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Battlestar Galactica


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Just a curious, what did all you out in Herodom think of the new miniseries for Battlestar Galactica. I for one found it very interesting and alot less cheese then the original (but I still like the original, so please no flames). Also curious if anyone is thinking on doing any write ups for the series?



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As a child, I loved BSG. As an adult, I still love it :)


The new BSG, is very, very good. However I am dissapointed (apalled even) with many of the changes made to the show. Did they have to change both Starbuck and Boomer to females? Now Col. Tigh is white? Where is the tie-in to many of Earth's major mythologies and religions? (one of the coolest aspects of the old series IMO)


Those nitpicks aside (I leave it to you to decide if they are minor or major) the show is damn good. The acting was incredible for a Pilot to a potential series (we all remember the Pilot movie to Bab5) and the characters all had a sense of depth that is oftentimes missing from a series of this nature...at least at the start. And I really like what they've done with the Cylons.


I too will be watching if a regular series is made.

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I have to agree with some of NuSoardGraphite's comments about 'core' changes. My biggest prob. is with the change to Starbuck. That said, I thought it was great. The cinematography of the the space combat sequences was breathtakingly original. I also liked the little techno twist: old hardware is better (in this case). I think Lorne Green would be pleased with Olmos' performance as Adama.



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I am a huge fan of BSG, the old, series and had a lot of trepidation about the new mini-series. However, I was stunned by the new BSG. I really liked it.


In some ways, I feel the new show is for Adults, while the old BSG is more for teenagers and I have seen few intelligent detracting comments about the mini-series.


As far as it becoming a series who knows. I can tell you this. Sci-Fi channel promised its advertises a 3.3 rating. The first night it got a 3.9 and the second night it got a 4.5. Word is we will here if it is going to ba a Fall 2004 series by the end of 2003.


So..what kind of weapons were the Colonial Vipers firing, Bullets? Something else? Looking at my tape of the show I think the Colonial pistols fire gyrojet ammunition. What is everyone elses opinions?

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Originally posted by Herolover


So..what kind of weapons were the Colonial Vipers firing, Bullets? Something else? Looking at my tape of the show I think the Colonial pistols fire gyrojet ammunition. What is everyone elses opinions?


I'm thinking railguns/gauss guns.


And how about those missile clusters the Cylon Raiders were tossing out!


I saw that and imediatly thought how Macross!.


Hopefully we'll get to see more...

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I have only gotten to watch about 1/2 of the first episode. (WC has the tapes and I'll probably finish them up tomorrow sometime).


Now, like many of you have stated, I LOVED the original BSG had had some series doubts about the "reimagining" of one of my favorite tv shows. However, I put my trepiditation and sceptisism (sp) on hold and so far I haven't been disappointed.


While I only got a quick glimpse of the new BaseStar and a rather odd angled shot of the BattleStar, I'm holding my opinion on that till I get a better look at 'em. I do like how the interior of the battlestar looks like an actual ship and they do a good job of giving a very military feel to things.


I haven't really seen enough to give a better commentary other then: What I've seen, I've liked.

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I was, at first, unhappy with all the changes that were made from the original. However, the more I thought about it the more I realized they needed to make changes. Would we have really wanted to see the original series with new actors and better special effects?


That being said, the one change I am displeased with is making cylons look like humans. To me this just seems like a rip off of Invasion of the Body Snatchers and a bit too cliche for my taste.

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Originally posted by CourtFool

That being said, the one change I am displeased with is making cylons look like humans. To me this just seems like a rip off of Invasion of the Body Snatchers and a bit too cliche for my taste.

As I understand it there are only 4 types of cylons which currently look like humans, and they are all used for undercover missions. The rest of the cylons look like robots and that works for me.


From what I have been reading on the internet the ratings have been great. Third best ratings for the SciFi channel this year. Hopefully we will get to see more.

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I liked the series more than I expected to.  Ron Moore did a bang-up job! :)

I also liked both (shown) varieties of the Cylons, especially the robotic ones (that retained the old school red-light eyes).

If it becomes a series, which I hope it does, I will definitely watch it!!


It'll be nice to (perhaps) have another decent (story driven) space show on TV since Firefly got cancelled.

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Originally posted by CourtFool

That being said, the one change I am displeased with is making cylons look like humans. To me this just seems like a rip off of Invasion of the Body Snatchers and a bit too cliche for my taste.


Apparently, this was a business decision and a story decision. Ronald D. Moore (the TNG/DS9 producer behind the new BSG pilot) said they made that decision to make the projected series feasible. A weekly series simply couldn't afford to have CGI bad guys each and every week and he thought the more savvy TV audiences today would not buy the old bulky cylon suits form the original series.


