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Nagisawa Takumi

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Everything posted by Nagisawa Takumi

  1. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Not sure I want that gift... No worship porcelin! Oh, and Repped.
  2. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I think it's more than likely that it's MRS. Claus objects...
  3. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Got him.
  4. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Happy Birthday, Mr. Cook, may your pen and imagination never run dry. And nice work as always.
  5. OK, I'm STILL working on the MACH 5 suit, and the idea behind it is that it's designed to counter super humans, and that includes those will elemental abilities. The fluff/story aspects go like this: The suit has built in countermeasures to certain types of powers. Mental abilities are resisted by the a low level 'white noise' generator in the helm. Ice Elemental powers are resisted by the micro heating coils built along the 'skin' of the armour. The unit can also (And has) survived re-entry from high orbit, which means it's nearly fireproof. Sonic attacks are foiled by sound baffles and dampeners in the earpieces of the suit. So one and so forth. I was thinking of a suppression effect, but that seems clumsy and inelegant, at the same times, I want to build the suit in less than 200 pts (Out of 350.) There's also the fact that certain powers the suit can't stop (One of the major villains of the game, which he never faced, but was going to, had the ability to affect molecular density and gravity.) Help?
  6. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Oooo! I like Feedback... Stolen! And here's one for you. All I have is her name: Gothique
  7. Re: Single Green Superhero seeks.... (personels for your characters) Single Mixed Male looking for Female to share life with. Friendship is a great place to start. Must be physically sturdy and at least 5' 6", unless you don't mind looking up all the time. Ask for Tank. ('Tank' Matherson, newly made Brick and of mixed descent. Part Hispanic, Black and White.)
  8. Re: Smarter than your average Brick Am I the only person who reads the title with a Yogi Bear voice in his head?
  9. Re: Smarter than your average Brick *takes notes for "Tank" Matherson...* Keep 'em coming. >.>
  10. Re: Single Green Superhero seeks.... (personels for your characters) Hmm, well, ironically I have only one 'Hero', and he's already got a girl. But some of his villains might be looking for companionship... I'll have to think on those...
  11. Re: Luke Cage Lessee, names... The Iron Monk sounds fun, ne?
  12. Re: Watchers of the Dragon vs. Ninja Hero Of my 4e books it and the Ultimate Martial Artist of that time were my favourite books. And frankly, I'd love to see another like it.
  13. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Been like that for at least a month, Egyptoid.
  14. Re: International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Arrrr!
  15. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine And here we have Power Man in keeping with the front page thread:
  16. Re: The Kryptonite Alternatives That's real life, not Super Comics where Heroes DON'T kill. It also assumes a universe devoid of things like mind readers, clairvoyants and other people who are superior judges of character.
  17. Re: WWYCD: Magic Fishnets? MACH 5 would give them to his girlfriend, and probably moonlight with her as a new two man crimefighting team, whenever there's down time between missions. (The power suit requires two operators, one to man the suit itself, Hal, and another to operate the various data uplinks and feeds from various satellites, Tabby.) Not that she needs the HTH help, she's a more technical fighter than Hal is, he's just more combat savvy.
  18. Re: US Government's reaction to superhumans
  19. Re: US Government's reaction to superhumans The key issue is: How many of EACH do we get that have superpowers? Is there going to be a 50/50 split? And if not, what will happen when one side outweighs the other? Although I mostly agree with SilentMan, there's a few things that I don't. Like the Superman to the General Zod. There might very well be a nice guy who wants to make the world a better place and will probably step up to face the Zod-Wannabe. And let's make him a guy who believes in the U.S. Army/Navy/Air Force/Marine commercials about how being a soldier HELPS people. Now, first off, he's not likely to think of what may happen, like death or injury, because we as a people are STUPID. We are. We believe that nothing truly 'Bad' will ever happen to us because the truly terrible stuff happens 'Out There', or to 'The Other Guy', never realizing that to SOMEONE ELSE, EVEN YOUR BEST FRIEND, you ARE that 'Other Guy'. And frankly, no one is going to think a situation through, not at the beginning, it's always AFTER THE FACT. Hindsight being 20/20 and all that. It's a gamer fallacy, just because something is a good idea, doesn't mean we'll do it. Like medieval knights and helmets. Yes, a helm is a good idea, but although we got cyclists here who WON'T were a helm or pads for protection because "They look stupid", "I'm too careful to need them" or a myriad of other idiotic reasons, I have a hard time believing that people before us were somehow smarter about their safety. So what's likely going to happen is one of two things: First, Zod wins and kills/hurts the would be Hero. And gloats over his invulnerability. Second, the Hero wins, Zod's dead or defeated, and Hero finds out that no one is entirely trusting of his motives. No one believes that he would do this out of the goodness of his heart. Although he would be praised for his acts at the beginning. And worse, imagine his shock when opportunists decide to sue him for all he's worth because of damages. Or that the Government wants to know how he ticks, and make sure he's on THEIR side, using EVERY trick to make it so. Including threatening his family for cooperation. Even IF humanity isn't this dark or mean, the NEWS and T.V. shows and movies and all other Media shows us examples of how TO BE that bad. So why wouldn't we use those ideas?
  20. Re: How many staffers does a superhero team need?
  21. Re: Steve's Chat Tonight (Weds., Sept. 3) Thanks Steve, was fun!
  22. Re: Superman Begins and Darker Superhero Stories He said most players he's KNOWN, not that all WW players believe that. I didn't. But then I stopped playing in about 98.
  23. Re: More fun with Morty the Incompetent Mugger Taking it from the top: Nothing, crime prevented. Well, seeing as Morty's now DEAD, that problem is solved. As for the giant monster, there's nothing a firepower from a man sized jet fighter can't solve. Or so he'd hope. As nice as seeing Morty get his comeuppance, Hal would call 911, report the double robbery and prevent both perps from leaving the scene of the crime.
  24. Re: Stay on topic. Few points: One, threads drift, deal with it. Two, we ARE on topic, but apparently, not on YOUR topic. Which is... I'm not sure. Three, whenever people talk about Martial Arts you are bound to see that there are people who have their favourites, and will mention them. Four, there are a LOT of misconceptions out there, and correcting them is NEVER a bad thing.
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