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Everything posted by Blue

  1. Re: The “Unofficial†Ultimate Mentalist Project (Fan Version “What Do *You* Want To See?" Since I think Mind Control in Hero is the hardest thing to ajudicate, and with all the save rolls, you can never get the target to do what you want, I'd think judicious application of Mind Control would be helpful. Plenty of examples always help.
  2. Re: The “Unofficial†Ultimate Mentalist Project (Fan Version “What Do *You* Want To See?" Movies: Scanners (Mind to Mind combat), The Sender, The Fury (Telekinetic battle), The Gift
  3. Re: movies/t.v. vs comic books At least he's not in that silly George Clooney batman costume with the bat-sox stuffed down the front.
  4. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? To Vanguard00's I'll add, "...About superbowl comericals".
  5. Blue

    Pulparize It!

    Re: Pulparize It! Funny how everything is pulpy once you add Nazis! Repo Man a depression era thug and fan of edgey new "swing" music is hired to repossess belongings from people who were victims of the stock market crash, discovers something strange and deadly in the trunk of a Model T.
  6. Re: George Perez & Champions I only remembered him doing the 4e cover. Guess I should pay more attention. You can never have too much Perez.
  7. Blue

    Pulparize It!

    Re: Pulparize It! The Triangle. A rich shipping magnate, tired of losing cargo, manpower, and ships to the mysterious Bermuda Triangle, gathers a skeptical journalist, a grizzled sea captain*, a scientist, and a psychic to explore the area. (*=Changed from Oceanographer as that's not very "pulpy")
  8. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Gladys Knight & The Pips. My favorite GK&P song. Gladys was smooth. Aretha's a little more brassy.
  9. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Took a break from CoV to do a little bit of CoH. Did visit Pocket D. Funny thing is, when they first put in Paragon Dance Party, people were in there dancing. In this place everyone stands around. What's more, someone was in there exploiting a bug, i believe, where they could stand outside the windows and look in. At least one of those present said it was a bug, and when they started to talk about it apparently they got a GM tell to stop As for the content of CoH, by the time they added new stuff in the last few patches, my characters were pretty much beyond the point where it was useful to me without starting a new toon. (I'm speaking of Croatoa and some other areas). So it's been a while since I *really* got new content in CoH. CoV is still new to me at times. Lots of the same stuff, but occasionally you snag a good storyline. And there are plenty of zones I haven't graduated to yet. When you're in Pocket D, be sure to say hi to Isaac and Sam, the bartenders
  10. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? MILK, by Stormtroopers of Death
  11. Blue

    Pulparize It!

    Re: Pulparize It! Swiss Family Robinson. Family is marooned on a tropical island. Armed only with their knowledge of building fantastical tree-houses with running plumbing, manufacture of boobie traps, and how to repair a pipe organ, they defend themselves against oriental pirates. Funny thing is, I started to mention LOST and wound up on a seque into SFR, so what the heck. This way I Didn't have to change anything. Island of Dr. Moreau. Adventurers find themselves on an island populated by half-man, half-animal freaks... Wasn't there more of a plot than this? I'm having a heck of a time trying to remember what, if so.
  12. Re: Lines in the sand... Nah. Get out of here. Lunatic!
  13. Blue

    Pulparize It!

    Re: Pulparize It! Ooh, Like the Khan one. "You left me deep beneath the ocean long ago, aboard the U-boat Botany Bay" Beverly Hills Cop. Reckless detective Axel Foley must Journey cross country to Hollywood and deal with culture shock and local cops who don't appreciate his style so as to apprehend the owner of the local hunt club. (But only if I get to play Serge)
  14. Blue

    Pulparize It!

