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Everything posted by Maur

  1. Re: Your Dream Projects For Hero Books Good luck as those adventures won't come out of copyright for at least 60 more years...
  2. Maur

    D&D 4th

    Re: D&D 4th Probably because they rolled all those up. Perception isn't unique to HERO either as a game mechanic or an idea, heheh.
  3. Maur

    D&D 4th

    Re: D&D 4th Perception rolls have been in D&D for a while. Make a Spot check...
  4. Re: Missile design question Well, they aren't completely selective. You can send them after up to 4 targets (or whatever the max # of mini-missiles is), but you can't control who/what is in the blast radius after that, heheh.
  5. Re: Game Mechanics Does this power work through cameras or video? E.g. the guard on the scene can't remember him, but someone reviewing a tape of the incident would see him and remember him?
  6. Re: How do you visualize combat? This doesn't look like a character with superhuman dex. This looks like a character with SPD for more attacks only (e.g. he doesn't seem to get extra movement out of it). He chose to just stand there and take it assuming that the goons were going to teamwork and take the -3 OCV penalty to make all shots hit his torso (which he had armored with resistant defenses). The rest of the fight was just him using his high speed and sweep/autofiring his knives at various opponents with maybe an Aid to boost his body and keep himself from dying temporarily. Then the aid faded and down went his body...
  7. Re: How would you use this? ::pictures a scene of a woman eating cake in a crowded restaurant and then everything going sparkly::
  8. Re: Multipower Variable Slot Question Depends on if you bought the slot as an ultra or variable. If you bought it as an ultra, then it eats up the full points even when used at a reduced level.
  9. Re: Do you use minis? Most are glued to the base. So, you are just using the xacto blade to get leverage and a bit of cutting to break the bond the glue has made.
  10. Re: Do you use minis? xacto knife gets most of the figures off the hero-clix bases.
  11. Re: Damage Resistance Well, if you bought it as DR vs those effects rather than vs PD or ED then it would work against the drain. You also can't stack them. If two or more DR's might have applied to the attack, then the player chooses which one of them applies to that attack.
  12. Re: Traveller Hero More accurately, this is HERO Traveller http://www.comstar-games.com/
  13. Re: Energiser Bunny Effect Could give him bonus speed with the limitation that he can only use the extra actions for taking recoveries. That would help him bounce back from hits without moving faster or more often than a norm.
  14. Re: Damage Resistance Damage resistance converts some of your normal PD into resistant PD, so it doesn't change the total PD you have for resisting stun.
  15. Re: Do you use minis? We use minis in our game. They come from sources like Wizkid's Clix games, WotC's D&D and Star Wars minis games, Warhammer (fantasy and 40k) and other sources. They are all either 25 or 28mm so work well in the 1.5" hex maps we have (each hex still counts as 1" for movement and range). The clix minis were all cut off their bases and repainted and attached to pennies or nickels to stand on
  16. Re: How do you write a campaign log? I write one for one of the campaigns I'm in, but we're currently on a summer hiatus from it. Check my signature for the link.
  17. Re: Hero Goes to the Movies (or TV Shows)!
  18. Re: Fade into darkness Sounds like a superskill from Dark Champions
  19. Re: Order of the Stick Stay Tuned... Elan in a threesome in the next panel of "Order of the Stick"
  20. Maur

    Scout Courier

    Re: Scout Courier Is this the one you are referring to? http://www.sjgames.com/gurps/traveller/dp5/ If so, then you might just want to pay for it as the maps come with square on one side and hexes on the other review: http://index.rpg.net/display-entry.phtml?mainid=5639
  21. Re: Package deals All a package deal is is a set of skills/powers/disads/characteristics that are bought at the normal pricing that you would pay if you just added them yourself to the character. If they have the same ability, but one is better, well, if you have the points take the better one and remove the worse one.
  22. Re: Possible Character(s)/Species -- The Phthoang So they like to collect/acquire items or did you mean inquisitive (e.g. curious)?
  23. Re: So, what don't you like about HERO 5th? And as long as mass is constant, then it stops mattering when comparing two different velocities and/or two different radii as the ratio will cause it to drop out of the equation, heheh.
  24. Re: Mechanical Summon Of it is a follower and just build it as such.
  25. Re: Relativistic Effects of Interstellar War It may be, but the point is that one doesn't have to take every star system between here and there due to just how empty most of space is. Think similar to the Pacific Campaign of WWII where they would take some islands and skip around others and even hit Japan itself (Dolittle Raid) just to show them they were vulnerable. Heck, if you're already able to conduct an interstellar war (even with relativistic effects) then the easiest way to win if you don't care about taking a planet with its resources (people, buildings, etc...) intact would just to be to launch ships that release nice chunks of mass without slowing down as they go from star system to star system. If they could detect the masses, they would have only hours to react to defeat them at 50% of Lightspeed (11 hours from Pluto orbit to the Sun). Just keep sending ships to do that from various directions. Only have to get lucky a few times to decimate a planetary body.
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