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Pattern Ghost

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Everything posted by Pattern Ghost

  1. Re: Clinging Just curious: Why not use Entangle?
  2. Ok, I've not found anything definitive with Search, so sorry if this has been gone over before and I've missed it. What I'm looking for are some specific examples of things left out of the Basic Rulebook. The list doesn't have to be exhaustive, but I'd appreciate a few highlights of the more important things. Thanks.
  3. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Chocolate: A thai martial arts movie from the guy who made Ong Bak. Highly recommended if you like martial arts movies. Also just finished a Battlestar Galactica marathon, including all four seasons, Razor and The Plan. The Plan wasn't quite so good. Also watched the pilot for Caprica. Let's see, other movies: Adventureland: Not bad, though not very funny. I didn't see it as a comedy. The Hangover: I can't believe this got the ratings it did. Coraline: Pretty decent. Creepy. The extras were very cool, showing the HUGE amount of work that went into the animation. Terminator: Salvation: Crap on toast. Crap on gray, featureless toast. Julie and Julia: OK, but not much plot. Amy Adams still cute with short hair, so watchable. =) I think one more movie, but since I can't remember it must not have been that good. We've been breaking in our new TV and Blu Ray player. Just went HD and caught up with the 21st century.
  4. Re: Character Creator Contest Ahh. Thanks, I'll have to give that a try once I get done moving. That little tidbit would've been nice on the actual contest page.
  5. Re: Xbox 360 Version of Champions Online Being Held Back By MS
  6. Re: Character Creator Contest The "Character Creator" client downloaded from the link provided did not seem to be a ". . . special character creation and customization client designed specifically for this contest..." but a full game install. Is it supposed to be a standalone character creator?
  7. Re: What sorta rig are you running? I'm playing on an Athlon 64 3200, 4gigs RAM (3 used), geForce 8600GT. I get a whopping 6-20 fps. Can't wait to get moved and commandeer my wife's dual core. Hopefully, it'll give me a few more frames. =) (BTW, the command to see your fps in game is same as in CoH/V: type "showfps 1" in your chat, sans quotes.)
  8. Re: List Your CO Heroes! OK. I caved in and got it. I'm going to put my video card in my wife's PC and we're going to share that one for gaming, after we get done moving to the new apartment. So, I won't be on much until later in the month, just creating some characters most likely. I am @PatternGhost: Geist: Munitions. Going to mix in some MA and some Power Armor. Inspired by Ghost in the Shell. Blue Comet: Out of retirement, golden age cosmic-y type. Custom Framework w/Might builder and Force attack. Greyhound: Speedster. Took Single Blade, hoping there's a billy club style replacer for it somewhere. Krusher McGee: Might. Maxed most body sliders. Minimized head size slider. A hero worthy of Liefield. (Ok, the game won't let you make anything quite as bad as a Liefield.) I'll probably make something from Sorcery next. Haven't got a particular character in mind though.
  9. Re: Things you've noticed I liked the Foxbat mission in the starting area. When i heard his griping at first, I thought it was just another stranded citizen, until it annoyed me enough to go over and take a look.
  10. Re: Screenshots A few shots of my last character. I thought I'd taken screens of earlier characters, but maybe they were deleted after a patch, or I was just imagining it. First is a pic of the "milk mustache" that most of the characters seem to have. This is one of my complaints with the lighting: There's no reason that area of the lips should be reflecting a lot of light. Next are some pics of Geist. She's a gun slinger/martial artist in a hard suit (not power armor per se, just armor with some tech in it, like sensors, comm, stealth (invis/camo), etc.). One of these shows that James Harmon is clearly a "brilliant" inventor. (That glow is only when he's standing there waiting to be interacted with, so probably not an actual lighting issue. I just thought it was funny.)
  11. Re: End of beta thoughts. I played the very last few minutes of the beta, before they took the server offline. I'll say that the graphics issues regarding weird lighting seemed to be much improved. On the other hand, there was massive clipping through the map in the Project Greenskin area. Hopefully they'll fix that back up in an early patch.
