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Wwycd #567419845626


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Re: Wwycd #567419845626


Millennium takes very seriously his responsibilities as the current incarnation of the Hero With a Thousand Faces, and as he defines it that includes being a mentor, self-appointed role model, and all around good example. He answers as may of the hypotheticals to the best of his ability.


Cheeta has superspeed. He has plenty of time to answer the hypotheticals.


Iron Will is a 13 years old quadroplegic. Most of his life experience is hypothetical.


Snow Leopard *snarls, gives a Sabertooth growl, and leaps away*


Dolphin is mello enough to speak hypotheticals all day and night.

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Re: Wwycd #567419845626


Queen of Spades knows her time is important; she'll be happy to answer the interesting ones, and ignore the rest.


Of course, a whopping 4d6 STUN Drain via her Taser Knuckles isn't something to fool around; she also has a wicked sense of humor as well... :sneaky:

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Re: Wwycd #567419845626


Let's see, we're going to complain that the WWYCD's waste people's time and take up space by having a WWYCD thread to complain about it- taking up space and people's time?




They are fun little threads if done right- if you don't like them then don't read them.

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Re: Wwycd #567419845626


Tao: would scroll past them if they didn't interest her and move on to something that did because nothing forces her to answer.


Eve: Would skim past the one that didn't interest her and answer the ones that do


Shidoku would create a thread to take up more "precious" space to complain that people are enjoying talking about something she'd not interested because she's snarky that way.


Seriously though, If you don't like 'em, don't read them. Seems allot lower stress than getting worked up because there's something you don't like on the board,considering there were almost none for weeks seems a bit of over reaction to get PO'ed about them

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Re: Wwycd #


Cosmo Knite would seriously injure (5-8 Body) the next questioner.


White Knite would split off a doppelganger (Clairvoy) to read the other 567,419,845,625 messages



(over Half a Trillion decisions) and it takes 539,782 years to read all the messages

((30 seconds per posting, before any speed reading))



and my WWYCD:WWYCD thread was just about the same:

so many hypothetical situations it catches your secret ID as well

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Re: Wwycd #567419845626


A splash of WWYCD happens sometimes, it overpopulates, then dies down again, lays forgotten, then pops up again, and the cycle continues. It's not a 'bad thing' in and of itself (I've gotten a few good ideas from them), at least not any more than any other type of thread dominating for a time. This too will pass through, then fade again.

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Re: Wwycd #567419845626


People are nice enough to add the "WWYCD" tag to each of them, and I think the forums allow you to ignore threads if you like...and unlike some of the undead topics that keep popping up in the system forum, the WWYCD threads have no risk of destroying HERO System by leading to things like changes in characteristic costs, reducing the Powers section to 5 or 6 entries, etc.

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Re: Wwycd #567419845626


this seemed like the logical and efficient solution - posting veiled insults in each and every WWYCD thread takes too long.


Why would anyone want to post veiled insults in each and every WWYCD thread?


If they don't like it, perhaps the most logical and efficient solution is for that person to simply ignore all these threads?


One person giving themselves less to do, instead of insisting that the people in charge (the Moderators) confine everyone else to a special forum just for that sort of discussion. Seems logical and efficient to me, anyway.


I haven't seen any insults in the WWYCD threads, actually. I guess that could be because they were "veiled". Or maybe just someone getting a little sensitive and saying "This could be an insult, so I'll take it as one."? Or, worse yet, "These people are enjoying their calm and polite discourse, but I can't personally imagine doing such things without getting all agitated about it, so I'm going to generalize from myself and assume that there's hostility here."?

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Re: Wwycd #567419845626


What would your character do if they were constantly being asked what they would do in a given hypothetical situation that they didn't have any time to do anything else?


Kaja would answer honestly until he realized that he was shocking and alienating the reporters, then he'd pose them a hypothetical:


"What if you were reporters in a very interesting interview who didn't realize that their next question might inspire a berserk rage from the subject of your interview and get you all killed in a mindless massacre?"


Of course, if they pressed the issue, he'd then stress that it was just hypothetical of course, like the questions they were asking him - right? ;)


At some point he'd begin expounding on how various figures from legend (the mythology of his native land) would have been likely to deal with it.

