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Everything posted by Asperion

  1. I have never seen any problem with this. Done right, it leads to many great characters each with their own abilities, strengths, weaknesses, quarks, etc. However, it is extremely easy to use this as some "cookie-cutter " operation that quickly leads to many characters who are effectively clones of each other - no flavor, distinctive, quark, etc. I have used this trick many times and achieved both results.
  2. Chimera https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-rev2&source=android-browser&sxsrf=ALiCzsbCf9N1JBQZR6tBfywwxShne545WQ:1668185562519&q=chimera&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjq7v2-y6b7AhX5m2oFHbdbDa0Q0pQJegQIChAB#imgrc=XgLDCAgU5cxx0M
  3. VLAD - Ventricular living assist device
  4. J. Jejunum - portion of small bowel
  5. Christougher gets the helm here. What next?
  6. Here's a fun exercise for our gamification pleasure. One person will state some race, class, archetype, or essentially anything else that they desire for the next person to describe. However, it cannot be used in the traditional manner, there needs to be something that is different from conventional manner. For example, a taboxoxi could be written up as some form of demon-sprung warrior. First up: elves
  7. Q: Welcome to the AVN awards show. Do you have anything that you would like to announce? A: That is not a turban, it's a furban.
  8. Fine then, RELEASE THE Draino! There's nothing better than groups that are working off of the best "plumbing " that one can imagine. NT: Crazy places to be trapped in (don't need to be real).
  9. He would have to wield the Eye of Thundera
  10. I would add to this list anything in the financial field. This is because before one can get a position here they need to get a state license. Before applying for that the applicant is required to go for an apprenticeship (that is AFTER completing a bachelor's degree). Getting some company to take on an apprentice is only possible if family owns the company, otherwise (even unpaid) they will insist that the applicant comes in with degree, license, experience, etc as a set package or they will move on to another application where they can get all that.
  11. Go ahead and repeat. Even if something has been done before, there is still room for something new to be introduced (look at the Superman clone Homelander). I don't care how diligent your clone is to the original, changes will appear from the setting, material, sources, evolution, or many other places that the clone will be working from that the original most likely will never discover.
  12. Q: What did he hope to accomplish with his water walking stint? A: Ambassador Groin is here to solve all the problems.
  13. I have always believed that the gm should always start character generation (especially session zero) with the campaign background. This allows the players to work together and create characters that only require minor tweaks. It works against the wild characters (such as putting Flash into a dnd game). Most likely the gm in the above case came from some system where all the prelim work was done by "pthers" and and assumed that all games work the same way.
  14. You make it clear at several points that magical items generally possess charges in some form that cannot be restored. Yet in other systems they have recoverable charges on many magic devices. Are you stating that such a thing is simply not possible under the system your creating or is there some workaround?
  15. Q: What ever happened to the Machu warrior? A: Planet side down.
  16. You wonder why people are constantly making demands upon your time and person.
  17. Two forms that have been used strongly in the past and lessened up recently are matter/antimatter and zero point energy (ZPEr). In current reality, both are either HIGHLY expensive or some other reason not available. However, people being what they are cannot leave any problem alone. Due to this, I believe that both of these energies will eventually become available to humanity.
  18. I got thinking recently about the different ways that people attempt to create energy. In ancient times, people had muscle power in some form, either human or animal. Eventually we figured out power of moving water, then came other forms of power that are either more powerful or portable (or both). Today we possess a wide array of ways to create power - muscle, hydro, steam, wind, petroleum, solar, among MANY more. Including discussion about their strengths and weaknesses, I would like for us to brainstorm possible ways people can create energy that either are only theory today or not even at that stage, might even talk about completely fictional sources - those might become real someday.
  19. I like to refer to these as laundry machines Finally, we get skating with zambonis NT: politicians (more boo-worthy the better)
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