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Captain Obvious

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Everything posted by Captain Obvious

  1. Re: Who was WWII's most important leader? Goering was an utter buffoon. Picking a person at random from the street would have provided a better leader for the Luftwaffe.
  2. Re: Who was WWII's most important leader? This was more a failure of strategy than of resources. At least according to Fighter General: The Life of Adolf Galland. A pretty good read, by the way. Germany seemed to have pretty good relations with several countries in Latin America. They probably wouldn't have needed to conquer anything in South America to get cooperation there. It wouldn't take too many points of departure from the real world to get a pretty nasty history.
  3. Re: Getting to two Yeah, you have. You repped me a few months back for a post I made on standard effect on non-multiples-of-three. http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2656&highlight=piercing
  4. Re: Forcing a Step Backward Fantasy Hero already has rules for a shield wall. Not quite the same as yours, DCV-wise, but I think it works out similarly in the end. The random movement is a pretty good idea though.
  5. Re: Forcing a Step Backward They'll just have to maneuver the enemy into a good position before opening up with that full phase attack. We can sell it as "tactical richness".
  6. Re: Adventure conversions for Valdorian Age Madness in Freeport. Turns out I don't have Terror in Freeport like I thought. It'll just have to wait, I guess.
  7. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... It's a decent start to a plan, but needs a little fleshing-out.
  8. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Heh...it took us a while to get the concept of surrender through to my son. For the longest time, he'd come up with one of his toy guns and tell you to put your hands up. When you did, he'd shoot...
  9. Re: Adventure conversions for Valdorian Age I just fixed the notes for Death in Freeport, and am posting this so anyone interested will get the word, and to bump this thread a little. If anyone has any suggestions for changes to be made to any of these adventures, something I've overlooked or something that could have been done better, please chime in. Also, if anyone else wants to post notes of their own, go ahead and do so. For simplicity's sake, keep this thread Valdorian Age, though. If I get around to it, and if someone doesn't beat me to it, I'll create threads for Tuala Morn and Atlantean Age too.
  10. Re: Adventure conversions for Valdorian Age Notes to Valdorianize Death in Freeport. I was going to do the whole trilogy, but now that I think about it, I'm not sure if I have Terror in Freeport. I guess if I don't find it anywhere, I'll skip to Madness in Freeport. EDIT: Doh! I didn't do anything with Milos' sorcery. I'll have to remember to fix this. REEDIT: Okay, just threw a couple of details in on Milos. Nothing too big.
  11. Re: "Neat" Pictures That's your shampoo doing that.
  12. Re: A good low fantasy game If you can get your hands on the Valdorian Age, I highly recommend it. It's sort of like plopping Fritz Leiber's Lankhmar down into Howard's Hyborian world, and adding the magic of Moorcock's Melnibone. The book is worth its price for the magic system alone. If you can't get it for whatever reason, in building your own low fantasy world, a lot of little countries makes things interesting, especially if you're able to work in a bunch of exotic cultural tidbits. There is a lot of Conan material scattered around the Internet...file the serial numbers off of some of that stuff for a good start. Magic should be slow and unwieldy...Extra Time, Gestures, Incantations, Concentration are good Limitations to use as a baseline. It should also carry other drawbacks...magic in the Valdorian Age uses the concept of Favors, where sorcerers in essence get supernatural forces to do things for them in exchange for doing something for the supernatural force in return. One system I used a while back broke magic into white and black. White magic didn't carry any additional drawbacks, but it wasn't useful for combat. Black magic was good for combat, but using it too much could warp the mind, body, and soul (Side Effect that Transformed the caster, adding Physical Limitations, Psychological Limitations, Berserks, Vulnerabilities, Susceptibilities, etc). "Gray" wizards used black magic, but only for minor things...below a certain threshold, they didn't have to deal with the warping properties of the magic. As far as plots and stuff, that's pretty general info that isn't really specific to low fantasy. You should be able to find a lot of that here and there on the Internet. Robin's Laws of Good Gamemastering might be useful for you, and it's pretty cheap.
  13. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I don't remember if this has been attempted yet or not...
  14. Re: How do you guys deal with WoTC drones? On these two points, I would describe the first limitation as "Flustered in Melee" rather than "Incurably Clumsy". For the second point, skill levels can be allocated to causing more damage. Buy up enough skill levels to do the job. They can be super cheap.
  15. Re: Lesser Elementals The Valdorian Age also has elementals that are less powerful than those in the Bestiary. I think there are two of each element, running at about 200 points each.
  16. Re: Firefly Season 2 Cool sites, both. I finally bought the DVDs a few months ago, based on the nothing-but-good I'd heard about Firefly, and my wife and I watched an episode or two each night until we were done. Then we rented Serenity. It would be interesting, if a second season was made, whether it would take place before or after Serenity. That second site's scripts are obviously before Serenity, since Book and Wash are both around.
  17. Re: Lost capital of the Khazars found! No way. Throwing the Nazis in just makes it a three way battle.
  18. Re: Order of the Stick Yup. That's one loose end wrapped up.
  19. Re: How many arrows can an arrow maker make? I would expect, though, with a question like this, an SCA member wouldn't pull the answer from as deep in his butt as the average person...
  20. Re: "Neat" Pictures A thwack ain't gonna do it. He needs a Haymaker.
  21. Re: Luke Cage I'm pretty sure I've seen him dazed (stunned) by a .45 to the head.
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