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WWYCD #92: Back to the Future


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During the course of a battle with a supervillain, a Brilliant Flash of Light engulfs your character. When it clears, you find yourself in a place like something out of a science fiction movie.


Specifically, 3000 years in the future.


What do you do?? For the purposes of this scenario, assume that whatever transported you forward also prevents any normal* means of time travel back to your own time, due to excess chroniton particle buildup or somesuch.


*Normal: ordinary metahuman temporal powers, time travel gates and gadgets, and such like. OTOH, a scientist or mage could research the force keeping him/her in the future to figure out a way to adjust normal time travel means to work, with suitable time and effort. And if your means of time travel is suitably extreme, making millenia-long time travel something normal for you ( "Avatar of Lord Chronos: 150 pt Cosmic VPP, Time Effects Only" ), well, this ain't meant for you.

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Re: WWYCD #92: Back to the Future


Dang! Just posted a #92 seconds after you did. Too bad I can't change the title of mine.


Anyway, to the topic:


Explore, of course. Neither Anthem or Uncle Slam use any technology in their adventuring, but Audra Blue is likely far out-dated now, rather than state of the art. Perhaps theirs a cure for her affliction? She'd look into that.

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Re: WWYCD #92: Back to the Future


Apex- "Not again!" The normally controlled brick would be desperate to get home, back to his daughter. He's been thrown into the future before where a time line was created because he wasn't there for his child. Never again.


Recluse- Possibly would be powerless now, depending on if Grandmother Spider had survived or not. He'd head to the place he first meet her and find out.


Wildcard- Depends on how the future had turned out.

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Re: WWYCD #92: Back to the Future


Omega - Well, it depends on what the future's like, doesn't it? If it's a post-holocaust or dystopian world, work to make it better. If it's like modern day, but with blasters and hovercars, try to adapt. If it's a Utopia, try to fit in, approach the gov't/researchers and make himself available to historians/anthropologists and the like, especially if this society was built upon the ashes of the old, and many records/etc were lost. Learn what he can about the last 3000 years, find out what happened to family, etc. Find out if any immortal teammates/enemies are still around. Go to church. "Father, it has *technically* been 3 millenia since my last confession..."


Jack O'Lantern - learn everything he can. Build high-tech costume, hover-glider, heat-seeking bat blades, high-tech pumpkin bombs, go find some criminals.

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Re: WWYCD #92: Back to the Future


The future you end up in is the Galactic Champions world, circa 3001 or so, after the return of mana. If your own origin and world is divergent enough that this is impossible, than its up to you whether you end up in a modified world, or an alternate timeline future. However, whatever the details, basic gist is "Bright, Optimistic High Tech Sci-Fi Setting + Superpowers."

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Re: WWYCD #92: Back to the Future


I'm going to presume you meant a thousand years, circa the 31st Century, since the Galactic Champions are mentioned downthread.


Mask Of Justice: His powers are nigh-useless for superheroing in the heavily synthetic materials future. But with a little catching up, he can resume his career as an ace reporter. Or perhaps he will become an explorer of new worlds. He'll waste little time moping about the past.


Rock Bottom: Is a bit puny as bricks go in the future. Time to get an education--in Science! He'll miss the New Guard, but obviously the world survived.


Calculus: Will be feverishly researching temporal science in an effort to find a way home. He has a wife and kid to support, after all.


Kira Midori: "I'm home!" Or as good as, since they'll surely have the equipment necessary to get her to her home timeline from here. She'll be a little sad to leave her 20th Century friends, but hey, home!


Talion: "Dammit, too many robots!" Will see if the future has found a cure for his condition.

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Re: WWYCD #92: Back to the Future


Style - "I must return to my own time. Failure means the death of billions. Where are the paths?" Style is destined to die stopping The Dragon from breaking free, and he knows enough about time travel to realize that this is not his time-line. He'd find a way back.


Flesh Gordon - "Wow! The Future! Big, shiny buildings! Rockets and space babes! I'm home!" Flesh believes himself to come from a Pulp Future time line.


AnimeGai - "Initiate childlike wonder mode. Initiated. My God, it's full of insert noun."

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Re: WWYCD #92: Back to the Future


Heh, okay, if we're talking CU 3000 and not CU 5000... pretty much the same, but specifics.


