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Captain Obvious

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Everything posted by Captain Obvious

  1. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Don Quikong of La Mancha, in which a nobleape and his sidekick, Mario Panza, go on wild adventures throwing barrels at windmills.
  2. Re: False Personal Information If it's a well-known true weakness, that would fall under Reputation as a Disad/Complication. Since it's well-known, but not true, people would presumably waste at least a few attacks trying to take advantage of the weakness, so it's a net plus for the character. Buy it as positive Reputation.
  3. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Nemo was Indian, but, at least in 20,000 Leagues, his origin was obscure. Nowhere near as blatantly Indian as the Nemo of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.
  4. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Ke$ha Unplugged
  5. Re: Fantasy game props Go to RPGnow.com and check out their paper terrain. Cheap and good looking. Worldworks Games has some especially good stuff.
  6. Re: Rules on Hiking? [6e] There was an old Hero supplement (from the Iron Crown days...the one about Ancient Greece I think) that had a system for long distance movement based on REC. Five miles/day/REC, I believe, so a decently fit guy can make 20 miles/day. A really fit normal guy can go 40, which is pretty hard to imagine, at least over a sustained length of time. Historically, armies have been expected to move about 20 miles in a day. Daniel Boone went 160 miles from Chillicothe to Boonesborough in 5 days to warn of Shawnee attack. Does anyone have any other similar anecdotes?
  7. Re: How to deal with a "remote control" Superhero (or Villain)? Duplicate. Why does it not seem right?
  8. Re: Kingdom Rules - Used in Any Supplements? It's been my experience that the +5 for double the followers standard falls apart when dealing with armies. For the points it takes to build a squad of superheroes at that rate, you can build several billion regular soldiers, which doesn't really work when you're trying to balance a Golden Age Champions type scenario.... For national armies, I recommend counting a point as a point, whether it's used toward a soldier, his equipment, a vehicle, or what have you. Use the discounts only when dealing with PCs and their much smaller retinues of followers.
  9. Re: Lucking Into The Plot Depending on how flexible you're willing to go with Enhanced Senses, it could simply be a Detect Crime in Progress, with appropriate Range mods.
  10. Re: Jokes It's amazing how many Hero gamers CAN'T do math....
  11. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares I never saw the show, but I looked it up on Wikipedia once in reference to some Star Trek thing, and IIRC the wagon master and a few core characters went back East and returned to CA at least twice.
  12. Re: "Neat" Pictures Technically it's not a trike. It has five wheels. Pretty cool though.
  13. Re: "Neat" Pictures I think whoever built that car probably worked at Home Depot rather than GM.
  14. Re: An effect that overwrites a focus as a different version of the item That's why I put that Limitation on about Requiring an Attack Roll Every Phase to Use...it requires the character to actually attack each time he wants to apply damage rather than attack once and hit again and again. I didn't specify a particular level of Limitation, I realized. I would suggest -3/4, as a huge part of the benefits of Constant and Uncontrolled lie in hitting over and over with one attack roll. So my current suggested build is as follows:
  15. Re: An effect that overwrites a focus as a different version of the item Using Multipowers, VPPs, etc seems needlessly complex. I didn't take into account the END aspect you wanted, but I think it would be easy to build. Just so I'm straight as to what you want: A character with this power has to buy it separately for each individual power of that type, right? So Andrew the Archer can buy the secret of the Hawkeye Bow, and Bessemer the Bowman can buy the secret of the Far-shooting Bow without stepping on each others toes...it's not a single power. Am I right on that? If so, Multipower and VPP are just making things more expensive overall. Also, do you want the power to remain in the weapon even after it's taken from the character? So that if Serric the Swordsman charges up his Sundering Blade and is immediately skewered himself, his buddy Sweet Taffy can pick it up and sunder the guy that did the skewering? I'm thinking if I've got the full concept here, that these powers would be built with appropriate Killing Attacks plus whatever modifiers you need to get that specific effect, then adding OIF (weapon of opportunity), Charges (for arrows etc, if appropriate), Costs END (if Charges are used, to counteract the free END aspect of Charges), Constant, Uncontrolled (these two require the character to feed END to the weapon to power it, and then the power runs regardless of whether the character stays conscious/alive to use it), Usable by Others (so Taffy can steal it), and a limitation of Requires an Attack Roll Every Phase (so that the character's not attacking with the sword once and then hitting the guy continuously afterwards...this counteracts the standard effect of Uncontrolled). This may not be the absolute best way to build it, but it seems easier to me than Transform or Summon...they always get a little weird. EDIT: and if you want to slot multiple instances of this sort of power into a Multipower, it's not hard. But it's not necessary to build a character with one set effect either.
