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Why should I play HERO?

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Hey all,


I just wanted to get your opinions on why I should play HERO over other similar games, such as the ACTION system and FUZION. What are the differences and how well supported is HERO. How complicated is HERO and is it truly genre transferable? I’m kind of in a RPG crisis. I cannot seem to find a RPG that suits me. D&D has burnt me out and traveler is just too bland for me. I’ve downloaded the FUZION plug in Light Speed and I’m very impressed. Does HERO have similar sci fi settings? Thanks for your input.



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Re: Why should I play HERO?


Hey all,


I just wanted to get your opinions on why I should play HERO over other similar games, such as the ACTION system and FUZION. What are the differences and how well supported is HERO. How complicated is HERO and is it truly genre transferable? I’m kind of in a RPG crisis. I cannot seem to find a RPG that suits me. D&D has burnt me out and traveler is just too bland for me. I’ve downloaded the FUZION plug in Light Speed and I’m very impressed. Does HERO have similar sci fi settings? Thanks for your input.



From one mad irishman to another (I like your handle, BTW) before anyone bites your head off I'll let you in on a couple of secrets....

Fuzion is the inbetween bastard child of HERO, done during a time period where Hero Games and R. Tas were both scrambling to survive. Most of the core concepts of Fuzion are based on the HERO mechanics. Fuzion isn't supported anymore. HERO, under DOJ, is being very well supported... better than it has been in well over a decade. Star Hero can play very well. I personally ran a Star Hero game that lasted for well over 8 years and was possibly the single best ongoing shared universe game (we had no less than 5 GM's who all ran in the same universe) I've ever been involved in.

Give Hero a try... if you're like a lot of us, you'll find yourself hooked.

Theres a reason about 2/3rd of diehard Hero players are in the 30-40 year old range... We're all folks who have picked the game up sometime in the last twenty years and never put it down again.


Edit: Oh, yeah...I forgot the other secret... (I've had a wee bit to drink ;) )

Most of us "old timers" consider Fuzion to be a 4 letter word :ugly:

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Re: Why should I play HERO?


Most of us "old timers" consider Fuzion to be a 4 letter word :ugly:


And it starts with "F" :D


Fuzion actually had some neat ideas in it (the way it handled regeneration and mach flight), but it was basically "dumbed down hero." It worked, but it didn't give me the same geshmacht the full system gives me. The problem with Fuzion today is that it is essentially unsupported. The full system is supported. Hence, I recommend using the full system. And my game did adopt a few of the characters from the FUZION era (Defender and Team Defender). Other than that, flexibility is the key. If you're willing to commit the time to managing game balance and not expecting the system do it for you, you'll find it allows you to tailor it to any conceivable situation.

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Re: Why should I play HERO?


Welcome to the boards!

I'd say at this point HERO is better supported than Fuzion or Action- if you want a SciFi setting look up Star HERO and Terran Empire or Alien Wars.


HERO ultimately isn't that complicated especially if you start with the 'Sidekick' book. You may wanna see if any of these are available through the website bookstore.



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Guest Black Lotus

Re: Why should I play HERO?


Sci-fi or sci-fi compatible systems I've tried:


Traveller/ GURPS Traveller



Blue Planet

Jovian Chronicles

d20 Star Wars

d20 Future



Cyberpunk 2020



And after all that, the winner... Star HERO.


You want these books. Buy 5ER and Star HERO. Do it now. I had the same dilemma you did -- fed up with d20, frustrated with roleplaying -- then I discovered HERO.


Your problems, as they were, are over.

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Re: Why should I play HERO?




I like HERO, that's why I'm here.


You can do as much or as little with it as you like. The SF genre books are good, but the important thing about a game like Hero over (most of) the rest is how you can make it the game you want to play. It is said there is nothing you can't do in Hero (if you have the points), and whilst I don't think that is quite true yet, you'll probably have a way to go before you run into anything it can't cope with.


If you have any questions about, well, anything Hero, just ask. We're a friendly bunch, and always willing to expand our numbers.

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Re: Why should I play HERO?


Hey all,


I just wanted to get your opinions on why I should play HERO over other similar games, such as the ACTION system and FUZION. What are the differences and how well supported is HERO. How complicated is HERO and is it truly genre transferable? I’m kind of in a RPG crisis. I cannot seem to find a RPG that suits me. D&D has burnt me out and traveler is just too bland for me. I’ve downloaded the FUZION plug in Light Speed and I’m very impressed. Does HERO have similar sci fi settings? Thanks for your input.



