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Weirdest Party You]ve ever had


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Im running a Turakian Age Campaign and ive got to say that i nmy many years GMing games in various systems this has got to be one of the most Eclectic groups ive ever had.


Player 1: A Sister of Salea

Player 2: A Ulronai Warrior

Player 3: An on the Run Sorcerer Preist of Thun ( He has a Amulet the Disquises the fact that hes essintally an Evil Person)

Player 4: A Thona Preist Monk

Player 5: A SHadow Mage ( whos on the run from justice)


after two weeks of Bending my min to the task ive finnaly found how to get this group together. But what sort of weird and off the wall group have you seen?




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Re: Weirdest Party You]ve ever had


The Dungeon of Sephiroth PBeM I ran a few years ago (set in the Western Shores)-

  • Female Human Paladin avatar of the God of Good masquerading as a cleric
  • The God of Good herself, masquarading as a Male Elf Mage
  • Demon avatar of the God of Evil masquerading as a Male Dwarf Fighter.
  • The God of Evil himself, masquerading as a Female Half-Elf Ranger
  • The Necromancer owner of the Dungeon masquerading as a Hobbit Thief and guide to the dungeon.

And my current campaign in the Western Shores (which seems to run a session ever month or two currently)

  • A Baron and secret magic user (magic use is illegal)
  • An anarchist for Loki whose public identity is that of a Bard
  • A Feline mage who has had his soul transferred to a Rakshasa, and his memories stolen and placed in a gem.
  • An heir to a March (a Markgraf) who was framed when his father was murdered and spent the last 5 years in a foreign country as a hard bitten mercenary.
  • An Elven orphan brought up as a human and is now a healing monk with extraordinary luck.
  • An avatar of Thor who isn't very religiously knowledgeable.
  • A Feline scout leader sent to recover the Feline mage and has had all her team wiped out by the alien invasion.

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Re: Weirdest Party You]ve ever had


As a player, the strangest party I've ever been a part of involved...


*A suicidal black knight that failed defending his lord.

*A goblin martial artist/thief who could literally use anything as a deadly weapon - and he had a ton of unluck

*A half ogre ranger with the IQ of a rocket scientist but lacked common sense

*A "southern belle" who loved her clothes and costumes. Passed herself of as an entertainer and dancer - she was an assassin and her stilleto heels really were stilletos

*An orc paladin that served an elven god

*A female mage - the only normal character in the group


As a GM, the strangest group I've had to deal with involved...

*A wolfen gladiatior who had bought his freedom

*A cowardly feline fire mage

*A drug addicted dark elf swordmaster

*A goblin shaman with a hyena mount

*A wood elf archer who was no where near as good as she thought she was


I've had a few groups that really stick out, but these are the two that take the cake.

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Re: Weirdest Party You]ve ever had


I think the weirdest team I ever played in consisted of:

  • A Thumper (rabbit-man) witch-hunter with a demon-possessed whip that looked and smelled like delicious red licorace.
  • A baby dragon who believed every living thing counted as food -- unless that thing was a "pet." She wasn't allowed to eat pets.
  • An Elven archer with a sky-board (like a surfboard, but it flew) and a California surfer's attitude.
  • A noble wizard and his "manservant" -- a 12-foot high iron golem named Clyde.
  • A wolfen (wolf-man) hunter with an enchanted mace nicknamed "Bunny-Masher."

I think there were a few others, but I can't recall them at the moment. :D

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Re: Weirdest Party You've ever had


The weirdest party (by design):


  • Female Human "Treasure Hunter"
  • Male Part-Frost Giant Cleric
  • Young Chromatic Dragon Preacher (temporary replacement for the Cleric)
  • Half-elven Male Fire Mage (who sometimes transformed into a humanoid dragon, had the Age 40+)
  • Male Human, Animal trainer (3 dogs followers)
  • Human Monk (Neutral with evil tendencies)
  • Half-orc Beserker (although he rarely took enough damage to go beserk before he passed out)
  • Bearman Merc (5 points of STR was defined as Large)
  • NPC Female Feline


Although they never were all together at the same time.

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Re: Weirdest Party You]ve ever had


Mine are obviously kinda tame in comparison but here they are....



This was an evil D&D campaign in 1st Edition.

