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WWYCD: A Christmas Carol, Champions Style!


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Yet another TV cartoon inspired thread! Blatantly ripped off from the Real Ghostbusters:


Your character wakes up one Christmas Eve, only to find things are... different. When you say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays" the other person just scowls and mutters "Bah Humbug." There are no holiday decorations, Christmas trees, or good cheer. The final part of the puzzle is a display in your favorite bookstore of the month's best seller: "A Christmas Humbug" by Ebenezzer Scrooge!


Trying to puzzle out what's going, you and the rest of your team is approached by the Phantom Stranger (or equivalent thereof) and imformed that due to some whacky time travel, a local group of anti-super natural specialists accidently trapped the three spirits of Christmas from the Christmas Carol before they could redeem Scrooge!


No trusting the Specter Smashers to resolve the problem, the Stranger has removed you and your team from the time stream sufficiently so that you weren't affected but you have only one night to resolve the problem. If not, Christmas, with its good cheer and message of peace will be removed forever from the world. You must go back in time, take the role of one of the three spirits, and carry out the Christmas Carol as it was meant to be!


So which spirit do you take, how do you carry it out, and what special touches do you place on the performance to make it all your own? Posters are encouraged to be creative.


For those not familar with the spirits:


The Ghost of Christmas Past was the first of the three spirits (after the visitation by Jacob Marley) that haunted the miser Ebenezer Scrooge in order to prompt him to repent. It showed him scenes from his youth, that occurred on or around Christmas, in order to demonstrate to him the necessity of changing his ways, as well as to show the reader how Scrooge came to be the person he would become. The Ghost of Christmas Past appeared to Scrooge as a white-robed, androgynous figure of indeterminate age. It had on its head a blazing light, reminiscient of a candle flame. It carried with it a metal cap, made in the shape of a candle extinguisher, with which Scrooge finally banishes it by extinguishing the light on its head.


The Ghost of Christmas Present was the second of the three spirits (after the visitation by Jacob Marley) that haunted the miser Ebenezer Scrooge, in order to prompt him to repent. It transported him around the city, showing him scenes of festivity and also deprivation that were happening as they watched. Among those they visited were Scrooge's nephew, and the family of his clerk, Bob Cratchit. The spirit also shares a vision of Tiny Tim's crutch, carefully preserved by the fireplace. Scrooge asks if Tim will die, and, quick to use Scrooge's past unkind comments against him, suggests "they had better do it now, and decrease the surplus population" — reflecting Scrooge's earlier comment to two charitable solicitors. The Ghost of Christmas Present appeared to Scrooge as a large man with a red beard and fur-lined green robe. He carried a large torch, made to resemble a Cornucopia, and appeared accompanied by a great feast. He was given to outbursts of laughter. He could change his size to fit in any space.



The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come is the last of the three spirits (after the visitation by Jacob Marley) that haunts the miser Ebenezer Scrooge, in order to prompt him to adopt a more caring attitude in life and avoid the horrid afterlife of Marley. It is the most fearsome of the spirits – the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come appeared to Scrooge as a figure entirely muffled in a black hooded robe, except for a single gaunt hand with which it pointed, and it never spoke or made any sort of vocal noise. When the Ghost makes its appearance, the first thing it shows Scrooge is three wealthy gentlemen making light of a recent death, remarking that it'll be a cheap funeral, and they'd only go if lunch was provided. Next, Scrooge is shown the same dead person's belongings being stolen and pawned. He also sees a shrouded corpse he implores not to unmask and a poor, debtor famly rejoicing that someone to whom they owed money is dead. After pleading to the ghost to see kindness connected with death, Scrooge is shown Bob Cratchit and his family mourning the passing of Tiny Tim. Scrooge is then taken to a churchyard, where he is shown his own grave, and realises that the dead man the others spoke ill of was him. Implied, however, is that the future does not have to be – but Scrooge must change himself if he is to change his future.

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Re: WWYCD: A Christmas Carol, Champions Style!


Dolphin: "Dude, have you noticed I'm Buddhist? People no longer spend ten percent of the year in an orgy of conspicious consumption, bying material things for family and friends rathen than spending time with them, and I'm suppost to change that? ¿Por qué?"

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Re: WWYCD: A Christmas Carol, Champions Style!


Cheeta: "Christmas present, take him around London at superspeed, yadda yadda yadda."


Millennium: Timeline's already Scrooged, let's mess with it a little more. Take a job to obtain some local currency. Locate the Cratchett residence. Wait until everyone asleep. Lay healing touch on Tiny Tim. Go to Bob's bedroom, leave whatever I earned from the day's work. Telepathy on Cratchett, maybe a power tricks roll to make it a mind control. *When you wake up, Tiny Tim will be well and there will be a purse by your bed. Add the money you've been spending on doctors to that until you hear of a 'typewriter.' Invest every farthing in that purse in the machine, and when you are rich enough to buy and sell Mr. Scrooge, remember to be kind.*


Let's see how a couple of genuine Christmas miracles affect the time line.


Iron Will: "Let me go with Cheeta. I can be a withered, starving orphan. But he calls me a wog and I'm outta here."