With the expection of GURPS, Hero is the best supported universal game system on the market; and, in my opinion, Hero does universal better than GURPS.


The "house" science fiction setting for Hero is Terran Empire (and Alien Wars which is set slightly earlier than TE). Beyond that, the universal nature of Hero makes it fairly easy to wrap just about any setting around the Hero rules.

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Re: Why should I play HERO?


Just to jump on the bandwagon, welcome, Mad Irishman.


The greatest strength of the Hero system is its versitility. I found this especially useful in a Sci Fi setting where it is common (relatively :D ) to have a starship pilot packing a laser pistol to meet up up wth a pack of sword wielding six armed aliens riding six legged critters with six tusks. The Hero system mixes these conventions more believably than any of the many systems I have ever tried.

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Re: Why should I play HERO?


Mad Irishman, you'll get a lot of people extolling the virtues of Hero Games and the HERO System: how versatile it is, how well-supported it is. All of that is true. However, in cases like this I prefer to let the material speak for itself. Hence I offer you the following links:


For the range of what's available in published books, as well as reviews of these products and the schedule for upcoming publications, I recommend you look through the Our Products page.


One item that the page doesn't cover is Digital Hero, Hero Games's monthly e-zine devoted to expanding rules and resources for all genres of game using HERO System.


Not everything the company offers is for sale, though; the website also hosts a ton of diverse Free Stuff.


However, IMO the mark of how good any game system is, is the quality and diversity of what people have done with it. In that department HERO has an impressive track record. For starters I'll refer you to the Hero Links webpage, where you can sample a broad cross-section of fan-created websites.


I also suggest you look over this discussion-board thread which compiles the numerous fan conversions of other RPG systems and settings into HERO.


One other resource for the HERO neophyte really should be emphasized: these discussion forums. The HERO online community is very large and active, and always willing and eager to answer questions and offer advice and ideas. There's even a forum devoted to giving answers to rules questions from the Line Developer, Steve Long, who usually replies within hours of a question being posted.


I hope that helps answer your questions. If not feel free to post again. And I hope you'll decide to stick around for a while. :)

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Re: Why should I play HERO?


Welcome Valkyrie, er, Mad Irishman!


I have to echo what others have said. You should look at GURPS too (see http://sjgames.com) but I've played GURPS and found it just a bit lacking. GURPS only has four primary stats, and it'd easy to munchkin out two of them and have like 90% of all player archetypes covered. Too easy, and too obvious.


GURPS does a better job of feeling "real" than Hero, but frankly most players seem to enjoy the more cinematic rules that Hero provides. I've never played Star Hero, so I can't provide any opinions on that. GURPS Transhuman space is supposed to be good (I've never played it either), but it's also a near future, earth solar system only game, and that's not to everyone's taste.


GURPS Space is a basic toolkit that let's you do anything, but it provides no default setting at all, nothing, nada, so you'd have to provide all the details yourself. That can be a lot of work. GURPS Traveler is a lot like the regular one, and GURPS Terradyne is out of print and pretty dated too.



Overall I think you should look at the supplements both systems provide, and purchase what seems to fit your playing needs best. Hero is very well supported, and you should have no qualms about using it. Also, these boards seem to me to be a bit better than sjgames'. Just a personal bias, but I think the older population of gamers helps.

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Re: Why should I play HERO?


Hey all,


I just wanted to get your opinions on why I should play HERO over other similar games, such as the ACTION system and FUZION. What are the differences and how well supported is HERO. How complicated is HERO and is it truly genre transferable? I’m kind of in a RPG crisis. I cannot seem to find a RPG that suits me. D&D has burnt me out and traveler is just too bland for me. I’ve downloaded the FUZION plug in Light Speed and I’m very impressed. Does HERO have similar sci fi settings? Thanks for your input.



Dark Champions is geared towards the contemporary, but it could be used for Sci-Fi lite.

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Re: Why should I play HERO?


Does HERO have similar sci fi settings? Thanks for your input. -Ian


[Compilation] "to Star HERO Conversions & Adaptations"



Other RPGs converted to HERO System (Thanks Lord Laiden)



Star Wars Hero Resources



Your "2005" Pet Gaming Projects



This should get you started... or overwhelm you ;)





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Re: Why should I play HERO?


Welcome, Mad Irishman!


Hero is a great system, I'm sure you will enjoy it.