  16. Re: An effect that overwrites a focus as a different version of the item Buy the power you want the bow to have, then apply OIF (weapon of same type). For example: Hawkeye Bow might be 2d6 RKA, Area Effect: 1 Hex Accurate. Throw on OIF (Bow of opportunity) and you're good. Summer's Fury Bow would be another power. Going back and looking at the thread again, the only thing you need to do with your Farshooting Bow or Irresistable Blade to make them fit is change the OAF to OIF. With OAF, it's obvious you're firing the arrows with the bow, and it's relatively simple to take it away. With OIF, it's obvious you're firing the arrows with the bow, but it's not as easy to take away, because you can do the same thing with any bow you happen to pick up.
  17. Re: How to introduce group to the Hero System? Sounds like your group is open to the idea, luckily. A lot of people come in here wondering how they can cajole, trick, or blackmail their friends into giving Hero an honest shot. I like Amadan's idea of starting the game with pre-made characters who later become NPCs. Another idea is to try to focus on those things that your players have disliked about other game systems that Hero does well. A lot of games have no way other than GM fiat to allow you to stab a guy through the leg and run from the crippled guy. If your players have ever wanted to do that, give them that opportunity...suggest it outright if you have to. If they've ever wondered why that ogre can lose 99% of his hit points and not pass out from blood loss during a drawn out fight, pull out the bleeding rules. I don't recommend pulling out all these options until you're comfortable with running them as a GM, but cherry-picking the ones closest to your players' hearts will give you the best outcome for your effort.
  18. Re: Superheroes Sponsored by Corporations (Such as the NFL) I had a reply half written to this yesterday and then got sidetracked and totally forgot about it. Anyway, I see two main kinds of corporate supers: the kind that's already superpowered who gets picked up by one or more corporate sponsors, and the kind that's put together by the corporation itself. The first kind could have any sort of origin, and may wear a costume that reflects the corporate logo in some way, or may have his own costume and just adds small logos reflecting the sponsors, kind of like NASCAR cars. The second kind would almost certainly be a walking billboard for the company (like superhero mascots you see in the newspaper or in fliers in the real world), would almost certainly be copyrighted, would probably have his powers come from a powersuit or some other transferable or reproducible technology, and would, over the course of years or decades, be portrayed by more than one person.
  19. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Do a whole line of these and I might take up WH40K. Looks like a fun game, but I don't know anyone who plays, and buying two armies (hell, buying one) is just too expensive. I'll print a bunch of armies in a heartbeat though.
  20. Re: Help Needed Locating Generator I kind of like this one. http://www.stargazersworld.com/2009/02/27/roleplaying-city-map-generator/
  21. Re: Conan: The Current Movie in Progress..... Huh...that does sound like a decent deal, depending on how much it costs to get in. I don't go enough movies to justify it though, unless it's really cheap.
  22. Re: Conan: The Current Movie in Progress..... If you're getting two hot dogs for three dollars, you're almost certainly bringing in food from outside the theater.
  23. Re: Building a STL drive compound/power Ah, the way the forums' hyperlink thingy works doesn't play well with copy-and-paste. It should be good now...just had to take out an extra "http://"...
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