If no doubteaming allowed. "Fine, Christmas future, al la the Wizard of Oz. I'll have the holograms ready by the time Cheeta finishes."


Snow Leopard: "Are you all out of your minds? Not only are you going along with this, you've let me Christmas Past. I'M supposed to remind him of the happy memories of his childhood? Guys, I thouht you knew. I don't do warm and fuzzy!"

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Re: WWYCD: A Christmas Carol, Champions Style!


Well... some of my characters, specifically Faye and Champion Wind, wolud make dandy Ghosts of Christmas Present, able to carry Scrooge all over London at impossible speeds by blatantly unnatural means. And I doubt Scrooge wolud say no to a valkyrie or a telekinetic powerful to take his *house* on a tour of London if need be.

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Re: WWYCD: A Christmas Carol, Champions Style!


Flesh Gordon - Dude, I am the ghost of Christmas Past, and ... whoa, your mom is hot. Here, why don't you just chill for a while with a nog, and ... okay, fine, on with the tour. Where, were you. So, this girl was your first love. Man, what were you thinking? You dumped her? Look at her! She's totally into you! What were you thinking? You are totally lame. I guess I'm supposed to do the present now. Wooo. Woo-dee-whoo, I'm the Ghost of Christmas Present. You buying this? No? Whatever. Man, everyone in this whole burg is partying, eating, drinking, having a great time, and you just want to hang out alone in a freezing bedroom. You need to get drunk and laid worse any man I've ever known. Even Doctor Destroyer has a better time at Christmas, and that man hasn't taken off his armor in decades. Really whiffy now too. What? Oh yeah, poor kids. Man, that's sad. You could spot them a dinner, you know? Wah wah wah; man, if you're going to get all Ayn Rand about a little basic charity, there's something wrong with you. Ayn Rand. Skinny Jewish chick. Emotional problems. Not a bad time in a freaky college girl intellectual way if you got a few drinks in her, but she will not stop talking. What? Oh, yeah. Now I'm, like, the future. Christmas future. Dude, you are one sour, depressing old fart, and if you don't learn to make a little basic human contact then really, what the heck was the point of your life anyway? Now go give that dude who works for you a raise, and ask your nephew if he knows any friendly widows or spinsters or something. Dude, trust me, there are some women in the fifty plus crowd who remain truly fine. Mmmm. Merry Christmas.

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Re: WWYCD: A Christmas Carol, Champions Style!


LOL @ Flesh Gordon!


Regarding Dolphin, I would hope the Phantom Stranger would note that yes, Christmas can be materialistic but it's also a season of hope and peace and the lack of such created by the change in the timeline most definitely worsens the world in general. Besides, how much better is a month of depression, nastiness, and snarling at your neighbor as you act like a Scrooge who forsook all charity? NOT much of an improvement.


As a side note, it WOULD be interesting if Dolphin slipped some Buhdist (sp) ideas into one of his ghost renditions. :)


For everyone else, some great responses as well and, as always, I look foward to more.

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Re: WWYCD: A Christmas Carol, Champions Style!


As a side note' date=' it WOULD be interesting if Dolphin slipped some Buhdist (sp) ideas into one of his ghost renditions. :)[/quote']


This is the exact reason I refrained from answering . . . the rest of Kaja's team would tackle him and forcibly escort him from the scenario before letting him anywhere near Scrooge ;)

This is assuming it isn't McCoy's campaign, of course. Considering how many characters there couldn't set foot on holy ground, they'd probably each take one role and everyone would end up with a truly odd Christmas.

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Re: WWYCD: A Christmas Carol, Champions Style!


Voltage: Would consider his best chance to be going a little further back and stopping the Spectre Smashers from capturing the original ghosts in the first place. Afterall, even if we find some way to redeem Scrooge, the Spirits of Christmas have still been removed from the world. That can't be good.

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Re: WWYCD: A Christmas Carol, Champions Style!


The Edge has the advantage of having Miss Chaos and Zero in the lineup. Miss Chaos has a massive multi-sense flash, basically a massive kinaesthetic attack, and Zero is a reasonably powerful mentallist. Between the two of them, they can show Scrooge everything he needs to see, without ever leaving his bedroom.

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Re: WWYCD: A Christmas Carol, Champions Style!


Georgette Batroc is a hedonist in the best sense of the word, so she'd be an appropriate tour guide for Christmas Present. Though her power-set is pretty limited so she'd need some mojo to help her whisk him around.


Not sure about Arachne. Maybe Christmas Past, since she's still mostly a kid herself...

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Re: WWYCD: A Christmas Carol, Champions Style!


Microman II: Somehow, I see him as being the Ghost of Christmas Future, oddly enough. A cheery one. . . but a cheery one busily explaining all the ways in which having no Christmas causes the world to end in Scrooge's future. As matter of fact elements of history. :eg:


Hermes: Would need a lesson in what exactly Christmas *is*, for starters. . . as he predates Christmas by a millenia or two. ;) Once done, however, he'd certainly help, and with his speed and slowly developing time powers, he could serve as Christmas Past or Present well enough. Admittedly, it'd be amusing. . .


