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Everything posted by Tempuswolf

  1. I vaguely remember a crowd control weapon from Vacuum Flowers. It was a wetware injection that programmed people into becoming...riot police. As I recall, there was a short trial and punishment phase on-site: "For the crime of Unlawful Trespass pursuant to Penal Code ... you are found guilty and are hereby deputized under Regulation..."
  2. No Viperia??? Viperia starts on page 154. Yes, Viper Force 1 and 2 have gone the way of Defender and Obsidian, Long Live The Dragon Guard, err Branch!
  3. Very cool. Love the Andorian skin set.
  4. Can a character's endurance drop below zero when performing stun burning actions? Is the stun loss a substitution in lieu of losing more END or an additional penalty to the endurance loss? For example, after a character with 5 END performs an action that costs 15 END would his END be 0 or -10?
  5. I suggest: A sky needle like that in Arthur C. Clarke's Fountains of Paradise or maybe the pinwheel variant from Gregory Benford's Tides of Light.
  6. New shows for the rest of October.
  7. Here are three from a list in AD&D Dieties & Demigods: Breunis Sans Pite Edward The Knight Perilous Turquine
  8. Tempuswolf

    Two words

    IIRC didn't Steve Long say something to the effect of "going, going, gone" about removing some products from the on-line store after Fantasy Hero 5E was released.
  9. Re: You may not knwo this, Tempuswolf I was lifting Superman and to some degree Mars Needs Women, but hey JP and SM work for me. Thanks, RadeFox.
  10. The poor, maligned maggot. Maggots only eat dead flesh. Physicians are using them as a treatment of last resort for wounds that get infected with drug-resistant bacteria. If the maggots are cultured, they are some of the best bandage packing in the world. Giant maggots would be make excellent riding beasts for the clerics of light, they would be ghouls' and vampires' worst nightmares.
  11. I think some of the new Hero5E rules when mixed with the Gamist mindset makes binary poison for a campaign: Megascale, Sweep(ing one opponent), Multipower Attacks, Naked Power Advantages. I feel like GM Van Helsing waving my Narrativist fetish in one hand, my Simulationist in the other, trying to keep Gamist Dracula at bay during chargen.
  12. Very Late Cretaceous, Earth, Planet of the Dinosaurs - Lura couldn't convince the Most Pre-eminent Hunting Pack of Matters Scientific that Asteroid Archeo was not going to "just pass amazingly close to Earth" but was going to collide. Her predictions showed a high probability of extinctions on a massive scale, that the Sapeoraptor race itself and all its technological achievements were in peril of being blasted back to the Stone Age. She wept bitter tears thinking of the fate that would befall her daughters; if there was only some way to spare them the ensuing horrors of the asteroid's deep impact. Then it dawned on her there just may be. With the help of her mate Jor-ek, she conceived of a desparate plan to save her daughters and the quite possibly the whole Sapeoraptor race itself, create a chrono-ark to send her brood into the future with enough supplies to start over. Moments before Archeo's fiery entry into Earth's atmosphere, Lura powered up her chrono-ark using psi-scanners to pin-point the brain waves of the highest concentration of survivors in the future. But wait, what's this?!? The scanners aren't finding any survivors. She widens the search in space and time. A faint signal coming from...65 million years in the future. As the blast wave hits, desparate Lura praying to Great Mother sends the Last Daughters of Earth into an uncertain future. Holocene, Earth, Planet of Man "This just in. A huge egg-shaped object has just materialized in Park Center from which, {Is this right, Syd?}, armed dinosaurs have emerged." Will the villains arrive first and exploit the naive, young dino-gals leading them into a life of crime? Will the heroes shoot first and ask questions later or help save the Sapeoraptor race? Will Dino-boy finally get a date to the prom? Tune in next week.
  13. I don't have a page reference but FH5E talks about an optional Magic Defense Characteristic. Slap on a Based On Skill Roll limitation, instant saving throw (if you want that sort of thing).
  14. Eucephalus, My Faithful Steed How about some exotic draft and riding animals: plane shifting horses horses that run on air (ala Krull) giant cave rabbits giant flying fish huge slugs leafy hippocampi to go with each more humanoid marauder. Iron Age and earlier tech makes extensive use of animals for transportation or muscle power in general.
  15. lol My first impression when I saw it was: "Wow, it's as big as a phonebook." Long Live The FHonebook!
  16. The evil Teehee from Backworld, Hauhau (pronounced high pitched and glottal like Reinfield's laugh).
  17. I think I would boost his BODY up to the 25-30 range and maybe lower his SPD by one. Quick someone post Kruegar and we can post a movie review before the opening. PS: Wasn't there a Jason Goes To Hell sequel Friday the Thirteenth-Part 7? where he had a spirit form when his body was destroyed and he took possession of people?
  18. As others have posted this is a matter of finding the right disadvantages: 15 Distinctive Features: World's Doom (Not Concealable, Causes Extreme Reaction, Detectable Only By Prophetic Senses) Hunteds if others who believe the prophecy and are actively trying to prevent it; watched if they want the prophecy to come true. Reputation if the prophecy, her existence, and the connection is more widely known. I wouldn't point up a Megascale World Scrubber unless she herself believes the prophecy and is actively trying to pursue it. In that case let her buy it (maybe incrementally); otherwise, GM's fiat would be best.
  19. This Will Probably Get Me Banned, But... A slightly customized Roadkill: Heavy Metal- a-hole lead singer Screech- nebbish keyboardist Axeman- psycho killer guitarist Ted- zombie drummer Boomer- redeemable bassist Screech- redeemable girlfriend A fun group to GM because though they all lived for the ego gratification of the stage, they all had different motivations for being there and to some degree all of them had secret agendas. Running a group of supervillains not bent on world domination but on, among other things, destroying boy bands for aesthetic reasons, is more fun than should be allowed this side of paradise. They were such a great foil to my PCs. I know some of you might think this is a corny concept but there is a verisimilitude that their rather mundane goals have that grand evil archvillain's bombastic super-schemes lack. As I write this I am thinking about bringing these guys into 5th Ed and ... {evil laughter} Simon Cowell.
  20. I could live with it, if there was enough revision backwash to effect the Marvel universe as well and make Jean Grey and Phoenix a single entity again.
  21. {in a sotto voice so as not to embarrass} Re-read Rapid Fire, dude.
  22. I like 4th Ed cover much better, subtle and evocative. I concur that the 5th Ed cover comes off more as a superhero comic book splash page than a fantasy book cover.
  23. I don't see it scheduled again in the next two weeks on TV Guide Online. That may mean October.
  24. Re: Yes, Virginia, there are superhero pajamas The books, I believe, had turned up the regal crankiness meter on ol' Arthur before JL Animated did. He had an angry mini some years ago, then he was killed recently and that always makes some people meaner.
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