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What are the most annoying player habits!


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Players who make a connection (usually incorrect) to some tv show or movie they've seen and then proceed to:


1) say: this is like that scene in...

2) start quoting lines from said tv show or movie in game

3) start having their character act like the protagonist from said tv show or movie

4) assume the plot will now follow the plot of said tv show or movie


Players who refuse to come to terms with appropriate genre conventions:


1) who try to play elven sorcerors in super-heroic games

2) who try to play tv show batman in a gritty dark champions game

3) who try to play the punisher in four color games

4) who... ad infinitum.

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start in character, get into the conversation than manage to wander off topic, step out of character, and never come back to the conversation.


drives me nuts the second I get into character some dolt goes and ignores the game that's going on and starts being mostly random. oi.


Players that obssess on tiny details for thirty minutes at a time also bug me. Especially in combat.

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Originally posted by Von D-Man

4) who... ad infinitum.

Yes, the old "infinity + 1" argument gets old. ;)


People who spend a lot of time planning their next move in combat is a big one for me. We had a few games with multiple people and one or two people would count out hexes, and look at the mat, walk around to the other side of the table etc. Fortunataly the GM is pretty good about saying, "Its combat, make a decision." The GM makes this comment more often with larger groups.

Players who overanalyze *everything*. Granted part of this is because our GM will sometimes screw us on the details. But we have had hour long discussions about what order we are going to go into a bar. Fortunataly the GM has begun to do things like, "They escape out the back." Or, "They overheard you guys talking and decided to act first."


People probably get annoyed at me because I play with no thought to tactics in combat. Part of this is in retaliation to those who play with too much tactics (see first paragraph). So I just move my character and say "I hit him." Roll to hit, roll damage, go back to watching combat. Next person, "Hmmm, well I could move here, but then that guy on the roof can roll a 5- to hit me. If I move here I get a better shot at this guy, but punk #4 can outflank me." Ponder, ponder, ponder..."If I hit this guy I can knock him over here." (ten minutes later) "I'll move here and hold my action."


edit: This is actually a problem with a few players in another system, our champs group is quite good about making combat quick and dirty. By that I mean our team usually gets beat up within 2-3 phases.

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Originally posted by BlackSword

Yes, the old "infinity + 1" argument gets old. ;)


People who spend a lot of time planning their next move in combat is a big one for me. We had a few games with multiple people and one or two people would count out hexes, and look at the mat, walk around to the other side of the table etc.


"Hmmm, well I could move here, but then that guy on the roof can roll a 5- to hit me. If I move here I get a better shot at this guy, but punk #4 can outflank me." Ponder, ponder, ponder..."If I hit this guy I can knock him over here." (ten minutes later) "I'll move here and hold my action."


Hoooo boy, did I laugh at your post BlackSword. It just rang so true. (Wipes tears of laughter from his eyes.)

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The most annoying player habit I've seen is: making a high speed/Dex character, so that they can go first and often...and constantly holding action because they can't figure out what to do, often losing actions as their new phase rolls around. Repeat. "Indecisive Flash Syndrome"


The most annoying GM habit (only one of our main GM's does this...thankfully) is: "You missed your perception roll? Well, then you DON'T hear him whisper to the manager, 'Put all the money in the sack and no one gets hurt', and you DON'T see the gun the guy in the overcoat has." AAAAARRRRGGGHHH!!!

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Then there's always the player who has a character "idiom". For instance, I know a player who really likes to be helpful in a fight, so he can't think of any other types of characters than combat monsters, bricks, etc. When he tries to branch out and try another type of character, he still has those brick tendencies...


GM: Ok, Mindslammer, what are you doing?

Player: I'm going to run in and grab Grond, and smack him.

GM: Uh, ok...


(Grond's Phase)

GM: Ok, dude, Grond smacks you and knocks you out... in fact, out of the park...

Player: What? Oh, now this sucks!

GM: You do know you're playing a mentalist with 15 defense, right?

Player: Yeah, but I just wasn't any good in combat, so I thought I'd try something else...



