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Everything posted by MisterBaldy

  1. Re: Help with a name He's some names for you... Scarlet Scarab The Scarab Hornet Tarantula Beetle Scarlet Spider
  2. Re: Ay Yi Yi! GM advice needed! Elementary, my dear hooligan x...the solution is quite simple. Introduce a new character into the mix...for this scenario, we'll call him Nebbekenezzer. Have Nebbekenezzer make a grand entrance into the PC's base, entering through a pillar of smoke, some mystical portal, or whatever you can imagine that would suit his grand entrance. Nebbekenezzer has been pursuing this mage who cast the spell to hide the President's "skeletons-in-the-closet" for quite some time. He cannot allow this Mage's agenda to reach it's apex, for this mage has put the Realm of Outer Earth in great peril. By manipulating the minds of the general populace to forget the President's "skeletons-in-the-closet" once they are revealed, this has rendered the populace impotent to protect themselves from its impending DOOM. When the Mage's plan reaches it's apex (on some ancient, long forgotten Babylonian holiday...with a blood red full moon for added effect) that will release the the Four Horseman of the Apocolypse, and fulfill the prophecy as fortold in the Book of Revelations. The only thing that can save the Realm of Outer Earth from it's untimely demise, is if they aid Nebbekenezzer in thwarting the plans of this mage...for he cannot complete the task alone. And why, because Nebbekenezzer has his own agenda. It is actually Nebbekenezzer who actually needs to power of the heroes to open the portal and to help release the Four Horseman of the Apocolypse from their realm, and to help bring about his enslavement of the Realm of Outer Earth. Nebbekenezzer believes that he is in possession of a spell that will allow him to control the Four Horseman of the Apocolypse, and have them do his bidding. The original mage who cast the spell for the benefit of the President did so to protect the Realm of Outer Earth from it's untimely demise at the hands of the prophecy as fortold in the Book of Revelations, for in shielding the memories of the populace from the knowledge (and the ability to retain it) of the President's "skeletons-in-the-closet", this will prevent the portal to realm of Four Horseman of the Apocolypse from achieving the ability to open the doorway through the unleashing the power of the "fears in mortal men", which could rip open the very fabric of the Realm of Outer Earth...keeping the gateway open to allow the entry of the Four Horseman of the Apocolypse. When Nebbekenezzer found out what this mage had done, in an attempt to thwart Nebbekenezzer's plan...Nebbekenezzer went to PLAN B. He needed raw power, and by duping the heroes into aiding them, he will unleash enough raw power through that which is possessed by the heroes...AND HE SHALL ENSLAVE THE WORLD!!! Hopefully the plans of Nebbekenezzer can be thwarted...before it's too late!!!
  3. Re: Help a brother out. Antonio Desmond Sandaval Julianna
  4. Re: Evil, Evil Campaign Concept... Well, since THEY have it under control...why do they need ME?
  5. Re: needing help with a new Campaign You can also check out this site for gods & goddesses, for those pesky "mythologicals"... http://www.godchecker.com/
  6. Re: Goth Henchmen? I just don't like it when he beats me on the "game-oriented" jokes or puns!
  7. Re: Help a brother out. Countessa Cruella De Vil...
  8. Re: Pain/Pleasure If you want to really know the connection between pain and pleasure, why not ask the 'authority" himself... Donatien Alphonse François de Sade (on Wikipedia), a.k.a. Marquis de Sade (on Marquis de Sade-Electronic Library)
  9. Re: Goth Henchmen? Not The Goths the Germanic Tribe...but Goths...the strange subculture. I'd rather have the former, than the latter though.
  10. Re: Something my FTF group liked So, Sounds like Clifford, The Big Red Dog, mixed in with a bit of the basic premise of the movie Little Nicky. Very interesting... WOOF!!! Repped on the concept idea...nice twist to a children's standard!
  11. Re: Victorian Hero Resources Hey TheQuestionMan, Great Info!!! Lot's of references for The Victorian Era challenged!!! REPPED!!!
