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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. My personal 'I want to hit the speakers with a sledgehammer' songs are the extremely 'kiddy' ones, like 'All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth' or 'I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas'. Do not look these up on YouTube if you value what little sanity you must have left from posting here.
  2. I play so many spellcasters when I play FH, armor and weapons are an afterthought at best.
  3. Playing the PF card game. My character encounters a ... daunting (aka virtually impossible), but crucial for success, check. People start scrambling to give me help ... then I announce my rarely-used ability to simply evade anything. "Pour some milk over a nice bowl of Honey Bunches of NOPE."
  4. I once commented that I couldn't imagine the US having a more idiotic, incompetent, and outright evil President than GWBush. I had no idea the country would respond with 'Challenge Accepted'. I find myself wondering if Trump is determined to tear down Obama's legacy because he can't handle the fact that his racist ego can't handle that black guy was ten times the leader, the speaker, the husband, the father, and the man that he could ever DREAM of being. But at least he has a good working diplomatic relationship with the president of the Virgin Islands.
  5. Change is nice, if it actually makes things better. I can't imagine Trump improving anything. There aren't words to describe the embarrassment, shame, anger, and disappointment I feel. We've put a racist, sexist, homophobic, ignorant, thin-skinned, short-tempered, crass, boorish sexual assailant in the White House. I can't. I just can't even. I'm ashamed to be American. I'm ashamed to be white. I'm ashamed to be male. And the damage to the Supreme Court could be catastrophic if more anti-women bible-thumpers get on the bench. If I could afford it, I'd be on my way to Canada or Denmark or Australia or something.
  6. I know there are far worse, but ... yeah. At least the MS was caught early, before too much damage was done. Now I'm getting injections of Copaxone three times a week, and you know how much I *love* needles ...
  7. Why I disappeared all of a sudden ... 1. Wife lost job. 2. I have been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Yeah ... stuff sucks.
  8. Thanks, Armitage. I actually only have Champions Complete for 6e books and never got 5e Revised.
  9. The character in question has a Multipower with charges on the reserve, which basically means instant powers only. Is there a way to let some of the powers in the MP have Continuous Charges?
  10. I wish to offer my apologies to everybody at DoJ, and many of the forum regulars. I was That Guy. The 'they changed it now it sucks' guy. Despite how irrational, illogical, and outright asinine that attitude is, I was That Guy at the 6e transition. It was small-minded, immature, and downright stupid, and I apologize. (I don't know if this was the right forum, but it felt like it.)
  11. My condolences as well. On to slightly lighter fare ... My physical copy of Champions Complete was supposed to be here Tuesday. Still not here. Tracking system says it's delayed.
  12. This really needs some more explanation when it comes to the item rules. I really don't understand how it's supposed to work, if it's the cost for crafting or buying ... I'm looking over the sample items trying to figure out the details, but I'm not getting it. It has remarkable potential, and I do appreciate the work that went into it, but it really needs more information, and maybe an example or two when it comes to item costs. For example, the first chart lists the ranking (apprentice, journeyman, master, grandmaster), along with the maximum AP and then the cost per Real Point. But after that, there are two columns of numbers that I have absolutely no idea what they are for.
  13. I generally stick to DC and Defense caps rather than Active Point caps, and even then, there's wiggle room. There are powers way under a typical AP cap that I'd never allow, and similarly, lots of stuff comes out feeling overpriced by the system math. If you reallllyyyyy wanna drop a hundred points on Flight, knock yourself out (and if you do a move-through, you WILL). Though, full disclosure, I'm the only person I know of around here who knows how to make HERO characters, so I'm the one who crunches all the numbers anyway, so a player showing me a character for approval never happens.
  14. No, I meant there are no humans, and never have been, in the game world. None of the reviews of VA I read mentioned anything about nonhuman races, so I was assuming that, even if not humans-only, it was humanocentric. As far as the magic goes, that's just not the kind of magic I want as the default. I tend to think of magic as more of a science (Clarke's Law and all that), something you can learn that, while it may have its drawbacks and dangers, one of those isn't an extradimensional entity calling in due markers. Pretty much just going to use the FH Grimoires, and my 4e FH stuff with a bit of selective editing on what's available (no NCM/Megascale Teleports, for instance).
  15. I looked at a few reviews for VA. Looks like something I could mine for ideas, but not something I'd want to use wholesale. Definitely not wanting the whole 'magic is evil' thing going (well, at least ALL of it ...), for instance. As far as humans-only goes, the setting is actually the opposite ... no humans.
  16. Can't say as I have ... I'll definitely have to look into that. Thanks!
  17. Can't say as I have ... for much the same reason, I'm not real good at thinking local like that, but yeah ... taking modern-day urban issues and converting them to a more fantasy setting could work.
  18. I haven't run, or played, HERO in a long time. On those rare occasions where our bunch has actually done an RPG, it's been Pathfinder, though the vaaaaaast majority of the time we just do card/board games because nobody's really felt like running anything. Anyway, to make a long story short (too late), I'm trying to get myself geared up to do a FH game, but a little more low-fantasy/Renaissance-esque than the typical fantasy game. I'm even taking the 6e plunge, though I've only got the basic rulebook and Hero Designer to work from. Anyway, a couple questions I had/a bit of advice I'm looking for ... 1. Since the game is more low-fantasy/down-to-earth, I'm considering lowering the characteristic maxima by about 25% (15 STR, etc). What, do you think, are the pros and cons of this? Will it create characters to similar in terms of characteristics, since there's a narrower spectrum? 2. How do I 'think small'? When I run supers, I tend to huge world-spanning adventures and world domination/destruction plots. When I do fantasy, I tend to epic quests, artifacts, big weird monsters ... I need to tone this down since the world has very few 'monsters', but every time I start thinking about stuff to do, it goes off the rails into EpicWorldEncompassingPlotVille. Help?
  19. Warning. Not safe for work. I repeat, NOT SAFE FOR WORK. Like, a swear word every fourth word not safe for work.
  20. Sure you do, you just call it 'GTFO Puritans Day'.
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