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What are the most annoying player habits!


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Guest WhammeWhamme
Originally posted by devlin1

Yeah, because you know what? That kind of "LARP" is called "sex with a real human being," and I don't think I need yet another book for that.


"Hang on, honey-- let me check the stats. You're playing the Contessa, right? Okay, okay... and I'm the chauffeur... ah, alright. Here it is, page 7." *zzzip*


IMO, this kind of nonsense in a game is generally a sign of immaturity, not the opposite. But hey, to each his own.


Let's see how delicately I can put this...


You know the _other_ meaning of roleplaying? :P


Seriously though, mixing gaming and sex might be interesting.


(realizes what he said)


However, I'm far too prudish to continue this discussion.

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Originally posted by Solomon



Don't ask for a link. Don't google it up. You really don't want to know what this game's like, believe me.


FATAL's not "erotic" its not even good porn. Its a mish mash of juvenile garbage mingled with a touch of racisim for good measure. Its putrid.

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Originally posted by devlin1

Harsh words, indeed.


Thats how I feel about it. That "game" (for lack of a better word) has probably wrecked any chance of ever seeing sexuality/erotica handled in RPGs in anything resembling a serious, mature manner for who knows how long. And colored the opinins of those that want to try it besides its blemished the hobby as a whole. Something for people to point too when they want to label gamers as perverted geeks.


Its almost worse that RAHOWA. At least that was clearly published by bigoted idiots. FATAL can be taken seriously.

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Harsh words, yes. But they're still nowhere near harsh enough.


If you truly must learn of FATAL without wishing to read the rules yourself -- a wise choice -- there is a review.


But even that mere taste of the horridness that is FATAL has been known to cause the loss of 1d100 SAN.


You Have Been Warned.



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OK, out of morbid curiosity, I checked out the FATAL thing. And what’s sad is not how bad it is, it’s how much effort someone put into something that bad. I’m one of the more open-minded individuals out there, and I certainly wouldn’t judge anyone for erotic role-playing, but come on! Stats for sexual organs?!? Unless it’s going to be throwing Energy Blasts, my character’s hoo-hoo does not need stats.

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Back on topic:


I've got a player who never writes down his XPs. Mind you, as a GM I don't keep adequate track of them either, assuming that the players will tally them religiously. But this player starts most game sessions by asking how many XPs the other PCs have, then re-figuring his own total by subtracting XPs for games that he's missed. He's not trying to pull a fast one or anything. It's just odd. While I, as GM, have reams of notes to keep up with, he's got maybe three or four sheets of paper to maintain over the course of the campaign, and he still can't keep a running total in the corner somewhere. Kinda funny.



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Another "back on topic"...


I've thankfully never GM'd over anyone with this annoying habit, but I have sat at the table and been a player in the same game.


As an extension of the player who always plays the same character no matter what... the player who always plays the same character -- the exact same character, derived as closely as possible from a favorite movie, comic, or other medium -- no matter what.


I've seen more than one of these, but the one that disturbed me the most was a girl (in the mid-80s) who always played Ziggy Stardust. :eek: Most of the details are mercifully forgotten....

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Originally posted by austenandrews

Back on topic:


I've got a player who never writes down his XPs.



NONE of my players write down their XP!!! It would be infuriating if I had any need for XP myself. They always start the game asking how much they got last time. So I've stopped writing it down as well, and if no one knows, tough crap.


Heh. You say "on topic" like it's possible.

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Originally posted by The Mind Master

This, in my experience is not uncommon. I keep extra character sheets on hand because some players inevitably come without their sheet.


Doesn't really bother me any more, because I've learned to prepare for it.


I have to keep everybody’s char sheet with me. I envy you guys and your committed players.

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Players who arrogantly call one of my GM-created villains or NPCs a wimp, spend most of the game taunting said character, and then whine and accuse me of cheating when the supposed "weenie" hands them their ass in a straight fight. When you underestemate and disrespect your opponent, you suffer the consquences.

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Originally posted by BoneDaddy

Weird stuff, but strangely engrossing. Phil & KJ are great artists, with a genuine sense of the absurd.


Have you checked out Girl Genius? Any review?

I've only glanced since I don't buy comics. (I think I'd slide back to my old habits too fast)

It looks good. I think there are issues on Phil's site for reading.

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Originally posted by Wormhole

Players who arrogantly call one of my GM-created villains or NPCs a wimp, spend most of the game taunting said character, and then whine and accuse me of cheating when the supposed "weenie" hands them their ass in a straight fight. When you underestemate and disrespect your opponent, you suffer the consquences.


Got a good laugh on this one. I've seen this happen so many times. For some reason a player gets it into his head that a character should be a pushover, and cannot understand how this character winds up beating him...even feels demeaned and humiliated. I know a player who likes to play bricks. For some reason this player assumes that any opponent who uses martial arts should be a weakling.


"Hey! He actually HURT me with that strike? But he's just a puny martial artist! How can a wimpy martial artist hurt Bulging Brick man? "

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