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Captain Obvious

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Everything posted by Captain Obvious

  1. Re: to hex or not to hex That guy's like the Keyser Soze of WFRP...
  2. Re: Jokes It's plane that puns don't fly with BoloofEarth, fellas. Knock it off before you get shot down in flames. (Sorry Bolo...had to do it)
  3. Re: "Neat" Pictures Pretty cool stuff. As always, Frank Frazetta's drawing looks great, but you'll never convince me Eowyn successfully disguised herself as a dude in that getup.
  4. Re: Kill the Dude with the Thing That's the special effect, yeah. He's asking about mechanics.
  5. Re: Jokes You know once these things get started, it's a trap for every punster on the boards...
  6. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine HYDRAPE! Simple yet effective...
  7. Re: Jokes In regards to the drummer thing, no one's really neutral on the matter. You're either rhythm or against 'em.
  8. Re: Steampunk - Source Material You must spread Rep...yada yada... Lot of good stuff, tkdguy. You've been busy...
  9. Re: Kill the Dude with the Thing This is exactly why you kill the dude before you take his thing.
  10. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Ever seen The Crying Game?
  11. Re: A note on starship design: the engines point down.
  12. Re: Alien Wars spaceship construction Haven't done much with Alien Wars spaceships for a while, but Buzz Aldrin's Mars Cycler came up in conversation after work the other day, and I decided to look it up again. Popular Mechanics used to have a pretty cool schematic showing how it was supposed to work, but that illustration isn't with their article anymore apparently. But I did find these links, which I thought were pretty decent...and since cycler stations are mentioned in Alien Wars as a means of interplanetary travel, I thought I'd post them here. http://www.damninteresting.com/the-martian-express http://www.globalarchitectsguide.com/library/Mars-cycler.php
  13. Re: Human Manufacturing: Is It Effective Slavery? I can't say I'd consider it slavery, but I can't say I'd consider it morally acceptable to engineer a person specifically to perform a particular job either.
  14. Re: A note on starship design: the engines point down. They did some pretty cheap artificial weightlessness in Barbarella. You couldn't really do that with a room full of people though...
  15. Re: Kill the Dude with the Thing A point isn't really a thing. It's zero-dimensional. A line is pretty close. A plane is just over the line. If you have a plane you totally have a thing.
  16. Re: Kill the Dude with the Thing Doesn't seem like we could bore very deep without a point.
  17. Re: Kill the Dude with the Thing That still doesn't explain how this pointless thread has made it to 30 pages.
  18. Re: A "Save Spot" for a group of PCs Hmm...this sounds kind of like something that might be offered by a sulfer-scented, horned gentleman. In the fine print, of course.
  19. Re: Who's Who with Dr. Lirby Koo? Lirby Koo is one of a handful of guys whose name pops up in the older editions, but never seems to take a direct hand in anything involving PCs. The Thugmaster and Pythias Pomegranate are two others that stand out to me.
  20. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Once-ler's List: The Once-ler is a vainglorious and greedy businessman who becomes an unlikely humanitarian when he feels compelled to turn his thneed factory into a refuge for Bar-ba-Loots.
  21. Re: Alien Wars spaceship construction Conversions wouldn't be difficult. If you want to keep things tight, you can't use a direct conversion. A TL 5 "ATV" might be equivalent to a Bren Gun Carrier, but a TL 10 ATV will be pretty different. With a bunch of miniaturization for many systems, the vehicle will end up smaller and/or with roomier crew accommodations. And militaries are notorious for not being too concerned about crew accommodations. At any rate, a Bren Gun Carrier doesn't meet the specs put out in Classic Traveller. Primarily because it can't operate in vacuum. Anyway, I think I have some ideas for filling up a Centauri without overloading the Antarctic. I'll see if I can run some numbers over the next few days and make something work. If I come up with something, the Jupiter is the only canon Alien Wars ship left to do, and it's mostly the same as the Centauri.
  22. Re: Alien Wars spaceship construction Been playing around with FF&S a little. I like it. It's nearly as versatile as GURPS Vehicles, but much less complicated. The only thing I don't like, and GURPS Vehicles suffers from this too, is that it assumes you start building with a volume in mind. Nine times out of ten, I start out with a mission in mind, and want the minimum volume required to carry the equipment needed for that mission. Also, Classic Traveller lists an ATV as TL6, and lists all kinds of performance stats (range, speed, mass, passengers, etc). It is impossible to build in FF&S at TL 6. At least with those stats. Which, I guess, goes to show how hard it is to make a system that fits into the existing rules.
  23. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Holy crap. I can't imagine standing around for two hours in the woods arguing over whether or not to attack a guy. At least if you spend two hours arguing at a table, you have pizza, chips, and soda.
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