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Everything posted by Pentoth

  1. Re: What setting does your campaign use? I have a homebrew setting that I have been using for about 12 years. It is a setting where magic is rare but extremely powerfull. The way I handled the growth and development of it was I started the players off in a hamlet. From their as they travelled around I developed the regions. I let it's history dictate where things appeared geographically. At present I am working on the "eastern" part of the continent. Some of my players are really into oriental style of adventures so I am kinda looking at various sources (mostly historical) to flush everything out. As always I too rewarded players for assisting me in flushing out regions of the world.
  2. Re: Attracting villians Some of the heroes and villains could be from the city you are using for the game. Why move if you have everything you need here already. Also with having supers in your city of course some villains are going to come just to fight them. You might not be able to take on Superman in Metropolis but perhaps the villains feel they will have a better shot against Hero X in your city.
  3. Re: Please help me with new game setting I would like to thank everyone who have answered. The aliens are not gone however people think they are. The armada will be returning to Earth however they are waiting for backup from homeworld. No one knows what happened to the supers... Not even the aliens. That's why they are standing back. Trying to study what happened. I know the real reason I just can't say because my players are known to frequent the board.
  4. Re: Input on a bunch of bad guys? Chimpera is right. They are excelent but the flight is out of place.
  5. I am creating a setting where 25 years ago an alien invasion force attacked the earth and was repelled by the collective might of the planet's super hero and villains population. Within three days of the alien withdrawal all the population with powers dies. I have chalked this up to a "gene" bomb that attacks the genes responsible for their powers killing them. 20 years later I am having a return of the heroes as the damage is now done and the supers can return. My problem is this. My intent is that ALL heroes vanish for 20 years. How do I get rid of the non powered heroes? Do I just kill them all in the final battle with the aliens??? I am not sure. Do I just say their was none? Do I say they continued briefly after and whatever it was that made them special was gone so they would. Break their hands when they threw punches/got shot more and stuff like that? What makes the most sense to everyone? I appreciate any help possible.
  6. Re: Questions for the Canadian HEROBoard members Another thing is that we don't seem to have figured out where we stand as a people politically. We are more liberal than the U.S. but less liberal that Europe. Our last two government's have been a minority. When I talk to most people they seem to like this because it prevents either sides agenda from being pushed to hard. We are very moderate in our point of views. For eample we seem to be split about 50/50 in the gay marriage debate. Also because of all the lies that have been told to us by the Conservative and the Liberal governments we have a very low opinion of politics. Voter turn outs are getting so low (especially with youths) that on various political shows the question of legislating voting has even come up. In Ontario at least people seem to prefer a politician that takes a stand and does something damaging to a politician that does nothing at all. Don't underestimate that to many Canadian Hockey is almost a religion. Another thing is that we DON'T HATE AMERICANS... Fox news is completely wrong on that. We may not like Bush (he ignored us in his thank you speach because he said it was "implied". As well as his dismissal of the friendly fire bombings of Canadian soldiers. He didn't say anything until pressed.) but we don't hate the U.S. Another interesting point on Canadian U.S. relations our governments were not as buddy/buddy as we think of them as being until Ronald Reagan and Brian Mulrooney were both in power. In fact Nixon and Trudeau were known to curse each other out.
  7. Re: DC / Marvel Characters in Champions Universe I avoid using Marvel or DC U characters. I have the players make homage characters as well. I have no problem using established character names for other characters however. To mix them together is a problem. I tried it once and my PC's rather than forming their own group they wanted to join the Justice League. That way if they needed assistance they could call for help from Superman or Batman. That was the first and last time I shared the universe.
  8. Re: Does your GM play too? I usually GM and I don't put in my PC's as NPC's into the party unless it may be for information gathering etc... They don't travel with the party and they are not present to help them battle the villain fo the story. I had a GM who did it and all the other players at the table were irrelevant because of his NPC who could do it all. The players at the table were unecessary. This gave me a bad taste about the whole idea. At my table I generally don't think it is a good idea if even because the players will look to the NPC for assistance beyond their role. (It's a throwback to the other GM running Godly (Litteraly in one case NPC's. )
  9. Re: What do I need to start GMing with? As a Fantasy Hero GM I found the books that you don't have but would use are the Bestiary, Monsters, Minions and Marauders, the Equipment Guide, the Ultimate Martial Artist and the Combat Handbook. The setting books are nice and give you suggestions on making NPC's however they aren't neccessary if you already use your own setting. Same goes with teh Grimoires. They are useful to speed things up for the GM or players but you don't need them.
