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Everything posted by Maur

  1. Re: "Mystic Dart 'only vs living beings'."
  2. Re: 'En passant' extra attack Wow, at those costs you'd be better off just building a character with Extra Speed and a limitation of 'only for attacks against opponents moving passed or more than 1" near the character' 30 Active gets you +3spd for only 10 or 15 pts.
  3. Re: "Mystic Dart 'only vs living beings'." 'Not vs inanimate object'... great, all this armor I have on protects me as the spell doesn't work on it, heheh.
  4. Re: Normal Smell/Taste one sense? Most birds have far better vision than humans. In fact they can even see into the near UV, unlike mammals. Birds of prey can perceive objects at much greater distances and even in much worse light conditions (owls at night).
  5. Re: Solar HERO: Home of the wrinkles Even if Icy worlds with smokers outnumbered worlds like Earth, that doesn't make those lifeforms outnumber Terran types. The smokers here comprise a very insignificant portion of the habitable areas occupied by all the other lifeforms.
  6. Re: Tk with no strength defense Yeah, TK being resisted by STR really doesn't seem to make much sense except when a person is trying to "break out" of a grab (e.g. the TKer uses it to pin the persons arms down, and the grabbed person fights to get his arms out), but if I grab a foot with TK and pull you up into the air, what exactly are you breaking free from?
  7. Re: Social Conflict And all of these ideas seem to nicely get around the problem of the socially awkward player trying to play the outgoing and well spoken character...
  8. Re: Question: Sidekick vs. HERO Not all of them are in Sidekick... most powers are there though...
  9. Re: Star Wars Hero Resources 10 Dex? With those hands and that stiff walk? I'd think he was worse than an average person.
  10. Re: Shay, Wood Elf Beastmaster Well, that is at combat velocity... double for non-combat... A little slow, but not quite as bad...
  11. Re: Order of the Stick Well, if she finds Haley, she should "find" Roy or so she believes...
  12. Re: House rules for Comliness - critique, please Why only vs opposite sex? You don't think those of the same sex react differently based on the looks of those they are talking to?
  13. Re: 6th Edition WAGs In which case you might as well reduce the attributes values themselves to that same divisor. E.g. if rolls are CHAR/3, then divide all CHAR by 3 and increment the roll directly with the Attribute and call it done. Without figureds there is no point in having an attribute at anything but either the break point or the exact (e.g. 3,6,9,12 [CHAR/3] or 5,8,10,13,15,18 [CHAR/5], etc...).
  14. Re: Centaur Martial Arts an escape with a throw element and possibly target prone since odds are the opponent they buck off won't just be standing there on his feet afterwards.
  15. Re: Centaur Martial Arts Who says they have skinny legs? Centaurs not under breeding control of, well, say, humans, probably wouldn't go for a skinny-legged centaur. Yes, it might make them faster, but only on terrain really designed with no real obstacles. I doubt our skinny-legged companions would fair very well if released into the wilds with hills, mountains and rolling plains...
  16. Re: Non-humanoid races? The biggest problem with playing a non-humanoid is just how much stuff would not function/exist for those characters. How would one have been able to build, let alone use transportation, armor, weapons, etc...
  17. Re: Forcing a Step Backward I'm not retreating. I'm advancing in a new direction.
  18. Maur

    Sleep Spell?

    Re: Sleep Spell? Sleep might seem like a vastly powerful spell, but it really isn't once you get up a few levels. In 3/3.5 it has 0 effect on creatures above 4HD. So it's really just a way to get around weak mooks in the end.
  19. Re: Where is Fantasy? And, worst case, you should be able to buy the PDF of Fantasy HERO and print out the relevant portion.
  20. Re: Fantasy Art Thread Got a few too many letters... She's got amor
  21. Re: The real cost Actually it would be better to find one big limitation than a ton of little ones for the cost savings, heheh.
  22. Re: Star Wars Hero Resources They might not have had limbs blown off, but they were still dead. I'm guessing Lucas just didn't want to have a lot of blood and gore in the movies. And Body damage is just an abstract mechanic. You don't have to really do a lot of traumatic damage to a body to kill a person. "Wanna see a magic trick" "I'll make this pencil disappear" BAAMM!! "See, gone." Guys dead, yet no limbs were blown off...
  23. Re: Starwars Vehicles: Any ideas? Well, this isn't really true. This is a takeoff from the X-wing and TIE Fighter games and not from the movies. The computer game made the shields much more powerful than they were in the movies or early novelizations. In the movies you can see that the fighters, while able to take some hits, weren't able to survive a barrage of hits (unlike in the video game where my x-wing with fully charged shields could survive a turbolaser from a Star Destroyer).
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