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This week on "Champions"...

hooligan x

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Re: This week on "Champions"...


The Defenders, Tuesday 7:00pm- After being attacked by a Genocide Minuteman and taken to the newest Genocide base deep with in the Austrialian wilds, Metalmorph discovers the joy of turning millisiles into clubs, and Mystic learns an important lesson about overwhelming numbers.

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Re: This week on "Champions"...


This is actually Dungeons & Dragons but, oh, well...


The Order of the Torch (Sunday 5pm): The hobgoblins and evil fungi have been vanquished and Lars, Oskar, and Zook have each gained a new level. With Sindellyn, Teveri, and Quillan now only moments from leveling, the party chooses to press on deeper into the Fortress of Glannath, thoughts of greater treasure and xps running through their minds. But their enemies have been warned and may even be waiting for them! Plus, their next encounter may not be one that they can kill and loot! Are these brave adventurers ready for a real roleplaying encounter?? [Rated TV-PG for intense violence (V), coarse language (L), and suggestive dialogue (D)]




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Re: This week on "Champions"...


MidGuard Saturday 7:00 PM "The Ackálian Menace, Part 5" Having thwarted the attempt by a corrupt Ackálian noblewoman to fix the outcome of a formal duel, rescued the comatose Zl'f from Rigellian intelligence agents, and then narrowly escaped from Beta Tauri Station with enemy fighters and cruisers in hot pursuit, MidGuard heads off through hyperspace towards the remote system Delta 61, which has been mysteriously deleted from the Ackálian stellar database. Here they hope to find the origins of the Ackálian metabeings and ultimately stop the twisted machinations of the Empress to destroy Earth. What mystery will they uncover, and what dark secret will they find?

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Re: This week on "Champions"...


Justice Squad Special: Desperate End Run Monday-Friday 9 AM - 11 AM "It's a special miniseries this week as Hamlet Laughton is featured in a solo adventure. He follows the twisted path of DEXTER up into the Vatican through a web of intrigue - and death. First in a series of miniseries!"


Justice Squad Summer Special: All in the Sihn (or Xian) Family Saturday 8 AM - 9 AM "In this first installment of this summer replacement series, the Justice Squad member Nexus is viewed through a sit-com lens with Director White taking the helm to experiment with the Justice Squad format. The Sihn Family - with dad-in-law Namor - arrives in an alternate dimension - without supers - and in the '80s. The Sihns establish themselves in a middle class home in the suburbs as Namor struggles with mundanity and Pyewacket, the cat, struggles with being a ventriloquist act."

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Re: This week on "Champions"...


Somebody miss a session? :D
Naw. I was running the session, so rather than just having Zl'f tag along and do nothing I had her get critically ill from an alien biotoxin she'd unknowingly been exposed to the previous session. This allowed the bad guys to find out that Zl'f (and by extension her fellow Terrans) had metahuman powers when she was rushed to their hospital and analyzed by high-tech scanners. Rigellian agents, trying to develop metapowers for their race, then kidnapped Zl'f and tried to smuggle her out of the system, requiring a rescue mission and a time critical sequence (since our heroes couldn't leave Beta Tauri Station until the complex antitoxin was synthesized.) It allowed a bit of role-playing, since I knew Blackjack's character Silhouette, who is one of Zl'f's closest friends, would refuse to leave Zl'f's side wthout an extremely compelling reason. That let me split up the party...
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Re: This week on "Champions"...


Sounds cool. Are you guys getting fairly sci-fi as the team's expanded into the universe?
To some extent. We've always been bleeding-edge even before this story arc, but we now have a starship with better sensors than anything on Earth, and once we get back home that ship can take the team anywhere on Earth in mere minutes (although it's relatively slow underwater - "only" 360 knots!). We'll undoubtably go into space again, but I fully expect our focus will still be mostly on Earth. I still consider team vehicles to be more GM's tools than the PC's, and I've already illustrated the limitations on the ship in-game several ways. Think Star Trek: "Our sensors are having difficulty detecting _______ due to high levels of _________ in the _________." In other words, it all works great unless the plot requires it not to. :D
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Re: This week on "Champions"...


That's cool, I don't want to extend this further as it's OT on this thread (though on topic for these boards at least), but just interested, particularly as my campaign will go in a sort of similar direction in terms of having space contacts and more fantastic explorations in the near future, as we wind down what I consider the first great story arc (not that it has a singular plan, but there's a dominant theme that will be addressed and then time to move on as the current major plotlines weave together, at least probaby anyway, and the big current stuff comes to resolution).

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Re: This week on "Champions"...


Since I just started my campaign.



In my Universe.

