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Everything posted by CptPatriot

  1. Re: Trying again I read a blog here where generally a level 1 person is a competent normal.
  2. Re: Inspiration for Dark Champions protective gear I had heard of materials like this, but it is cool to be able to see it for myself. Now, it seems that this material would be great for blunt physical attacks, now, how would people write this stuff up?
  3. Re: Modeling The "Killing The Assasins" Technique From ST:VI Assuming you are using Attack Versus Alternate Defense (“AVAD”) with the “All or Nothing modifier” from the 6th Edition for your stunning attack, use the “Does Body” advantage (+1). In reality, unless you are gonna allow it to be used often that way, you could get away with allowing it as a one time thing. There is no modifier for varying the effect based on the range of the weapon on the short end. On the longer end, they have the “Reduced By Range” disadvantage (6E1 388). Hope that helps
  4. CptPatriot

    Top 10

    Re: Top 10 Number 9: When do you think was the last time he actually washed his hands?
  5. Re: "The Cape" - Masked Crime Fighter for 21st century I'm still watching the episode, saw the beginning 30 minutes and it holds promise. I'd agree with your assessment. It definitely hearkens to the masked crime fighter pulp era heroes.
  6. Re: Opinions Desired: Mind Control(Freeze) vs. Mental Paralysis (Entangle w/ BOECV) I tend to prefer the Mental Paralysis. In a combat situation, I tend to want more certainty from my attacks. As for teleporting out of it, you could buy it so you can't teleport out of it. (Hero System Fifth Edition Rule Book, page 109-110; Revised, page 169, 181)
  7. Re: How to introduce group to the Hero System? I would recommend making the characters based on their expectations in D&D, since they may be more familiar with D&D concepts of classes.
  8. Re: Increasing Damage Attack For a single attack that gets deadlier each phase, try using an Aid that is linked to your Continuous attack power. Upon your initial attack, you will do the base damage, then you add the character points in Aid to the power. This method would probably bring you over the 30 AP cap. The other suggested option is to use a Continuous attack that does damage over time. Each phase you can add more damage that is done, but with this version the defenses of the target get subtracted from each attack each time the power goes off.
  9. Re: Toolkitting: Relative versus Absolute What is being said here is that in a world where the Bat can fight small and larger scale threats, one writeup isn't enough? With that said, perhaps the problem is that the writeup is too limited to deal with both? What I could see is that the block of points that make up Batman's equipment has to be flexible enough to deal with the need for a larger generally higher point threat. That is come up in the Batman/Predator books as well as when Batman and Superman went to Apokolips to deal with Darkseid kidnapping Kara. In this case, if the character writeup had a Bat-Equipment Pool with enough room for his larger "wonderful toys", then he can use his usual street gear and his more potent gear when the need avails itself. The problem is that, realistically, players with the ability to use bigger toys tend to want to use them. If you have a group that can maintain self control, then cutting the DC/AP caps with the players knowing that they may be forced to deal with galactic threats will keep them in check.
  10. Re: The Rage Virus from 28 Days Later Well, I think my main thing was trying to make it so that the Infected can affect others.
  11. I'm looking to recreate the The Rage Virus from 28 Days Later for a super-villain campaign running in the 5th edition. Using a 60 pt gadget VPP pool, without using Transform, preferably, how can I write up a delivery system that will infect people with Rage and allow it to propagate?
  12. Re: Things I May Have Forgotten Painting a target is all about making the target visible at a range so they can be fired upon. In the end, Images for the Sense Group you are using as your targeting sense is the way to do it. In the case of a laser designator, it gives the fighter craft's passive laser detection equipment very specific frequency of encoded light pulses that reflects off the target, so the very accurate munitions can blow it out of the sky. In the case of the Faerie Fire spell from the d20 SRD, it projects an outline around targets caught in the Area of Effect that is visible by all, even if the targets are concealed or invisible. The benefit of it depends on the effect you are trying to simulate, as always. Using the laser designator example, if the ground soldier wields it, it offers no other bonus as the guided munition should be the object that buys the Accuracy advantage for the munition(which should also have a Lock-on Limitation, since if needs to make a PER Roll of the lased target). If the plane has the designator, the gunner/pilot can use the Cover maneuver to cover the target, being able to perceive the target already with sensors on the craft, and the pilot just needs to fire the bomb when ready. Using the Faerie Fire example, the Images power foils Invisibility like throwing paint on or walking in fog has foiled invisible foes in the movies.
  13. I'm working on my X-COM military sci-fi game and a question came up on the role a spotter in a sniper team. What benefit would the sniper get from having a spotter, besides another set of eyes to locate targets?
  14. Re: Terracide: A Space Opera Noir Setting Sounds like an interesting premise. When and where?
  15. Re: Tell me what you think Hmmm, it seems to me that a carrier class vessel would not really be needed after the war is over but I would be curious to see your take on certain technologies in a Star Trek universe. A carrier could be used in either a task force or solo role, depending on how large you are making it. If it is as large as a Galaxy or Sovereign class, then it may very well have the firepower to fend off threats, if on a patrol solo.
  16. Re: Command your own Starship Dang, this was something I had wanted to do. It looks good just the same.
  17. Re: Online VOIP game (Interest Check) Well, do we have a list of those still interested in this?
  18. Re: Telepathic Hearing I think that works, just need to see how the Triggered Telepathy writeup looks for comparison
  19. Re: Telepathic Hearing So, would that be worthy of a limitation or a requirement for allowing the Detect in the first place?
  20. Re: Online Champions games... anyone seen/played them? My Tuesday game, The Crucible, has managed to successfully use MapTools for a number of months, just using simple macros for handling combat though our game has been somewhat steady since we started January of 2009.
  21. I was looking in the Champions Powers book, page 240 at the power Telepathic Hearing which is purchased as: Detect Surface Thoughts (INT Roll) (Mental Group), Discriminatory, Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Sense But in the book, it also says: Characters should get the GM’s permission to buy it, though, since it may effectively replace Telepathy in some ways (some GMs may prefer that characters use [highlight]Triggered Telepathy[/highlight] to accomplish this result). My question is how should the [highlight]Triggered Telepathy[/highlight] be written up in the event that the GM denies my request for the [highlight]Detect Surface Thoughts[/highlight]? How would/should Mental Defense be handled for [highlight]Detect Surface Thoughts[/highlight] to be fair to those who do have that protection?
  22. Re: Steve's Chat Tonight (Thursday, September 30) Here is the session log of tonight's session of Steve's Chat
  23. Re: Online VOIP game (Interest Check) My Tuesday night game uses MapTools, one of our players & I created some simple macros for handling normal & killing attacks for the transition from Herochat.
  24. Re: Online VOIP game (Interest Check) I am inclined to say that I am interested, if we can choose a day/time that doesn't conflict with my current games. I have a preference towards supers, but am willing to try a star hero or fantasy hero game. I have a Skype acct with Skypeout so, if any of the players don't own a headset, I can call their cellphones/landlines.
  25. Re: Online VOIP game (Interest Check) VOIP stands for Voice Over Internet Protocol or simply put, he is looking for people to play on a conference call, but using the Internet, so we don't have to pay for phone calls.
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