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Scott Baker

HERO Member
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Everything posted by Scott Baker

  1. I'll vote for here. This is the only site I frequent.
  2. In the comics it's more of a plot device as to where the lantern is. I would treat it as such for game play as well. In play decide where the lantern can be accessed from (the character's apartment, or their base, etc.). If it travels with the character it wouldn't be limiting that they need it every day to recharge the ring, so wouldn't be worth any sort of limitation (if you think it warrants one at all). Whether the lantern is physically at the location, or stored in an extra-dimensional pocket is just SFX.
  3. The differences are minor. It really just updates to match 6E terminology, etc. The 6E book is actually formatted to match the exact same page numbering as in 5E. I know there was a thread about this in the past, but don't have time to run it through Google. The 6E skills book came out under 6E1/6E2. It does not reflect any changes made between the original 6E and CC (or FHC now).
  4. Yes I watched it. I'm not going to argue with you as it's pointless.
  5. Forum search is currently disabled. You can use google to search and restrict it to the site.
  6. Fire bending requires a fire source for most benders. That's why they always have a bunch of sources around. Later in the original series, Aang and Zuko learned from the dragons how to summon fire from within. And just to be accurate, air-bending requires air, but it would be a -0 unless you plan to have a lot of adventures underwater.
  7. This is why video games "teach" you the game controls as you play. No one (an exaggeration, I know) bothered to read the manuals. Which led to a bonus for the publishers. They no longer had to put manuals in with the products, so they saved on the cost of publication.
  8. This is where I would put the link to the thread on building a fork in Hero if I felt like searching for it.
  9. Still a plot device for me. Normally they can communicate. For purposes of story, occasionally they can't.
  10. I see the TARDIS as a plot-device more than a full-fledged base/vehicle that the character pays for. If there are some "features" that are used over-and-over and are actually useful, make them pay for those i suppose. Otherwise, it's something that the GM uses to get the characters to where the adventure is taking them.
  11. There are a number of odd price discrepancies (in both directions) between the Hero Store an DTRPG. I can't figure it out.
  12. Amazon 3803.87 new 191.45 used It's like buying a car. It loses most of its value as soon as you drive it off the lot (or open the cover).
  13. Thanks for the link. I'm definitely going to check it out.
  14. @Mister E: I'm not sure what rules set the OP is using, but Class of Minds was removed in Champions Complete, so it may not even be a consideration. That said, I'd probably go Balabanto's route.
  15. No, I can't claim anything to do with it. Someone had posted "the last fantasy map you'll ever need." I saw this on Google+, so posted it here because it was along the same lines--and had some good laughs.
  16. I agree (since I posted the map in another thread here some time ago).
  17. This sounds like a Focus. Make it Durable (doubles its defense, making it tough to damage) and Universal (so others can use it). The whole "only the alien engineer(s)" can fix it is just part of how you've defined that the focus can be repaired. If this is a super heroic game, I wouldn't let this character accumulate devices they hadn't paid for. Unless all of the characters have the same option, it sounds like you're enabling this particular character to overpower/overshadow the other characters. While it might seem to make sense from the character perspective, it doesn't, IMO, make dramatic sense for a game. If that's a typo, and you meant, "tech powers that he has paid for," then it's just more of the same foci-based powers. And I'm fine with that.
  18. Sounds like a fun first session. Keep us posted.
  19. Cramming only grants a familiarity, so it doesn't seem to match the intent of answering any question (familiarity is shallow knowledge). RAW also requires the character to cram in advance, and buy it multiple times if they want to cram for more than 1 subject at a time.
  20. CritMaster was brutal, but I still give the winning nod to the original Arduin Grimoire. There were just so many ways to die every time you played....
  21. When I posted those percentages there were 51 Hero System backers, 13 Savage Worlds backers, 4 M&M backers, and 17 backers for the triple-threat. SW has actually gone up slightly overall since then (more than Hero), while M&M appears to be the same.
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