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Everything posted by Lucius

  1. While I can understand the desire for more granularity, I doubt the inflation of cost is worth it. Lucius Alexander Protection from Palindromedaries
  2. I thought we already HAD a thread like this? Lucius Alexander The palindromedary thinks maybe that one was too scary
  3. You need a Continuing Charge for that to last a Turn Lucius Alexander I need a palindromedary
  4. Maybe because Knockback is a weird unbalanced move enemy ability? More seriously though, it does sound like what's wanted might be really Flight, Usable as Attack. Lucius Alexander I want a palindromedary right about here
  5. Not a matter of "didn't like the Powers." A matter of mostly "these already exist." And in some cases of "You probably know what you mean, but no one else does until you explain it." Lucius Alexander For example, you probably have no idea what a palindromedary is and therefore no opinion on them.
  6. 2ndary Effect Radius: (Total: 26 Active Cost, 13 Real Cost) Naked Advantage: Area Of Effect (1m *(extended) Radius; +1/4) for up to 60 Active Points, Does Knockback (+1/4), Double Knockback (+1/2) (26 Active Points); Limited Power Extra Radius does no damage, only knockback (-1) (Real Cost: 13) edit: Wait, I don't need the Knockback Advantage to be added to this if it's already on the original Power this is modifying...just by a Naked Advantage: Area of Effect (extended) and Limit it to do no damage.... Lucius Alexander Palindromedary Radius
  7. There is of course a distinction between an unbreakable entangle, and an inescapable entangle. Lucius Alexander The palindromedary defines an entangle as an unbreakable rubbery net, and the effect of overcoming it with STR is that you force one of the holes open enough to "peel" it off of yourself without ever actually breaking a single strand.
  8. "It says here in the paper than a pedestrian in New York is run over by a car every thirty minutes." "That poor person! Someone should help them get out of traffic and into a hospital!" Let me acknowledge that "A man thinks of sex every seven seconds" meme has no science behind it. But I also don't think people who say it are claiming there's a seven second "pon far" cycle every male goes through, though assuming they mean that makes it easy to mock. I for example can go a whole six minutes without thinking about sex. Then I think about it for sixty seconds. Lucius Alexander I'm sure I still think about sex more than I think about palindromedaries, but don't tell them that....
  9. The question being considered is, metaphorically, "Who pulls the plug?" Emphasis added: "The only prior research that had been done on who wanted the breakup was research on marital divorces," Michael Rosenfeld (By they way, I highly doubt it's true that all prior research had only considered marriages - I just don't have any other research at my fingertips.) A husband, or male partner in a non-marital relationship, who "cheats" is not on the face of it trying to end the relationship. He's trying to preserve the relationship. He's trying to use deception to do so, he's obviously willing to put the relationship at risk, and perhaps in some cases he's actually hoping to "get caught" and induce his female partner to make that decision, but he's obviously not willing to be the one to say "it's over." And in any case, the article isn't about infidelity, it's about relationship endings, which CAN have other causes. Although in the next few months I'm sure there will be a spike in divorce cases due to a certain hacking scandal. What I find interesting is the assertion that either party is equally likely to terminate a non-marital relationship (in which hopefully there is no lawyer to be called) which suggests to me that heterosexual relationships have a healthier balance of power and of responsibility than I expected. But the female is more likely to terminate the marriage. I can think of a number of possible reasons for that but they'd all be pretty speculative. Lucius Alexander She knew about the palindromedary when she married me
  10. If that's so, so is this http://www.newser.com/story/211726/oddly-women-are-more-likely-to-end-a-marriage.html I admit to being surprised that when a non-marital relationship ends, it's just as likely to be the male's decision as the female's. Assuming I can take this study at face value and someone doesn't post several studies contradicting it. Lucius Alexander The palindromedary has a Y Chromosome and a Y-not? Chromosome
  11. You have a point; disease can exist in the setting in the same way weather does, not as something anyone pays or gains points for or designs as a power. That said, I do think the Transform model works pretty well at simulating disease. Lucius Alexander The palindromedary thinks I should design a generic poison next.
  12. Might as well post it here too... I dreamed I was explaining walnuts to someone. "English walnuts are like masturbation, and black walnuts are like relationships." Lucius Alexander The palindromedary thinks I sound like a nut.
