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Favorite Abuse


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Re: Favorite Abuse


my worst :


a "booster" adjustement power (aid, absorption, succor) with the "can add adders" advantages and another power with a 2x effect for 5 pts. (duplication being the first to come to mind (absorption vs PD to duplication, can add adders: Marvel's Multiple Man is there)


One of my players once tried to come with the following combo :


- desolidification

- summon, affects real world.


summoned beings are

- invisible to sight, hear and mental sense group

- can X-D themselves back to their world with several levels of "increased mass"

- have a lot of levels in martial grab...


another classic is the NND, Does Body, 0 END, continuous, uncontrolled, increased maximum range (several times), no range penalty, 1 pip RKA.


for something like 5 pts base and 30 to 50 active points, all you've got to do is install quietly your PC at a long distance, shoot again and again and wait. if the target spots you, just run away a bit further.

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Re: Favorite Abuse


Which could be in genera for Toon HERO (aka Dork Champions).


As for a rules legal abuse: buy Mind Link, then buy a follower with every Knowledge skill you might ever want or need.


Don't even need Mind Link for that. Just by a Computer Follower. You can even save points by buying the Computer through a Focus.

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Re: Favorite Abuse


Legal abuse: a power with several lims that are applied at startup (extra time, concentration, gestures, incantations, increased END) that is either constant and takes no END to maintain (e.g. via costs END to activate or 0 END cost) or on a trigger.


It means the power is useless in an ambush scenario, but any one of the lims could mean that. Stacking them all together doesn't make it any more useless in an ambush but gives you more of a rebate on the power.

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Re: Favorite Abuse


Duplication, x8 (or more) duplicates.


Now have each duplicate buy a power, "usable by others", that doesn't require LOS to maintain, only to establish. +3/4 I believe.


Each duplicate gives your main character one power or power pool... movement, attacks, senses, skills, and so forth.



I was thinking of this originally as a groovy character concept after watching "Firestarter: Rekindled" last night. A group of psi children raised together... After working closely for Many Years, their minds kinda fused into one being, and they each have all the others' powers.


If you're feeling particularly cheesy, you can get them with only the +1/4 0-25% different advantage instead of something more expensive. Give them all the same multipower pool, with different slots. ;)


Last night I ended up with 8 'duplicates', each with:

1)+15 ego (this was the 'hub' character, he had mind link x8, everyone else had it at x1)

2) 20-20 0 END FF/some damage shield

3) 27 STR TK/20" flight

4) 30 mental D & 20 power D

5) 10d6 mind control/mental illusions

6) 5d6 ego blast/3d6 ego transfer to ego at range

7) +10 dex, +2 SPD/Teleportation (space-time guy)

8) 2 pts regen, +5 con, +5 rec, +5 stun, +10 end/4d6 heal [body & stun] (bio-manipulator gal)

9) 10d6 telepathy


If any member of "Project 38" was knocked out, the entire group lost that member's power. If the 'hub' was knocked out, they couldn't share powers at all, and were stuffed into their own skulls for the first time in Many Years. Traumatic Experience when you've been part of a distributed mind for most of your life.


If you're a single mind with multiple non-related bodies, is it incest to have children with yourself? Creepy certainly, but Morally Wrong? Babies born of them would pretty much be garunteed new members of their group-mind.


As a villain, this character could come gunning for a player mentalist looking to "recruit" them. As a player? No Way.




As an alternative, give them all a variable power pool, usuable by other. A 250 point dupe (for 50 character points) could manage an 80pt variable power pool (after selling back some attributes). Then you wouldn't even have to pay extra for variable dupes. Your "avatar" character would end up with N 80pt power pools. While no one power would be over-the-top having 80 x 8 of whatever the heck you wanted could get horrifically powerful. Now make it x16 (for a measley 5 points). 80x16 = 1260? And you can do this with a 250 point character with plenty of room to spare. If all you did was buy this 250pt dupes, you could afford... 250 - 50 = 200 / 5 = 40. 2^40 duplicates, each giving you 80 character points worth of variable point power pool.


2^40 = 1,099,511,627,776. That's about a trillion duplicates... each giving you one copy of that 80 point cosmic pool. After the first billion or two though... where do you keep them all?!