As others have stated, you want to start with the Hero System: 5th Edition Revised and the Star Hero genre book.


Other "essential" books include The Ultimate Vehicle (Hero's vehicle supplement. Quite good) and The Ultimate Martial Artist (absolutely essential for nearly all genres. Expanded martial arts. The best Hero supplement for quality and usefulness) and if you want to include PSI powers in your campaign, The Ultimate Mentalist will be advantageous, but it has yet to be written (When, Steve? When?)


Another website for you to visit is the Star Hero fandom site. This site has a few individuals from this website who like to use Hero for their Sci/Fi and Space Opera efforts. There's some interesting discussions on there and always room for one more. http://Http://www.starherofandom.com


Check it out.

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Re: Why should I play HERO?


Welcome, Mad Irishman.


I'll be honest, HERO has a very steep learning curve; making a character can be a remarkably intricate endeavor (or not ... depends on the character). However, once you actually get past the character creation point, it's a very smooth system.


If you don't like 'crunchy' systems, you'll hate HERO; I have a friend who thinks rules interfere with roleplaying ( :stupid: ) and doesn't care much for it because of that; he prefers simpler systems (he thinks d20 is overcomplex ... whatever. ;)). But to the upside, HERO is incredibly customizable; you use the same basic rules for every genre, with minor tweakings.


Let's start with a basic kind of attack: A fire/heat beam. In the most basic HERO terms, that's just an Energy Blast; it's purpose is to deal damage to things at a distance.

In Fantasy HERO, you could put Gestures and Incantations on it, and it becomes a Scorching Ray.

In Star HERO, you put some Charges and a Focus on it, and it becomes a Thermal Laser Pistol.

In Champions, you just buy it, because you're the Human Torch and you *do* stuff like that. ;)

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Re: Why should I play HERO?


Hey all,


Thanks for the warm welcome and great replies. It is a surprise to receive such a welcome after the experience I’ve had on the wizards of the coast boards. I asked them the same question on why I should play D&D to get their opinions on why people play it; I was practically burned alive by all the flame responses that I got. When I ask questions on boards, I usually receive a smart alleck reply and told how inferior and stupid my question was. I have a feeling the HERO community is more mature and laid back, just from all of your replies.


When I get some spare money, I will buy the hefty tomb you guys call a rule book, but I’ll settle for the HERO sidekick from RPG now to wet my whistle and get me started.


If anyone can lead me in the right direction for players and GM’s in the Killeen TX area I’d be appreciative, if that is not possible are there any online clubs that play HERO online.


Thanks for the warm welcome again and I hope to become a member of this community in good standing. Thanks again.



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Re: Why should I play HERO?


Hey all,


Thanks for the warm welcome and great replies. It is a surprise to receive such a welcome after the experience I’ve had on the wizards of the coast boards. I asked them the same question on why I should play D&D to get their opinions on why people play it; I was practically burned alive by all the flame responses that I got. When I ask questions on boards, I usually receive a smart alleck reply and told how inferior and stupid my question was. I have a feeling the HERO community is more mature and laid back, just from all of your replies.


When I get some spare money, I will buy the hefty tomb you guys call a rule book, but I’ll settle for the HERO sidekick from RPG now to wet my whistle and get me started.


If anyone can lead me in the right direction for players and GM’s in the Killeen TX area I’d be appreciative, if that is not possible are there any online clubs that play HERO online.


Thanks for the warm welcome again and I hope to become a member of this community in good standing. Thanks again.




There's a player finder board on the boards. If you post a message there you might find someone.

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Re: Why should I play HERO?


Hey all,


Thanks for the warm welcome and great replies. It is a surprise to receive such a welcome after the experience I’ve had on the wizards of the coast boards. I asked them the same question on why I should play D&D to get their opinions on why people play it; I was practically burned alive by all the flame responses that I got. When I ask questions on boards, I usually receive a smart alleck reply and told how inferior and stupid my question was. I have a feeling the HERO community is more mature and laid back, just from all of your replies.


When I get some spare money, I will buy the hefty tomb you guys call a rule book, but I’ll settle for the HERO sidekick from RPG now to wet my whistle and get me started.


If anyone can lead me in the right direction for players and GM’s in the Killeen TX area I’d be appreciative, if that is not possible are there any online clubs that play HERO online.


Thanks for the warm welcome again and I hope to become a member of this community in good standing. Thanks again.




No, we're raging psychopaths, but we're quiet about it. We'll sneak in and burn you alive later.



