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Quote of the Week from my gaming group...

Darren Watts

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Marvel Superheroes versus Ape Squad


Plazti-Chimp stretches out 12 hexes to grab Kisa.

Herc: where did he put his hands?

High Evo: Around her scrawny cat neck.

Herc: Boring.




Silver Surfer entangled Crime-Ate, encasing him in a metallic sphere,

so I had to roleplay an enraged chimp snuffling through airholes. :ugly:




Banana Gunner had a 6d6 RKA, and of course got a critical hit on Starfox

(running joke: Not in the Face!)

but the funny part is Starfox wasting 2 phases cleaning himself.



Later when Banana Gunner got another critical hit, on Silver Surfer:

Surfer: what's he got in there? depleted uranium plantains?

GM: no, but the peel acts as a sort of sabot...



Some more buildings got blown up in the battle, which is counter productive to the group's post-apocalypse rebuilding effort:

Kisa: Self-Destruct? oh we pressed that button a long time ago...

High Evo: Repeatedly.




when the battle was over, Silver Surfer Transformed Dandy Don Kong into a hair-shirt for Hercules.

Herc: Uh thanks.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Manic Typist: It's in reference to post #6539 on the previous page, where you

posted the following:


Edit: Stop lowercasing my word! It's MINE AND I LIKE IT THAT WAY!




Major Tom :cool:


Ah! I see. I thought you were quoting me, and a response from Vulcan response... combined with the face, I thought you found it amusing. I was so confused because I didn't think I said that, but rather said something about such a topic...


Every time I typed PUUA in capitals... when I posted, it would appear as all lowercase (or just with a capital P ). I might have to edit this, actually... we'll see.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Today's 3.5 game (I'm roleplaying again! Glee!):


"Everybody wants to touch the Minotaur's lance!"


One of the players, for reasons unknown even to himself, wrote "Power Elf" on his elven druid's character sheet. We have, naturally, been taking the micky ever since. Today, when he was shapeshifting into various beasties:


"He's not a Power Elf! He's a transformer!"

"Transformers! Druids in disguise!"

"No wait, he's Manimal! Elfimal!" (that was mine, sorry)


The barbarian also chose this session to tell one of the other characters (there's eleven of us, and I can't for the life of me remember what class he is) that he had eaten this guy's pet dog, which had sadly been on the wrong end of a lightning bolt thrown by our sorceress. We were rolling about over this (we were, alas, less than sympathetic) for about five minutes, but I can't seem to condense it into a quote...

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From the new 1960's SUperheroes game:




Star Ranger's Mom: So when are you gonna give me some grandchildren?


Star Ranger: What, youve got a machine in the basement that keeps you young, but it only runs on grandchildren? ;P




Mooks have taken over a nightclub. Goblyn manages to port out -all- the hostages, as all eight feet of Gold Guardian clomps thru the front door. Gold Guardian signals for the power to the club to be cut, then switches on the searchlight on the battlesuit's helmet.


Gold Guardian:Feel free to open fire. Ive got all night.!




GM: Next time when they throw you out the window it'll be so much less painful....more painless...less painless...OH MY GAWD MCCAINISM!

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Funniest line of the week did not happen during the game but was relayed to us at the game.


The GM is a teacher in a public school. This week his students were complaining about how much homework he gives out, prompting this line which reminds us of his games...


"Keep crying. Your tears are like candy to me!"



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Guest Major Tom

Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Today's 3.5 game (I'm roleplaying again! Glee!):


"Everybody wants to touch the Minotaur's lance!"


One of the players, for reasons unknown even to himself, wrote "Power Elf" on his elven druid's character sheet. We have, naturally, been taking the micky ever since. Today, when he was shapeshifting into various beasties:


"He's not a Power Elf! He's a transformer!"

"Transformers! Druids in disguise!"

"No wait, he's Manimal! Elfimal!" (that was mine, sorry)


The barbarian also chose this session to tell one of the other characters (there's eleven of us, and I can't for the life of me remember what class he is) that he had eaten this guy's pet dog, which had sadly been on the wrong end of a lightning bolt thrown by our sorceress. We were rolling about over this (we were, alas, less than sympathetic) for about five minutes, but I can't seem to condense it into a quote...




Well, if nothing else, the barbarian at least got a decent hot dog out of the





Major Tom :lol:

16 more to go...

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


I have here some quotes from the first session of teh Bunneh's new steampunk game set in The Kandris Seal world (mentioned earlier by QuerySphinx).