  12. Re: Damaging Focus From HERO System Fifth Edition Revised, page 294: When an attack hits a Breakable Focus, each attack that penetrates the DEF of the Focus and does BODY damage destroys one of the powers bought through the Focus. The amount of BODY done is unimportant -- one power is destroyed whether the attack did 1 BODY or 15. The GM should determine which power is destroyed; usually it's the largest one in the Focus or one chosen randomly. The special effects of the attack or the Focus may help the GM decide which powers are affected. For this purpose, a Multipower counts as one power (with Active Points equal to the value of its reserve, +1 point for each slot); an Elemental Control counts as one power (with Active Points equal to the value of the Active Points in the largest power in the EC, +1 point for each additional power); and a Variable Power Pool counts as one power (with Active Points equal to the value of the points in its Pool). A Focus is destroyed when it loses all of its powers, or when any single attack against it does two times (2x) its DEF in BODY, at the GM's option. Defenses of any kind aren't broken until the entire Focus is destroyed.
  13. Re: Looking for ideas for my campaign (Danger: Long) For that matter Hermit...Cataclysm may even attempt to create "super-powered lackeys" because the burning desire for revenge. She develops a touch of "god-complex", creating others in her "own image"...to do her will.
  14. Re: Batman Begins Sad to say, I probably won't get to see it until it's release on DVD.
  15. Re: Spagetti Western Reference Sorry son...It's the Law of the English language!!! And, keeping with the "Western theme"... DRAW!!!
  16. Re: Spagetti Western Reference Nice Reference... ...now, if only you could spell Spaghetti Western. REPPED...and no point's lost for the error in spelling.
  17. Re: Greatest Western Movies of all Time Yes...Yul Brynner was probably the best thing about The Ultimate Warrior...actually, probably the only thing good about that one. Or...Were You talking about The Ultimate Warrior? After all, most "professional wrestlers" should probably receive some sort of acting award...probably for "Most 'Over The Top' Performance in a Supporting Role"...
  18. Re: Your "2005" Pet Gaming Projects - Resources
  19. Re: Your "2005" Pet Gaming Projects Well, I have changed directions. I have begun working on a project that has struck my fancy...High Plains Hero. It's a Western genre setting, dedicated to the "Gritty Westerns" like Shane, High Noon, Catlow, A Fistful of Dollars (or for that matter any Clint Eastwood Western film), etc. I have begun work on the basic character info (packages, concept types, etc.), as well as the general setting and feel that I want. At the rate that I'm going...it's going to be quite the undertaking. It's been a long time since I have worked on anything for an RPG, from a GM perspective...but this has really started to become FUN again. I'm glad that TheImperialKhan kept being persistant about The Hero System, and never lost his faith in the RPG system. Well...back to the Old West...
  20. Re: Thinking Differently About SPD Well Theron, the major ability of the "Speedster" is mobility, and speed of movement...and not the game mechanic/attribute of SPEED, per se. This is not to say that one could not have a "Speedster" with a SPEED 12, but why would you want to. This would suck up a tremendous amount of Character Points, and would more than likely upset the balance of most games. As far as "SPEED as it relates to comic panels"...it's not really an original concept, it actually comes from a game called GOLDEN HEROES, which was released by Games Workshop in 1984. I used to own the game...and I thought it was a pretty interesting concept then...and your thoughts on the matter only reitterate the validity of that concept.
  21. Re: Stardrive Engines, how would you do it? I'd have to agree with Intrope here. I am also working sort of blind on this one, mostly due to the fact that I do not own, nor have I examined Alternity....but Starwolf, what you have described definitely sounds like Intrope has hit the nail squarely on the head. BTW, I sent Ben Seeman and Simon a PM to relocate this thread to the Star Hero Forum. I think you'll get a lot more hits (and input) if it were relocated there.
  22. Re: Highlander HERO Since..."there can be only one!!!" Isn't Highlander relegated to the realm of solo gaming, since to "get the prize", your going to have to eventually kill the rest of your fellow PCs?
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