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Everything posted by pinecone

  1. I have done some stuff in this subject and I went with Cyborg racists (The whole losing their humanity thing going) as an example of them using the "superior white mans brain to overcome the demonicly empowered mutants of the lesser races" Of course I use gencide and these guys are usually just cats paws for them...what is the tone? Serious threat and philosophic solilique bait or "Racist jackass" I'd also love to see that They are the ones with powers granted by the underworld (cats paws for Demon) if so Klnsman could be an inner circle Morbane....
  2. Cool! maybe I have finnaly figured this out... High octane moves: HA +6D6 RSR: Acrobatics cost=15 Signature move: APx2 on HA RSR:Acro,SE(Drain 3D6) cost=15 +3 DCV RSR: Acro +6" Leaping RSR: Acro +20 Pres Must follow signature move -1/2 Rapid strike:Hth +4 W/ Hth Power Def (10) only vs supernatural attacks -1 Mental def (12) only vs supernatural attacks -1 Combat luck x3 (cost=18) Oratory Lang: English 5 (native is spanish) Climbing Acrobatics +2 Breakfall Perq. Celebrity Perq. Wealthy 5 Acting V-rod harley (11 points) Ring fighting MA throw MA escape MA block Joint break +2 DC This leaves me at 331 points if my arithmatic is good...so what is missing and what do I spend my last few points on? Thanx....
  3. El luchadore suprimo Hopefully this will be readable...I've had bad luck in the past.... ST 30 DX 23 Con 25 Bod 15 Int 10 Ego 10 Pres 20 (40) Coml 14 PD 15 (24) ED 15 (24) Spd 5 Rec 12 End 50 Stun 45 Cost=146
  4. I'm definitly thinking super levels, after all you can't have aztec mummys and natzi nuns and just have a guy that works out! I've finished uo El luchadore but I can't find the blinking sheet..I basicly went with 6D6 HA RSR: Acro and a "signature move" of APx2 on the HA RSR: Acro and SE: Drain 3D6 (GM's choice ST or DX or Stun) some basic ring fighting of Disabling grab (???) and Flying dodge and escape and a martial throw, A "Espiritu luchdore block of powers of Combat luck x3 and +10 power der and Mental def, only vs supernatural attacks (because a luchadore is a man of virtue...El santo wrestled SATAN!) Ive always had the world of wrasslin intersect with the Super world through the "Galactic wrestling Federation" of course in this world that one legged guy on WWE will turn out to be a fomorian infiltrator so it's definatly on the swashbuckle side. I normally run grim and gritty style adventures so if it gets off the ground it will be change of pace...
  5. Small clips is how I've always done cannons and double barrel shot guns and I've always been happy with it. I guess if it's really hard to load add RSR SE: Extra time (if you mess up it takes longer) hopefully that should do it or add in "changing clips requires two hands (or more if it is a multi person job)
  6. I'm not an expert, but my experience with the law is it is much like making sausages....not always fun to watch. Basicly there are rules and guidlines, but if the judge wants to or gets convinved to almost anything can go, For example if you are a Blazers fan you know some our boys are felens or are awaiting charges ,but they travel. Why?...cause a judge said it would be OK...so just prepare some Star Trek science quality legalistic mishmash and you're golden.....
  7. I basicly have no problem,in fact due to a house rule it is slightly more effective...I have always levied a "must take a point of stun per body taken" rule,it's just me....my main warning about Pen is the fact that almost all Force walls become useless when it becomes common....
  8. Blue moon would only shoot someone for smokin next to a NO smoking sign....I'll add my voice the "much rejoicing" about Dark champs return...I'm hoping it has a section on street level champs as this is my personal fav...(True supers,but crime fighters rather than world beaters, but still forced to save the world anyway)....
  9. Thanx...I guess I'll have to break down and buy some actual MA moves...Flying dodge,MA grab,Ma escape and a Speed strike....Hmmm +20 Pres RSR: Acro,must follow high octane move....Suceptable:Bare faced shame 2D6.....Does anyone speak spanish? I have the name Sangria Flameco scribbled down but it would be nice to have an actual spanish name rather than Spanlesh...I am going with the tag line "My blood is on fire!" just prior to a signature move....