The basic premise is that the characters are all members of the Dragon Hunters, a covert group devoted to protecting the world from supernatural threats. The PCs include:


Savannah Leblanc (played by BunnySue - teh Bunneh's wife) - Beautiful shootist from Texas with a knack for trouble and action.

Morden Yazimoff (played by our friend Ron) - Jewish geomancer and student of the occult.

ADEN (played by our friend Ben) - Artificial clockwork man who serves Master Yazimoff with a upper crust demeanor.

Alicia Keen (played by QuerySphinx) - Vertically challenged Italian mystic and seer with an air of mystery.

Thackary Hartwell (played by yours truly) - Young British Savant (made scientist) specializing in weaponry and explosives.


We open with a mission involving the investigation of a massive cross-country race through England that may have nefarious purposes...




The GM describes the Dragon Hunters organization...

GM: The Dragon Hunters are a group dedicated to the investigation and extermination of many paranormal threats...

Thackary (OOC): So...we're professional paranormal investigations and eliminations?

GM: Well, yeah.

Thackary (OOC): The franchise rights along will make us rich beyond our wildest dreams... :D


GM draws the route of a race across England, forming a very obvious pentagram shape...

Thackary: There's...some sort of...pattern here...wait, don't tell me... :think:


The team's operations chief, Master Pasquale, details some of the mission goals...

Pasquale (NPC): We also need for you to make sure that none of the competitors complete the race.

Thackary: That's...a very open-ended directive, sir.


Savannah asks a question about the pentagram...

Savannah: So how do we know if this is good juju or bad mojo?

Pasquale (NPC): If it wasn't of nefarious bent, our contacts would have informed us.

ADEN: Did you...just use the logic of "we would know if it was good?"

Pasquale (NPC): ... Yes. :straight:


After a brief but inevitable digression...

Thackary (NPC): It's a Victorian setting - of course there's going to be Gilbert & Sullivan sing-a-longs!


The two wizards of the party discuss tactical options...

Alicia: Subtle we can arrange.

Morden: Yes, no one will notice those full eclipses sneaking up on them.


More tactical talk - much to Savannah's exasperation...

Alicia: So we should go gather some information.

Savannah: Boring!

Morden: It's a British race - we can leave it to the Brits. I'll be in the Turkish baths.

Savannah: Now that idea I like! :bounce:


Words of wisdom...

Savannah: You never want two Savants in the same room together.


The artificial ADEN explains his partnership with Morden...

ADEN: Our relationship is very symbionic. And he has my bill of sale.

Thackary: It doesn't get more symbionic than that.


As the team breaks off to deal with individual tasks in the plan...

ADEN (OOC): I think we've set a new record. We've been playing for only an hour and we've already split the party - across the country!


An aside comment to the newcomer to the gaming group...

ADEN (OOC): You'll find that we use continuous movie references and quotations - even more than other gaming groups.


Savannah's player mentions how attractive the Texan is compared to mainstream population...

ADEN (OOC): Comeliness 18? I'm glad I'm a robot.

Thackary (OOC): At a Comeliness 18, even a robot turns its head.

ADEN (OOC): Nice chassis! :love:


During info-gathering at the local newspaper, a young reporter tries to impress Miss Keen...

Junior Reporter (NPC): See? I've got my own desk - you have to be very important to have your own desk.

Alicia: Yes, I'm sure you two will be very happy together.


Thackary, in the guise of a reporter, steps into a workshop and runs into a massive and obviously dim-witted man...

Thackary: Alistaire Hart from the London Times. I was wondering if I could get a few words.

Alicia (OOC): He only knows a few words!


A manservant interrupts Thackary while the Savant is in his workshop - this is a typical Savant response...

Jeeves (NPC): Sir, pardon me, but there is a telegraph...

Thackary: Not now, you fool! :mad: Can't you see I'm in the middle of... ...Yes, Jeeves, what can I do for you? :o


The put-upon manservant continues to try to assist young Thackary in teh contruction of a racing vehicle...

Jeeves (NPC): Shall I continue to collect cats for you, sir?

Thackary: Yes - but remember that I require a minimum of twenty five point two five felines!

Jeeves (NPC): But how shall I get...er, yes, very good, sir.


During a telephone conversation...

Alicia: Can you pass a message on to our philosopher type?

ADEN: Do you mean Master Yazimoff or Master Hartwell.

Alicia: Thackary is not a philosopher - he's an obsessive-compulsive.


Random comment...

ADEN: I believe what we have here is moral wiggle-room.


Thackary recruits some help with his new Savant vehicle...

Thackary: Miss Lablanc, how are you with cats?