  13. That's true of Growth, Shrinking, and Density Increase, all of which got written up as Powers. Lucius Alexander Special Effect of a palindromedary
  14. Well, you are still getting, say, a 200 pt character for an expenditure of only 40 pts, so one might argue it's not that "costly." But yes, you don't get a break for Complications or Disadavantages. Which is why I don't balk much at something like "Psychological Complication: Loyal." If a Disadvantage that doesn't hinder the character isn't worth any points, then a Disadvantage that isn't worth any points doesn't need to hinder the character. Technically, you can put Limitations on a Follower. So while the Complication "Unreliable" doesn't change the cost, the Limitation "Activation Roll" does. But I suspect most Limitations either don't make sense or would be too munchkin; remember, by default a Follower won't always be around, won't always do exactly what you would have preferred, sometimes may even temporarily become a DNPC like liability, etc. "Only in Alternate ID" might work though for a Follower who doesn't know the hero's Secret ID. Lucius Alexander Only in Palindromedary ID
  15. Game Operations Director: "Before you can scramble to your feet you feel the searing pain of the creature's claws sinking into your leg, dragging you back. Just before you lose consciousness, you remember one last thing from those legends you had scoffed at: a prophecy that a band of heroes would at last come to defeat these devils. If the monsters are real, surely the heroes are too, and with your last breath you cry out a summons and a warning - and then the darkness closes in. Okay, toss that sheet aside and pull out your main character. A few days later you're reading the paper and realize this is the second mysterious disappearance in that same rural county upstate. Maybe the nightmares you've been having aren't connected...you don't remember much of them. What do you think?" Player: "I think I'm calling up the gang and we're going on a road trip to do a little snooping around." Chapter One / Opening Scene Victims: (Total: 135 Active Cost, 25 Real Cost) Duplication (creates 2 100-point Duplicates), Altered Duplicates (100%; +1) (54 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2), Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (Doomed. At least one must die in first scene,; -1), Nonpersistent (-1/4), Only In Alternate Identity (Absent) (-1/4), Unified Power (-1/4) (Real Cost: 10) plus Regeneration (9 BODY per Day), Resurrection (56 Active Points); Resurrection Only (-2), 2 clips of 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Day (Increased Reloading Time: 6 Hours; -1 1/4), Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (Is a completely different person in different place; -1), Unified Power (-1/4) (Real Cost: 10) plus (OPTIONAL) Mind Link , One Specific Mind, No LOS Needed, Psychic Bond, Unlimited range in this dimension (25 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2), Only With Others Who Have Mind Link (-1), Linked (Compound Power; -1/2), Stops Working If Mentalist Is Knocked Out (-1/4), Unified Power (-1/4) (Real Cost: 5) At least occasionally, the player's (main) character does not appear in the first scene of the adventure; instead the player plays one or two people, at least one of whom are going to die in the scene that sets things in motion to involve the hero or heroes. Next adventure there could be a completely different victim or victims for the character to play out the death scene for. The second victim, if there is one, may survive to bear witness and possibly help the hero; the hero may get nightmares, visions, or just hunches, if that fits the character conception, to justify knowledge revealed in the opening scene; or the victim could leave a diary, tape recording, message scrawled in blood on the floor, or other clues. As long as the player character gets some benefit worth the 20 to 25 pts this will cost. This ability could work in monster hunting or occult investigation type games, but could also work in detective or crime fighting contexts (how many cop shows open with the murder scene?) or an espionage game, in which case the victim could be the prior agent who failed in this mission or an assassin's victim or the innocent bystander who stumbled into something big and got killed for knowing too much. edit: just realized, I needed another Limitation on the Ressurrection so it's only for the Duplicates..... edit again: actually, shouldn't I put that Power ON the Duplicates instead of on the main character? Ooops Lucius Alexander The palindromedary says we've gone from expendable characters to out and out doomed ones.
  16. Every time I notice this thread, I think "Just like those elitist monarchist snobs, keeping all the fantasy adventure for themselves!" Lucius Alexander Then the palindromedary kicks me and I realize once again that's not what it's saying.
