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    archer got a reaction from ScottishFox in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    10. Herbert Hoover defeats Al Smith, 1928 (17.41% margin)
    9. Franklin Roosevelt defeats Herbert Hoover, 1932 (17.76% margin)
    8. Andrew Jackson defeats Henry Clay, 1832 (17.81% margin)
    7. Ronald Reagan defeats Walter Mondale, 1984 (18.21% margin)
    6. Theodore Roosevelt defeats Alton Parker, 1904 (18.83% margin)
    5. Lyndon Johnson defeats Barry Goldwater, 1964 (22.58% margin)
    4. Richard Nixon defeats George McGovern, 1972 (23.15% margin)
    3. Franklin Roosevelt defeats Alf Landon, 1936 (24.26% margin)
    2. Calvin Coolidge defeats John Davis, 1924 (25.22% margin)
    1. Warren Harding defeats James Cox, 1920 (26.17% margin)
    Wow, lived through three of those. Let's make it four.
  2. Thanks
    archer got a reaction from Matt the Bruins in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    A federal judge on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit from President Trump’s re-election campaign to block New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy’s (D) plan to send mail-in ballots to all registered voters
    I'd expect the administration to appeal. But considering the state is going to have to get the ballots in the mail in order to have any chance of getting them back before election day, I don't know that another court would have time to consider the case before the ballots hit the mail.
    After they're in the mail, the lawsuit is moot.
    And is it just me or are the Republicans going through extraordinary efforts nationwide in the courts and legislatures to prevent people from voting in this election?
  3. Thanks
    archer got a reaction from Matt the Bruins in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Biden has repeatedly admitted the crime bill was a mistake for at least the last 15 years and in front of all kinds of audiences. And on the floor of the Senate, if I recall correctly.
    As for fixing it, megaplayboy addressed that well:
  4. Haha
    archer got a reaction from tkdguy in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
  5. Haha
    archer got a reaction from BoloOfEarth in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
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    archer reacted to megaplayboy in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    There's a great deal of variance in people's handwriting, and the people processing these ballots aren't necessarily handwriting experts.  Plenty of opportunity for mischief going the other way to just let them toss the ballots.  If need be, put them in a pile and count them provisionally until you can evaluate them further.
  7. Like
    archer reacted to Lord Liaden in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    The timing is close enough to the election date to receive publicity, but too close to be investigated and confirmed before the election. The whole laptop story, in addition to its other improbabilities and inconsistencies, falls within that same window. It's not impossible there could be something to it, but it stinks of classic political dirty tricks.
  8. Like
    archer reacted to Lectryk in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I don't think it will have a measurable impact.  As has been noted several times, the fight is over undecideds, and I think there aren't enough of those in any one state to sway the vote of that state.
    Quote ' "[The] American people can judge for themselves," he said on Thursday. "I have no wish to bury anyone. I've never been political. The few contributions I've made have been the Democrats. But what I am is a patriot, and a veteran, to protect my family name, and my business reputation. I need to ensure that the true facts are out there."
    Also - his timing is incredibly bad for his credibility.  Why did the apolitical, patriotic veteran who is interested only protecting his name and reputation get involved in shady dealings that he knew were wrong in the first place?  Then, why wait until the story blew in a tabloid before coming forward?  
  9. Haha
    archer reacted to Starlord in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I admire his bravery.  Destroying a horcrux is very dangerous.
  10. Like
    archer got a reaction from TrickstaPriest in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I might be more inclined to cut him a break on his racism but there's media reports in 2016 of how black employees in his casinos had to go hide in a back room when he came around because he didn't like to see them working there.
    And there's multiple reports dating back decades about...insensitive...things he's said about Jewish people.
    I can share links if anyone is that interested in verifying it.
  11. Like
    archer got a reaction from Lawnmower Boy in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Hair sniffing isn't creepy.
    At least none of the women who've been asleep when I've done it have complained....
  12. Like
    archer reacted to tkdguy in Margaret Weiss and Tracy Hickman sue WoTC   
    I only read the original trilogy, the Twins trilogy, and Dragons of the Summer Flame. My interest died after all the changes that happened to Krynn at the end of that last book.
  13. Like
    archer reacted to Duke Bushido in How do YOU handle limitations that are advantageous?   
    Ah; thats helpful; thank you.
    I would make it an advantage: affects no one but intended target.
    If you dont have pricing ideas for it, or don't feel that it falls in line with the rules, I would suggest looking at "skip over sprayfire" to see that the idea of  "I only hit who I want to" is indeed part of the modern rules, is considered advantageous, and to perhaps get a feeling of its value in your campaign.
  14. Like
    archer reacted to Duke Bushido in How do YOU handle limitations that are advantageous?   
    The ability to not harm what you do not wish specifically to harm is advantageous.  I gave the example from the rules of Skip over Sprayfire to illustrate that.
