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WWYD - Marvel's Civil War


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I did not see this posted already, but sorry if I missed it:


Taking the example from marvel's Civil War series, a group of younger hero's are involved in an incident that leads to a death of hundreds of innocents. The outcry and backlash leads to the registration act and its the Champions leading the crusade. Heroes must sign up to be trained by and work for the government or be jailed/hunted until such time as they agree to sign up. Secret id's will be exposed to the government. Do you join or do you fight the Champions?

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Re: WWYD - Marvel's Civil War


Wait, I've always wanted to post this


"I flip the table over, gather my gaming books up, and leave"


;) Actually, I think I'd trust many of the GMs I know to at least have the storyline make more sense than what Marvel is doing. In the 5th ed CU, the registration act is already in place, so the nature of this scenerio would have to be altered accordingly.

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Re: WWYD - Marvel's Civil War


Wait, I've always wanted to post this


"I flip the table over, gather my gaming books up, and leave"


;) Actually, I think I'd trust many of the GMs I know to at least have the storyline make more sense than what Marvel is doing. In the 5th ed CU, the registration act is already in place, so the nature of this scenerio would have to be altered accordingly.


True, for the sake of this example, the registration act in 5th ed never took place.

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Re: WWYD - Marvel's Civil War


Game Universe, Campaign and Tone mean everything.


In my campaign, registration is expected if you want to get co-operation or consideration from the authorities beyond that accorded to any other law abiding citizen; using your powers to fight crime without being registered may be rightful defense of another or vigilantism, depending on circumstances, and you remain liable for your actions. Registration makes things easier, depending on the type of registration and the steps you next take.


None of my characters would register in the Marvel Universe. It's an angsty teen's fantasy of how the world works.

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Re: WWYD - Marvel's Civil War


Microman II: Despite being already registered in normal CU, he wouldn't cooperate. "This new law has very little connection to the events it is allegedly attempting to prevent, and is in contradiction of the constitution, as well. Supporting it only helps push us further in a dangerous direction." The rest of the New Sentinels would pretty much do the same. So, civil disobedience essentially. Though, in all honesty, even if such a law got passed above public objection of some of the biggest heroes in the world, if the government is at all sane, they'd functionally allow the NS benign neglect.


Thats assuming just mandated registration and conscription. The other horrid stuff from Civil War? The New Sentinels, Microman included, pull an Authority, and shut the bastards down.


Hermes: In his home time period, scenario is impossible ( mainly because Theran government is essentially run *by* superhumans ). If he's in a contemporaryish time period when this happens, well, he certainly wouldn't register. If the really horrid stuff breaks out, he joins the resistance, at least insofar as his presence in the time period allows.

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Re: WWYD - Marvel's Civil War


A thought that occured to me: the Champions Universe, while not generally fitting the tone and history that makes Civil War particularly conceivable, actually does have a person who'd be *perfect* as the head of the Pro-Registration faction.




Tell me Civil War, from the manipulated trigger event to the goal of metapower enforcers spread across the country that answer to one man, how this doesn't sound like the Ultimate Goal of Invictus.


And on top of that, he's actually a villain.

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Re: WWYD - Marvel's Civil War


Looking at the literal events in Civil War:


* Nitro's never had that level of power before. It's unreasonable to expect he could cause that much damage.


* When he does explode and cause that much damage, killing the New Warriors, it's unreasonable to lay so much blame at the feet of said team.


* The Registration Act is unconstitutional and draconian, especially considering the actions supporters take - I mean, seriously, instant arrest if you don't comply seconds after it becomes a law? Requirements to sign up as soon as you come into a hospital with a gunshot wound?


I can't think of a character I've played who would support it. That doesn't mean any kind of registration is out of the question, but this particular version just isn't reasonable, sensible, or even legal.

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Re: WWYD - Marvel's Civil War


I did not see this posted already, but sorry if I missed it:


Taking the example from marvel's Civil War series, a group of younger heros are involved in an incident that leads to a death of hundreds of innocents. The outcry and backlash leads to the registration act and its the Champions leading the crusade. Heroes must sign up to be trained by and work for the government or be jailed/hunted until such time as they agree to sign up. Secret id's will be exposed to the government. Do you join or do you fight the Champions?