  • Male bounty hunter who was transformed by a Girdle of Feminity into a woman. Subequently lost an arm to an axe of sharpness.
  • The Warlock with an imp familiar. He was the henchmen of the big bad evil we were serving.
  • Female ninja who, while evil, had her own ambitions that did not include us.
  • Shadowlord warrior [pre-dark elf, dark elf] who was good if self serving.
  • Paladin Witchhunter in the service of good who infiltarted the group with the goal of catching bigger fish. [ME]
  • The heir to the kingdom who was rebelling against his father. Neutral but could be swayed toards evil.


A funny thing happened on the way to the store.... I killed the heir as the greatest potential evil even though he was theoretically Neutral. He had the MOST potential to do harm and by the paladins insane credo that meant he had to die.

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Re: Weirdest Party You]ve ever had


Fantasy Yrth

- An male Half-Elf Wizard Rogue (Classic Spy)

- An male Elf Wizard (Absent Minded, Curious, and In Tune with the Tao)

- An male Elf Wizard Rogue (A Bard and Grifter)

- A male Gnome Wizard (A Pranster and Rune Mage)

- A female Dwarf (With Dwarfism and Obesity [As wide as she was tall] wielding a two handed sword)

- A male Human Warrior (High Charisma and no Social Skills)

- A male Human Wizard (A former Preist demoted to Monk, b ut with connections and favors. Confessor for the Duke.)




The Camapaign based in a goblin City, in a goblin Duchy, in a Human Empire. Intended on remaining inside the city. Oh my aching head.



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Re: Weirdest Party You]ve ever had


I typically depart from games that reach this level of aburdity. Just not to my taste.


Well, it was a comedic-fantasy game, set in a world much like that of Bruno the Bandit. Our main goal was to stop an evil demon-god from manifesting and destroying the world – which sounds like standard high-fantasy fare, until you realize that the demon was named Cadbury the Chaos-Bunny, and the only day he could manifest was on the first Sunday following the first full moon following the Spring Equinox (AKA Easter Sunday). :D


It was a fun series of one-shots, which we played every Easter Sunday for about 12 years or so.

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Re: Weirdest Party You]ve ever had


An old D&D version of Markdoc's campaign world from about 26 years ago.


Three brothers who gave rise to a family of related characters in at least three campaigns that I know of.


The Brother's Snotgobblerson - Bjorn, Lars and Gunnar.


My character was Bjorn and he was a D&D fighter with no attribute above 10. Somehow he became a fearsome Beserk. One of the wierdest games I ever payed in.

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Re: Weirdest Party You]ve ever had


The Dungeon of Sephiroth PBeM I ran a few years ago (set in the Western Shores)-

  • Female Human Paladin avatar of the God of Good masquerading as a cleric
  • The God of Good herself, masquarading as a Male Elf Mage
  • Demon avatar of the God of Evil masquerading as a Male Dwarf Fighter.
  • The God of Evil himself, masquerading as a Female Half-Elf Ranger
  • The Necromancer owner of the Dungeon masquerading as a Hobbit Thief and guide to the dungeon.




I'm sorry, I have to ask...


How long did it take for everyone to end up dead?

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Re: Weirdest Party You]ve ever had


Well (In an offbeat Harn Game)...


The second, inconvenient son of an Earl and down on his luck, knatty knight bachelor who had...


...taken on a young woman (and hottie) who had run from indentured servitude with the courtesan's guild as his squire (disguised as a boy)...


...and who had fallen in with a super-genious, albeit sardonic talking mastiff with a love of word games and puns (he was enscorcelled by a wizard who subsequently had a laboratory mishap)...


...and an overly curious and slapstick pixie on his coming of age walk-about in the world of the big people hell-bent on proving himself a warrior by amassing tales of daring-do and, more importantly, slaying the mighty predator known as the common cat (and he had unluck, which led to comic events surrounding this)...


...and, lastly, his cousin, another unwanted second born noble, who had been packed off to study in a monestary, and who had become a monk and church expert on the occult, but who really aspired to be a poet, musician, and hot-blooded gigalo...


So, in summary:

  • Natty Knight (Chivalrous Warrior Par Excellance And Party Straight Man).
  • Squire Courtesan Chick (Warrior With Massive Presence)
  • Supergenious, albiet smartass Mastiff (The Dog With The Plan )
  • Maniac Cat-Hunting Pixie (A Good Thief and Infiltrator)
  • Wayward Monk (Resident Religious and Occult Scholar, Aspiring To Other Things).