Savannah: Why?

Thackary: I need an enginner. :sneaky:




That's what I have for now. I'll post more as the campaign continues!



- Lonewalker

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


No Gnoll & Void this week - the evening game was derailed by a late start, and an early finish. Vitus will just have to decide next fortnight whether his teammates and Earth are worth saving.


In the City On The Edge game, the team continue the cross-dimensional pursuit of the Black Paladin and Talisman. Most recently from a Late Stone Age Greece, to a modern and rainy industrial town.


: "But have they invented hats? Are we still in the Hatless Continuum?"


The local police are wearing power-armour.


: "What kind of criminals need cops armoured like that?

: "The kind of criminals from my world"

: "Oh, you know these guys?"

: "No, but I like their style."


They also shoot first and ask questions later when it comes to mentalists who can get through their shields.


over the mind link
: "Quick, play dead!"

: "Ahhh! Don't shoot! *
bang bang bang
* falls over, spreading puddle ... Although that last one would have happened anyway."


12-ft tall, and about as wide
: "I want to know what laws I might be violating"

: "Well, they won't let you in the ball-pit at IKEA"


Local super-cop
: "I assume she has an actual name?"

: "Talisman, but if you call her 'the skank' everybody will know who you're talking about."


: "You have to worry about any setting where magic is real because it means Crowley wasn't just a wanker."


My wife's Smut Field proves it has the Sticky advantage, because our GM tried to explain how precognitive visions lead Swordbearers to their mystic inheritance, and it came out like this.


: "Most individuals start dreaming about their weapon when they hit puberty."


The supercops in the current dimension have a bunch of different departments - we get them confused.


: "You mean Section Seven, the mages. There is no Section Eight."

: "
is what they'll get after a week of working with us."

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


I have here some quotes from the first session of teh Bunneh's new steampunk game set in The Kandris Seal world (mentioned earlier by QuerySphinx).


The basic premise is that the characters are all members of the Dragon Hunters, a covert group devoted to protecting the world from supernatural threats. The PCs include:


Savannah Leblanc (played by BunnySue - teh Bunneh's wife) - Beautiful shootist from Texas with a knack for trouble and action.

Morden Yazimoff (played by our friend Ron) - Jewish geomancer and student of the occult.

ADEN (played by our friend Ben) - Artificial clockwork man who serves Master Yazimoff with a upper crust demeanor.

Alicia Keen (played by QuerySphinx) - Vertically challenged Italian mystic and seer with an air of mystery.

Thackary Hartwell (played by yours truly) - Young British Savant (made scientist) specializing in weaponry and explosives.


We open with a mission involving the investigation of a massive cross-country race through England that may have nefarious purposes...




The GM describes the Dragon Hunters organization...

GM: The Dragon Hunters are a group dedicated to the investigation and extermination of many paranormal threats...

Thackary (OOC): So...we're professional paranormal investigations and eliminations?

GM: Well, yeah.

Thackary (OOC): The franchise rights along will make us rich beyond our wildest dreams... :D


GM draws the route of a race across England, forming a very obvious pentagram shape...

Thackary: There's...some sort of...pattern here...wait, don't tell me... :think:


The team's operations chief, Master Pasquale, details some of the mission goals...

Pasquale (NPC): We also need for you to make sure that none of the competitors complete the race.

Thackary: That's...a very open-ended directive, sir.


Savannah asks a question about the pentagram...

Savannah: So how do we know if this is good juju or bad mojo?

Pasquale (NPC): If it wasn't of nefarious bent, our contacts would have informed us.

ADEN: Did you...just use the logic of "we would know if it was good?"

Pasquale (NPC): ... Yes. :straight:


After a brief but inevitable digression...

Thackary (NPC): It's a Victorian setting - of course there's going to be Gilbert & Sullivan sing-a-longs!


The two wizards of the party discuss tactical options...

Alicia: Subtle we can arrange.

Morden: Yes, no one will notice those full eclipses sneaking up on them.


More tactical talk - much to Savannah's exasperation...

Alicia: So we should go gather some information.

Savannah: Boring!

Morden: It's a British race - we can leave it to the Brits. I'll be in the Turkish baths.

Savannah: Now that idea I like! :bounce:


Words of wisdom...

Savannah: You never want two Savants in the same room together.


The artificial ADEN explains his partnership with Morden...

ADEN: Our relationship is very symbionic. And he has my bill of sale.

Thackary: It doesn't get more symbionic than that.


As the team breaks off to deal with individual tasks in the plan...

