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Evil Steve

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Everything posted by Evil Steve

  1. Re: Info on Faeries? Oh Never Fear! The redcaps are gonna be there. Some Sidhe, too. I'm not sure I'm gonna go full evil on the PCs, I want the Fae to be inhuman, and not motivated by human standards.
  2. Re: Super Metals One of my fellow students from my University days declared that the next element discovered should be called Adnauseum.
  3. Re: Info on Faeries? Thanks for the info, everyone. V, not to worry, there will be no happy-touchie-feelie-huggy fae. I need the scary-just-don't-get-humanity-or-morality faeries.
  4. Anyone know any good sites for info on the Faeries of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland? I've got some ideas for a series of adventures, but I want to get the Fae Folk right.
  5. Re: Kung Fu Schoolgirl minis Plaid's pretty painless to paint, once you get the hang of it. And these models are highly motivational. I'm motivated to spend a lot of time painting them. PS-you're going to hell for the second half of your comment.
  6. Re: You practice what-o-mancy? Thanks for the correction (I look less stupid when I use the right words). As an aside, I never said the conversations were smart, just odd.
  7. Re: You practice what-o-mancy? During a discussion of Divinational techniques (I get involved in weird conversations) someone misheard the word "Rabdomancy" (divining the future by examining random passages in a book) thought someone said "Rabidomancy". We decided that Rabidomancy was divining the future by throwing children into a pit of angry wolves. Although, it seems more like a form of entertainment than precognition.
  8. Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver You forgot to mention that Entropy looks more like Flicker, acording to the Saurian description of him. Further Mystery for us.
  9. Re: My Pulp art As your art is excellent, I'm gonna ask, cause I know others are thinking it... What to you charge for commisions?
  10. Re: "TaleSpin" as a pulp setting As mentioned in the Wiki entry, seek out what you can for Tales from the Gold Monkey. It was an earlier program (live action) that clearly influenced Talespin. Good reference stuff there. Other than that, I would recommend changing a few names just to get the Funny Animal feel out of it. What I can't figure out is why I can remember that show, but can't remember what I did this morning.
  11. Re: Your "2007" Pet Gaming Projects For now, I'm populating Millenium City. I want to know who the PCs could interact with, and how those NPCs interact with each other. I'm putting stats and names (and hopefully faces) to all the organizations in MC. Other aspects of a Champions Campaign will follow Second line projects are a Knights of the Old Republic era campaign for Star Wars and a 50 years post-Return of the Jedi campaign
  12. Re: A strange site for Millenium City/Detroit fans This should be handy for working on my Millenium City campaign. Thanks much.
  13. Re: Possible Teen Champions Help Depending on the current insanity level of your game, this may or may not work. Lately, some of the more rowdy students have been behaving strangely. Studying, taking classes seriously, not causing problems, and staying home on school nights. This would make any hero wonder. The Truant Officer, Bane of Delinquents (delinquent being defined as any student who talks back to teachers, skips class, smokes, stays out late or does anything that would make June Cleaver say "Tsk tsk") has been capturing these students and subjecting them to mind control using an insidious device that simulates teen life. Moral choices are presented (to help a friend cheat on a test, to skip class, to smoke, to drink, etc) and the device uses the selections to alter the victims mind. The catch is that anyone who behaves appropriately during the simulation is immune to its mind control, and are released at the end of the simulation (about 3 hours) Will our heroes notice that they are in the simulator in time to escape?
  14. Re: GMs: Funniest Character Sheet Mistakes You've Seen. I had one player who defined his Offensive Strike as "I smash my opponent's face into my crotch." When I asked him what he was thinking, he replied "It seems pretty offensive to me. I'd be offended if it happened to me." Was the Character's name Jack Shaftoe? (For those who don't know, read The Baroque Cycle by Neil Stevenson)
  15. Re: Nicktoons Presents: Skyland Up here in Canada its on Teletoon, and has been for some time. It's a solid series. The use of motion capture is what caught my eye for it. We're lucky up here, its been on for a few months. Unfortunately, my work schedule doesn't let me watch it that often.
  16. Re: Cluttered Universes mine get cluttered during character creation. I let the players create their character and its background, while encouraging or discouraging aspects that clearly cause conflicts, ones I just can't work with, or ideas that I could never utilize properly. Norse Gods, Lovecraftian horror, alien conspiracy and immortal warriors are all there, alongside techno-fetish megalomaniacs, transdimensional magical beings and lost world residents.
  17. Re: [Worst Ever...] Reasons to be a superhero I do porn for a living, so I look good in spandex and I have all this free time... I'm in it for the money. I'm sure there'll be some soon. Chicks dig scars. I get lots of them this way...the scars, I mean.
  18. Re: [Worst Ever...] Reasons to be a superhero Wait!....I had a choice? -or- I was bad at everything else, so I must be good at this. -or- Its easier than trying to find a real job.
  19. Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes In the "Much needed but who really cares" catagory you have Dazzler Before and After
  20. Re: CHAMPIONS OF THE NORTH -- What Would You Like To See? As a Canuck, here's my proud wishlist.... -how do the big villan groups (Viper, DEMON, Warlord, Eurostar, etc) see and operate in Canada, when compared to other nations. Are there differences? Does Canadian law or Canadian culture affect super-crime? -How Canadians view certain events in comparison to the US (especially 1812)? -Mythbusting. Examining some of the misconceptions about Canada (eg-the weather) -How does the Canadian mindset affect superhero and supervillan behavior -if, and only if, big if, cannot over emphasis the if, there is room/time, perhaps some of the big political issues in Canada that may affect the Canadian mindset -Quebec. Anyone not from Canada probably doesn't understand. Anyone from Canada will rant at length when asked. -The Canadian political system and how it affects the Canadian mindset Mostly its cultural influences I'd like to see. PS good luck with the eye-fixin'. Are you going for the regular IR/UV upgrade, or you gonna get the laser?
  21. Re: I need you advice? Assistance, Help? I will speak only for myself in this situation, as a player in QM's game. I like the investigative side, I'm just bad at it. I'm trying to develop some investigative skills for my character, but as a player, I'm no good at that sort of thing. I've still been wondering who did it at the end of a mystery novel. I've only made it to some isolated sessions, so I don't know what else to offer. Do the other characters have contacts, family or friends? Can you complicate their lives useing said people? Could work? Depends on the players. I'm game for that.
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