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Everything posted by Tech

  1. Tech

    Show me the PC

    Re: Show me the PC I present to you Bulls-eye, my sharpshooter hero. I actually play two heroes in the same group, so the experience he has isn't quite as high as his other teammates. Still, he holds his own and has amazed the other heroes with his skill and abilities. Although his stats are a bit on the high side, he is still a talented non-superpowered normal. BULLS-EYE Secret Id: Officer Mark Harrison 20 Str 10 Base 200+ 25 Dex 45 15 Secret Identity 20 Con 20 15 Code vs Killing 14 Body 8 5 Hunted by Various Gunslingers 8- 14 Int 4 (Only to test skills; no punishment) 11 Ego 2 20 Pre 10 Dex 14-, Con 13-, Int 12- 16 Com 3 Per 15-, Hear 15-, Ego 11- (24) 10 PD 6 (24) 10 ED 6 CHA 156 6 Spd 25 POW 369 11 Rec 6 Total 525 40 End 0 45 Stun 11 Current Experience Pts: 320 SKILLS/TALENTS/PERKS/POWERS 45 Multipower (102 pts), OAF - Bullseye Gun, takes 1/2 pha to switch Ultras 5 u. 8d6 EB (Blaster), Autofire up to 10 cha, 4 clips @ 12 cha, +3d6 EB - cannot use more than 1 cha. (May use up to 8d6 for Autofire attks, 11d6 for single shot; draws from same clip) 3 u. 6d6, 6 Def Entangle, 2 clips @ 6 cha. (Fast expanding plastic) 3 u. 6d6 EB NND (LS vs inhaled gas), 2 clips @ 6 cha. (Knockout gas) 8 +4 OCV levels with Autofire only, OAF-Bulls-eye's Gun (Enhanced tracking) 16 Darkness 3" r, immune to Normal sight, IR & UV vision, Radio, 3 cha lasting 1 turn, OAF-Blackout Pellets 6 Elemental Control: Lasso (OAF) 13 * Entangle 3d6, 3 Def, 1 Recov Charge, can't form barriers; + 1d6, 2 def Entangle, 1 turn delay (Hog-tying) 6 * Stretching 5", no NCM, can't do damage, 1 Recov Charge (Lasso the varmint) 42 +14 PD, +14 ED Armor - IIF (Costume that doesn't look armored) 28 Martial Arts (Tae Kwon Do) with +2 DC added in * Punch/Elbow Strike +0 OCV +2 DCV 8d6 * Side/Roundhouse Kick -2 OCV +1 DCV 10d6 * Arm Sweep Block +2 OCV +2 DCV Block * Martial Throw +0 OCV +1 DCV 6d6 + v/5 * Martial Dodge -- OCV +5 DCV Dodge 5 Radio Perception/Transmission (OAF-Walkie-talkie) 15 Enhanced Vision +3, Enhanced Hearing +3 (Sharp senses) 6 Telescopic Vision +4 (Excellent vision) 2 +2d6 to Presence Attacks, 2 cha (No-nonsense/Watch-out Glare) 10 2d6 Luck 26 2 Combat Levels, 2 Levels with Ranged Attacks 6 3 Ranged Levels with Guns for Range Modifiers 15 Up to +10 OCV to neutralize autofire minuses 6 +2 OCV Levels vs Foci 15 Autofire Skills: Accurate, Concentrated & Skipover Sprayfire 21 Acrobatics, Breakfall, Fast Draw (all 16 or less) 9 Criminology (12-), Stealth (13-), Stealth (14-) 9 Ambidexterity (reduces all penalties) 8 Riding: Horses (15 or less) and PS: Showmanship (15 or less) 9 TF: Common motorized ground vehicles, Rafts, Small & Large: row, wind-powered, motorized boats 2 TF: Motorcycles, Combat Aircraft 6 Combat Driving (14 or less): Cars, Combat Aircraft 2 Reputation (14 or less): Bulls-Eye, part of hero group (State-wide, +1d6 to Pre Attks) 1 Reputation (11 or less): Mark Harrison, superb sniper (Police, +1d6 to Pre Attks) 3 Perks: Weapon Permit (Bulls-eye gun), Concealed Weapon Permit (Police) 2 Perks: Local Police Powers (Officer Mark Harrison & Bulls-eye) 16 Modified Police Car NOTES: 1) Bulls-eye's Gun is a marvel of technology, appearing to look no more than a hi-tech blaster pistol. 2) The Blackout Pellets are not smoke pellets. Instead, it creates an electromagnetic sphere of darkness, which selectively targets certain senses. 3) His lasso is just ordinary rope 4) His walkie-talkie is not standard police issue but appearing more like a pen in size. 5) I only wanted to be able to use his +2d6 to Pre attks a couple times, hence the charges. 6) The perk for Officer Harrison & Bulls-eye is actually bought twice. The one for B-E was awarded by the GM, hence a cost of 2 + 0 = 2. 7) Yes, I have the car written up. No, it's not showing up on this sheet. 8) No, he does not has Watched: Police. Although he 'does' have it as a police officer, it's never been a problem, hence, not a disadvantage. He's also been awarded the Cop of the Year the past couple years. The police also realize Officer Harrison has ties with the hero group and likes being able to have some connection with the group. 9) Bulls-eye has such a reputation for his marksmanship that other gunslingers 'Hunt' him to be have contests to prove their skills vs his, that's all.
  2. Tech