ADEN (OOC): I think we've set a new record. We've been playing for only an hour and we've already split the party - across the country!


An aside comment to the newcomer to the gaming group...

ADEN (OOC): You'll find that we use continuous movie references and quotations - even more than other gaming groups.


Savannah's player mentions how attractive the Texan is compared to mainstream population...

ADEN (OOC): Comeliness 18? I'm glad I'm a robot.

Thackary (OOC): At a Comeliness 18, even a robot turns its head.

ADEN (OOC): Nice chassis! :love:


During info-gathering at the local newspaper, a young reporter tries to impress Miss Keen...

Junior Reporter (NPC): See? I've got my own desk - you have to be very important to have your own desk.

Alicia: Yes, I'm sure you two will be very happy together.


Thackary, in the guise of a reporter, steps into a workshop and runs into a massive and obviously dim-witted man...

Thackary: Alistaire Hart from the London Times. I was wondering if I could get a few words.

Alicia (OOC): He only knows a few words!


A manservant interrupts Thackary while the Savant is in his workshop - this is a typical Savant response...

Jeeves (NPC): Sir, pardon me, but there is a telegraph...

Thackary: Not now, you fool! :mad: Can't you see I'm in the middle of... ...Yes, Jeeves, what can I do for you? :o


The put-upon manservant continues to try to assist young Thackary in teh contruction of a racing vehicle...

Jeeves (NPC): Shall I continue to collect cats for you, sir?

Thackary: Yes - but remember that I require a minimum of twenty five point two five felines!

Jeeves (NPC): But how shall I get...er, yes, very good, sir.


During a telephone conversation...

Alicia: Can you pass a message on to our philosopher type?

ADEN: Do you mean Master Yazimoff or Master Hartwell.

Alicia: Thackary is not a philosopher - he's an obsessive-compulsive.


Random comment...

ADEN: I believe what we have here is moral wiggle-room.


Thackary recruits some help with his new Savant vehicle...

Thackary: Miss Lablanc, how are you with cats?

Savannah: Why?

Thackary: I need an enginner. :sneaky:




That's what I have for now. I'll post more as the campaign continues!



- Lonewalker



Sooo...one of the party's named Morden, eh?


In that case, there's two questions that need to be asked:


1. Do strange sounds seem to come out of thin air whenever he's around?


2. Has he ever gotten any of the other party members off by themselves

and asked them "What do you want?"


If the answer to either or both of these is "Yes", then they should give

serious consideration to the "Shoot him -- shoot him now" option.




Major Tom :eg:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


I have here some quotes from the first session of teh Bunneh's new steampunk game set in The Kandris Seal world (mentioned earlier by QuerySphinx).


Glad you're keeping track of them! The three that stick out in my mind were:


Our party consists of a female gunslinger from America, a sorceress from Italy, a Jewish Kabbalist from Romania, and a clockwork man. The final player is debating whether his character should be a man or a woman...

GM: Play the girl. Then your party could be called "Three hot chicks, a robot, and a Jew."


...which set off a whole evening of "Three girls, a robot, and a Jew walk into a bar..." jokes. :rofl:


The heroes are assigned to investigate a strange Road Rally that seems to have some sort of occult significance. The mysterious founder of the race has offered a 10,000 pound prize to the winner...

Morden: Who is the Guarantor of the prize money?

GM: The First Bank of Ireland.

ADEN: Well, obviously! Haven't we learned by now that all our problems stem from the Irish? :mad:


...which set off a whole evening of "potato famine" jokes. :snicker:


The party's Savant is investigating the racers and their vehicles...

Thackery: Is everyone in the race a Savant?

GM: No, there are some mundane engineers as well. And there are a lot of people who call themselves Savants but who really aren't...

ADEN: You can tell them because when their cars explode, the fireball isn't nearly as spectacular!

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...



If the answer to either or both of these is "Yes", then they should give

serious consideration to the "Shoot him -- shoot him now" option.




Huh. That's why the name sounded familiar....


Thackary's going to keep his Thunderclap Cannon warmed and ready just in case... :eg:


- Lonewalker

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


The PCs are federal agents. They are assisting the Atlanta PD SWAT team with a hostage situation.


While discussing the situation:

Henry: "So if we get a shot at the hostages..."

Ham: (interrupting) "You mean the perps."

Henry: "Right. The perps. I'm getting those two words mixed up in my head."

Darnell: "No you're not. You're calling all of them hostages. And that's going to get confusing at some point."

Ham: "Especially if we have to shoot the perps."