Neither. Riptide just swims across the Pacific and hangs out in Japan instead. They love him in Japan. (Hellfire actually did work for the government, but she was Canadian).

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Re: WWYD - Marvel's Civil War


A thought that occured to me: the Champions Universe, while not generally fitting the tone and history that makes Civil War particularly conceivable, actually does have a person who'd be *perfect* as the head of the Pro-Registration faction.




Tell me Civil War, from the manipulated trigger event to the goal of metapower enforcers spread across the country that answer to one man, how this doesn't sound like the Ultimate Goal of Invictus.


And on top of that, he's actually a villain.


This was actually the Invictus plotline I ran around 1994 or 1995.

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Re: WWYD - Marvel's Civil War


Ironically, there's a good chance I'll be running a similar plotline in one or two of my other campaigns eventually. That issue aside....


Does this apply to anybody with powers, as written in the Marvel-verse? Or anybody who chooses to use them as a hero? Affects the way some of them handle it.

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Re: WWYD - Marvel's Civil War


Looking at the literal events in Civil War:


* Nitro's never had that level of power before. It's unreasonable to expect he could cause that much damage.


* When he does explode and cause that much damage, killing the New Warriors, it's unreasonable to lay so much blame at the feet of said team.


* The Registration Act is unconstitutional and draconian, especially considering the actions supporters take - I mean, seriously, instant arrest if you don't comply seconds after it becomes a law? Requirements to sign up as soon as you come into a hospital with a gunshot wound?


I can't think of a character I've played who would support it. That doesn't mean any kind of registration is out of the question, but this particular version just isn't reasonable, sensible, or even legal.


I think the reason why blame was place on the NW was because Speedball (the comic relief) was giving the order. Plus it reminds me of how the police sometimes get blamed when things don't go right. To the public, this was a group of teens doing something they shouldn't have been doing and hundreds of children died as a result.


As for Civil War itself, since the NW was my favorite team I was upset at what they did to them. I figure this would either usher in the Steel Age of comics (after Iron Age) or cause massive problems for Marvel itself. Between this and Annihilation we're looking at a major shift in the Marvel Universe they may not be able to fix without pushing the resent button.


Back to topic, one of my characters already is registered with the government. He was a consultant for the military and got his powers on the job. My main character has the civilian ID of being one of the top scientists in the study of superhuman powers. Registering with the government may actually help him if he wasn't a mage. My other character wouldn't care except he would use his new connections to further some personal goals.

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Re: WWYD - Marvel's Civil War


I would join Cap's side.


01. Create an underground railroad into Canada for persecuted heroes and villains.


02. Organize a Prison Break for those illeaglly imprisoned.


03. Mobilize Public Opinion


04. Demonize Tony Stark and Mister Fantastic.


05. Investigate S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Secret controllers.







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Re: WWYD - Marvel's Civil War


WWYCD: Universe Written by mark millar.




Not having any desire to play in the Porcelain age of Comics, I'd take the first dimension hop out.


But, back to the original question: The SRA comes up (insert your own joke here).


Get a copy of the law, read it through first. I gotta know what I'm gonna be fighting, after all...Get with the creative non-resistance. Embarassing questions to the enforcers when they show up, plus full spotlights on who's being hired. Calling out exact quotes from the law itself during debates and fights. Constitutional challenges and class action suits. Make sure there's a news team within a 5 minute reach from my patrol routes.


In other words, make a lot of noise. And if things get bad, yell for UNTIL.

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Re: WWYD - Marvel's Civil War


The Specter - Register, quite publicly, including full disclosure of his original identity and the many times that he has served his nation. As an immortal who has operated as a "mystery-man" since the second american revolution (guess which side he fought on?), he has a lot of history backing up his credibility, and contacts with a few other noted immortals who can back up his claims. Combine this with the fact that he served his nation in WWI and WWII, he tends to get the patriot card slapped on him. He would then immediately begin lobbying for less draconian enforcement of the new act, or less stringent requirements. He would basically try to chip away at this unconstitutional and unethical act one small piece at a time. Amazing what the patience of an immortal can do for you.


