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Ockham's Spoon

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Posts posted by Ockham's Spoon

  1. I have heard to maintain brain function that you should develop new skills, like learning to play a musical instrument.  So I was surprised when my doctor recommended that I give up playing the trombone. 


    I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that she lives in the apartment below me.

  2. I think Change Environment is probably the way to go, but you could also use Images vs. Scrying Senses, Only to Conceal from Scrying Senses, and then set the PER modifier to whatever level of concealment you want.  This would be similar to a chameleon ability, but oriented toward scrying senses instead of sight.

  3. Under the assumption that one can only take control over a type of magic that you actually practice yourself, then an illusionist taking over another illusion would be similar to just casting their own illusion to override the existing illusion.  That sounds like a Dispel linked to your illusion.  When you cast it, the original illusion is Dispelled and replaced by the illusion you control.  The special effect is that you are taking control of the illusion yourself.

  4. So why is Side Effects a restricted Limitation?  If the cleric doesn't show sufficient faith to cast a spell, isn't penance justified?  It might depend on the specific deity though; some would be more punitive, some more compassionate.


    You have RSR as a required limitation.  What Characteristic is it based on?  I would suggest making it PRE.  Priests need to be charismatic to spread their religion.  They don't have to be firebrand preachers, they could be the strong, silent type; quiet and confident.  But a priest must be inspiring, and nothing is as inspiring as someone who is confident in their faith.  Also, if spells are granted by your deity, the better you are at praying and persuasion (a PRE skill) the more likely you are to be granted your spells.  Finally, one popular method in the Hero System for 'turning' undead is through PRE Attacks, so PRE would be a natural characteristic for the cleric to buy up.

  5. The other day I was at a thrift store, and bought an old album titled "Sounds Wasps Make".  I got it home and played it, but it didn't sound like wasps to me.  Then I realized I was playing the bee side.

  6. One way to simulate that 'leveling up' feel is to raise caps on OCV, DCV, and/or Active Points for abilities based on total Character Points.  Level 1 might be 150 Character points, then every 10 Character points the character 'goes up a level'.  You could also make some powers or advantages off-limits until a certain level, especially things like Autofire or Area Effect abilities on attack powers. 


    Additionally, at each level, the GM can grant an additional skill or perk on top of regular experience (these may or may not be related to the character's 'class' depending on how closely you want to follow that concept).  That speeds up level advancement, but also helps round the characters out since most players aren't going to be spending points on a new professional or knowledge skill when they could be increasing their combat ability.

  7. Me: "That is a handsome dog you have there."


    Police Officer: "Yes, this is one of our new drug-sniffing dogs."


    Me: "Oh, still in training?"


    Police Officer: "What do you mean?"


    Me: "Um, never mind."

  8. 21 hours ago, unclevlad said:

    This actually brings up an interesting point.


    How long do folks build their END consumption per turn, versus purchased END, to last, assuming normal use?  3 turns has been cited a couple times....

    3 turns because most of our combats don't last any longer than that, so it you can go that long you don't need to track END.

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