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Everything posted by MisterBaldy

  1. Re: Adult themes in gaming, a rant of sorts You must live a charmed life...as far as the gaming career goes. In my over 30 of gaming, what I've experienced can be summed up in one statement... "Too many FREEKS, and not enough CIRCUSES!!!"
  2. Re: Killing attacks, Martial Arts and Weapon Elements. According to HERO 5th Revised... The HTH KA is never allowed to go beyond it's maximum allowed (i.e. the "rule of double") and therefore...the HTH KA would not exceed it's 2d6KA maximum.
  3. Re: Skill cost versus Genre The BESMTri-Stat game system was built with that particular game mechanic in mind...and it is used as a balancing tool for the particular genres. The balancing tool used for the HERO System are the genre books (such as Champions). These books explain the particular genres, as well as how the HERO System interacts in it. Although a different cost per genre for skills works in BESM, it is not part of the game mechanics of the HERO System...and therefor not really appropriate.
  4. Re: The Hero curse I think that most RP Games go though that aspect of behavior...especially the RP Gamers that are primarily GMs.
  5. Re: So why do you play Hero? Well nexus...you asked, so I shall answer. I left the HERO System behind about 10 years ago, and it was not due to the lack of wanting to play. I had a very bad experience, and I pretty much swore off RPGs for quite a few years. This was mostly attributed to trusting people that I thought were my friends...and was severely burned by them. I was gaming with TheImperialKhan as well, and he was the one true friend that stuck by me, and my decision to leave RPGs behind. Here I am, 10 years later. I am back looking at RPGs in a whole new light. I am also exploring the HERO System (more to the point Champions) once again...and doing so with a gusto and heartness unlike before. My friend TheImperialKhan stuck by me...and he's been a true friend. So, you ask the question, "Why again the HERO System?" Well, mostly it's flexibility. It's ability to plug into any genre, and do it well is it's stongest "selling point". It's what got me to play Champions in 1984, and it's what's got me going back to it now. The game mechanics make sense. Unlike games like D&D 3.0-3.5, d20 System, et.al., the mechanics are fluid, and do not seem contrived. They also do not change from one genre to another. They are consistant. So, it's consistancy and flexibility have got me going back to the HERO System...and I am not looking back.
  6. Re: newbie - thinkin of getting these rules Personally, I had left the Hero System behind 10 years ago. I went Vampire: The Masquerade and 7th Sea for my gaming fix. The reason I left HERO System behind was not because I didn't love playing it...it was because of some personal issues with people that I had been playing with. The hurt ran far too deep, and I got rid of ALL of my HERO Games materialsm because it was a very painful reminder of how I had been badly burned by people I had thought were my friends. One friend, who goes by the name on the HERO Boards as TheImperialKhan never gave up on me...He's been a true friend, in every sense of the word. He has gotten me to look at the HERO System again, from a more objective standpoint. I bought HERO System 5th Edition Revised, as well as the Champions genre book and HERO Designer v.2. The great thing that HERO System has going for it...flexibility!!! That's it's greatest selling point. That is not to say that other game systems are not well done also. By far though...HERO System has the best mechanics out there in the RPG market. The HERO System has also had a great impact on how many of the "newer systems" are designed as well. Before the HERO System, RPGs always had you use dice to determine your characters abilities and statistics. The HERO System lets you determine that for yourself...and not have to suffer because you rolled poorly, while your buddy rolled tremendously. Although the HERO System 5th Edition Revised is an extremely large tome, the game system itself is not all that difficult to teach to players. If they have some form of "higher level brain activity" going on in that head of theirs...they should have now problem learning. Anyone CAN learn, but you can't force someone to learn. It's like the old cliche', "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." Try to introduce her to the world of RPGs using the HERO System 5th Edition Revised, or perhaps even HERO Sidekick as Shadowpup suggested. Invest some time, and then let her make the decision as to whether she wants to participate. "You can lead people to RPGs...but you can't make them play."
  7. Re: Hero Machine Thread This is TURBO: The Hypersonic Man. He is my first actual character that I have created using the HERO 5th Revised, and I am going to be playing in TheImperialKhan's Champions Campaign. I have been away from HERO for almost 10 years...and I missed it. I am also including the Hero Designer Files for TURBO, his Base, and his Computer.
  8. Re: Possession - Desolid + Mental Powers My thoughts on Mind Control... Mind Control had a Duration which is listed as Instant. So, after you go "desolid", the effects of the Mind Control lingers, as it does with any other Instant Duration power.
  9. Re: Your "2005" Pet Gaming Projects Converting Valherjar: The Chosen Slain to HERO 5th Revised. Also...working on rebuilding a Champions campaign, with a city concept of my own design.
  10. Re: Introducing player to the HERO System Your first step...get your players to create their characters "together". Create a cohesiveness from the start.
  11. Re: "TaleSpin" as a pulp setting No Problem...I am a long time fan of the show...but like I said, I was still waiting secretly for Darkwing Duck (oh...and Goof Troop )
  12. Re: Bringing new players to HERO System. Heck, if they want over complicated math problems during character creation...show them a copy of Space Opera. There were so many equations for calculating all of the abilities for your character, you had to be a whiz at algebra just to create your character. The great selling point to the HERO System is it's flexibility. It handles every genre well. It's like the good book says...THE ULTIMATE GAMER'S TOOLKIT. Sell these new, reluctant players on it's flexibility. Almost all RPGs have some element of mathematics in them, and the mathematics for HERO is relatively basic. It's a great system...and your love of the system will be it's greatest selling point. People will always buy into something if what you are selling them is something you truly believe to be a good deal.
  13. Re: The DEATH of the HERO System!!! I've run D&D "white-boxed set", AD&D, Traveller, Space Opera, Star Trek: The Role Playing Game (by FASA), Twilight 2000, Champions (thru to 4th edition), Vampire: The Masquerade, and a hefty hadful of other "Game Systems". I've also looked into Star Wars d20, Valherjar: The Chosen Slain in recent years. I have been in the hobby for over 30 years. (Man...I'm old!!! ) Anyway, my good friend TheImperialKhan kept after me for a long time to look at HERO 5th. I had pretty much sworn off of role-playing, mostly due to some really bad experiences. But...TheImperialKhan can be persuasive (when he wants to be). Once more...I value his opinions (and he does have quite a few ...sorry TheImperialKhan). Anyway, I have come back to the world of the HERO System, and more appropriately Champions...and I am glad I did! I think I've always realized that the HERO System is probably the best system out there...It just took a very persistant friend to show me again what I already knew. The HERO System is the best RPG system out there.
  14. MisterBaldy