  17. There are several ways to deal with this problem. I'll start with my preferred method, which is arguably more complex than some other solutions. Mana Pool: (Total: 21 Active Cost, 10 Real Cost) Endurance Reserve (52 END, 12 REC) Reserve: (21 Active Points); Requires A Magic Roll (Skill roll; -1/2); REC: (8 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Hour, Character May Take No Other Actions, -3 1/4), Requires A Roll (Skill roll; Jammed; Meditation; -1) (Real Cost: 10) Do NOT put "Requires a Roll" as a limitation on the SPELLS. Instead, the spells draw off a special "END Reserve" called mana. The END in that poll is what has a Skill Roll attached, so you still need to make the roll to cast a spell - but instead of the crippling or impossible penalty based on the Active Points of the spell, you make a roll based on only the amount of END you are using to cast. The spells may cost slightly more, but at least you can cast them. The way I set it up, recovering the mana requires an hour and success at a Meditation roll, but you can do it differently. I like the idea of having a Skill Roll associated with spellcasting, but I don't like the idea of imposing ridiculous penalties; that's why I like this solution. Other solutions: Of Course I can Cast Spells, I'm a Wizard: (Total: 20 Active Cost, 10 Real Cost) +10 with Power (20 Active Points); Limited Power Only to counter Active Point penalties (-1) (Real Cost: 10) Buy Skill Levels, only vs the penalties. Your 13 or less roll stays a 13 or less roll, even if casting a 100 Active Point spell. You can put this on a Focus to make it cheaper. Use an Activation Roll instead of a Skill Roll. For some reason, those don't take a penalty. You can also set the roll at 8 if you just learned the spell and as you put more points into it, increase the roll. Don't take Requires a Roll at all. Ignore the Active Point penalty. Possibly permit a +1/4 Advantage to do this. Buy your Skill up to ridiculous levels. Find a way to finagle a lot of bonuses - Extra Time, circumstance, etc. Give spellcasters a break on spell cost. Turakian Age does this. Figure out the spells Real Cost, then divide that by 3 to get Final Cost. This is to try to balance spellcasters against other character types who get free weapons, don't have to make Skill Rolls, etc. The only other thing I can think of is buying your spellcaster's SPD to 12, so you can try the roll every single segment and hopefully actually succeed by the time Post Segment 12 comes around. Or buying the Skill itself multiple times with Trigger set to go off in case of Skill failure. Lucius Alexander Or you can get a palindromedary
  18. You can buy SPD down and Movement up. Give 'em 1 SPD and 15 Meters move (I suggest Flight, if gravity means nothing to them.) I don't know about "need." But if you want them to never take an off hand penalty, then yes, they need it. But when the hell are they ever going to take an off hand penalty?? Takes No STUN includes Cannot Be Stunned automatically. Have you considered using Density Increase? Sure you want this and not Darkness? They don't need Flash Defense. They need to not have any senses except Detect Target. Can't flash a sense that isn't there. Buy all Characteristics as Powers, and apply Inherent. Buy a Multiform to "Identical Form" and take Accidental Change: any attempt to Transform or change. What's your purpose in wanting to build this abomination anyway? Lucius Alexander The palindromedary says that limit to number of blocks of quoted text is really annoying
  19. Kind of goes with being an Automaton. How often does it hit when it strikes? Does the target's agility matter at all? I could see cutting it to zero. Why not 1? You can even buy it to zero, then buy 1 SPD back with a Limitation of Extra Time, so it only gets 1 attack per Minute. It's in no hurry, it's got forever to kill you in. They can be destroyed - but how? I'm a little fuzzy on that, if I don't understand that, I can't address defenses. I'd not invest in PD and ED as Characteristics and just by Resistant Protection. Base value is too much. You can drop these to zero. Maybe lower? You can buy BOD down to 1, and buy overwhelming defenses. Most attacks will then have no effect at all but a really powerful attack with a high damage roll makes it go poof. If they have the Takes No Stun power, they automatically have 0 STUN. To be continued
