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Captain Obvious

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Everything posted by Captain Obvious

  1. Re: "Neat" Pictures I beg to differ. "All y'all" is a large group. "Y'all" can be a large or a small group. If I'm talking one-on-one to someone and he says "y'all", I'm going to assume he's talking about someone in addition to me, and I may have to ask who he means if it's not apparent from context.
  2. Re: "Neat" Pictures "Y'all" is useful from time to time for its clarity. You can say "You suck" if you want to start a fight, and "Y'all suck" if you want to start a riot. There are no questions as to whether singular or plural is the intent in that case.
  3. Re: Why I prefer HERO System over Pathfinder/OGL/D&D for fantasy GM assistance is probably really the best way to get newbies started out in Hero. Let them have an idea of the world's background, let them pick a general concept, build to that concept while making a few suggestions, and maybe make them spend the last few points on their own. After that, XP are easy to spend.
  4. Re: Star Fleet Battles Starships Yeah, these discussions remind me of The Prestige. "Using a transporter beam is like coming home."
  5. Re: Steampunk - Source Material And your props were way cooler than gears-glued-on, GoldenAge. Your time machine looked like a time machine, not a chair with extraneous non-functioning mechanical parts.
  6. Re: Steampunk - Source Material I have to agree with the video. While I am absolutely awed by some of the steampunk hacks I've seen online (computer casemods, vehicles, steam-powered robots), you really have to dig through a lot of crap with gears glued on to find the good ones. Even some of the things that are a little more elaborate than gears-glued-on are pretty pointless...what good is a steam-powered hat?
  7. Re: Order of the Stick Redcloak is a subtle one...
  8. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares The wench is stark mad or...no, she's mad.
  9. Re: How do you interrogate thugs and villains? Fantasy Hero suggests renaming Interrogation as Torturing, because that's the closest analog in a medieval style world. Modern interrogation techniques tend to take longer and are more reliable than torture. If you consider that as getting an extra time bonus to the skill roll (for Interrogation) or a penalty for speeding up the time (for Torture), then they can be seen as different points on the same skill spectrum. But, for games set in or after the 20th century, Interrogation without the taint of torture is available as a skill for heroes.
  10. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I'm trying to come up with a pizza analogue for "I have Wood for Sheep", but nothing's coming to me...
  11. Re: From Superfriends to Watchmen: The Extremes of Superheroes Heh...a couple years back, there were a couple of graphic novels which were basically DC characters if Stan Lee had created them. I just flipped through it, but some of his takes on the DC heroes seemed pretty interesting.
  12. Re: From Superfriends to Watchmen: The Extremes of Superheroes Surely you've heard of flash mobs... ?? Natty Bumppo didn't have a Secret ID. Hear hear!
  13. Re: Where does it show the price list for Hero system equipment guide. I was just having fun with the barter stuff. Laughing with everyone and not at anyone. I think the OP had a decent question, one that wouldn't occur to someone who is used to the extreme freedom Hero grants to world-builders, and I hope that the honest attempts to answer his question proved satisfactory. The bottom line is, Hero is so flexible that it is impossible to set prices in such a way as to cover all possible contingencies in all possible worlds.
  14. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. I wouldn't expect an aficionado to relate to run-of-the-mill stuff. I have no problem with Dunkin coffee, but to me coffee is coffee. It has to be really bad for me to notice. On the other hand, I'm all about tea. And whenever I'm deployed, I have to bring my own tea along, because the D-FACs always serve bitter overboiled (you don't BOIL tea!) tea that tastes like it's a month old even though it's freshly made. Other people didn't seem to have any issues with it....
  15. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Well, I guess that narrows down who's responsible for this girl's health then, doesn't it? ....Yeah, not really. It's still her mom....
  16. Re: Where does it show the price list for Hero system equipment guide. Forget all these cows, chickens, and Soylent Green. I have almost three and a half gallons of 79 octane I'll trade you for it.
  17. Re: Realistic Monetary Systems in FH You forgot guineas (21 shillings)
  18. Re: Realistic Monetary Systems in FH I've played other games that used that system. IIRC, Warhammer uses it. It's not too difficult. I personally like monetary systems that aren't "metric standard"...they feel more naturally evolved and less designed.
  19. Re: Turakian Age meets Terran Empire I was thinking about the magic/science concept earlier today, and decided that orichalcum, the "philosopher's stone", must be a subatomic particle. This explains why certain atoms (those with the orichalcum in them) tend to spontaneously transmute into other elements. It is, of course, common knowledge that phlogiston has negative weight. This explains why ashes (dephlogisticated matter) is heavier than the original material. Phlogiston, as an aside, makes for a great lifting gas in balloons and such, but due to its inflammable nature, is very dangerous. (Oh, the humanity!)
  20. Re: Pirate Hero Duplication, Usable Against Others, Movies Only... I've never run a straight-up pirate game, but almost every fantasy game I've ever run has gotten out on the ocean with a treasure map at one point or another.
  21. Re: Club Weapon at range? Beanbag rounds are fun too, if you're using a shotgun.
  22. Re: Newbie to HERO needing advice about world building If money's an issue (and it is, all over, these days) I'd recommend getting the Basic book at least, so you can tinker with it. The boards here are a great way to learn the ins and outs of the system, and they make a good sounding board for trying out your ideas and such.
  23. Re: campaign start off adventure Avengers Coast to Coast for the old Marvel Super Heroes (FASERIP version). It assumes the characters are going to be part of a new Avengers franchise (West Coast Avengers, Great Lakes Avengers, etc). You could easily file the serial numbers off and make it your own established, deep-pockets super group looking for a new branch office.
  24. Re: A Riddle: A guy with normal strength, no attack powers, but high defenses could draw fire from the enemy, thereby allowing his comrades to stand and fight longer.
  25. Re: Martial Arts Question(s) - is it really this simple? The elements just let you use different weapons with the martial art. Karate is generally a bare-handed martial art, but you can use it with weapons if you buy appropriate elements. Most empty handed martial arts have a few weapons you can use with them. Occasionally, you'll get a weapon based martial art that allows you to use at least a few maneuvers bare-handed.
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