  10. I always recomend for pulp style crime fighters Well connected and at least 5 contacts (Police comish,mayor,X society etc...)Other than that Looking good....
  11. An alternative method I have used for this is Area effect and Reduced by range 6 of 1, Half dozen of the other....
  12. I saw a thread on luche libre (sp?) a while back and got inspired ...this is what I've got so far and I'd apreachiate any help you can provide.......HA +6D6 RSR:Acrobatics (high octane moves) +3 DCV RSR: Acrobatics and +6" superleap, you guessed it RSR: Acro, +5" of running and Rapid strike. I'm also thinking +6 OCV with Sweep and a "Signature move" such as a naked advantage of AP on the HA, RSR SE:NND(Move backfires) Then going with MA-Brick stats ,say 30 ST and 25 Con...Well? will ths character blow chunks or rock like Ultimo dragon?
  13. Involuntary change:Drug wears off? Some kind of overdose danger? And I personally like SE:Psych lim for drugs.....
  14. Involuntary change:Drug wears off? Some kind of overdose danger? And I personally like SE:Psych lim for drugs.....
  15. A friend of mine used +X running,lim must bounce off things and Damage Reduction,only when 1/2 stun or less for the heroic wrasler comeback and a righteous wrassler recovery that nowadays would be a Healing Persistant:lim must have cheering crowd I would guess look at the speedster MA and the Flying clown(???) MA in UMA for more high octane moves....
  16. I thought "Clumsey but mobile" was the Lim for vehicle equip.....
  17. I agree build FF Zero End,SE:Drain END(Bat) runs off bat only and Bingo....or buy it as a general lim "loses 3D6 end when hit or the like....
  18. I personally belong to the "wingin it" style but I always have a "script" of cool things for the various NPCs to say, a flow chart of what connects to/influences what and character sheets for majors and 3x5 s of minor NPCs...I find that thinking up cool things to say a few days eary at Taco bell greatly improves my oratory skills....I also include phases that are clues,such as overhead conversations as well....
  19. Auto-fire is a usefull but not dominate power...just like it should be,it is only gruesome against Damage reduction weasals...ie: "well you take 4 body,halve that to 2 body,Ummm 4 times...dude you look pale" As noted auto fire is best when comboed up with other stuff like levels with ranged combat/"my gun" and both AP and Pen are terrifiying with an accurate autofire attack. My "Vigilante" character carrys a 2D6 RKA AP Autofire 0 END machine gun and mows down supers as easaly as criminals,without Hardened this this is brutal! But that character is built to be a gun fighter...
  20. HO! I was thinking an ECV entangle:Only vs sleeping targets,disapears in one weeks time.....thats the beuty of Hero theres always a Lot of ways to do things...
  21. Use paper counters or use a generic luck roll..."Roll 3D6 plus any you've got" Basicly what you're unhappy is bad roleplaying so by all means discourage it. Maybe reward the most basic roleplay and slowly raise the bar..."Why yes there most certainly is....how do you propose to find it?"
  22. Sounds reasonable...I beleive Golden age champions had something like it...I tend towards the fast and loose,wingin it style. So I tend to handle many things without bothering with exact rules..."Dude, you are just going to break your hands" rather than "It will do X damage to location Y" but if your style heads in that direction,it should work just fine...though what do you do with MA attacks..."Sorry Bats, you bust your hand on Gronds mighty hide"...."@#$%^!"
  23. I aim for 50/50...but the actual split is based on the players...in recent years I really don't play or run often...but the last regular group I ran was one where we could have 2 or 3 sessions of non combat and the an orgy of violence with 2+combats a night, it just varys but I basicly formulate a run as Investigate and interaction then bust heads....that way everybody gets a cookie....
  24. I always felt that supes was a rip-off of John Carter of Mars...alien champion...lots o' powers 'cause the gravity is so low...etc...even has the hots for aliens that somehow are just like the girls back home...
  25. I use a Rip-off of T-1000's as enforcers for a hidden evil and I basicly went with the Damage reduction+low armor and it plays and "feels" just fine add in the form contrlling effects and ba-boom...done
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