The Arena, which uses Machines to battle Super Humans in a underground illegal betting league. Acquired its last member of a 16 member HUMAN league. They square off against a 16 member Robotic League. All the Characters, 5 of them since I allowed them to make 2 a piece (one isnt in the league) since she is a liason to a real supergroup (GDF). She just got her powers thaxs to a rocket and a bunch of nanobots in a test tube, in the story. They have to figure out whats going on from here. So far 3 of there members have been thrown into a team fight (imagine that). Lots of explosions (Car Bombs, after they forced opened a hood. Players house blew up. The guy with the rocket launcher at the hotel room.)

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Re: This week on "Champions"...


The show notes episode guide for my now-on-extended-hiatus-but-may-possbly-restart-in-a-few-months "Aegis" campaign.


Note -- the official CU history was rewritten for this timeline, as well as throwing in whatever new NPCs we felt like, including some 'heavy hitter' offstage heroes to explain who was handling the megavillains... as Aegis, at 350 points starting, wasn't quite up to the Big Six just yet.




Tristan Blake as Peregrine -- former PRIMUS agent, inventor, and power-armor hero. Role: Team leader, heavy energy blaster, flier.


Origin recap: Medically retired from the PRIMUS Iron Guard due to injuries sustained during the Battle of Detroit, Tristan noticed several months after his discharge that the neural feedback he took from his battlesuit's catastrophic destruction had somehow triggered a quantum increase in his intelligence. Suddenly going from ex-grunt to inventive genius, Tristan scrounged enough resources to build the 'Peregrine' armor and return to the game... as a private hero.


Adrian Maximos as Diomedes -- martial artist, detective, rooftop-crawling street patroller, paladin of Athena... weren't expecting that last, were you? :) Role: Team tactician, streetwise guy, investigator, stealth guy, skirmisher.


Origin recap: An athletic and intellectual prodigy, Adrian was bored with his life... an Olympic-level athlete and noted classical scholar, born to a wealthy family, there was very little he could think of that was challenging to do... until he happened to be an 'innocent bystander' caught during a bank robbery. Thwarting the bank robbery, that night he dreamed of a gray-eyed woman with an owl, who offered him the chance to become one of her champions, and who under her guidance could find challenges worthy of any man, and evils that needed defeating.


Sherry Brown as Nox -- former bank teller turned shadow-sorceress. Role: group teleporter, clairsentient, backup martial artist, with a minor in entangles and darkforce blasts.


Origin recap: An orphan of average looks, average prospects, and well above-average fortitude, Sherry was (correction) mortally wounded by a stray shot during a battle between the SWAT team and VIPER. A mysterious voice from the shadows spoke to her, offering her a chance to live. Taking it, she found herself able to heal wounds, assume a 'battle form' cloaked in shadow-armor and with shadow-weapons, and able to both hear, see, and step through (teleport) nearby shadows.


Matt Mayhew as Malleable Man -- wisecracking cartoonist with stretching powers. Role: stretching brick, frontline fighter, off-beat power stunts, and team comedian.


Origin recap: Cheerful slacker and art student Matt Mayhew was visiting his girlfriend Lisa in the university chemical lab when the villain Holocaust attacked Chicago. Falling into a vat of experimental polymer... well, guess.


And last, but definitely not least, Rand Valor -- half-Empyrean adventurer, Rand uses his martial arts skill, superhuman strength and resilience, and eclectic knowledge base to carry on his family's tradition. Role: he's a medium-level brick with martial arts, mental defense, and power defense. Linchpin of the team's offense. Also the mystic and 'weird stuff' expert... he can't cast actually spells, but has fairly good protections cast upon him, and several relevant KS'es.


Origin recap: Son of the (campaign NPC) legendary Dr. Alexander Valor, pulp adventurer, scholar, and minor thaumaturge, and the Empyrean woman he fell in love with on his last great adventure (successfully finding the city of Arcadia... which he was then politely asked not to leave again, and since Dr. Valor was starting to hit "time to settle down" age, he was happy to comply with their request), Rand Valor has chosen to leave the timeless (and boring!) serenity of the Empyreans behind to find adventure, mystery, and perhaps a good rousing slugfest or two. The Council allowed this, but only if he consented to having memory blocks placed upon him so that he couldn't give away Arcadia's location to anyone, willingly or otherwise... or even recall it himself.




Holocaust's attack on Chicago in late 1993 was met by five chance-met strangers... the local rooftop prowler Diomedes, the newly-created Malleable Man, the solo hero Peregrine, the mysterious Nox, and the just-happened-to-be-wandering-by Rand Valor. Mayor Daley praised their efforts to the skies, offered them the keys to a city-provided base, and in general fast-talked/guilted them into becoming Chicago's official superteam, on the cheap. The campaign started six months after this prehistory.