    As mentioned in the Tremors IV: Thread, anything can be made pulp by simply changing the setting and making some tweaks! So I invite... nay, I DARE you to do so here. I'll start off... Predator: A group of experienced adventurers are sent deep into the jungle to find the remains of a previous expodition, only to be stalked by a hideous beast that can blend in with the surroundings. (Okay, that was an easy one, I'll try to think of something harder)
  15. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? When The Levee Breaks, Zep
  16. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Don't Follow by Alice In Chains
  17. Re: How to Overthrow the Alien Overlords? The reason for invasion could have something to do with their vulnerability. Consider: During the course of their underground work against the aliens, our heroes discover that something 'special' is being stored in an alien base. Figuring it's a new super-weapons or something, they break in. They discover instead it's another alien of a different race. They take him away as he was obviously being detained there. Once they're able to communicate with him they discover that he's from a defeated race in a far off galaxy and he's come to bring word that the reason the aliens attack certain planets first is to "corner the market" on a given resource that is actually harmful to them. (Uranium, Iron Ore, etc.) Armed with this knowledge our heroes put away their blasters and take up primitive weapons that will do more harm and begin their movement. There could also be a a secret weapon planted on this world long ago by the other aliens, knowing it might someday be needed. This makes the campaign a hunt to find the weapon before the aliens do.
  18. Re: It seemed like such a good idea... My favorite champions character, Anthem, is a highly invulnerable martial artist. Her weakness is definitely grabs, so I've been giving her skills and superskills related to slipping free of grabs. But there are holes, and it's kind of intentional. The point to me is to give the character room to grow. As for bad character design: Plenty of times. But not one particular one comes to mind. Oh, there was a guy who was all flying movethroughs (like Cannonball), except he never seemed to be able to do two in a row becuase he'd KO himself on the second one
  19. Re: Help With A Character Naturally we have the classic illusions/images that do damage. Could be a nice drain to DEX or EGO if you think that all sorts of things are happening around you during a fight that actually aren't. A sort of distraction factor (Killing CV or demoralizing our hero/villain). I've toyed with, but never tried, a character with illusionary powers and a teleport that's linked to a teleport usable against others. You'd have a hard time knowing who to shoot with the guy sometimes swapping places with people and other times just looking like he did.
  20. Re: Choose your words carefully! Thanks for the suggestions, folks. Hopefully, I'll have time to work on some of this tomorrow. Just had overtime dumped in my lap. (As to Zan and Jana, I think it's best that a brother and sister aren't bathed in one another anyway. But I'm old fashioned that way)
  21. So I had an idea on the way home on the freeway tonight. In a Blackbolt-like turn, a character who cannot speak for fear of the power of their voice. But in this case it would not be the raw power so much as his/her words ability to alter reality in some minor way. It seems like basically a cosmic power pool with incantations required on all effects. I considered "Uncontrollable" but that's not really the case. I mean, if she wished you'd burn in hell, you'd likely catch on fire (as intended). But on the other hand, if she said "I forgot", she might literally forget whatever piece of information it was she had. So she doesn't have aboslute control over the power, but for the most part she can cause an effect with her words that is governable by the GM. I'm playing with the idea of some sort of skill roll that must be made in order to garner a positive effect (Positive for her). I've also considred luck, unluck, side effect, uncontrollable, physical disadvantages... Any good ideas on how to model this power? Got a couple ideas for background. Like the typical deal with the devil "power grab" gone wrong. In any event, she's going to want to stay mute unless action is needed, for fear she might inadvertently cause trouble.
  22. Re: Best supporting non-super character in comics? Ooh! Ooh!... Ben Urich! Especially in The Pulse. (That question about White knowing about Superman reminded me what Urich knows) Jessica Jones too, when they're not trying to give her superpowers.
  23. Re: M&M pees in HERO's cheerios... So this isn't a thread about Yellow M&Ms?
  24. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? (Thanks DT, now I'm going to be humming "Unmarked Helicopters" all morning.) Though currently: Awake by Godsmack. ...they saaaaaid it was a weather balloooooon...
  25. Re: WWYCD: The Safe Anthem and Uncle Slam wouldn't try. She doesn't have the skill, and he's guessing he doesn't have the strength, nor the interest (He'd think it was too frivolous to bother with).
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