If you're interested to hear more from Ron Moore, check out his extensive interview over at IGN's Film Force.

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Alright I really like the idea of the old Battlestar even with the robotic dog and annoying kid.


BS-Galactica was painful. No action, a very fine Cylon who is going to be in Maxim, geeze. Loved the glowing spine, "nope, no way to detect Cylons, nope." 10 or 15 seconds of CGI Cylons during the whole thing. The Cylon fighters fired nuclear tipped missiles and the Vipers had guns. Who is going to win this fight?


OK, anyone tell me why the humans can't count.


They introduced charactors to make you "feel"


The introduction of a child just to kill her off.


Why did Baltar survive? Why let him live? It isn't like the Cylons expected only the Galactica to survive. To gloat?


I did like Starbuck just cuz. Apollo was a whimpy whiner.

Adama was the best of the lot. 6 or 7 (the hot chick - ) was BSG's version of Jar Jar. No reason, except as an action figure if they make a series. Ack



(I was rooting for the Cylons to just get the sad excuse for humanity out of the gene pool.)

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One of the major suprises in this new BSG was the relative tough-

ness of the miniseries Galactica compared to the Galactica

of the original series. As far as I could tell, the new Galactica

didn't have anything like the deflector shields of Star Trek or

Star Wars, yet it survived a hit from a 50-kiloton nuke. Compare

that to the battlestars of the original pilot movie, which apparent-

ly didn't need much more than one explosives-laden fighter crash-

ing into the launch/recovery bays to turn it into battlestar flambe.


Another surprise was the low-tech approach to weaponry taken

by both the Colonials and the Cylons (missiles and outer-space

autocannon instead of lasers). I think the only high-tech weapon

of any kind that was seen in the miniseries was the EW system

used by the Cylons to shut down the battlestars and their

fighter protection befoe attacking.


Space Cadet :cool:

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Originally posted by Space Cadet

Another surprise was the low-tech approach to weaponry taken

by both the Colonials and the Cylons (missiles and outer-space

autocannon instead of lasers). I think the only high-tech weapon

of any kind that was seen in the miniseries was the EW system

used by the Cylons to shut down the battlestars and their

fighter protection befoe attacking.


Space Cadet :cool:


Actually, I really liked this. In the real world, lasers are pretty crappy weapons. They can't even shoot somebody through the rain, for goodnes sake. Blasters are... well, nobody knows what blasters are. They're not real, at least. I've seen people call them packets of plasma. Like that would be easy to carry and deliver. Nope, hit them with things that impart a lot of inertia or things that move really fast and get really, really hot. Or both. A nuke would be far cheaper and easier to make than a particle beam cannon (again, whatever that is). I applaud the lack of Hollywood Weapons. There's a lot less handwaving.


Finally, space-to-space Nukes moving at the (estimated) speeds shown on screen is pretty durn high tech. We don't have them.


Keith "besides, missiles look cooler than blast cannons" Curtis

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lasers are here


Lasers had that problem in the early eighties as pointed out by some articules in scienitific american then. As we post here the USA has a prtotype laseer armed plane (747) that in any weather will shoot down IRBMs. It has accoring to a USA Today papers articule of a few years ago a 200mile range and 40 shots! The lazing chamber is 2/3 the lenght of the plane. three techoligines came to gether to enable this weapon. One, defroming mirrors that where developed for telescopes this alowed the beam to be focus to the sizes of a basket ball (giving killing engery) at range. Two, Super computers which allowed the focus to be calcated quickly enough and three the chemcal laser which was powerful enough for the job. The frist prduction laser plane for the airforce will be deployed next year (6 are planned).

Now I notice that if this works on a plane then it will work on a ship, speaking of ships the navy has deployed a laser phanlax replacement that can shoot down incoming antiship missles at twice the range in all weathers, this system is on a least two ships and a bud on one has stated it is great as it takes 1/2 the space of the gun and is in service more. The thing to notice about the af plane is that a 200 mile range means low earth orbit is history and pity the poor soul that is spotted at 100miles and is shot.


lasers north of El Paso Tx at white sands test range have been blowing holes in everything from missles to planes for 20 years.

A airforce general in testomny to congress figures it just time (years, decades) until we srink the laser so it will fit on a fighter plane.


the era of lasers is upon us.


Lord Ghee

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Originally posted by Herolover

Early indications are that the sci-fi channel will soon announce that Battlestar Galactica is going to be picked up for a series debuting in Summer 2004


I admit that I am excited about this summer's lineup on the SciFi Channel. A new season of Stargate SG-1, the new spinoff series STARGATE ATLANTIS, and a new weekly Battlestar Galactica series. The days of Xena and Hercules reruns on the SciFi Channel may be finally coming to an end. :)

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