Together they aspired to simply get by while making their way from tourney to tourney (serial adventures between tournaments), but ended up becoming embroiled in politics via the knight's father, who let them use the family townhouse in the royal seat as their base of operations. After that they got involved in an investigation into a cult that had infiltrated the church. It was a motley crew, and more often than not, completely off the wall things happened. It was good comic relief.

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Re: Weirdest Party You]ve ever had


I'm sorry, I have to ask...


How long did it take for everyone to end up dead?


The Elf Mage was killed a few times.


As this was the Sephirothic Tree of Life dungeon of enlightenment for the ritualised testing and changeover of "who gets to be God", the final outcome was-


Good God was replaced (the Elf mage) by Nadia (the Human Paladin)

Evil God remained (the Ranger). The demon (Balron Battlethirst, Dwarf) got quite annoyed with this and destroyed the monastry where new gods were inducted (this was retconned recently for my current Western Shores game -where the player of Balron, who is now the player of the Baron, wanted a new character - a survivor of that monastery).

On a side note - the player of the Nadia is now the player of the Feline Mage in the body of the Rakshasa.


I like linking character backgrounds within the party, and to previous characters in the same setting, if possible.

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Re: Weirdest Party You]ve ever had


An old D&D version of Markdoc's campaign world from about 26 years ago.


Three brothers who gave rise to a family of related characters in at least three campaigns that I know of.


The Brother's Snotgobblerson - Bjorn, Lars and Gunnar.


My character was Bjorn and he was a D&D fighter with no attribute above 10. Somehow he became a fearsome Beserk. One of the wierdest games I ever payed in.


Yeah - we've had some interesting characters, but no really off-the-wall parties. That one came close, though.


Bjørn managed to get cursed for killing a druid in his shrine - when he was angry his STR, CON and DEX were increased by 10 and his INT, WIS and CHA went down by 10 (giving him a CHA of -4, IIRC, meaning he looked really scary). Although the brothers Snottgobblerson spent part of their first winter in exile with Bernie's man-hating druid, who had a man-eating yeti follower...


But you missed one good one - before the brothers Snotgobblerson, you were in *another* party that got cursed - this time by a demon lord. Everyone got a "gift" :D. IIRC correctly:


Your character (fighter/mage) got a new familiar (a quasit) which eventually tempted you into abjuring your old religion, and killing your old familar (taking damage yourself, in the process :D) as the price for rescuing you from a burning jail. I loved that scene with you trying to kill your familar, getting ever closer to unconsciousness and the quasit sitting in the window cheering you on and stopping the old familiar from getting out. I'm not sure if I ever mentioned it was the quasit that supplied Bernie's character with the fire-making stuff and suggested that if the jail was on fire the guards would have to let you guys out ....


Ivan's character (mage) started developing an aversion to light and gained some lumps that were growing in his armpits like buboes. If he'd lived long enough they would have grown into fully-functional arms (and his skin would have fallen off). Alas, when you guys had some vampire trouble I suggested to Christian (via the quasit again) that Ivan's character had been left on his own .... in the darkness ... and that he seemed to be hiding his neck.... I was amazed at the rapidity with which everyone else decided to stake him out, without even checking his neck :D I had difficulty not laughing aloud as the other players passed notes around. Ivan noticed that he wasn't getting any notes and started saying "Hey! What's going on? What are you guys dong? Hey, guys.... aaaarghhhh!!!" :D


I can't recall what happened to Bernie's character (a cleric) since he died soon after... again. He got a third eye slowly growing in the middle of his forehead, but I don't recall what it did. Cast fireballs, I think.


Immryan Wolfbrother (fighter/mage) got "the evil eye" which let him curse people - but which - he eventually found out - also showed him false visions from time to time, putting the worst possible interpretation on the events that were happening, naturally. When he worked out he couldn't trust what he saw, he put his own eye out with a knife, which is why Immryan only had one eye when (as Brok Bloodspear) you met him later on.... He'd reformed by then and was merely selfish rather than evil :)


And Christian Hogue's character (female Mage) got preganant with .... something. :D I used to tease him with the possibility that it would eat its way out, but that was never the plan.


