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[Interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3

Snake Gandhi

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Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


And just realized something myself. Every other Weekend, I'm likely going to be late posting(have an every other week D&D game that's a blast... but lasts from the time I'm off work till 3am) and work a long day Sunday. I will post, but it will likely be awkward hours to the rest of you. Oh, well, at least it is play by post.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


Well, our illustrious GM seems to have vanished, and all attempts to contact him have met with failure. The players all have really great characters -- we've been wasting some time doing straight-up RPing in "The Avengers Lounge," which has been fun. We're all getting a really good handle on the characters and their relationships to each other (in Classic Avengers Fashion ). But goofing off just ain't the same, so we've talked a little bit about it and we're now looking around to see if, maybe, possibly, there is some way that we can recruit a new GM.


Is anyone interested? The story itself hasn't gotten very far at all (like, a couple of posts is all), so it's not like you'd be jumping in the middle of things.


C'mon. You know you want to. This Avengers team is way too cool to pass up on. :yes:

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Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


Well, our illustrious GM seems to have vanished, and all attempts to contact him have met with failure. The players all have really great characters -- we've been wasting some time doing straight-up RPing in "The Avengers Lounge," which has been fun. We're all getting a really good handle on the characters and their relationships to each other (in Classic Avengers Fashion ). But goofing off just ain't the same, so we've talked a little bit about it and we're now looking around to see if, maybe, possibly, there is some way that we can recruit a new GM.


Is anyone interested? The story itself hasn't gotten very far at all (like, a couple of posts is all), so it's not like you'd be jumping in the middle of things.


C'mon. You know you want to. This Avengers team is way too cool to pass up on. :yes:


If the group is closed to others joining, one of the group inside may have to run it, Bill, or wait for Don to get back.


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Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


If the group is closed to others joining, one of the group inside may have to run it, Bill, or wait for Don to get back.



Well, I imagine they'd just start up a new campaign, have the existing crew apply and get approved, and copy over anything they want to save from the old threads.


I'm saddened by this, as I was following the campaign even though I wasn't a player. Snake's also a player in the game I'm running, so his absence is doubly felt. Hope everything's alright with him.


I wish I had the time and confidence to take this on, as I love the idea and the characters, loved helping with some of them, and have enjoyed how they're being played. Alas, I don't think I'd have the time to really do it justice. :(


(But if the new game would be open to new characters, even "Reserve" Avengers, I'd be tickled pink to apply. Not with Zemo from earlier in the thread - how things have worked out, he's not really right for the group or the "vision" of the game that has emerged - but with someone else. Perhaps if JJ/Raptor doesn't poke his head up and/or if one of the existing players takes over GM duties that might be an option? :bounce: )


(If you haven't done so Bill, you might want to post in the HC General Messages area and in the Player Finder forum here too - might be some interested parties who frequent there but wouldn't see this thread.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


It's on!


Well, it will be in a few days. Snake, sadly, had to bow out of what was looking like a great game, so I'm going to try and pick up where he left off (and those are some mighty big shoes, BTW). ;) I'm going to take a couple of days to figure out HeroCentral and then restart the game. I've got some great ideas for a classic (Perez-era-style) game, and I think it's got the potential to be a lot of fun.


But it looks like at least one player from the original group won't be joining us, so I may have room for another player or two. There were a ton of cool concepts posted on this thread... is anyone still interested in joining?


For the record, the team will probably consist of:



Kolbrandr the Brave


Iron Girl







If you've already posted a character you'd like to resubmit, just point me to the post number on this thread and I'll take a look. :)



(This is, of course, assuming that all the original players still want in...) :lol:

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Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


I would love to play in this. :bounce:


I think Zemo (throughout, but combined in post #288) wouldn't work with the group as it's formed/backstory that has developed. Plus a bit too much overlap with Dynasty.


I think the big legacy the group's missing is a Pym-character. I had two thoughts on that:


*Heir to the Pym/van Dyne legacy. Possibly shrinking, depending on if you'd want to deal with that as a GM or not :ugly: . Even if not shrinking, then still scientist and bug-themed powers/genetic modifications. Ant-Man, Swarm, Stinger - something along those lines. (one flavor idea if shrinker is that due to his parents' long-term Pym particle exposure, he was actually a *tiny* baby, and his small size is the natural one, but he has the ability to "grow" to normal human size)