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Biggest one for me is "Back Peddling"


What do you mean I wasn't invisible, OF COURCE I Would have turned invisible first.


What do you mean I didn't wait to kidnap the reporter till she was alone, I'm smart enough to not do it in front of a camera (This was an actual event in a story)

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The player that never learns simple rules. The one who always ask what to roll, when they've made millions of them. I found this most annoying in DnD, when someone would call for a X saving throw, and the player would ask every time.


Players who suck tactically or who deliberately play crappy characters annoy me. But not that much. What does annoy is when other players suffer because of the other player's mistakes. If someone uses a phase/turn to set up another character, but the other character pisses away the opportunity, that upsets me. Similarly, if my character will to expend resources for healing people, don't needlessly expose your character to damage and waste my power.

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for me it's got to be the sort that can't deal with things happening "in game" and in character. GM "you are grabbed from behind". Player - "what? I should have gotten a roll to detect someone coming or something!". I find it hard to stay in the game when someone wants to pop out constantly and complain that this should have happend because of X or that shoud happen due to Y. Stay in the $*#*! game, deal with the situation as your character! If Superman smacks someone and they DON'T go flying he doesn't bitch at the DC writer about knock back, he figures out something else to do!

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my peeve are those players that want their character to be involved with everything. They have the best chance to do ONE thing, most times a needed thing, but keep trying to be involved with the rest of the game that doesn't involve the ONE thing.


"Forehead Lad, only your invulnerable forehead can stop DR Demento long enogh for us to get threwhis gaurds and trash his death ray. Go get em!"


Forehead Lad takes one or two shots, then runs over and joins in the more entertaining melee.


"Forehead Lad, what are you doing, Dr Demento is going to creame all of us now."


Player: "That was boring, I'd rather fight the agents cause then I can kick more butt."



when crap like this happens, makes me want to chew metal and spit nails.

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Originally posted by Avatar

my peeve are those players that want their character to be involved with everything.


...or have to comment on EVERYTHING that happens, to EVERYBODY, esp. in character.


character has their action - "Take THAT!" then in between phases:


"Good shot Marksman!"

"Look out behind you - it's Mammoth Man!"

"Centurion, how could you miss him? He's practically standing still!"

"Well struck, friend!"

"You'll never defeat US, you madman!"


character gets next action...

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This one drives me up the wall . I become guilty of it my self when bored , but when GMing I'm able to enforce some discipline . Sounds crazy I know having disipline in a role playing game which is for fun . I HATE TANGENTS !!! . It get the blood pumping just typing about it .


Players who insist on breaking the genre


Player who insist on interrupting the GM ( also one I'm guilty of when bored )


GM's who don't enforce discipline . Even minor things like asking the offending Player to stick to the game . ( TANGENTS !!! )


Players who borrow anther Player's dice , pencils , etc...


Player's who argue with a GM's ruling .


Player's who take offense when their Character suffers some fate ( death , ambush , bad NPC reaction ) Way to serious by far .


Player's who refuse to accept a GM or another Players help with his Character of the Rules ( When he desparately needs it or refuses to learn the rules ) .


Player's who wine , complain , but never GM .


Just my 2 cents


E .


P.S. : Thanks , that was theraputic venting :)

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How about Stupid Dice Tricks?


Players who bring dice so small they need a magnifying glass to see them.


Players who bring big dice that roll forever until they fal off the table, at which poiint it's a "mis-roll" and we go again...


Players who can't do simple math - GROUP THE DICE IN SETS THAT ADD TO 10!!!

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The a=b=c syndrome.


In other words a player who assumes that having purchased "a" entitles him to "b", and therefore "c". A wealthly character who buys a car and insists on using it in combat, for example, because, "I can totally afford it".


The Re-Interpretor is another pet peeve. The player who reinterprets disads or limitations to be not so limiting. This player takes the psych. lim. "Passive, Only React To Villains Actions In Combat", but considers a soliliquy a direct challenge, so he will always jump a villain who may pause to pontificate.

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