  12. Re: Not good enough I think the whole "rubbery" thing is simply due to the default costume texture on most pieces being set to leather. Cloth doesn't look rubbery to me. Just remember to set the costume texture if that bothers you. The creator itself is nice. That's a nice touch. Not having to pay for a respec to tweak those settings is thoughtful, and hopefully will be that way for release as well. Having numbers to play with is always nice. I think that was something they didn't think was important to players when they did CoH. If you recall, at release you couldn't see any of your actual numbers for enhancements. Putting those in the UI came a while later. Looking at the power sets, I think there are strong incentives to specialize despite the flexibility. The system does have some potential for making interesting builds that are still effective while letting you play with different character concepts. One of the nice things is that you can also buy defensive powers that are improved versions of the block, in addition to the usual kinds. Gives some flavor to the basic block. Blasters in CoH have always been beasts up close. One difference in CO and CoH is that you will run into critters that will hold or mez you right out of the gate, and they will hurt your squishy a lot more than anything at low level in CoH will. You will learn to mash the Z button early on. Which is actually good. They teach you all the core concepts and let you practice them right out of the gate. I think that probably helps the learning curve. I want to like it. I'm glad you're liking it. As I said earlier, the game is a CPU hog, and that's the major weakness of my computer. It's very possible that the "bad" animations are simply something the game does to save on CPU time that isn't reflected in the in game settings. Maybe it just automagically kicks down the animation quality on slower CPUs? I did allow that most (if not all) of my qualms may be solveable on a higher end system. My Mac would probably play it decently, though the video card is slightly weaker than my PC, it's got a dual core that's much faster. But I'm not going to invest in Windows for my Mac right now, b/c Win 7 is going to cost an arm and a leg when it releases, and I'm short on extra limbs at the moment. That's good to know. Do you see the detail on characters' faces (NPCS and PCs both) without excessive light shine/reflection on them on your system? If yes, then it gives me hope that it's just a system thing. Either a dislike for my particular GPU or a consequence on running it on a slow PC. I really would like to play through it to see all the content, as I said earlier. I'm with you on that part. The content looks very entertaining, and the world worth exploring. I've been in since near the end of the open beta, when they let in the 10,000 for that online magazine promotion. I wouldn't have to buy a new computer, just a copy of Windows for my Mac, but I can't justify spending that much to play one game right now. I may just get it for the 360. The game will have matured by then, so I can get to hear even more real players' reports like yours. I'm sure I'll be itching for it by time it hits the 360. I snipped the rest, but appreciate the sentiment. I think it's going to be a solid game. It's going to lose a few customers like me who just can't justify dropping cash into upgrades right now, but I think it may pull in a lot more if it can get the 360 or another console release out sometime later this year, or early next. I think they probably have a winner on their hands, no argument there. My own preferences and limitations are just that. Not an indictment of the game. Sorry if my earlier post sounded like I was trying to be a wet blanket. (I don't have to try, it comes naturally!)
  13. Re: Difference between games? I don't like it for other reasons, but dinging it for not using the PnP mechanics is a bit unrealistic.