    Show me the PC

    Re: Show me the PC More, more, I want to see more!
  3. Re: Superhero Images I'm beginning to wonder if this is becoming a dead thread; not because people don't want to show their hero images but because of the 1 meg limit, which has forced quite a lot of images that were formerly on this thread to be removed. I know 1 meg multiplied many times over by various posters can add up but it's seriously hurting further threads such as this.
  4. Re: Q: Move Through... with an LTD That's okay, to which I reply: Heathen!! Quote it right: 'Today, we get behind the wheel of Detroit steel.' And in the case of ramming that car into Grond, it's aptly put (& deserved).
  5. Re: Q: Move Through... with an LTD Totally agree. Unfortunately, it seems to me too many GM's try to go with a hard ruling instead of just going with the flow and let the fun action take place. I agree. This is a blight on the face of the earth and needs to be wrecked.
  6. Re: Superhero Images Years in the coming since I've had this image over ten years, but here's one of our groups, called Counterforce. All the characters in the pic are still together in the group. This was originally done on my Amiga computer.
  7. Tech

    Show me the PC

    Re: Show me the PC Which one? I have several currently. Most experienced? Most fun? Most powerful (a difficult decision to make there)? Just pick one?
  8. Re: Supervillain Images This is a really cool pic!
  9. Re: Superhero Images I've got an image of our hero group from over ten years ago, before scanners existed. Gotta upload that here sometime. Yeah, I've been playing for awhile.
  10. Tech


    Re: Unstoppable I hope that full 250 Str isn't usuable against heroes. "50d6 Punch at you - you're splatted."
  11. Re: The Incredibles What? No write-ups yet? I'm shocked.
  12. The Incredibles are Incredible! For anyone who's ever dreamed of being a hero or who loves the superhero world, this is the movie to see! I saw it with my brother and I loved every moment of it. I gotta say that before I saw the movie, I too thought stretching powers were bland. Now, I have to say that stretching powers ROCK! I also have to say the same thing about invisibility and superspeed. If you don't see this movie, you're missing out! By the way, my brother and I are 39. Wow, it seems we sure have a lot of gamers who are adults.
  13. Tech

    GM's "rights"