Apex- Would definitely go looking for help, and would check out the Champions right away. He'd in awe of their raw power, and is already a deep fan of Bulletproof and would not hesitate to say so. That wouldn't stop him from wanting to go home, and he'd probably offer to take BP with him if he found away.


Recluse- "You don't know what magic is? Oh man... LEARN the magic, respect the magic, or a big honkin spider totem will slap you around...."


Wildcard- Defintely be tempted to stay. Sure, he's not up there point wise, but nothing upgrading his tech couldn't help cure.

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Re: WWYCD #92: Back to the Future


Cat would spend a year doing immersive studies in the world, culture superheroes, supervillians, martial arts and tactics since she left, and after doing so would reenter the world as a superhero again.


Ballistic would think "Well Damn, I need to upgrade my suit, it's not so special here" and start to upgrade the suit and contact the local supermage community to see where he could fit in.


Cat and Ballistic are already on 750 so power level wise they would probably fit right in.



Terminal Velocity would look up the world series and superbowl winners for the next 25 years, see if he made the history books, and embark on a carreer as a superspeed sidekick to another superhero (he is only on 260 after all)

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Re: WWYCD #92: Back to the Future


Ghost Archer:

"Well . . . with the temporal part of my powers blocked, and if the world I find myself isn't what I need, I guess I could seach the dimensions for a high tech world and do some studying. If it took five hours of five centuries, somewhere along the line I'd find a way around it. Its not like I don't have the time."

"I don't think I would look into the past, I don't waht to know what may happen, just as I try very hard not to try to change the past. Time travel has . . . responsibilies that I take very serious."

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Re: WWYCD #92: Back to the Future


Style - "I must return to my own time. Failure means the death of billions. Where are the paths?" Style is destined to die stopping The Dragon from breaking free, and he knows enough about time travel to realize that this is not his time-line. He'd find a way back.


Flesh Gordon - "Wow! The Future! Big, shiny buildings! Rockets and space babes! I'm home!" Flesh believes himself to come from a Pulp Future time line.


AnimeGai - "Initiate childlike wonder mode. Initiated. My God, it's full of insert noun."


Dude, I am just way too intrigued for my own good here. Please tell me more about your Flesh Gordon (and yes, I have seen the movie).

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Re: WWYCD #92: Back to the Future


Dude' date=' I am just way too intrigued for my own good here. Please tell me more about your Flesh Gordon (and yes, I have seen the movie).[/quote']


Flesh Gordon is a low level brick with very high defences in a Bronze age campaign. He is also a very minor gadgeteer, with gadgets that were not purchased in a gadget pool.


"He's nigh invulnerable, though his costume is not."


Think good natured California body builder for his personality. Psych Limits include "Confused about his past" and "Cluelessly Optimistic." Sometimes he believes that he left Earth in 1935 to fight "Musk the Merciless" and "Princess Pleasura," other times he thinks he was sent back in time from the year 2525 by a group of female freedom fighters to prevent an alien invasion, and other times his beliefs are really odd. All that anyone knows for sure is that his rocket crashed just outside of Los Angeles in 1999, and that he has spent the last five years fighting crime and acting in B movies.


He's great fun to play. :)

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Re: WWYCD #92: Back to the Future


Warp: Since he's a dimensional manipulator and Time is just another dimension, he has the potential to possibly get back to his own time some day. Unfortunately, at this point in his history he's just mastered the basics of spatial manipulation and is just starting on extradimensional applications of his power, so it will be a while before he'd even be able to try and return.


First thing he'd try to do is try to find some of his fellow Sentinels. He knows at least two of his comrades are potentially immortal. Horus is a god, and Microman is an android. Starguard could also be around, but he doesn't know she's unaging. But if she is around he would hear about her during his research. Cyrande may also be around thanks to Malvan biotechnology.


He'd also look to see if he had any relatives left, and whether his father's company managed to survive all this time or not (he'd think it would be a long shot, but might as well check it out anyway).


Of course, he'd also be looking for ways to get back home as well, either by exploring new aspects of his powers or by external assistance. And he'd step up to the plate and do the super hero thing the whole time he's there. Just because he's lost in time doesn't mean he can set aside his responsibilities.


In the end, he'll either eventually make it back home with some neat gear and knowledge that will help deal with all sorts of problems that will be popping up, or a surviving Sentinel will convince him things turned out for the best and that he should make a new life for himself in the future.


