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Goofy Villains


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Most often used in humor campaigns, but they also show up from time to time in regular campaigns and teen champions sorts of campaigns.


Heck, even Gotham City had the Condiment King, and he fought Robin and Batgirl.


So who are your campaign's most memorable goofy villains?

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Re: Goofy Villains


Foxbat and Ogre are a regular villain duo in my game world.


I figure Ogre is just smart enough to know he needs someone to do his thinking FOR him, but is in fact too dumb to know that Foxbat is NOT the person who should be doing that thinking.


Foxbat, meanwhile, is MORE than happy to take Ogre "under his wing."


So I have Foxbat running around town trying all kinds of crazy schemes, with Ogre as his enforcer.


And when I role play Foxbat, I use Johnny Depp's voice from the movie Ed Wood. Sometimes when I do that, I think my players heads are going to EXPLOAD!


"That's right, it's a stick-up. And don't bother counting out the money, because I'll be taking the WHOLE VAULT. Oh Ogre..."

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Re: Goofy Villains


5 words:








!! :)


I've got a couple teams of goofy villains that frequently get involved in "who can pull the better trick" contests with clown.


There's Corporal Punishment, Abu the Ninja Monkey, the HumanSlug, SnotMaster, Jack B. Nimmbel and the Grungy Gorilla.


Get them and Presto and company in the room together and LOOK OUT!

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: Goofy Villains


Let's see... there's the Evil Mastermind and his evil organization, Evil Mensa. There's American Tourister and the Luggage Wrack. There's the Five Senses Not Six Because ESP Isn't A Sense Using The Traditional Definition Of The Word, the Capital Gang, the One-Named Bandits, and Slugger and the Seventh Inning Stretch.

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Re: Goofy Villains


The Murderous Man-Bear! - A nasty-tempered, obnoxious, amoral man was hunting one day when he was attacked and mauled by a radioactive* Kodiak bear. He gained bear powers from the incident. He became huge and hairy and super-strong and bear-like, with nasty, sharp pointy teeth and huge claws. He also has a peg-leg--he was bitten by a Kodiak bear, not a spider, dammit! The peg-leg is high tech, with modular components, including a jumpjet for superleaps or various weapons.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: Goofy Villains


The Murderous Man-Bear! - A nasty-tempered' date=' obnoxious, amoral man was hunting one day when he was attacked and mauled by a radioactive* Kodiak bear. He gained bear powers from the incident. He became huge and hairy and super-strong and bear-like, with nasty, sharp pointy teeth and huge claws. He also has a peg-leg--he was bitten by a Kodiak bear, not a spider, dammit! The peg-leg is high tech, with modular components, including a jumpjet for superleaps or various weapons.[/quote']



I am so very stealing this for the GGU.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Goofy Villains


The Murderous Man-Bear! - A nasty-tempered' date=' obnoxious, amoral man was hunting one day when he was attacked and mauled by a radioactive* Kodiak bear. He gained bear powers from the incident. He became huge and hairy and super-strong and bear-like, with nasty, sharp pointy teeth and huge claws. He also has a peg-leg--he was bitten by a Kodiak bear, not a spider, dammit! The peg-leg is high tech, with modular components, including a jumpjet for superleaps or various weapons.[/quote']


That reminds me of a character concept I never fleshed out...




Bitten by a radioactive werewolf...


Werewolf Powers. Which add on to the fact that he has all the powers of a werewolf when NOT in Werewolf form...

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Re: Goofy Villains


In my game:


Armature - The guy drove off with a prototype enclosed forklift that he used at work. "With this suit, I can lift things! I lift things well!" After being soundly defeated twice (the second time, someone bought him a new prototype) he vowed to seek help and to strongly consider being a hero if he managed to somehow get another suit.


Overlord - He would construct these brilliantly complicated plans that wouldn't work because of the heroes. His best defeat was when he designed a dozen attack robots which the players tried to override, "Ha! You can't override them. They sense any attempt to send an invalid command and attack the sender." Which caused one of the heroes to press all the buttons on his wrist which sent an invalid command... "Oh, this could only end badly."


Demon stuck in Horton Plaza - (If you haven't seen this place, it is an outside mall, several levels and designed so people would end up looping several parts of the building). The poor demon just wanted out, but because of its design, he could never get to an exit and he couldn't safely fly because of its strange geometry.

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Re: Goofy Villains


Demon stuck in Horton Plaza - (If you haven't seen this place, it is an outside mall, several levels and designed so people would end up looping several parts of the building). The poor demon just wanted out, but because of its design, he could never get to an exit and he couldn't safely fly because of its strange geometry.


No kidding! What is up with that place? Buildings should be designed for simple, easy acess to and from all parts. This place sure isn't.


The big clock down on the lowest level is pretty cool, though.



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Re: Goofy Villains


The bun master and the spud king. Evil cooks who use multipowers based on types of bread and potato dishes respectively.



I may use a character "hero" I made once, the telekinetic kid. Imagine scott baio's character from Zapped, with the ability to feel what his telekinesis is touching, and the ability to transform clothes to other clothes.


He likes clown suits for politicians, garter belts for actresses, etc. Psychological age, oh about 14. maybe I'll let him grow up a little.


Imagine how far he would have to run after putting Grond in a Tutu. :nonp:

comments from others in the area "That's just Wrong."

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Re: Goofy Villains


Let's see...


Razz'l Dazz'l - extradimensional imp with massive silly powers, my Mr. Mxyzptlk-clone.