Your attributes would all be effectively unlimited, as would your defenses. And you should be able to pull off multi-power attacks using a couple thousand instances of whatever 80-active powers you can think of without breaking a sweat. How about a couple million 1d6 ego attacks, 0 END cost, each w/15 levels of penetration? No? Okay, just the 16d6 EBs then? Fine! Your defenses are less than 96?

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Re: Favorite Abuse


Rolling with this Duplication idea (since I love this power)...


Base character buys:


80 Point VPP (Usable by others, persistant +3/4)

- 150 Active and Real Points


Duplication: exact 350 Point duplicate, 64 duplicates

- 100 Active and Real Points


Mind Link: specific group (duplicates), 64 minds, only with others who have Mind Link (-1)

- 40 Active Points, 20 Real Points


The character still has 80 points left to buy skills/perks/talents/etc., and has access to 65 VPPs, each with 80 Points available. And best of all (at least from an "avoiding GM veto" standpoint), even the Duplication points are accounted for with each duplicate.


Now this guy can wake up, pop his duplicates, and set up each VPP in the morning, then leave all the duplicates somewhere safe while he does his thing. And the Mind Link can be set up as well, making it easy for the duplicates to watch out for each other (since most of them will be pretty weak).


As a final hurrah, the guy can even pick a random duplicate each day to buff and send out. So if the duplicate does somehow get taken down, all the character has lost is one duplicate, and he can pick another one tomorrow (down one VPP) to send out to rescue the first. Even if the duplicates are getting killed, it's going to take quite a while to seriously hamper this guy's effectiveness, and he can buy the lost duplicates back if he ever starts to get low.

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Re: Favorite Abuse


Which could be in genera for Toon HERO (aka Dork Champions).


As for a rules legal abuse: buy Mind Link, then buy a follower with every Knowledge skill you might ever want or need.



Are the "rules" for TOON Hero posted any where?



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Re: Favorite Abuse


I had one player come up with the following construct in 3rd Ed:


10d6 Aid to STUN, Trigger: Unconsciousness, 0 END, Persistent


When he did that, all the other players said, "Ooooh! Good idea!" and took it too. So, I had a group of, well, Weeble-Wobbles. They Weebled and Wobbled, but they wouldn't fall down.


I finally had to tell them the max they could roll on the dice was as much as they could have Aided per day.


- CP

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Re: Favorite Abuse


Thought of another one which seems to be strictly rules-legal:


AVLD vs Radar Flash DEF


How many people buy Flash DEF for the Radar Sense Group? Most don't even have a Radar Sense at all.


Doesn't the rule say something like "reasonably common" or similar? :)


My favorite was an NND versus non-biological/non-living. As long as you were an automaton or a structure of some kind that probably couldn't take STUN anyway, you were safe.

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Re: Favorite Abuse


If they have taken away (I can't remember) the part of Duplication that says you must subtract the cost of Duplication from the Total Points in the character for the maximum Total Points in the duplicate (while still costing 1/5), you can buy two duplicates, each of which has two duplicates, each of which has....


If that clause is still in there, just do a similar thing with Summon (loyal beings, hopefully, which means you essentially wind up with a chain of command). :)

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Re: Favorite Abuse


My favorite was an NND versus non-biological/non-living. As long as you were an automaton or a structure of some kind that probably couldn't take STUN anyway' date=' you were safe.[/quote']

While I do this in heroic campaigns where it makes sense for the SFX, I think it normally isn't legal. You basically have to have a defense which any character could buy or obtain, so Self-Contained Breathing (Life Support) is a legal NND defense, but being a chair is not. I suppose in a setting where characters can somehow become a, "non-biological/non-living," being in a reasonably common way that might work, but normally it would not.

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Re: Favorite Abuse


One I forgot. +60 PRE.


Now you have a 14d6 Mind Control with free Area Of Effect, that takes no time, and costs no Endurance. Then buy a Reputation so you can add more dice.

True, but situational modifiers matter a great deal for the Pre Attack. Also, you can't use it over and over and over again in the same situation as effectively as you can Mind Control. Good one, though. (NOTE: Not only does it take no time, but you can perform it even during other character's Phases as a Free Action, not just a Zero-Phase Action!)

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Re: Favorite Abuse


One I forgot. +60 PRE.


