain America-wannabe could NOT block the attack. (Look on page 6E2 57, it says you can't Block a HTH Combat attack bought with Area of Effect advantage, fellow Herophiles.) I wanted to find a way the attack could indeed be blocked w/o resorting to house rules. In order to stop that giant foot or hand from squishing my Cap-wannabe, do I need to also buy AoE on my STR, just to block AoE HTH attacks? Am I over-thinking things? Are there better ways to handle that contingency?
  13. Re: Help Me Convert from Silver ATs to Gold Freeform Goodness Haven't worked much with the Gadgetteering power set. Perhaps some of the others can offer some assistance?
  14. Re: Cryptic Studios Account email. I received it also, but since my WoW acct was hacked, I take no chances. I reset the password by going directly to CO's site rather than use their link.
  15. My book just arrived today. Looking forward to a nice slow read.
  16. Re: CC's Guide to Tomorrow's Megapatch Changes Thanks, Scott. I don't tend to frequent the CORP forums much.
  17. Re: Looks more dangerous than he really is. Well, you can't tell a person's fighting ability just by looking at them, but body language can give you away. if you look impressive, you can get away with a lot. High PRE and Acting skill would be way I go.
  18. Re: Let's Discuss: The Modern Wandering Adventurer What sort of adventures would the modern adventurer go on? Your typical fantasy game usually involved gathering gold or magic items while questing. While I can see getting paid by a patron in a modern setting, it's not like you typically beat down the security guards, steal any money they have on them before proceeding or go looking for a dungeon because it was told it holds riches.
  19. Re: Regeneration as a Defense But REC doesn't automatically heal a target so you need to take a Recovery anyway and REC is persistent so what benefit do you get by buying a stat with DOT?
  20. Re: Regenerative Shields How about if we tried making the RFF(regenerating force field) as a hybrid; using some resistant defenses and Stun to soak? I hadn't thought about trying to manipulate when the RFF takes the damage in the typical order of things, but that does make sense. Now, a lot of concepts for FF as Defenses have been brought up: Damage Reduction, Barrier, combinations of Stun/Rec and/or Regen, but is there a way we can try to make this construct within the scope of what books are out? Our RFF is now a bank of Stun & Body, possibly some resistant defenses in the form of either Barrier or Resistant Protection and/or Damage Reduction. Now, are there any consequences, if the RFF runs out of Stun or Body?
  21. Re: Regeneration as a Defense The problem with using Gradual Effect with Recovery is that you aren't applying the REC over time to heal the STUN. It acts like you used all the REC at the point of use and spreads out the consequences of the REC over the time specified. So, say you are SPD 4 and have 40 STUN, 30 END, & 8 REC bought with Gradual Effect over a Turn. Phase 12, you are hit for 5 points of STUN & use 6 END. Now, at post-segment 12, you get a Recovery. Because you are only were down 5 Stun, that is all you are gonna get, even if you took more damage afterwards during the next turn. On post-12 & 3, you get 2 Stun back, post-6, you get 1, & post-9, 0. On post-12, 3 & 6, you get 2 Endurance back, post-9, 0. Edit: That is part of the reason I didn't use it in the Regenerative Shield thread.
  22. Re: Regenerative Shields True, but just buying STUN and REC as the 'force field' forces the character to take a phase to recover.
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