Episode One -- Aegis rolls on a mission to stop Lodestone from robbing the downtown post office, almost resulting in a clash with the notoriously intolerant of "meddling amateurs" Silver Avenger Darin Falswell, the new head of Chicago's PRIMUS contingent. Can they find ways to get along with their fellow superhero without bloodshed? Can they spot the hidden sabotage of Shrinker, both to Peregrine's armor and to their base? Can they successfully find and arrest her accomplices Pulsar and Ogre as well? What /was/ Lodestone's part in her scheme, anyway?


And can they finish doing all of this before the 10 o'clock news?


Yup. :)


Episode Two -- featuring a special guest appearance by Horus-Re, the World's Mightiest Hero! (Sweeps Week already, heh?) Horus-Re needs their help to find and stop a local plot of DEMON's. The team, of course, readily agrees. (When Superman shows up to ask for your help in stopping evil, who says 'no'?)


But why is Horus-Re acting so oddly? Why is he never there when you need him? What /are/ a bunch of Demon-Brothers doing in the sewers, anyway?


And when Gargantua walked up out of Lake Michigan a la Godzilla and roared a challenge to Horus, why didn't Horus show?


And most importantly... how is /Aegis/ going to stop him?


Tune in next week.


Episode Three -- By the daring, skill, and utter courage of our heroes, Gargantua is miraculously defeated! (Well, that and Rand Valor's willingness to called-shot a pushed haymaker to Gargantua's [dangly bits]). :) "Horus-Re" is revealed as an impostor, using holographic gear from Mirage! (And he never actually /did/ show any of Horus' powers beyond Flight... actually from a concealed jetpack... and Horus' glowing aura... from the holograms). DEMON turns out not to have been plotting anything in particular at all!


Oh, and then the /real/ Horus showed up, mildly curious as to why Gargantua was busy issuing a public challenge to him in Chicago while he was busy in California. Fortunately, Aegis managed to avoid the 'There's the impostor now! GET HIM!' mistake. :)


Horus-Re praised them for their defeat of Gargantua and the DEMON contingent, and helped make up for his good name having been used to send them on a wild-goose chase by letting them take the afternoon off while he wrapped up a bank robbery -- by Mirage and some henchmen, no less -- for them.


And boy, wasn't Mirage surprised when the /real/ Horus-Re walked in to ask what she was up to. :)


Her unknown accomplice (revealed in the final cut-scene to the audience, but not the superheroes, as Kevin "VIPER-X" Armstrong) wasn't, however... him having had the wisdom to abandon the plot, and Mirage, about an hour ago. :)


Aegis episodes 4-12 will be detailed here later, when I can get home and find all my game logs.


(edit -- snip lengthy footnotes. This is supposed to be in the form of a TV series' episode guide from a website, not an entire compendium.)

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Re: This week on "Champions"...


(cont. from previous post)


Episode 4 -- Who is the mysterious stranger who posed as Horus-Re, and what is his prior connection to Falswell? How was Mirage's life threatened by a mysterious man inside the Chicago PD's headquarters? Who /is/ VIPER's mole on the police force, anyway?


Episode 5 -- The mole identified! Ssssh, his superiors might be watching! Can our heroes reaching a working arrangement with the ever-suspicious Silver Avenger Falswell? Why is Aegis' HQ being harassed with phony work orders? And why did Chloe the receptionist let /Foxbat/ into the lobby? :)


Episode 6 -- VIPER finally attacks! *shrieks of horror* With /lawyers/! Can Aegis defend themselves against nuisance lawsuits and false brutality accusations? Will they persuade the self-centered Mayor Daley to continue sponsoring them even if they're no longer political pluses, but minuses? Does Aegis have any hope of surviving their first press conference?


Episode 7 -- The press conference survived -- mostly -- Aegis responds to a bomb threat call, only to be struck by a supervillain's temporal trap! Welcome to the future! But... why is the countryside so deserted? Why are things so run-down? And why are there VIPER logos on all the city buildings? And you'll never guess who shows up to help them!


Episode 8 -- Rescuing a truck convoy full of slaves from VIPER, Aegis meets a Resistance group on the same mission... led by none other than the aging Dr. Alexander Valor, Rand's father! And boy, is he surprised to see his son again! ... seeing as how in this alternate future timeline, all the members of Aegis are long dead. Except for Nox -- who's suffered a far worse fate, as in this future, she -- or, rather, the evil spirit that's been possessing her body -- is now VIPER's chief assassin, Shadowstrike.


Episode 9 -- The tale of this dark future is told, as Aegis accepts Dr. Valor's hospitality at the Resistance's redoubt. Special guest appearances by Dr. Valor, his wife Astra Valor, and the Resistance's chief military field commander, Sir Giles de Morphant.