*Colossus/Goliath/other big-sounding name: Astronaut/test pilot - piloting experimental craft that used Pym particles to compact the ship's fuel source to allow it to carry enough - when hyperdrive activated, instead of zipping to Jupiter as planned, the drive interacted with the Pym particles and popped the craft into the Microverse. Pilot ran into and joined the new Micronauts for awhile, eventually managing to make his way back to Earth (perhaps as part of an in-game event, perhaps pre-game). He was changed by his exposure to the drive and the dimension-travelling, and can become very strong and very large, as well as teleport short distances. When fully grown, can only move himself, but when smaller can take extra mass with him (each level of growth, as it doubles his mass, removes one doubling from his teleport). (team looks like it could use a solid brick)


Many other ideas of course, but those two Pym-legacy characters would be the main ones at the moment. I'll polish up the files and post them/email in the next few days.

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Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


I'm still interested! My initial choice is a child/grand-child of Juggernaut. I don't know if there's a hard-up brick on the team.



Could you refresh my on the style of play? I dont' *think* it's 4 color, is it a mesh between 4 & Dark Champions? Also, will it be under the same title, or a new one?


Note: I'm really open-ended on playing characters. Was there an equivilant to Booster Gold, Blue Beetle or Foxbat in Marvel? :) Anyone need a good side kick?

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Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


Cinnabar is pretty dang strong in her "hard as a diamond" form, but I wouldn't consider her a straight-up brick. Arachne is strong too, but she's closer to a speedster than a brick.


The style that I'm going for is pretty heavy Bronze Age -- my goal is to recreate something from the classic 1980 George Perez and the 2001 Kurt Busiek/George Perez eras (I'd consider those Bronze, but others might call 'em Silver or even Tarnished Bronze, but I don't think they're really Iron).


Pym Legacy and Juggernaut Legacy both sound acceptable. Submit 'em and I'll take a look.





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Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


Oh, and I should add that all the characters have between 60-75 active points in their strongest power. I'm pretty sure they were all built on 450+150 disads, with 25 points set aside for the Avengers package. I don't have my HD files in front of me so hopefully one of the others will correct me if I'm misremembering. :stupid:

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Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


Thanks, Bill the Bunny, for your enthusiasm and generosity. That's wonderful news! Yes, Cinnabar is in, if you'll have her. Where should I send her character file and in what format? What other info would you like?


Oh, and by-the-by, where are we going to be playing this time? Still on Hero Central?


I'm a serious player, and your posting guide-lines seem perfectly reasonable to me. And yes, there were some splendid characters posted on the HEROBoard who weren't selected for Snake's game; by all means see if their players are still interested. I think it's a good idea, especially since we may have lost players after Snake bailed....


Yes, I think the phantom J.J. can safely be counted out. That's unfortunate, since Raptor was an interesting character concept. But I'm very glad you're going to keep Arachne in the game; I think the "little spaz" is an absolutely delightful character.


Thanks again for stepping into the breach as GM.

mmmmWUUH! (plants a large juicy kiss right on the Bunny's little pink nose)

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Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


Yes, we'll still be playing on HeroCentral. I'll start up a new game in a few days. I'll probably spend part of the weekend figuring out all the ins and outs of HC. :)


You can post a straight HeroDesigner file (if you've got HD) here or email it to me (you can email me through my profile). If you don't have HD... well, email me and we'll figure it out. :)


Also, if you're submitting a new character, let me know what happened to your parents (or your predecessors) -- if they're still alive, retired, dead, missing, whatever. I think I already know the histories of all the current PCs (I know about Vision and Scarlet Witch, f'rex).



(Ooh, superheroine kisses! I should GM more often...) :love:

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Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


Oh' date=' and I should add that all the characters have between 60-75 active points in their strongest power. I'm pretty sure they were all built on 450+150 disads, with 25 points set aside for the Avengers package. [/quote']

Just to verify, the 450+150 means a total of 600 points?! Dude! I could build a mini-Thanos off that. Or even a Xavier-lite. :think:

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Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


I just double-checked. The point totals I posted are correct -- 450 base + 150 disads, for a total of 600 points. Set aside 25 points for the Avengers Membership package. These are, after all, Earth's Mightiest Heroes! :cool:


(Though I will point out that at least one character is built on fewer points than the max, so if you don't want to spend the whole shebang, by all means you don't have to). :)


The Avengers Package is:

1 TF: Quinjet

3 Paramedics

2 KS: Avengers Villains and Menaces 11-

3 Systems Operation 13-

3 Fringe Benefit: Federal/National Police Powers

6 One of Earth's Mightiest Heroes: Reputation (A large group) 14-, +2/+2d6

7 Contribution to Avenger's Island and Quinjet


25 Total Points


And although it's not required, I recommend:

5 Social Limitation: Must follow Avengers bylines and rules (Occasionally, Minor)

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Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


I just double-checked. The point totals I posted are correct -- 450 base + 150 disads' date=' for a total of 600 points. Set aside 25 points for the Avengers Membership package. These are, after all, [i']Earth's Mightiest Heroes[/i]! :cool:


(Though I will point out that at least one character is built on fewer points than the max, so if you don't want to spend the whole shebang, by all means you don't have to). :)


The Avengers Package is:

1 TF: Quinjet

3 Paramedics

2 KS: Avengers Villains and Menaces 11-

3 Systems Operation 13-

3 Fringe Benefit: Federal/National Police Powers

6 One of Earth's Mightiest Heroes: Reputation (A large group) 14-, +2/+2d6

7 Contribution to Avenger's Island and Quinjet


25 Total Points


And although it's not required, I recommend:

5 Social Limitation: Must follow Avengers bylines and rules (Occasionally, Minor)

How about a Doc Samson Legacy? Just curious.

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Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


I'll keep applications open until say... Monday March 20 (that's Mountain Standard Time, so if a Kiwi or Aussie wants to join, whatever day that would be for them). ;) If you'd like to take a look at the current character list, check out the Avengers: The Next Generation game at HeroCentral.



(I'll probably elicit feedback from my current players on who to let in, so feel free to bribe them, too). ;)

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Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


For some reason I am having trouble accessing character information. On the character page the text is there and then disappears. This happens with most campaign pages on Hero Central when I access them. Haven’t found an explanation yet.


The character list I see is:


Arachne – Spiderman legacy

Banner – Cap America legacy

Cinnabar – Can’t find details-Vision Legacy?

Dynasty – Kang legacy

Iron Girl – Iron Man legacy

Kolbrandr the Brave – Asguardian Legacy

Ligthshow - unknown

Raptor –unknown


Is this the current lineup?

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Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


For some reason I am having trouble accessing character information. On the character page the text is there and then disappears. This happens with most campaign pages on Hero Central when I access them. Haven’t found an explanation yet.

This happens to those using Internet Explorer. It happened to me and several others as well. If you use a different browser (such as Mozilla Firefox), you won't have that problem.

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Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


For some reason I am having trouble accessing character information. On the character page the text is there and then disappears. This happens with most campaign pages on Hero Central when I access them. Haven’t found an explanation yet.


The character list I see is:


Arachne – Spiderman legacy

Banner – Cap America legacy

Cinnabar – Can’t find details-Vision Legacy?

Dynasty – Kang legacy

Iron Girl – Iron Man legacy

Kolbrandr the Brave – Asguardian Legacy

Ligthshow - unknown

Raptor –unknown


Is this the current lineup?


The text issue on the characters page is apparently an Internet Explorer issue. Using a browser like Firefox clears it up (so I've been told, haven't had time to make the switch yet).


Most of the info on these characters can be found in this thread. Lightshow is a Monica Rambeau Captain Marvel/Photon/name of the week legacy with similar powers. Raptor is a Black Panther legacy, using Wakandan tech with a different motiff. Unfortunately it looks like Raptor's player hasn't made contact with the game on HC beyond getting approved, so he might not be in the new group. :(

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Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


Thanks for letting me know. Switching away from IE on my work computer is not an option.


What is the status of the immortal former Avengers (Thor, Herc, etc), as well the cosmic types that might still be around (Silver Serfer, Starfox, etc.), or those that migth not age (WonderMan, Vision, Quasar, etc.)?

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Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


Thor, according to Kolbrandr's background, is gone (as is the entirety of Asgard). Vision is mentioned in Cinnabar's background, and he is likewise dead. The others are still open to interpretation.


Arachne – Spiderman legacy

Banner – Cap America legacy

Cinnabar – Can’t find details-Vision Legacy?

Dynasty – Kang legacy

Iron Girl – Iron Man legacy

Kolbrandr the Brave – Asguardian Legacy

Ligthshow - unknown

Raptor –unknown


Cinnabar - Vision/Scarlet Witch legacy

Lightshow - Captain Marvel II (AKA Photon) legacy

Raptor - has been a no-show. Originally a Black Panther/Wakandan legacy


Pretty much anyone with a tie to the Avengers (in whichever incarnation) is fair game, but keep in mind that some history has already been written/incorporated (with regard to the characters already mentioned).

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