    Re: GM's "rights" I'm seeing various kinds of styles here. I'm seeing some where the GM creates the world and you get to play in it and I have to say, that sounds more like a MMORPG than Hero Games. There are others where the player has total control and the GM caters to the player. Finally, I've seen the middle ground where both give and take. For myself, I let the players have total control over their characters as long as the characters don't cause problems to the game or balance. Write your history as you want. If I want to change something, add something or anything else, I take the player to the side well in advance of what I might be planning, say an episode, and talk to them. If they don't like the idea, perhaps someone else might want to take a crack. I've had players have their characters acting strange because their character has been kidnapped and a villain is in disguise. My brother had our entire team go undercover and act like villains to get allowance into a villain group. Both of these ideas were fun and have been done more than once. I take the side that it is not that the players have been roles to play out, ala actors playing the part of a character but that the players have created charcters to play out each their own in a world I've created. The game is for the players to have fun in. Finding the balance between coming up with creative and/or new things for the players and out-and-out interferring with the players can be a fine line but getting input from the players is very helpful. Better yet, ask the players to write out ideas they might want to see done in an episode or even the basis for an episode but make them aware all, some, a few or none of the ideas may be used. Generally, out of a vast amount of them, most don't fit in the game setting for one reason or another, some are good, a few are great and there's a beautiful pearl of an idea that occasionally pops up from such suggestions.
  14. Re: I'm afraid to ask... The extra points have been suggested to go towards things such as skills overall. However, using the points to go towards refining the character overall has been my suggestion. You could add a few points towards your INT, EGO or PRE so you don't have a 10 INT, 10 EGo and 10 PRE. Maybe actually buy PS: Plumber 13 or less. Buy that little annoying power that allows you to make your teammates hair turn green. Increasing the Base from 100 pts to 200 pts may make you drool but it goes fast. A change not mentioned you should be aware of is that Hunted by VIPER on a 14 or less is no longer 30 or 35 pts. Points received from disadvantages have changed from 3rd ed to 5th ed. If your character for whatever reason greatly increases in cost, beyond the extra 100 pts received from your base, and your GM allows it, you may receive the extra points necessary to pay for your character as a Grandfather bonus. Interesting enough, the base increase did not change the range of defense, attack or anything else in my campaign.
  15. Re: Another Take on the Animated Justice League I've been out of the circuit with the Justice League for quite awhile, comicbook-wise. Now, as I recall Grundy's origin from like over 20 years ago, he's not undead. His origin was that he came alive from a mix of chemicals. Has his origin changed? If so, I wouldn't be surprised.
  16. Re: Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow I saw it. I was a good movie but not a great movie. Even though I thought there was at least 1 plot hole, it seemed to resolve any loose ends. I do see it as possible that there might be another Sky Captain movie.
  17. Re: Encouraging cinematic actions and role playing in combat Blue, thank you, thank you. An excellent suggesion I'm immediately implementing. I'm not worthy!
  18. Stats JMHammer, thank you so much for writing up Supergirl & Captain Atom. I really liked those two. I especially liked the stats because they were put in some form of concrete stats that I could use to model my own version of Supergirl. Kudos.
  19. Tech

    The Destroyers

    Re: The Destroyers Ok... I disagree and I'm not wrong.
  20. Re: Another Take on the Animated Justice League Although more part of Justice League Unlimited, I'd like to see Supergirl written up. These are great stats!
  21. Re: SuperVillian Combat problems. Starblaze, I hope we've helped.
  22. Re: Telepathy Refraction I agree. I was checking to see if there were any other ways of building it, and you've come up with creative ideas. However, for simplicity and cost, I'll go with JeffreyWKramer's first suggestion. My hat off to you.
  23. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... My vote for for this month's best quote from my campaign goes to my brother who was GM'ing this past Friday: GM: Wendy, you are having your harp moved when suddenly, a lady wearing an opera outfit with cardboard wings steps out. "Give me your harp! I am searching for the perfect harp with which I shall take over the world!" Me (thinking to self): Huh? Is this a lame villain or something? GM: You may call me: Harp-ee! (everyone burst out laughing) As plain a pun as this may seem, no one saw it coming.
  24. Re: Telepathy Refraction
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