Spectrum: I don't have Galatic Champions but from what I've heard of future history it's safe to assume the United States did not make it to the 31st century as an independent nation.


That would make Spectrum, Air Force Colonel and government sanctioned super hero, a man without a country. For the first time since he got his powers, he'd be utterly independent.


He probably would be an independent hero who concentrated in protecting humanity and friendly civilizations against the various threats in this time. Unless of course either Baron Darien or Horus-Re are alive and active. Then he'd look them up and assist them in their endevours.


He'd do research to see if anyone else had ever managed to encounter an active Progenitor Probe, and what, if any, new things had been learned about the mysterious and ancient godlike aliens in the past throusand years. He might even go searching for them or their legacy in his spare time.


Mystic: Was going to potentially be the next Archmage. Someone else probably has the office in this time so he'd look him up and try to become his apprentice. He'd learn as much as he can from the Archmage while trying to research a spell that would take him back to his own time.

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Re: WWYCD #92: Back to the Future


If there is adventuring to be had Husky will be fine and adapt quickly but he would miss the rest of the Leviathan 5. Kenneth would harvest the technological breakthroughs and enjoy the challenge of actually having new things to learn. He'll probably research a way home in his spare time but it won't be a pressing issue since most people won't even appreciate the difference in the technology he brings back compared to his own Huskitonian technology.

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Re: WWYCD #92: Back to the Future


Nova would be much relieved he's back in his original time, minus a few years, and be granted an opportunity to avoid the destruction of civilization. Would try to organize budding superheroes in a posse under his command to track down and destroy Mechanon 3000 before he starts the chain of events leading to Apocalypse.

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Re: WWYCD #92: Back to the Future


Erm... the Galactic Champions era is one thousand years ahead of present time -- 3000 AD.


3000 years forward from now lands you in 5000 AD, which is terra incognita by the official CU timeline.


. . .doh!!


Yes, I meant 3000 AD ( well, 3001 AD actually, but you get the idea ).

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Re: WWYCD #92: Back to the Future


Warp: Since he's a dimensional manipulator and Time is just another dimension, he has the potential to possibly get back to his own time some day. Unfortunately, at this point in his history he's just mastered the basics of spatial manipulation and is just starting on extradimensional applications of his power, so it will be a while before he'd even be able to try and return.


First thing he'd try to do is try to find some of his fellow Sentinels. He knows at least two of his comrades are potentially immortal. Horus is a god, and Microman is an android. Starguard could also be around, but he doesn't know she's unaging. But if she is around he would hear about her during his research. Cyrande may also be around thanks to Malvan biotechnology.


He'd also look to see if he had any relatives left, and whether his father's company managed to survive all this time or not (he'd think it would be a long shot, but might as well check it out anyway).


Of course, he'd also be looking for ways to get back home as well, either by exploring new aspects of his powers or by external assistance. And he'd step up to the plate and do the super hero thing the whole time he's there. Just because he's lost in time doesn't mean he can set aside his responsibilities.


In the end, he'll either eventually make it back home with some neat gear and knowledge that will help deal with all sorts of problems that will be popping up, or a surviving Sentinel will convince him things turned out for the best and that he should make a new life for himself in the future.

Actually, even Warmaster Fielan might still be around, depending on whether he learned how to stop his own aging.


Why yes, this is the plot for the comic Sentinels 3000. . . :-d


Spectrum: I don't have Galatic Champions but from what I've heard of future history it's safe to assume the United States did not make it to the 31st century as an independent nation.


That would make Spectrum, Air Force Colonel and government sanctioned super hero, a man without a country. For the first time since he got his powers, he'd be utterly independent.


He probably would be an independent hero who concentrated in protecting humanity and friendly civilizations against the various threats in this time. Unless of course either Baron Darien or Horus-Re are alive and active. Then he'd look them up and assist them in their endevours.


He'd do research to see if anyone else had ever managed to encounter an active Progenitor Probe, and what, if any, new things had been learned about the mysterious and ancient godlike aliens in the past throusand years. He might even go searching for them or their legacy in his spare time.


Mystic: Was going to potentially be the next Archmage. Someone else probably has the office in this time so he'd look him up and try to become his apprentice. He'd learn as much as he can from the Archmage while trying to research a spell that would take him back to his own time.


Actually, as of 3001, there's barely anyone with magical knowledge around, and the Book of the Archmage is still undiscovered. The Archmage position is still open.

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