Swarmling - go SPLAT! after the grenades go off. The Swarmling wouldn't register, and wouldn't conceal it's activities. And it's pretty much garaunteed that the Nebraskan national guard and PRIMUS took note of how easily area effect attacks took it down. And if those attacks are even a fraction of a segment appart, it's dead.


Weldun (Gasp) - Would register as a conscientious objector. If possibile, he would only hunt down shapeshifters that were known to be dangerous. If not possible, he would register, but then refuse any and all orders to enforce this act. Yes, he would go to jail. He would, however, pray that Marfa spririt away his armor, scabbard and sword, so that none could use them and taint them in this most unholy of crusades.

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Re: WWYD - Marvel's Civil War


I think the reason why blame was place on the NW was because Speedball (the comic relief) was giving the order. Plus it reminds me of how the police sometimes get blamed when things don't go right. To the public' date=' this was a group of teens doing something they shouldn't have been doing and hundreds of children died as a result.[/quote']


Still, Speedball's treatment within the justice system has been execrable. He's already judged guilty without any trial - and is ordered to sign a confession. He's not going to get a fair trial.


The fact that there's public outcry demanding his head does not mean that he should be denied a fair trial. But of course he will be, because the pro-registration side has to behave just this side of fascism.


While he could be convicted of something if there was a trial, it would certainly bring several things to light - such as the drug that Nitro got from the Damage Control executive was taking, or testimony from countless superheroes who could indicate that Nitro's normal power level simply could not cause a crater that large. However, since he's the poster child for needing registration, that will never ever happen.


As for Civil War itself, since the NW was my favorite team I was upset at what they did to them. I figure this would either usher in the Steel Age of comics (after Iron Age) or cause massive problems for Marvel itself. Between this and Annihilation we're looking at a major shift in the Marvel Universe they may not be able to fix without pushing the resent button.


Agree with all this.


Edit to be on-topic:


If I were running a supers game, I'd put this sort of thing in the background, so it's already been decided. I could see introducing such a thing during play. I could even do so as a consequence of the characters' actions, but I don't think I could really make it as much of a deal as it is in Civil War without coming across as heavy handed or vindictive.


It'd be more low-key, and what would ultimately happen is that the authorities would make it clear that the characters would get more cooperation and access to more resources if they sign up...but if they don't, I can't see anyone agitating for instant jail time.

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Re: WWYD - Marvel's Civil War


Get a copy of the law' date=' read it through first. I gotta know what I'm gonna be fighting, after all...[/quote']


Which is more than the CW writers seem to have done, given that the demands & implementation of law change from title to title... :(

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Re: WWYD - Marvel's Civil War


Wait, I've always wanted to post this


"I flip the table over, gather my gaming books up, and leave"


;) Actually, I think I'd trust many of the GMs I know to at least have the storyline make more sense than what Marvel is doing. In the 5th ed CU, the registration act is already in place, so the nature of this scenerio would have to be altered accordingly.

That's one reason I've never liked the CU and a primary reason we don't play in it. Individual nations, especially despotic regimes like China and Iran, have registration but not "free" countries like the US or UK. I know that's probably unrealistic given current attitudes about weapons IRL (the UK is currently looking at banning knives), but we're four-color so we can get by with some escapist non-reality. :D


As for the scenario itself (were it to come into play), I trust my co-GMs enough to wait and see where they're going with it. Perhaps the whole point was for our heroes to work to overturn the Registration Act. "Realistically" (whatever that means in a superhero comic book), Zl'f would just not travel and/or operate as a super in the US. Since the vast majority of MidGuard's adventures take place in Europe, it wouldn't be a big deal to her. She'd still have to travel to America on occasion for her job though; so she'd just maintain a low profile when in the US. (Again, realistically, it would be far more likely that the UN and/or EU would be pushing this kind of legislation; with "barbaric" America opposing it. One need only look at gun control laws to see probable patterns for registration of superhumans.)

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