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Everything posted by archer

  1. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-06629-2 ...Thus, our data indicates that mRNA vaccination may generate more neutralizing RBD antibodies than natural immunity. It further suggests a potential need to maintain high RBD antibody levels to control the more infectious SARS-CoV-2 variants.
  2. Outlaw the washing of automobiles....
  3. We recently got around 50 pounds of Reeses cups in one cup packs for a dime and two cup packs for a quarter. They're shaped like little footballs so the store marked them down to get rid of them as pro football season started to wind down. Glad to get them because my strategic stockpile of 11.5 ounce bags of chocolate chips for a quarter is nearly exhausted.
  4. I finally found a high school/college friend on social media the other day. I'd been looking for him every few years thinking that he'd eventually show up. He had those classic movie star looks and weighed maybe a lean 140 pounds (I was chubby even while doing vast amounts of physical labor which would have put visible muscles on a normal person). Today he looks maybe 15 years older than me and at least 30 pounds heavier. There's no visible trace that he used to be very handsome. Judging from his social media, he hasn't had a particularly hard life like sex, drugs, and rock & roll which would have explained the change. I'm beginning to think that "aging" has little to do with age, even if dying still seems to have a lot to do with death.
  5. Fortunately as the years pass, you'll find fewer and fewer people who are ten years older than you who are dying.
  6. I think at worst a base should be treated exactly as a power a PC purchases which isn't apparently very useful. (Example: Transform skin color to Caucasian, only works on humans who are already Caucasian.) 1) It isn't the GM's job to make the base useful in any way. Instead it is the player's job to make it useful if it is going to be useful. If the player can't figure out a way to make it useful, he'll spend his points differently on the next character. 2) It also definitely isn't the GM's job to treat the base as if it were a disadvantage that the PC took on his character sheet but had to pay points for instead of getting additional points for. Now if the PC took disadvantages on the base, fine, those disadvantages exist. But having a base doesn't cause disadvantages to spontaneously appear out of nowhere if the PC isn't doing anything to create a disadvantage or purchase a disadvantage.
  7. A man rubbed a lamp and an elegant genie exited from the lamp. The genie said, “You have released me from my bronze prison, you may now ask me three wishes of your liking” The man, a clever one indeed, said, “I wish for infinite wishes.” The genie responded with, “I am afraid that is against the rules.” The man said, “I thought you could do anything, can’t you?” The genie let the man know that he could indeed perform that wish, but refused because it would tear society apart The man said, “Okay then… uhh.. gimme an umbrella,” The genie, a little confused now, granted his wish. The man then said, “Now I want you to stick it up your ass.” The genie shoved the umbrella up his ass and groaned in pain and said, “Okay weirdo, I completed your second wish. What else would you like?” The man responded with a dark tone to his voice, “Now give me infinite wishes before I make you open the umbrella.”
  8. Computers are cheaper in terms of points in early 1980's campaigns because they are bulky and immobile.
  9. Should we assume that you drain the fat off of the ground beef after cooking?
  10. Isn't it a bit awkward when some pawn becomes a duplicate queen? Just sayin'....
  11. Is a vampire's food blog just pictures of people's necks?
  12. The Necronomicomic is like the Necronomicon but with more pictures.
  13. Hail Susan, full of grapes....
  14. I'm sympathetic to voice actors to some extent. But Futurama wouldn't keep getting canceled if it were making its network huge money and drawing huge weekly audiences. So there's limits on pay even if it's not clear what those limits might be. There's a lot more expense to animating a sitcom than there is to have a coffeeshop set and film actors sitting on a sofa. So whatever Futurama might make, more of it's earnings is going to be chewed up in production costs than in a normal sitcom. And honestly, they could likely find a voice actor who could do a very good Bender for half of whatever they initially offered DiMaggio. So trying to bring him back at all was a sop to fans rather than a strictly cost-effective business decision. Are voice actors underpaid as a general rule? Yes? Are they infinitely replaceable compared to normal actors? Yes. Did they make DiMaggio an unfair offer? Completely unknown, from the information in the article.
  15. Telemundo could pick it up and turn Babylon 5 into a daytime Spanish soap opera.
  16. I hope B5 (and CW's DC comics programming) survives the sale.
  17. What I've heard is that there's an estimated 1500 truckers nationwide who are in solidarity with the protest, not all of inside Ottawa at the moment. The best estimates I've seen are 121–230 trucks and 430–925 personal vehicles actually in Ottawa. More trucks were in the original convoy than are parked inside Ottawa at the moment. I'm guessing if there was a serious effort to clear the streets that more trucks would attempt to come in and block them again.
  18. That show would have been so much better with more ray guns and fewer machine guns.
  19. 1974 during the Watergate scandal, Richard Kleindienst and G. Gordon Liddy. There's been a lot of people who should have been jailed for it. But Congress has been reluctant to refer people for criminal prosecution. Likely because of the fact that criminal prosecution is at the discretion of the DoJ and there's always some amount of pressure from the party of whichever president that's in charge to let things slide. So Congress rarely refers anyone for prosecution and the DoJ even more rarely follows up and does it.
  20. Oatmeal raisin would go. But the frosted sugar cookies aren't very appealing either. We do those at Christmas because it'd a family tradition on my wife's side of the family. I eat about one every other year. But that's a higher rate than eating oatmeal raisin cookies. An oatmeal cookie without raisins or just eating a handful of raisins are much better than combining the two.
  21. I think the Ottawa trucker protest could be handled much more easily by towing the trucks to a series of "unguarded" parking lots. I don't know what it's like in Canada but in the US, the trucks would be stripped almost as quickly as they were parked. I'm sure the truckers have insurance which would eventually get the trucks repaired. But with 1500 of them, insurance inspectors would be in short supply. With so many trucks losing a significant portion of their parts, room in repair shops would be in short supply. And replacement parts would be in short supply because insurance companies are unlikely to authorize the use of stolen replacement parts purchased from criminals. So the truckers would be out of a way to make a living for a large number of months in addition to the time they missed from work while doing the protests. I doubt how many of them have income replacement insurance and most of them would have truck payments to make. Without a source of income, a good number of the trucks would be repossessed. Could the city of Ottawa be sued for posting an inadequate guard over the impounded trucks? Sure, but that's why cities pay for insurance against lawsuits. And it's questionable whether a trucker would win the suit.
  22. Well, I was kinda hoping by laying out the parameters like I did in the OP that this thread would be a loose collection of witty and pithy sayings that reflected the game world you either played in or GM'ed rather than a deep dive into the topic. More like "give me your attention for a moment" then showing off an aspect of your game world rather than "my philosophy is correct". I mean evil in your world could be a desperate fight against Dormammu and his Mindless Ones who kill everyone in sight and destroy ever building. Or it could be playing Robin Hood against the crown's tax collectors. The difference is just a stylistic one of where you characters hang out, rather than a discussion of which world has the best, or only correct, interpretation of what constitutes evil. Of course, maybe I was too optimistic when I made the thread. I was pretty punch drunk at the time from lack of sleep and had a number of silly conversations.
  23. If you met Frye, you must have also met Bender....
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