I started playing Hero in 1984 it was the first RPG I played after D&D. It's evolved quite a bit since then but it, for the most part still greatly resembles the game I learned in the 6th grade. I am comfortable with the rules and I've been pleased with the support for the game by the current owners.


Welcome aboard.

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Re: Why should I play HERO?


Hey all,


Thanks for the warm welcome and great replies. It is a surprise to receive such a welcome after the experience I’ve had on the wizards of the coast boards. I asked them the same question on why I should play D&D to get their opinions on why people play it; I was practically burned alive by all the flame responses that I got. When I ask questions on boards, I usually receive a smart alleck reply and told how inferior and stupid my question was.


That is on the advanced part of the forum, also called "Non-Gaming Discussion." :D



When I get some spare money, I will buy the hefty tomb you guys call a rule book,


Interesting typo. ;)



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Re: Why should I play HERO?


Hey all,


Thanks for the warm welcome and great replies. It is a surprise to receive such a welcome after the experience I’ve had on the wizards of the coast boards. I asked them the same question on why I should play D&D to get their opinions on why people play it; I was practically burned alive by all the flame responses that I got. When I ask questions on boards, I usually receive a smart alleck reply and told how inferior and stupid my question was. I have a feeling the HERO community is more mature and laid back, just from all of your replies.


When I get some spare money, I will buy the hefty tomb you guys call a rule book, but I’ll settle for the HERO sidekick from RPG now to wet my whistle and get me started.


If anyone can lead me in the right direction for players and GM’s in the Killeen TX area I’d be appreciative, if that is not possible are there any online clubs that play HERO online.


Thanks for the warm welcome again and I hope to become a member of this community in good standing. Thanks again.







I would seriously suggest you pick up Sidekick first, It is only $10 (american). It is the core core rules of the game, and is ALOT easier to understand than 5th edition Revised. Once you master Sidekick pick up Revised, skim through it and start adding elements of revised into your game.


Most of what Revised adds from sidekick are extra combat manuvers, a few new abilities for character gen, various optional rules, etc...


You'll want it down the road, but while getting started I wish I had something like sidekick (I started in 4th edition, we are now on 5th revised).


Just my opinion, but of course I am always right =)

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Re: Why should I play HERO?




I would seriously suggest you pick up Sidekick first, It is only $10 (american). It is the core core rules of the game, and is ALOT easier to understand than 5th edition Revised. Once you master Sidekick pick up Revised, skim through it and start adding elements of revised into your game.


Most of what Revised adds from sidekick are extra combat manuvers, a few new abilities for character gen, various optional rules, etc...


You'll want it down the road, but while getting started I wish I had something like sidekick (I started in 4th edition, we are now on 5th revised).


Just my opinion, but of course I am always right =)

Assuming you can actualy find a copy of Sidekick this is good advice.

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Guest Black Lotus

Re: Why should I play HERO?


**Huge list of sci-fi setting resources**


QuestionMan, I have always appreciated, and continue to appreciate, your compilation of various sci-fi resources for HERO.


I don't think they're really a good representation of "sci-fi settings" actually supported by HERO, though. Most of these "settings" are only a long or semi-long thread with a few speculations as to how to convert a few game rules, items, or the like, and are far from complete.


Some -- like Shadowrun -- are pretty much complete, but even the Star Wars conversions take quite a bit of work until you can actually play a game with them.


So yes, all of those settings have at least been touched on by HERO gamers, but only a few of them count as complete versions or settings. You'll end up doing 90% of the work yourself -- and that's what I like to do, so it's fine with me.

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Re: Why should I play HERO?


Always good to welcome someone new. (i.e. - Newer than me!) :winkgrin:


A hearty "me too" to comments already posted. Hero has ruined all other game systems for me. Any time I see a cool setting book or module from another game system all I think of is how hard it would be to convert it to Hero. Fortunately, the answer is usually "not very hard."


However, I feel one small word of caution might be in order. Running a Hero campaign can be fairly time-intensive, especially when you're first starting out. Part of this is just due to the depth and complexity of the system, particularly in character creation.


The other thing is that while there are some excellent setting books for Hero, there aren't a lot of pre-generated adventures available. For me personally, creating my own adventures is at least half the fun of playing, so that's fine. But if you're more inclined to run pre-made modules, it could be a problem for you.



"Why do we have technology in the first place? So we can sit on our butts and drive. Those guys with the rucksacks on their backs? They're setting us back 50 years with every step."

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