The Noid - the guy in the red suit and floppy ears from the Domino's ads. Horrible experiment by Domino Pizza gone wrong, was intended to destroy their competitors, instead turned on them. Everytime the PC's ordered from Dominoes, he had a chance of attacking.


Fluffy the Atomic Squirrel, aka "Squirrelzilla" - giant radioactive squirrel, complete with atomic flame breath, etc. Likes attacking "Clusters" factories along with random rampages.


One of the other GM's recently hit us with "The Culinary Institute of Crime", led by Cordon Blue, sinister master chef, along with Barbie-Q and some other food-themed villains and a bunch of masked "waiters" and "busboys" as agents.

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Re: Goofy Villains


The Five Bunnie Wunnies. Named for the books Snoopy reads in Peanuts.


They were rabbits caught in a radioactive explosion, who gained super powers. They were rabid environmentalists. Each had 3 levels of shrinking, except for the Brick. He was HUGE (two levels of Shrinking).


A few observations:


1. This was a real scenario in a real campaign.


2. This predated the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fad.


3. The characters were written up in effective point totals that matched the Heroes and were played as any competent villain team.


4. Have fun seeing your team getting beaten by five bunny rabbits on the 6 o'clock news...

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Re: Goofy Villains


A couple of the good ones from my world...

Landshark. Picture JabberJaw with Blood Frenzy problems.

Currently trying to 'go straight' since being inspired by a recent very popular movie. 'People are friends, not food'. Aside from being a Landshark, he is also a Card shark, and a Pool shark.


Baron de Cafe: Arch-enemy of Javaman.


And the entirety of the MacNukem clan.

Mama MacNukem, Grampa MacNukem, Molly MacNukem, Luke, Jimmi and Verne MacNukem, and of course little Bobby MacNukem. The entire family can shoot explosive energy from any part of their body, and all of them are immune to the explosions created by themselves or their relatives. They are the source of many instances of 'Hey Jimmi! Hold my beer and watch this!' But without the self-culling effect.

They've been wandering the country ever since Uranium was found down at the old watering hole and the gubermint men came and bought the farm.

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Re: Goofy Villains


And the entirety of the MacNukem clan.

Mama MacNukem, Grampa MacNukem, Molly MacNukem, Luke, Jimmi and Verne MacNukem, and of course little Bobby MacNukem. The entire family can shoot explosive energy from any part of their body, and all of them are immune to the explosions created by themselves or their relatives. They are the source of many instances of 'Hey Jimmi! Hold my beer and watch this!' But without the self-culling effect.

They've been wandering the country ever since Uranium was found down at the old watering hole and the gubermint men came and bought the farm.


You've reminded me of some villains from one of my old campaigns (same campaign that spawned the Man-Bear). They were THE NEUTRON SISTERS, based on the Pointer Sisters (and "Neutron Dance"). One sister could generate immense heat and light, one could generate blasts of radiation, and one could produce kinetic blasts. They were all immune to one another's attacks. When the three of them joined hands, they could do a credible imitation of a micronuke.

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Re: Goofy Villains


That reminds me of a character concept I never fleshed out...




Bitten by a radioactive werewolf...


Werewolf Powers. Which add on to the fact that he has all the powers of a werewolf when NOT in Werewolf form...


I played a werewolf (Loup Garou!) in a short-lived supers game once. I had an annoying DNPC girlfriend. She was _really_ annoying; when she discovered my secret identity--a bad guy threw a car at me and I wolfed out to defend myself--she was THRILLED! I (the player) muttered, "I could kill her to keep the secret, I suppose....) but then reluctantly concluded that, no, my character was a good guy so he wouldn't.


A couple of years later in a subsequent campaign, the GM resurrected that character as a villain...based on my murderous musings.

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Re: Goofy Villains


Humm...remind me to tell you about the Raindear Raiders...all 9 of them named after Santa's raindear. Later, thay became a group of mercnarie supervillians and renamed themselves, but thay have a hard time liveing down the name Raindear Raiders.


Rudolph- The leader...shoots vareous lazer beams out of his nose. Later becomes Master Blaster, who shoots vareous energy beams out of his...costume parts.


Dasher- Speedster. Forgot what his name became.


Dancer and Prancer- Twins with the Corsigan effect and dance style martial art skill. Later became Histep and Toetap.


Vixien- Female mind controler, who's powers only affect men. Later went through many a name change (I am parshal to Lovejoy myself).


Comet- Fire based energy projector.


Cupid- Guy with a boe and arrow.


Doner and Blitzin- Brick (Doner) and electric energy blaster (Blitzin).


And ther you have it. The Raindear Raiders.

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Re: Goofy Villains


Humm...remind me to tell you about the Raindear Raiders...all 9 of them named after Santa's raindear. Later, thay became a group of mercnarie supervillians and renamed themselves, but thay have a hard time liveing down the name Raindear Raiders.


Rudolph- The leader...shoots vareous lazer beams out of his nose. Later becomes Master Blaster, who shoots vareous energy beams out of his...costume parts.


Dasher- Speedster. Forgot what his name became.


Dancer and Prancer- Twins with the Corsigan effect and dance style martial art skill. Later became Histep and Toetap.


Vixien- Female mind controler, who's powers only affect men. Later went through many a name change (I am parshal to Lovejoy myself).


Comet- Fire based energy projector.


Cupid- Guy with a boe and arrow.


Doner and Blitzin- Brick (Doner) and electric energy blaster (Blitzin).


And ther you have it. The Raindear Raiders.


That's cool. I was thinking of writing up a supervillian team on the same theme, with the main difference having 'Donner' as a cannibalistic mystic. :-D

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