  10. Re: Horrorclix: Full pictures They look amazing. I am going to have to get some. Especially C'thulhu.
  11. Re: Indispensable Books The books I have out no matter the setting are. 5ER Ultimate Martial Artist Bestiary Ultimate Vehicle Combat Handbook Equipment Guide The Resource Kit
  12. Re: Surely someone can do something with this: Oak Island The Oak Island story is phenomenal. It never ceases to amaze me how much more the people in the past had going for them and that we didn't give them credit for. Thanks for the link.
  13. Re: Old Version of DC? Which version are you interested in? Mayfair or West End?
  14. Re: Spiderman Writeup I'm not fully aware of all the new changes that have happened as of "the Other", and even if I was I would definitly have to preface most of them with SPOILERS asd that's a much more recnet story. I do know in a short while Spidy will be swinging around town in Stark made yellow and red body armor that has cybernetic spider limbs coming out the back...See this thread for some pictures/details: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=40469 I was thinking of collecting Spiderman again. Thanks for the warning. Now I know to avoid it. It's too bad. When will people learn you can't mess around with icons?
  15. Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind. I read an older issue of Superman/Batman and when I saw Kryto I just started laughing. A real bad *** superdog who doesn't like anyone is guarding the Fortress of Solitude. It is so ridiculous him chasing Supergirl throughout the fortress. I laughed aloud for about 5 minutes.
  16. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever I can't remember one of my friends who is a huge Lobo fan told me about it. They put that in because to Marvel and DC writers it was the only thing that made sense.
  17. Re: What would Dr. Destroyer *really* do? You're welcome.
  18. Re: DC's Best Martial Artist The best Martial Artist is probably Lady Shiva. Unless something reasonably recent occured then she has beaten everyone. Dragon, Bats etc... The only person who has beaten her was Batgirl. The fans on DC's board argue about it because of the way it was written so I don't know what to make of it.
  19. Re: Spiderman Writeup He does what now??? That is a joke right? Talking to insects and spiders???? I thought the clone Spiderman idea was bad.
  20. Re: What would Dr. Destroyer *really* do? No it isn't. The Narcissism aspect is where the world revolves around you and is reffered to as a Narcissitic Personality Disorder. Sociopathy is an Antisocial Personality Disorder. (Manipulative, Impulsive and Aggressive) Which come to think of it Dr. Destroyer has in spades as well.
  21. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever The worst fight IMO was when Wolverine defeated Lobo. Even the Marvel writers were like. "How the hell are we gonna do this?" Hence the whole thing behind the bar off camera. I especially liked later on when Lobo said he was paid to throw it so it could explained somehow.
  22. Re: What would Dr. Destroyer *really* do? To answer to why Dr. Destroyer tries to take over the world you have to look at his psychology. Destroyer suffers from a Narcisistic Personality Disorder. Of course he realizes it is a fools errand for ANYONE OTHER THAN HIM to take over the world. With everything he has accomplished it is the next step toward making the world in HIS image. (The way it should be.) The world revolves around him and other people are merely his playthings. The destruction of Detroit was his way of letting the world know he could do it and that they belonged to him. He has no true attachment to anything or anyone except himself.
  23. Re: Horror Hero Point Levels - convention game prep 50/50 is a good point value. It gives enough points to make them better than normal people without being overwhelmingly so. People should be going into a Horror Hero style game realizing they aren't going to be powerhouses. That would defeat the whole point of HORROR Hero. If they complain too much they wouldn't enjoy that style of game anyway.
  24. Re: PULP HERO -- What Do *You* Want To See? I would like to see something to do with cults. A small section on creating them or tailoring them for the campaign. I am glad to see a description of Pulp as I have a hard time trying to explain it to my players. Lots of maps would be great as well as an adventure or two to get people going with the right feel.
  25. Re: Campaign/World Building Help I don't know if this will really help or not however when I designed my own fantasy setting I found the best thing to help me was National Geographic. It helped me look into designing key areas on a global scale (Such as a gnome "piano" that percusses wires conntected to stalagmites. I can't take credit for inventing it. It is in the magazine.) Then you build around the area. Another really important thing is history. A area is defined by its history.
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