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Re: Wwycd #567419845626


I'm confused. Is this thread a rant against WWYCD threads or a How does your character deal with ubiquitous Reporters thread ?


Firestorm needs all the publicity she can get, and will always grant interviews.


Mindflair's nearest experience with this might be hecklers at one of her lectures. She can handle those, easy. :sneaky:


Wicca lives in Babylon and knows the reporters are created archtypes. She simply dispells them.


Dragon Jane is also trying to get a career as a Model and Stuntwoman started, and is grateful for publicity.

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Re: Wwycd #567419845626


Is it too late to recant my earlier post? There really ARE too many WWYC threads on this board!
Actually, I find the WWYCD threads to be helpful. It helps me think further about the characters that I'm playing, giving me insights into their personalities through situations that I may never have considered. I will not add to the whole "If you don't like them, don't read them" arguments, as they are redundant. You're a Gamer. Specifically a HERO Gamer. This means that you are possessed of capable intellect. I suggest you exercise it. Crap, or get off the pot.:mad:


Whisper - would really wish that Bethany would let him feed off of whoever is asking all these questions, but would answer anyway. "It's only polite, Whisper." " Yes, Mistress.":rolleyes:


The Specter - grateful for a chance to exercise his mind, and maybe come up with solutions that will be ready to mind if similar situations actually arise.:thumbup:

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Re: Wwycd #567419845626


Why would anyone want to post veiled insults in each and every WWYCD thread?


If they don't like it, perhaps the most logical and efficient solution is for that person to simply ignore all these threads?


One person giving themselves less to do, instead of insisting that the people in charge (the Moderators) confine everyone else to a special forum just for that sort of discussion. Seems logical and efficient to me, anyway.


I haven't seen any insults in the WWYCD threads, actually. I guess that could be because they were "veiled". Or maybe just someone getting a little sensitive and saying "This could be an insult, so I'll take it as one."? Or, worse yet, "These people are enjoying their calm and polite discourse, but I can't personally imagine doing such things without getting all agitated about it, so I'm going to generalize from myself and assume that there's hostility here."?


Yes, I can (and do) refrain from reading or posting in a WWYCD thread, but that doesn't eliminate their impact on the forum.


Their proliferation pushes other threads off the front page and that reduces the traffic and passively kills those other threads. Sure, nothing stops people from reading threads on page 2 or 3 or 10, but statistically, it happens so rarely as to be a non-issue.

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Re: Wwycd #567419845626


And yet people also relpy to the WWYCD threads, indicating that they are reasonably popular. It's also not always the same crowd. With each I have tried to think about the situation provided honestly, and if I feaal that I have come up with a accurate response, I provide it. Another reason for some of these threads is for a GM who is thinking about placing their own PCs in these situations. Our replies give them a valuable tool which enables them to be better prepared for some of the likely responses. I know that sometimes I have been completely blindsided by the response of my PCs, on occasion, and it has taken everything I have just to keep my mind on track, which is not a good place to GM from.

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Re: Wwycd #567419845626


Yes, I can (and do) refrain from reading or posting in a WWYCD thread, but that doesn't eliminate their impact on the forum.


Their proliferation pushes other threads off the front page and that reduces the traffic and passively kills those other threads. Sure, nothing stops people from reading threads on page 2 or 3 or 10, but statistically, it happens so rarely as to be a non-issue.


They come and they go. Since they stay on the front page so long either they are very popular or there's no one starting or posting much in other threads. There were literally weeks that went by when there wasn't one. There is currently a wave of them, it will fade they'll be another lull of weeks or somehing more start up like those god awful endless shouting match vs threads or something. The fact of the matter is they are not going to get ther own forum and apparently no one has complained so much that the admins have felt the need to impose a mortiorium on them. So just wait a bit and it'll calm down until we get some more new posters that discover them and they'll be popular for a few weeks again

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Re: Wwycd #567419845626


Their proliferation pushes other threads off the front page and that reduces the traffic and passively kills those other threads.


Like kudzu!


The whole "passive-aggressive" thing ;)


Sure' date=' nothing stops people from reading threads on page 2 or 3 or 10, but statistically, it happens so rarely as to be a non-issue.[/quote']


If there are no "threads I've already read the last post in" on the first page, I go to the second page. And, sometimes (once), to the third.

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