    A build that only affects a given class of people means the character can have a sword fight in a crowded elevator with no risk of collateral damage [caused by him, anyway].
    Do I like the idea?
    No.  I think its every bit as stupid as I think skip over spray fire is.  However, the idea is similar: being able to hose a crowd without fear of hitting the wrong person.
    Not being able to hack out of an entangle?  Now that's a disadvantage.
    So we have both here.  Apply both: Advantages first; Limitations after.
    This one might also take an RSR on detect evil as well.  (I say might because I am not the GM; the GM might just as easily decide it doesn't need RSR.)  A failed detect might cause the reverse of the intended to happen: stabbing nuns and ignoring imps and devils.
    (Personally, I think letting it work from the character's intuition would be much more interesting: it attacks those you _believe_ to be evil, and bit those you believe to be good.)
    However, if you are going to use RSR, then you have to have that skill /ability as well.  So it it using the character's detect evil?  Or does it have one of its own?  If it had one of its own, then remember that the advantages and limitations should not apply to that part of the AP cost that purchases that detect, otherwise you will have to buy a second detect to make the roll to activate this detect to make the roll to see if it attacks.  It gets loopy.  HA!
    Would I allow this build in my game?  Eh....  Maybe.  I always get a bit twitchy with any sort of detect.  I would, however, allow it in on a playtest, with the caveat that after seeing how it affects the game, we may pull it (points refunded) to build something slighty more useful or less plot disruptive.
  15. Like
    archer got a reaction from Rails in Jokes   
    >’Enter new password‘
    ~ 'chicken'
    ‘Password must contain a capital’

    ~ 'chickenkiev'
  16. Like
    archer reacted to Lord Liaden in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Fact check: The final 2020 presidential election debate
    A fairly thorough and balanced analysis of the veracity of the claims by the two candidates during the final debate. Although the CNN story's opening does spin the result rather in favor of Biden, both candidates are called on falsehoods. The story also provides context for remarks from both of them when the facts didn't exactly align with either truth or falsehood.
  17. Like
    archer got a reaction from Old Man in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Hair sniffing isn't creepy.
    At least none of the women who've been asleep when I've done it have complained....
  18. Thanks
    archer reacted to megaplayboy in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    One of the elements of "didn't do anything" is the assumption that the person in question had the unilateral ability to do things.  Generally speaking, with a two party system, 3 branches, 2 chambers, numerous veto points, they don't.  It also tends to be a cheap "gotcha" move when said politician obviously doesn't have time to talk about all the various incremental measures they did enact/propose/support.  
    It amazes me that Trump doesn't get more pushback on the "I can't release my tax returns while they're under audit" bs.  First, it would be his lawyer advising him not to, not his accountant.  Second, there's literally nothing legally stopping him from releasing his returns and it's hard to see how it would affect his audit in any material fashion.
  19. Haha
    archer got a reaction from Matt the Bruins in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I think this potentially could work very well.
    First they mute Trump's mike while Biden is making his two minute speech.
    Then they mute Trump's mic while Trump is making his two minute speech.
  20. Haha
    archer got a reaction from dougmacd in Jokes   
    A physics teacher, an engineering teacher, and a shop class teacher all get on a plane.
    As they're getting comfortable, the pilot comes in over the intercom. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen," he says, "I understand we have some teachers on our flight. We've got a special treat for them: the plane we're sitting in was actually constructed by their students!"
    The physics teacher and the engineering teacher look at each other, shriek, and start beating on the locked door. Meanwhile, the shop class teacher is lounging in his seat, cool as a cucumber.
    Eventually they turn to him. "Why are you so calm?" they ask.
    "Because," he says, "if MY students built this plane, I can guarantee this piece of crap wouldn't even start."
  21. Like
    archer reacted to Christougher in Jokes   
    Because his urine test came back positive for Coke.
  22. Haha
    archer got a reaction from Christougher in Jokes   
    [Juliet looking down from balcony]
    "It’s over Romeo, I have the high ground"
  23. Haha
    archer got a reaction from unclevlad in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    How are Donald Trump and a jack o' lantern alike?
    They're both orange on the outside, hollow on the inside and should be thrown out the first week of November.
  24. Thanks
    archer reacted to Lord Liaden in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    You know, Canadians have always been proud that we have the longest undefended border in the world with the United States. Folks from both countries crossed back and forth all the time. We have friends and family on both sides. Despite how Americans sometimes piss us off, we counted ourselves very lucky to have the United States as our neighbor.
    We're not used to thinking of America this way. I know it's normal for much of the rest of the world, I guess we were spoiled. But we're very uncomfortable and unhappy with this whole situation. Those of you who feel like these past few years have changed the people you used to know, and ruined your relationships? As a nation Canada feels that way about America, and we miss the old you.
  25. Like
    archer got a reaction from Ockham's Spoon in Jokes   
    A computer once beat me at chess.
    But it was no match for me at kickboxing.
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