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Christopher R Taylor

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Everything posted by Christopher R Taylor

  1. They took a giant runny crap all over Green Hornet and Lone Ranger. That was some absolutely horrible vomit. I could see them do something better with this. The difference, I should think is obvious, is that Star Wars has three decades of established patterns and tropes that the new movie sort of spit on with this supergirl because, grrl power and lets fast forward to the 'good parts.' Doc Savage by definition is this way from the beginning, as a core part of his character, the setting, and the story. He's not parachuting in to suddenly break all the rules and patterns, he sets them. And what challenges him then is what makes the story interesting. "Mary Sue;" People throw that term around without any clear definition like "Troll" which went from deliberately provocative person to "guy that says something I don't like."
  2. I still say the best man for the job is Vermin Supreme. All politicians are vermin, he notes, and since he's the supreme one, that makes him uniquely qualified.
  3. Something a little different this time. In studying tailoring, cloth, and historical techniques for the Jolrhos Field Guide, I came across silk armor. I knew that the silk that the mongols wore would help protect from arrows, and further would not tear off into wounds and increase chances of infection: you could twist the arrow back out with the silk. But I didn't know that the first functioning bulletproof vest was made of silk. And it works. Silk's resilient stretchy material is actually very effective against projectiles, which is making me add a few concepts to my fantasy hero armor options. Because you can wear one of these things under a suit of armor. This article goes into the first bulletproof vest, invented in the late 1800s by a Polish scientist and how it might have changed history. WWI was inevitable: too many forces in motion, too much animosity, etc. But it might have been a little later in starting.
  4. Again, Christopher Reeves did a good job with that: his voice was actually different as Clark than as Superman. Much more hesitant, higher pitch, stammering, different word orders, etc. Superman was cool and confident and smooth. He also didn't say much except in his interview with Lois.
  5. I finished a remake/homage to In Search of the Unknown with Two Kings Keep, probably next year before I get to the KOTB re-imagining. But it will be in the same area, and part of an campaign introduction package of adventures and setting if all goes as planned: here's a location, adventures set in it, maps, etc.
  6. Yeah but it was all in the writing and tone.
  7. OK fine, if you want to play a game where you're a squirrel, Hero probably isn't your best choice. Ya got me. Have fun playing squirrels, I guess.
  8. Apparently Stan did his Deadpool cameo in a studio, and they digitally placed him into the strip club, which he went on record as being upset by.
  9. I think a reinterpretation of Superman as the less powerful version before they turned him into God would make for more interesting cinema: bulletproof, but it hurts a little, can lift heavy things but not juggle cruise ships. Can fly, but not at the speed of light, etc.
  10. When he does, it is great, like in I Am Legend. But yeah, he has his Will Smith character that's the same through most of his films. I find Captain Marvel kind of boring, so I hope they can write her into an interesting persona. when the original (Marvel) one died, I was indifferent; meh, Rick Jones' buddy. Not very interesting.
  11. Change Environment was meant for things like mud that slow people down rather than just removing their ability to move. That's why its kind of expensive to use for such an application.
  12. I've found it very fine in all settings I've tried, personally. It just takes some understanding how to make it fit and function in each settings, because there are a lot of "dials" and "switches" you can use to add optional rules, remove others, and alter fine points of the game.
  13. Some big time actors like Will Smith have script guys that come in and write him lines, or alter lines to make it sound "more like him." But playing Captain America is not really any difference than playing James Bond or Jason Bourne. Its a character with a story arc, not one that ends up with them significantly changed, but an interesting role in its own right. That was kind of the flaw with Age of Ultron: Whedon had his big story to tell about angst and facing demons to become a better person, when he was supposed to be doing a fun Avengers movie.
  14. I liked Doc being the best of the best. He's only one guy, so he won't see everything or think of everything; even the finest minds on earth rely on in put from smart minds to work on specifics while he does the big picture thing. He's Sherlock Holmes + Tarzan + I dunno Mister Fantastic. Its absurd but it does make him unique and very interesting.
  15. Yeah I couldn't think of any other way to describe her. Batman Animated Adventures Harley? The Best Harley?
  16. I think a car is a good example, dispelling movement on a car is like taking your foot off the gas, it still keeps going. But can it steer? Is steering and control inherent to the movement power or a separate thing? It seems to me that the person would keep going the direction they are without being able to change direction. But since you can only change direction on your phase, they'd start up running again and the point is moot.
  17. Dispel running is a vaild concept, but all it does is stop them from running until their next phase, when they can turn the running on again. And any momentum they had continues, it doesn't suck kinetic energy out of them. I know movement abilities are listed with characteristics on the sheet, but they aren't characteristics, they can be adjusted etc.
  18. Yeah it depends on how you view being an actor. Is it a job, or is it some special calling that you show how great an artiste you are?
  19. Didn't Rogue lose her Ms Marvel powers back to Carol? That might have knocked her binary powers loose, or something.
  20. When they built monks, they took a bunch of abilities away from other characters and gave them to the monk class. Did they do that with Demon Hunters this time, too?
  21. The simplest way is to establish a maximum amount of damage someone can possibly do, then put a limitation on it of "only does as much damage as the weapon" However, usually in Fantasy, the weapons have set damage and each one does what it does independent of the warrior. To put it another way, say the warrior picks up a hammer, and the weapons list says it does d6+1 ka (that's one die six +1 point of damage each roll of killing damage). That's how much it does when its used, the warrior doesn't need to buy a power to simulate it. He can pick it up and use it ilke you could, without paying points for it. He either has to steal it, have it given to him, discover it somewhere unowned, or buy it with money.
  22. Let us know how it turns out. I'm a lot more skimpy with Hero points (none to start off with, etc).
  23. I think they took Rogue's Captain Marvel powers away and they returned to Carol after a long delay, so maybe that caused her to lose the connection. I agree, and its a resumee enhancer to do a comic book movie at this point, its a genre you can show you do.
  24. AC and Hit Points was always an abstraction of combat instead of blow by blow, like a wargame. Hit Points in particular was described as being luck, dodging blows, etc as well as life force (didn't explain why it took so long to get back).
  25. I really liked the light-based Captain Marvel in the 80s, is she even around any longer? And what happened to the Binary powers?
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