Now you have a 14d6 Mind Control with free Area Of Effect, that takes no time, and costs no Endurance. Then buy a Reputation so you can add more dice.


Stick it into your Mental powers MP "Nudge Minds"

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Re: Favorite Abuse


One I forgot. +60 PRE.


Now you have a 14d6 Mind Control with free Area Of Effect, that takes no time, and costs no Endurance. Then buy a Reputation so you can add more dice.


This is a must for ego dominator mentalists... or jedi. It's one of my favorite, and I've actually allowed it in play. Modifiers can kinda screw it up for the character though. Sure, you can stroll right up to two dozen fully armed and operational power armor pilots in full gear and ready to kill you, and wanting to, mumble "surrender now or die" and they'll probably hesitate before blasting away (maybe even losing their Segment 12). Won't help much, but it could save the character's life if he decides to run away at that time.

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Re: Favorite Abuse


This is a must for ego dominator mentalists... or jedi. It's one of my favorite' date=' and I've actually allowed it in play. Modifiers can kinda screw it up for the character though. Sure, you can stroll right up to two dozen fully armed and operational power armor pilots in full gear and ready to kill you, and wanting to, mumble "surrender now or die" and they'll probably hesitate before blasting away (maybe even losing their Segment 12). Won't help much, but it could save the character's life if he decides to run away at that time.[/quote']


No, mumbling is for, "You don't need to see our papers... these are not the droids you're looking for... move along." Showing off your flashy light sabre technique Extract the Sardine From the Can on two of them, then PRE Attacking them, that's how you do it. :eg:

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Re: Favorite Abuse


Are the "rules" for TOON Hero posted any where?




'fraid not. It's just a name that me and my brother in law use to refer to some of the more "silly" constructs we've come up with in the past.


Myabe I should shoot a PM to Steve and see if he thinks it's marketable :sneaky:

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Re: Favorite Abuse


Cloak of Night -- Darkness vs. Sight Group, Personal Immunity, No Range


This wraps the user in a shroud of impenetrable darkness, making it difficult for enemies to hit them, or to avoid being hit BY them (they can’t see what the user is doing, so cannot dodge effectively).


Notes: As per FREd, p.283, all opponents are at ½ DCV, ½ OCV for hand-to-hand combat and ½ DCV, 0 OCV for ranged combat..


Make it almost impossible for them to hit you, and very easy for you to hit them, all for a modest amount of points! Just hope they don't have AoE attacks...

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Re: Favorite Abuse


I wouldn't really call that abusive. You can largely do similar things with invisibility, shape shift, shrinking, etc. There are several ways around it, including alternate targeting senses and AoE attacks.

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Re: Favorite Abuse


I wouldn't really call that abusive. You can largely do similar things with invisibility' date=' shape shift, shrinking, etc. There are several ways around it, including alternate targeting senses and AoE attacks.[/quote']

It's so easy and cheap compared to a lot of the others, I'd call it an abuse. ;)

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Re: Favorite Abuse


It's so easy and cheap compared to a lot of the others' date=' I'd call it an abuse. ;)[/quote']

While it isn't as horrific as some other things, I think it is a decent one. Besides, just imagine a globe of darkness popping up around an opponent just before the whirrring, buzzing, and whining of their defenses, Damage Shields, and super attack powers powering up behind the screen starts...leaving things up to your adversaries' imaginations can be the most effective attack, "imaginable." :lol:

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Re: Favorite Abuse


The rules you quoted for darkness only apply if the target can't see at all, not if he just can't see the attacker. If the target can't see the attacker, but knows what hex he's in by virtue of being able to see the darkness field, that automatically counts as having detected the darkness guy with a non-targeting sense. In that case, the benefits are significantly reduced.

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Guest C--

Re: Favorite Abuse


There are some okay abuses here, but nothing too dramatic.


I like the "Tower".


3D6 Entangle

Autofire x10 (+3/4)

Continuous (+1)

0 End (+1)

Personal Immunity (+1/4)

No Range (-1/2)


Shoot yourself with it on segment 12. Now you're Entangled, but you can still fire out of it (and move out of it if you want). You've got what is effectively a Force Wall around you that increases by 10 Body each phase. You won't take any Stun until they destroy the Entangle.

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