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"Neat" Pictures

Dr. Anomaly

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Re: "Neat" Pictures


Cassette's rise in the early 80s is due mainly to the Walkman and its rivals. Likewise, 8 Tracks mostly died out because of an increase of cassette decks in cars. CD is most responsible for shrinking the LP market, as it was seen as a direct replacement for vinyl records. CD sales actually peaked in 1999, as most folks had already replaced most of their LP collections with CDs. The recording industry likes to conflate the reduction of revenues that started after 1999 with the rise of file sharing (Napster), but that wasn't really significant at that point.


SACD managed to get up to 0.2% in 2005, which sounds amazing until you realize that most SACDs at that time were packaged as hybrid CD/SACD discs. I've got a couple of discs in my collection that are hybrids, and they'll most likely never be played in SACD mode because the hardware's still too expensive. New DVD-Audio hardware's almost non-existent, but when it was readily available, it was most often put in the video section, where confused salespeople would stumble over the differences in a DVD-A vs DVD-Video player. New SACDs and DVD-A are still released, though the former is mostly the domain of audiophiles, while the majority of DVD-A discs that I've seen are "bonus discs" in album remasters (like the three DVD-A discs in the Rush Sector boxes, or their deluxe release of "Moving Pictures"). As of now, it's more likely that you'd see Blu-Ray Audio discs as an option for new releases. Unlike DVD-A, Blu-Ray Audio will play back on standard Blu-Ray players.


Both SACD and DVD-Audio suffered from a misconception on the part of the recording and electronics industries. The assumption was that most people would want higher fidelity than the CD, and that the primary listening environment was the home. But the rise of mp3 and other lossy formats showed that what folks really wanted was a convenient, portable format that sounds good enough on portable players, computers, and in cars. It's the reason that cassettes lasted so long. For a long time, the dominant way to buy a song was as a single, originally on 78s and then on 45s, then albums came do dominate sales. With the rise of digital downloads, however, the recording industry's heading back to a single-based revenue stream.


Some charts here:




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Re: "Neat" Pictures


Mont Saint-Michel?

Yep. Some day, I will go there!

I've heard about some bay on the English coast where it turns into mud flats when the tide is out. But the tide comes in extremely quickly' date=' and some have been caught too far from shore and drowned when it came back in.[/quote']


There are bays there that has ten meters tidal difference. In depth.


Also, the pic is from Normandie, France, I'm fairly sure.


There is also a Saint Michael in Cornwall, I think, with a similar set-up. Looks different, though.


Edit: Like this: [ATTACH=CONFIG]42788[/ATTACH]

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Re: "Neat" Pictures


Yep. Some day, I will go there!



There are bays there that has ten meters tidal difference. In depth.


Also, the pic is from Normandie, France, I'm fairly sure.


There is also a Saint Michael in Cornwall, I think, with a similar set-up. Looks different, though.


Edit: Like this: [ATTACH=CONFIG]42788[/ATTACH]

I nearly got to go to Saint Michael's Mount in England.
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