Episode 10 -- Aegis remains at the Redoubt, learning more about this dark future, and hatching plans to return home. Meanwhile, Sherry studies beginning magic with Dr. Valor, taking the first steps towards learning how to come to grips with and defeat the darkness growing inside her. We see how other figures from the past have lived to become part of this dark future's last gasp for freedom. Guest appearances by Black Paladin, Bluejay, Kevin Poe, and Chloe the (former) receptionist. Also revealed... the secret of why future-VIPER so deathly fears time travellers.


Episode 11 -- "Nightmares of the Past While In The Future, Part 1" -- Aegis, realizing that while they have some months of experience at fighting supervillains they are entirely inexperienced at war, begin a crash course of military training under the tutelage of the old warhorse, Alexander Valor. Using Astra's Empyrean-trained telepathic powers, he makes up for their lack of modern Danger Room facilities by placing them all in a carefully-crafted dream sequence using elements and villains from Dr. Valor's youth... a telepathic simulation of the night before D-Day, amongst the hedgerows of Normandy, in a life-or-death struggle against the dreaded Ubermensch.


Episode 12 -- "Nightmares of the Past While In The Future, Part 2" -- The dream-battle with the Ubermensch continues, culminating in Aegis' final assault on the captured village of Sgt-Mere-Eglise! Will Shocktrooper be able to recover from his loss in the initial skirmish? Will Peregrine's military training and heavy weaponry, used for the first time even in simulated warfare, shock the sensibilities of those used to less lethal ways of fighting? Will the members of Aegis see the /true/ lesson that the Valors are attempting to have them learn in this mindscape?


... sadly, this is when the game ended. I hope to restart it later this year... possibly.

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Re: This week on "Champions"...


The D.o.C adventure recap


The Initiates plot to convert most of Chicago to her Demonic Servants by using the powers of the Demonomicon were foiled. Some members were awaken just in time, they themselves almost transformed into Demonic slaves. The DOC, back to full strength attacked her at the culmination of her ritual. Lighbringers Demon Hold Demon spell held back most of the horde, though his vital essence was drained to the limit. While the rest of the team distracted the Initiate, Shear Managed to destroy the Talisman of Invulnerability with the mysterious Stone knife they retrieved last episode, made of the same mystic material. Then with righteous fury, the Inititate was Vanquished, and was given to Lightbringer, who would try to redeem his former student. Lightbringer than bid a farewell to the team, taking a leave of absence as he tried to restore the once innocent soul of his apprentice.


In the meantime, Hardwire found out his sister was trying to sieze control of the family buisness, and had obtained the prototype plans of his suit to sell to Argent. Shadowhawk confronted his sister after discovering her to be Lady Blue. The two agreed to do nothing at this time, but shadowhawk warned herto tell Grab never to set foot in Chicago again. Eclipse was found unconscious, seeming after battling demon slaves of the Initiate--win the midst of destruction that no one can explain. Ronin discoverd that the source of his enhanced abilities come from somethign related ot the Prometheus Project. Baffled as he has no memories of ever recieving such a treatment, Ronin begins to suspect what he remembers about his past may not be true. In the background, UNTIL establishes a firmer presence in Chicago, and begins its drive to control the activities of all metahumans. Titan continues to grapple with a dilemma; trying to reconcile his mutant powers with the fact that his father now works as a PR expert for the Institute of Human Advanacement.

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Re: This week on "Champions"...


Team F-up- sun 8:00 pm: The FINN Foundation breaks up Bivtech and Dr. Benedict is given back the deed to the renovated brownstone. Angus and Lillith set a date and Palmer helps Lillith find a wedding dress. Police have no leads in the vigilante murder spree.

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Re: This week on "Champions"...


Toledo Sentinals-Tue 6:00pm: The Sentinals are forced to investigate the slaying of their long time friend Sequioa themselves because killing of an animate tree is not considered murder. Is Stretch's police training up to the task without the support of the department? Good Guy has to face one of his greatest fears while the rivalry between the two ice powered heroes, Icestar and The Swede ramps up! Firestar finds herself the object of obsession, and Nightmare is still searching Lake Erie for alien artifacts. Amid this the heroes are asked by other supers to go against President Bush's non-interfearance policy and attack Dr. Destroyers army which has claimed all land south of Buenos Aries as the sovergin nation of Zerstoia!

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Re: This week on "Champions"...


UNITY 2010- Sat 5:00pm: UNITY Team C takes a well-deserved vacation. On the sunny beaches of the Riviera, Straight Arrow decides to confide in his team about the conspiracy within UNTIL itself. And amidst the glitz, glamour, and spectacle of Monte Carlo, new trouble is brewing...

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Re: This week on "Champions"...


Ravenswood Game... a Freshmen group of students is honored with a guided tour of Homestead, only to find a villainess that seems a cross between the classic 'old crone' and an Evil Mary Poppins turns the adult heroes into children so she can age them into new evil forms. The Teenagers are too young to be changed by the spell and must fight both the witch, and pint sized parodies of their idols.

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