The Demon prince's plan (I'm not sure I shared this before) was to impregate Christian with a little demonling (a shapeshifter/seducer type with powerful charm spells). Since it would be born of an earthly mother, it would be native to the human plane and therefore not subject to banishing, nor could it be kept out by magic circles, etc. The rest of you were being changed to be its bodyguard. Unfortunately the party exploded into internecine bloodshed over a big treasure shortly after so the plan never came to term - so to speak. :D


If that party had survived, it would *certainly* have been the wierdest I'd ever run.


For the general audience, I wasn't being a total bastard. The players had (against all advice) gone tomb-robbing and had ended up wounded and trapped by a horde of undead. As a last resort they had used their everlovin' wand of wonder (a silly magical item, I know) and gotten a fireball. In a small room. Death would have been too good for them, but one of the players (Christian) called on his patron, a demon lord, who wonder of wonders, actually appeared. He agreed to save the party if they would turn to his dark worship and accept his tokens (those were the gifts - and all the party detected as evil thereafter).


Everyone accepted and they were whisked away from the flames - it was only later they started to think that maybe they had made a bad deal.....


cheers, Mark

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Re: Weirdest Party You]ve ever had


Yeah - we've had some interesting characters, but no really off-the-wall parties. That one came close, though.


But you missed one good one - before the brothers Snotgobblerson, you were in *another* party that got cursed - this time by a demon lord. Everyone got a "gift" :D. IIRC correctly:

cheers, Mark



My character got a third eye as well. had to wear a bandana all the time to hide it. Celebmegil the Fighter/Mage. That entire party was evil, twisted, nasty, rapacious and ugly. That was their good points. How we managed so much gaming with that group of characters I will never know!

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Re: Weirdest Party You]ve ever had


My character got a third eye as well. had to wear a bandana all the time to hide it. Celebmegil the Fighter/Mage.


Oh - there was only one third eye given out, so that was you. Bernie must have gotten something else. It's a fair bet it wasn't something good :D


That entire party was evil' date=' twisted, nasty, rapacious and ugly. That was their good points. How we managed so much gaming with that group of characters I will never know![/quote']


It was fun to GM for, though. I still have cheerful memories from that game - Christian's character (Astra) stabbing Jim's paladin (Jim of the Slow Hand) near to death to steal something of his and then getting away with it by claiming he was trying to rape her. Then dropping his body in a dung pit (Jim actually survived and went on to become rich and famous). You, cutting the rope everyone was escaping up and dropping Loud Dave (who was last in line) on an angry owlbear. Astra again, trying to kill someone (You, I think) with the wand of wonder, getting shrunk down to 6 inches tall and stamped into a paste. Immryan promising the gods a sacrifice if he survived the big fight - and sacrificing Bernie's character afterwards. Of course he only survived by fleeing - leaving everyone else to die.


And - my favourite - the party getting all the way through a maze of traps and guards to the famed treasure vault, then deciding on a little pre-emptive player-killing prior to sharing out the loot, before the bloodied survivors opened the vault, to find the nastiest of all the guardians sitting on the treasure :D


I wouldn't want to run such groups all the time - or even very often :D - but it was certainly fun for a while. On the other hand, it was always going to be a group with a limited life expectancy.



cheers, Mark

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Re: Weirdest Party You]ve ever had


These are from back when I played dnd

Good Party:

Gnome Necromancer. Had a skeletal bat for a familiar, and wielded a shovel in combat with a bit too much gusto. Used short-duration animate dead spells to get temporary zombie servitors for simple tasks - like fetching drinks from the bar and running errands around town. He was pretty clueless and gave lectures on how undead weren't neccessaily evil and could be reformed from their brain-devouring ways. He used a spell which turned a rope into a rope leading to an invisible floating tent every night, secretly, so the party thought for a while that he buried himself or something.

Storm Priestess. Wore no armor, carried no weapons. Zapped people with lighting enthusiastically, but claimed to be a pacifist. She refused to heal the party (Except the dwarf, who she had a crush on for some bizarre reason) if they complained about the weather or went in from the rain. Thank god the necromancer could heal...