  20. Give them the Perk, Reputation. Do they accumulate damage, or just suddenly disperse? Use the Power Darkness, Always On, Inherent. Buy Tunneling Give them Running of 0, and Flight, with No Gravity Penalty. Also, all the Life Support you can buy. Lower. Make it 1. What's this thing need DEX for? Why not buy it down to zero? One command only? Make it INT 5 To be continued
  21. That would be a hit to the vitals. Lucius Alexander This would be a palindromedary tagline
  22. I'm pretty sure the Rules as Written say otherwise. I'm also pretty sure I'm going to completely ignore that particular rule and let the bonus or penalty for any given maneuver count for DCV or OCV period, not "DCV versus this class of attacks but not that one." Lucius Alexander Defensive Palindromedary Value
  23. How challenged do you want them to be by those thugs? Should it be "If we aren't careful these gangsters might kill us!" or "If we aren't careful, we might kill one of these gangsters!" Lucius Alexander The palindromedary says either one might be challenging
  24. Bloody Cough: (Total: 60 Active Cost, 10 Real Cost) Severe Transform 1d6-1 (Drakine into sick Drakine, recovers with Healing Magic or Medical Treatment), Area Of Effect (16m Radius Explosion; +1/4), Persistent (+1/4), Difficult To Dispel (x2 Active Points; +1/4), Sticky (+1/2), Partial Transform (+1/2), Constant (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Does BODY (+1), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible, effects of Power are Inobvious to target; +1 1/4) (60 Active Points); Attack Versus Alternate Defense (CON; -1 1/2), Damage Over Time, Target's defenses only apply once, Lock out (cannot be applied multiple times) (17-32 damage increments, damage occurs every 1 Day, -1), Requires A Roll (11- roll; Must be made each Phase/use; -1), Always On (-1/2), No Range (-1/2), Limited Target ([Limited]; Dragons, Drakine, or other scaly folk only; -1/2), Restrainable (Only by means other than Grabs and Entangles; -1/4) (Real Cost: 10) How it works: Any Drakine (or other reptiloid) risks exposure by physical contact with an exposed Drakine or by being within 16 meters of a Drakine in the Infectious stage or later stages (see below.) The 11 or less roll to be infected should be modified by circumstance; intimate contact should raise it to 14 or better (per turn perhaps) but a Dragon shouldn't roll at all unless in actual contact with a highly infectious victim. Similarly, the 16 meter radius can be adjusted for the wind, etc. Note that once exposed, one cannot be exposed again until the exposure runs its course (up to 30 to 36 days - at least about 16) Once exposed, roll 1d6-1 each day. As the cumulative total rises, the disease takes hold. Persistant Infection Phase: once the total exceeds CON, further points become cumulative with later exposures. At this point the victim can pass on exposure via physical contact. CLARIFICATION: if the cumulative total does NOT ever exceed CON, then later exposures have to start from scratch aginst CON. If CON was beaten once, it ceases to be a defense. Detectable Phase: at CON + 1/4 BOD, and a healer familiar with the disease by experience or studay can make a Diagnosis Skill roll at -5 to accurately identify it, or a magical Detect can detect the illness. Occasional coughing may be noticed. Infectious Phase: at CON + 1/2 BOD, the victim is considered to have acquired the "Power" that the disease is written up as, and can expose others within 16m. WORSE, note that there is no Personal Immunity; once the exposure runs its course, if it has reached this stage, the victim is likely to re-expose himself. The cough grows bad enough to make it obvious the victim is sick, and the illness can be diagnosed with a Diagnosis roll at +1 or an appropriate Skill such as PS: Healer at -3. Symptomatic Phase: at CON + 3/4 BOD, the rolls start doing BOD damage (treat as Normal Attack for BOD calculation) as the victim suffers persistent aches and soreness as well as coughing up blood. The character may take a RECovery only every minute instead of every turn, or by taking an entire Turn to rest. Any expenditure of END costs double. Terminal Phase: at CON + BOD, the character is subject to a Severe Transform which justifies re-writing it entirely. The effects vary but commonly include reductions to STR, CON, END, STUN, REC, and Movement. REC often drops to zero, leading to coma. On the other hand, a victim who reaches this stage is now immune to the disease, and if somehow restored to health will never succumb to the Bloody Cough again. Lucius Alexander The palindromedary plague
  25. Thanks! Lucius Alexander And a well fed palindromedary
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