    crimson chin

    Re: crimson chin Or, if he were in a chimney sweep on a Disney film... He'd be the Crimson Chin-Chimney Where's Mary Poppins when you need her?
  15. Re: peaple that love star wars come here!! Speaking of...HELL Have you checked out keyes_bill's thread entitled, "Which level of hell?". It's quite an interesting find!!!
  16. Re: "TaleSpin" as a pulp setting So SKJAM!...I see that you are giving this idea some deep thought. It's not a bad idea to think about, as far as campaigns go...now you just need players that are going to be receptive to the concept.
  17. Re: Scooby Doo Nice work on Mystery, Inc. mattingly REPPED!!!
  18. Re: peaple that love star wars come here!! Everyone has a right to their opinion...all I ask is a little courtesy. I am by no means STUPID, and I love the Star Wars movies...and at least I can spell the word PEOPLE. I have a life, I have children...and grandchildren. I am an Assistant Manager for a retail giant (Wal*Mart). I have been in the gaming hobby for over 30 years now. I have a few design & playtesting credits (granted...quite a few years ago). I find it very disrespectful that I would be referred to as STUPID because I love the Star Wars films.
  19. MisterBaldy

    scooby doo

    Re: scooby doo There's a very interesting discussion in the Other Genres Forum on Scooby Doo & Mystery, Inc.. You might want to check it out.
  20. MisterBaldy

    crimson chin

    Re: crimson chin Trolling on the boards? This really belongs in the Champions Forum...or perhaps the Other Genres Forum. If you wish to debate the character concept...you'd have a better shot if you placed it in the proper forum. You can send a PM to Ben Seeman and have it moved.
  21. Re: what non-fiction books have you read? please rate it ... YOU'RE OUT AND YOU'RE UGLY TOO! Confessions Of An Umpire With Attitude - by Durwood Merrill with Jim Dent About the book at Amazon.com Awesome book for anyone who wants to understand the motivations behind a MLB Umpire. Also... SAM WALTON Made In America (My Story) - by Sam Walton with John Huey About the book at Amazon.com An interesting book about the founder of WAL*MART
  22. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I will send one as well!!!
  23. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... TOO LATE LEMMING...I CLICKED IT BEFORE I READ YOUR POST.
  24. Re: "TaleSpin" as a pulp setting Here's a great website for your reference... The TailSpin SourcePage Here is the WebRing geared around the show... The TailSpin WebRing Hub
  25. Re: New Book: Superheroes and Philosophy I may just look into getting that book...very interesting. I have this book... Great American Comic Books by Ron Guolart ...it's definitely worth the read, especially to see how comics have evolved in America through the years.
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