Glaivyn, cuisinart-style warrior. Named for his weapon of choice...for about the first 3-6 rounds of combat, till he rolled a 1 and pole-vaulted. Fortunatly he believed that if he was proficient in a weapon, he should carry at least one. So he had 4 or 5 polearms, plus axes, spears, swords, maces, flails, and other, more unusual weapons. Terrible, terrible luck. I don't think I ever saw someone celebrate more when he rolled a crit success - probably because for every 20 he rolled, he rolled 5 or 10 1s. No joke.

The Tallest Dwarf. A 5' tall dwarf. Not much of a dwarf I said, but the DM didn't care. 18 STR, 20 CON to start with - and he kept rolling 12s on his barbarian hit dice. We called him the Heal Glutton because after a battle we'd have to rest for TWO days to get enough healing spells to heal him back to full - and then a third day so the Necromancer and the Priest had some more spells to toss around.

The Barbarian Thief. A huge barbarian (I think he was 6'8" or something) who wielded a greatsword in one hand (he later dual-wielded two magic ones - I hated Monkey Grip) who was cowardly in the face of authority and immune to the concept of danger, and partially retarded to boot (INT 6), he never ever took any ranks in open locks. He just broke the doors down instead.

Elven Conjurer. An elf wizard. The GM let us roll 3 sets of stats, and I rolled two with all 8s and 11s, and one with four scores above 15, including an 18, but also a 3. I chose that one and put the 3 into con - since he was an elf, this meant he had a constitution score of 1 (one). He made Raistlin look beefy and tough. With a whopping 1 hp per level, he was in constant danger of being killed by atmospheric pressure. Understandably the character was absolutly paranoid about disease, cleanliness, pointy things, violence of any kind, and generally everthing in general. His first action every combat (I put one of those high stats into dex and bought quickened spell as soon as I could) was to summon a Meat Wall (12 goblins, who were trained to form a pyramid, like cheerleaders) and improved invisibility. Riotous "fun." I think he was the only character the priestess would heal, because he used his Shield spell as an umbrella and floated everywhere he went. He was raised from the dead at least a dozen times before the GM remembered that rasing someone from the dead permanantly drops their con score by 1... so I created the Gnomish Necromancer.


Evil Party:

* Hobgoblin Enchanter. He thought himself a dashing and charismatic mastermind. His only notable possessions were a bunch of disloyal goblin slaves and a cloak which could teleport him away, announcing both his dpearture and arrival with a puff of smoke.

* Ogre Thief. His primary weapon was a magic brick, wrapped in a magic sock. It dealt subdual damage, but lots of it - at range. He also had a Bag of Disguise - like the hat, but a bag. When worn over the head (as he was wont to do) he was blind.

*Gnomish Mad Scientist. He was only good at making poisons, which he though were beneficial potions and tried to sell or push down the parties throats. He wore a suit of armor covered in spring-loaded spikes and wielded a motorized 3-headed flail that allowed him to fly short distances. His usual method of attack was being thrown at people by the Ogre. He did'nt always expect this.

Arriving in town always went something like this:

H: Ah, a town where we can rest our weary feet and hatch a proper scheme. Goblins! Wait for us here. Ogre! You too, we can't bring you into town without attracting undue attention.

GM: The goblins flip you off and prepare to ambush the next person coming into town.

O: *Pulling bag of disguise over his head* I can go to town, see...I'm a Troll! *Starts stumbling blindly towards town*

G: *Distracting H by trying to recruit goblins to sell his 'potions' in town* Come on, come on, the more of you help out the more money you'll make, I sell you the potions for 1 gold each, you sell them for 5 - easy money.

H: They don't have any money. I take it all. Now stop peddling your poison to my slaves and lets find an inn.

G: It's not poison! I'm just allergic to them. Here, try one for yourself.

H: Where'd the ogre go?

G: Meh. Who care's.

GM: You hear the town gates being closed, and the guards shouting "Troll!"

O: A Troll! Where?! I'm scared of Trolls! *Runs headlong into the gate*

H: I guess I'd better tell the goblins to set up camp...again.

That game was hilarious fun - we played in on the weekend of april fools a few years ago. The player playing the Ogre had a great voice for him too.

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Re: Weirdest Party You]ve ever had


I think there were a few others' date=' but I can't recall them at the moment. :D[/quote']


I think the only one you missed was the young wizard with a wretched sense of direction blessed with dreams from the goddess in opposition to the Dark God of Chaos. (Aysel Cragwarren)


Ah, I really ought to throw an adventure together with the Cadbury crew again... :)



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