  14. Re: Not good enough OK, now that the NDA has lifted, I can say a few things I've noticed about the game: 1. It is a massive CPU hog. I think a CPU upgrade will be more beneficial, provided you already have 2-3 GB of RAM. 2. The graphics suck when you turn them back. Even at the default level, which my machine will run, the game doesn't look that great. 3. The graphic design for PCs and character animations suck. None of the character faces looks human. They'd have been better off using several base heads instead of one. The character skeletons are articulated badly, with the female being the worst offender. The animations in general are bad. Lighting is way overdone, even if you turn down the lighting options. They also seem to pick the wrong damned part of a character or object to reflect light off of much of the time, especially in regards to characters' faces. 4. If you're looking for game play innovations and you've been playing MMOs for a few years, you won't find many. Public mission execution is much less satisfying than in WAR. On the plus side, the world feels much deeper than that of CoH/V, and I think they've used the license very well, and in a manner that will satisfy a lot of Champions PnP fans. Overall, if you don't mind the graphics, the animations and the terrible lighting (and you might not if you have a higher end system, because those problems may not exist, or at least be lessened then), then the game looks fun. It's not groundbreaking stuff, but I'd at least try to get to level cap with a character and make an alt or two, just to see the storyline stuff and explore the world, if I wasn't put off so much by the graphics. I really want to like this game, but I'll have to see if they get their act together on the graphics engine (I could live with the character models if they got their act together on the lighting), and see how it looks on a 360. I don't think it's in a state that will satisfy me at release, but I do believe the developers are continuing to refine the game and will continue to improve it after release. In the meantime, I'll putter around Middle Earth sight-seeing in LOTRO. It's not half bad, and runs well on my system.
  15. Re: Any plans for a HERO Players Superteam once game is released? If the Xbox players are on a different server from the PC players, will there be two Hero supergroups?
  16. Re: Lifetime Subscription Or 21 months at the $10/month price, which is the 6 months for $60 that's the other pre-order offer.
  17. Re: Female/Male Super-Forms As to the option of the back up character if this one didn't work out... why? If it doesn't work out, you could always have him transform into a male Golden Age hero, and the awkwardness is solved while maintaining all the good story hooks that the original concept has.
  18. Re: Not good enough I'd advise to wait until near the end of the Open Beta and check again. Typically, fine tuning for performance will go on up to the last minute. Not that it always works. WAR had some performance issues it was ironing out, but still hadn't fixed a month+ after launch. But typically graphics tweaking is ongoing during beta. Also, check your PMs LM.
  19. Re: Mutants and Masterminds: Why did you stay/come back? Then again, FASERIP Marvel had a system for that in the 80s. One step forward and two steps back? I do like the MnM implementation, though.
  20. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #2: New Combat Maneuvers; Objects As Weapons So, I take it this means there will be a little less encouragement by the system to heap on a large number of Complications?
  21. Daeke has posted the Electric power framework, and is working on adding more sets to the site in the near future. Looks interesting. I think it helps give a bit more insight as to how the power system works. http://www.champions-online.com/node/105586
  22. Re: No presence at San Diego Comic Con? I was asking if you were ignorant, not saying you were. Then again, if you can't support your arguments, have a nice day. Edit: And you know, I probably should have apologized for the poor choice of words, and corrected it to "Maybe I was being unclear..." which is more along the lines that I meant, but your condescending tone doesn't rate an apology.
  23. Re: No presence at San Diego Comic Con? Yeah. You're not following me. I'm not talking about Blizzard or DC here. I'm talking average for the industry. You don't play many MMOs or follow their development, do you? Cryptic is taking a very low key approach compared to most MMOs, or heck, most video games. The good thing about this is that they aren't making promises they can't keep for the most part. That means they won't be dinged for failing to live up to the hype. The bad part is, there are still a LOT of people who don't see how they've differentiated CO from CoH or WoW. They have a lot of interesting innovations in game, and they're keeping a lot of the great innovations from CoH, but they may not be doing enough to make people aware of them. By this stage in a game's development, there's usually a lot more info available on how the game plays. All I'm saying is that they're playing it a little close to the chest. I expect a pretty huge info dump coming up as release nears. For example, one of the community managers is putting out detailed info on the power sets soon, just having gotten documentation from the devs. Anyway, it's not a criticism of their approach, per se. I'm curious to see how the low-hype promotion works vs. the norm.
  24. Re: No presence at San Diego Comic Con? Still, low hype campaign for an MMO. Extremely low hype.
  25. Re: No presence at San Diego Comic Con? Did the stairway make any grandiose claims about gameplay?
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