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The cranky thread


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Guest Skaramine

Re: The cranky thread


Of course! I have to stay in practice to irritate my friends.

Gotta hand it to you, man. It takes some guts to go out on a limb to make puns like that in a joint like this. Elbow out now and quit my own puns. ;)

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Re: The cranky thread


Gotta hand it to you' date=' man. It takes some guts to go out on a limb to make puns like that in a joint like this. Elbow out now and quit my own puns. ;)[/quote']




Should I clap my hands at that response or should I give you the cold shoulder?


Thumbs up!

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Re: The cranky thread


:mad: Man, I'm pissed today. About a week ago, I send out an email to my gaming group - after getting responses from everyone that they're interested in starting up again. I ask what time this weekend they're free to play. I get two responses from people who say that they can come anytime. I wait as long as possible, on wednesday I send another email saying that we're running out of time and they need to respond so I can set a time they can make it, thursday night I say "OK, we're playing Saturday at 5:30." Between late Friday night and early today, I get a cancellation from one of the people that could come anytime, and another person finally pipes up to say they can't come that day.


Great. So, I now have two people who I'm sure will be there, and one person who might or might not show up. All of this avoidable...had I learned any of this before the last possible minute, after I have no way to move the game without screwing over the one person who actually gave me a timely response and can keep it.


Arghh. And people wonder why PBEM is so popular these days. :mad:

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Re: The cranky thread


Well, let's face it, at the height of RPGing most of the crowd was in high school or college and had unlimited free time. Today many of the RPG generation have jobs and families, and on top of that there are many new competitors for their entertainment, playstation and CCGs being chief among them. I personally play a hell of a lot more Shadowfist than I do Hero.

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Re: The cranky thread


Sadly' date=' it doesn't work that way. Being homeless and hungry sucks even when immortal, plus now I have a wife, and I'm sure you know how expensive [i']those[/i] are.


Depends on the wife, I guess. :)


Is it my imagination, or does everyone forget that this isn't an all boys club? lol

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Re: The cranky thread


Depends on the wife, I guess. :)


Is it my imagination, or does everyone forget that this isn't an all boys club? lol

we're just jealous. :)


some of us aren't lucky to have any significant other at the moment. :angst:


some are even allergic to wool!! :shock:

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Re: The cranky thread


Ok at the FLGS, I found a couple of CDs by Midnight Sydicate, billed as "chilling sound effects, haunting melodies and pulse-pounding orchestrations to set the mood for your darkest nightmare", in other words, mood music for V:tM games. I listened to the first little bit of each track last night before bed just to see whether we had wasted our money. We didn't. It is very very cool, dark and scary music. Which is just what I've been looking for lo these many moons.


Ok, so this morning I discover just how effective the music was, as I wake up, remembering the tail-end of a dream which ended thus:


It is a bright sunny afternoon. The tour guide says now he'll show us all those dead bodies. I decide I'll wait for the rest of the group to return from the underground, in fact under water, bunker, set under a pond in the middle of a deserted field/meadow, without venturing to view "all those dead bodies". My sister opts to go see them, even though the tourguide says he'll show her the dead kitten first, saying something about "even though he knows we killed him ourselves." That comment gives me the creeps.


So I'm waiting above ground when the surivors emerge soggily from the tomb and climb up beside me onto the square stone building in an attempt to avoid the ghouls that emerge from the tomb directly behind the survivors -- I never did see my sister after her visit to the bunker -- and I imagine we're supposed to wait there until sunset for the vampires themselves to emerge from the tomb, but then I wake up, discover that the sky is light and it's time to get up. Kly is already out of the shower, in fact, and puttering around in the living room, so he knows nothing of my ordeal, and won't until he reads this, if he chooses to do so.


This is no way to start a morning, much less a Monday morning, when I know there's already too much work on my desk anyway. ::grousegrouchgrumblegrumble:: What a way to ruin a perfectly good weekend. Phoo.

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Re: The cranky thread


I didn't sleep well last night. The cats were having a territory war over a pillow, Jenn kept kicking me even though I was on the edge of the bed, distinctly saw the clock at 3:45am, and still wound up crawling out of bed at 6:30 am.

And my tummy is still acting unsettled whenever I give it any food or coffee.

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