Ham messed with cellular transmissions so the perps received a "missed call" notification on their cell phone from an unlisted number. When the perps noticed the missed call, three of them congregated and started arguing loudly about the missed call.

Ham: "I'm going to call their cell phone again. If they're that upset about missing a call, just imagine how distracted they'll be if they actually get one."


After the crisis has been successfully resolved.

Darnell: "If anyone claims that I used excessive force, I'll point out to them that I had 144 bullets with me, and I only used one."

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


The PCs are federal agents. They are assisting the Atlanta PD SWAT team with a hostage situation.


While discussing the situation:

Henry: "So if we get a shot at the hostages..."

Ham: (interrupting) "You mean the perps."

Henry: "Right. The perps. I'm getting those two words mixed up in my head."

Darnell: "No you're not. You're calling all of them hostages. And that's going to get confusing at some point."

Ham: "Especially if we have to shoot the perps."


Ham messed with cellular transmissions so the perps received a "missed call" notification on their cell phone from an unlisted number. When the perps noticed the missed call, three of them congregated and started arguing loudly about the missed call.

Ham: "I'm going to call their cell phone again. If they're that upset about missing a call, just imagine how distracted they'll be if they actually get one."


After the crisis has been successfully resolved.

Darnell: "If anyone claims that I used excessive force, I'll point out to them that I had 144 bullets with me, and I only used one."


Clever move! How'd things goes down?

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Huh. That's why the name sounded familiar....


Thackary's going to keep his Thunderclap Cannon warmed and ready just in case... :eg:


- Lonewalker



Is it double-barreled? He may need to shoot more than once or twice...or

three times.




Major Tom :eg:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From our dimension-hopping fantasy game:


Xan (elven princess): "I'm sorry, but I don't feel good about getting directions from I-don't-remember-who-I-am girl!"

This sounds like a lot of exchanges I've been having recently, actually. I just moved to Schenectady, and don't know my way around yet. The woman showing me around is rather directionally-challenged. So it's like the blind leading the blind. Or, as Josh so kindly pointed out, the blind leading the half-blind. :P


Game quotes? Hmm. Can't think of any offhand from our character creation session. Though, shortly before that, we were discussing sealing up the cracks in our windows, and I asked, innocently, "Josh, do we have enough caulk, or do we need more? Uh . . ." :o


To which he replied, "Yes, Kathleen has plenty of caulk. She just needs to whip it out."


You can imagine the exchanges we had while we were actually caulking the windows.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


More quotes from my Shadowrun 4th Edition game




The characters are in a meeting with Mr. Johnson (The ubiquitous and anonymous name that all employers of shadowrunners use)


Strange (OOC): I hack his PAN*


Tina (OOC): You hack his pants?!


GM: So that's why they call you Mr. Johnson.


Strange (OOC): And that's why they call me Strange.




Strange is trying to remind me about his Enemy Quality, but I initially misheard him. Things went down hill from there.


Strange (OOC): Remember my Enemy flaw


GM: Miami flaws?


Strange (OOC): Miami only has one flaw: men in Speedos.


GM: Grape smugglers ...


Tina (OOC): What about Trolls in Speedos?


GM: Grapefruit smugglers ...


Sr. Lico (OOC): This conversation has no place to go but up.


Bender (OOC): Congratulations, we've hit rock bottom.


Sr. Lico (OOC): Congratulations, we've just wasted five minutes talking about gonads.




Bender and Strange are coming up with a plan of persuasion.


Strange: ... and if they don't like it, you can shoot them.


Bender: I don't shoot people ... often.




The group has followed a lead on a missing child into an amusement park that is closed for maintenance. Strange tries to hack into the park's security system and barely survives a brush with Black IC**


Strange: There's some bad IC around here.


Bender: So what, don't eat the snow cones?


Strange (OOC): Can I have your attention please? There are some bad snow cones going around. DO NOT eat the yellow snow cones.



* Personal Area Network

** Intrusion Countermeasures (pronounced: ice)

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


The one that sticks out from Teh Bunneh's steampunk character creation session last night was a description of the party.


"Three chicks, a robot, and Jew walk into a bar."


Reminds me of Sunday's Nobilis game...


GM: Where'd we leave off?

Roads: Three Powers and Jesus walk into a bar.

GM: Oh, right.


The GM tried his best to get us OUT of bars and taverns the entire game. The players were having none of it.


Power Of Luck: We could build a bar in the chancel.



Power Of Roads outsmarts the GM;

Roads: we could move him into the Chancel permanently. They'd be stupid to come after him and we'd know immediately if they did anyways.

GM: Crap, I didn't think of that solution.

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