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Dale A. Ward

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Everything posted by Dale A. Ward

  1. Re: Magic System Question #5 Sorry... was intended as a joke. If there is a moderator viewing this, please delete the topic.
  2. What happened to Magic System Question #2?!?
  3. Re: Bizarre Spell Ideas ~holds nose... runs from room~ ~also throws a handful of rep~
  4. Re: Space Hotel I just had a vision of the Travelocity Roaming Gnome in a space suit...
  5. Re: Futurama Hero Fry has a brother...?!? I must have missed that episode!
  6. Re: What setting does your campaign use? Concerning incomplete homebrew campaigns, I am of the same mind as bill. When I built my old AD&D campaign (back in the late 70's - early 80's), I started running the game with only a few sketchy notes, a bloody huge world map, and a damn fine bunch of players. When they noticed that most of the map was blank (except for really major terrain features), I set them upon a mission of discovery not unlike the Lewis & Clark Expedition. That one mission took up about 2 years of in-game time and almost 8 months of real time. During that time, my players mapped a large expanse of the main continent and established a trade route between two coasts... not at all what they expected from a fantasy game. I ended up with a very satisfied group and a much more fleshed out campaign world. I also noted numerous plot hooks for future adventures where my gang would return to further explore the more exotic areas that they didn't have time for the first go-around.
  7. Re: Turakian Age Questions Hey, Al... you know the old joke about the Sahara Forest, don't you?
  8. Re: Recommend a fantasy world map? Back in the late 70's, I had a similar need. So, I just blatantly ripped off DC comics... I found a map of Krypton in an issue of Superman and very laboriously copied it over onto two 2' x 3' hex sheets. File off the serial numbers, change the names to protect the guilty, and Bob's yer uncle!
  9. Re: Myths about the Middle Ages Or, to put it more succinctly... "Vas you dere, Chollie?"
  10. Re: Post Apocalyptic Hero See?
  11. Re: Post Apocalyptic Hero I'd say there'd be a lot of tracked vehicles involved. As for a power source... Very few people know this, but the original diesel engine was designed to run on any flammable liquid... not just petroleum-based diesel fuel. Thanks to the greedy oil companies, the original design has been "lost" to history. Or, so it seems. Through my underground contacts, I have learned that the original diesel engine has been preserved and modified by covert agencies within the government for precisely these purposes. Fill the tanks with any liquid (or combination of liquids) that burns, and you're good t' go!
  12. Re: Imperial Ground Equipment As for space suits in Star Trek, I seem to recall Spock using one in ST:TMP when he tried to mind meld with V'ger.
  13. Re: Daily Art Findings Now, that is beautiful!! And, I'd be hard pressed to design a more well-defended keep. Geez... air support even!!
  14. Re: Interplanetary colonies Yeah... those horse-drawn starships are really hard to come by.
  15. Re: Battletech Mecha First Loves, Favourites, and just plain silly. Don't they call that body armor?
  16. Re: Magic Missiles "Let he who hath knowledge reckon the number of the Beast, for it is the number of sides on a die, and that number is twenty!" - The Revelation of St. Milo the Paranoid d20 Hater
  17. Re: Smart Metals? ow...
  18. Re: Can someone satisfy my curiosity? Now, that makes a big difference!
  19. Re: Can someone satisfy my curiosity? "Ask, and ye shall receive!" Thanks, guys... this was exactly the info I was needing. Since I haven't bought either book yet, I was just going by the online descriptions, and the one for TA wasn't ringing any bells. I was actually trying to squeeze Kal-Turak into Thulsa Doom's robes, never realizing that he was already wearing Sauron's. Anyway, the bottom line is that I prefer the low magic, sword-and-sorcery style of VA, but I'll probably get both since TA is in the majority. Thanks, again!
  20. Re: Alternate History - Roman Republic and the Renaissance Here's my take on it, FWIW. As has been stated earlier, the Patricians dominated the scene in the original timeline. Suppose the Plebians decided that they had had enough of Patrician excesses and forced through their own Magna Carta. This created the "Council of Plebians" to counterbalance the Senate, and led to the development of a true democratic republic. From there, the arts and sciences blossomed due to greater freedom granted to the lower classes and a general levelling of the playing field. Just my two coppers!
  21. Hey, Gang... I need a little information. After looking over the various threads in the FH forum, it has become obvious to me that the Turakian Age setting is seriously more popular than the Valdorian Age setting. VA is, apparently, HERO's version of R.E. Howard's Conan world, but I'm not sure about TA. Anyway, can someone clue me in as to why TA gets more play than VA. Also, what exactly is TA all about. I've read all that I can find about Kal-Turak, but I'm not equating the scenario to anything that I've read. Is it totally unique and original... or, do I just need to read more? TIA!
  22. Re: That's no moon, that's a space station! It's a very interesting tale... but I think the guy's fruitier than Carmen Miranda's hat!
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