"Welcome, Scrooge, to a trip through your own past, to learn the spirit of Christmas. . . oh, and by the way, if you see people that look like their made of distortion, or a creepy little oriental girl, start running."


( unless the Oracle of Time is who put them up to this. . . )

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Re: WWYCD: A Christmas Carol, Champions Style!


Regarding Dolphin, I would hope the Phantom Stranger would note that yes, Christmas can be materialistic but it's also a season of hope and peace and the lack of such created by the change in the timeline most definitely worsens the world in general. Besides, how much better is a month of depression, nastiness, and snarling at your neighbor as you act like a Scrooge who forsook all charity? NOT much of an improvement.

"Multinationals are no longer getting rich off of it. I'm not against the Spirit of Christmas, just the very materalistic way it was celebrated in America. If I undo the change, what assurance can you give me it won't degenerate into a marketing ploy again?"

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Re: WWYCD: A Christmas Carol, Champions Style!


Heh... this could get ugly with some of mine.


Outsider, as the Ghost of Christmas Future, in particular.


"Scrooge... witness the future that awaits you, that awaits all mankind...."


*give him a glimpse into a hideous Lovecraftian future*


"My God... is that what happens to a world without Christmas spirit?"


"Oh, no, that's *this* world...." *shows him an even bleaker one*


"Uhm... guys? We need a new Scrooge, I think I broke this one... sorry."

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Re: WWYCD: A Christmas Carol, Champions Style!


Dolphin: "Dude, have you noticed I'm Buddhist? People no longer spend ten percent of the year in an orgy of conspicious consumption, bying material things for family and friends rathen than spending time with them, and I'm suppost to change that? ¿Por qué?"


Let's try again:


Phantom Stranger: "No, instead they now spend ten percent of the year in an orgy of nastiness, miserliness, and hording materials things for themselves and themselves alone. Certainly, they do not spend their time, energy, what little love, or their material wealth on their friends and family. Instead, the importance of friends and family became rather muted period, and that tends to carry throughout the year."


"Multinationals are no longer getting rich off of it. I'm not against the Spirit of Christmas, just the very materalistic way it was celebrated in America. If I undo the change, what assurance can you give me it won't degenerate into a marketing ploy again?"


"There are no assurances that I could or would give for this task. It is not for me to interfere but to instead to restore the balance that was, so that it shall be as was determined by the actions and beliefs of man.


While it is true that materialism has entered this holiday, so has the higher meanings of hope, peace, and charity- concepts that suffer now under the weight of a miser's philosophy that extols the aquisition of weath to the exclusion of all else


So are you coming? Or do I need to call upon the Motor City Defenders?"


Yeah, the last one was a cheap shot. ;)

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WWYCD: A Christmas Carol, Champions Style!


Quetzlcoatle, if approached in Hero ID:

Why are you telling me this?


If approached in Mundane ID:

If you want to go back in time to fix things, how about taking me where I can take out Hitler before he does any great damage?

Or stop the Romans from destroying the Temple?




Can I go back and save those people I failed to save in Vietnam?


How about saving the life of my father, so I could actually get to know him while I was growing up?


You can waltz through time, and all you want to do is save some Christmas fairy tale? What’s WRONG with you?



Stormwalker: Now that gets interesting…


. Besides, how much better is a month of depression, nastiness, and snarling at your neighbor as you act like a Scrooge who forsook all charity? NOT much of an improvement.


Doesn’t look any worse to me. As for depression, want to bet me that the suicide statistics for December are any worse now than they were before? If you want to make that bet, I’ll take it – and you’re a fool.


If you want me to go to all this trouble, you’d have to convince me that world is better with A Christmas Carol than without it.


Let's try again:



While it is true that materialism has entered this holiday, so has the higher meanings of hope, peace, and charity- concepts that suffer now under the weight of a miser's philosophy that extols the aquisition of weath to the exclusion of all else




Indeed, let’s try again.


First of all, the world BEFORE was suffering under the philosophy of misers who extolled the acquisition of wealth above all things. That in fact is what Christmas WAS – a means for the rich to get richer. And I don’t understand why the world looks this way now, but your explanation doesn’t make any sense at all.


Apparently, Stranger, you’re laboring under a misapprehension. The story Dickens told is the one Scrooge hired him to tell, but Scrooge paid for that story not because it was accurate to his experiences, but because it was the most profitable story to tell. The real encounter of Scrooge with his deceased partner was more like this:



"I was a failure, Scrooge!"


"But you were a successful man of business! Why, your assets were..."


"Were so much less than they could have been! The profits I could have made, if I'd only known the true meaning of Christmas! Don't make the same mistake I did Scrooge - cash in on Christmas!"


So are you coming? Or do I need to call upon the Motor City Defenders?"


Yeah, the last one was a cheap shot. ;)


Wouldn’t it make more sense to try to find out what really happened, and how Scrooge came to write that book? As I said – your explanation just doesn’t make sense.


Lucius Alexander


Don’t even ask the palindromedary

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Re: WWYCD: A Christmas Carol, Champions Style!


Regarding Dolphin, I would hope the Phantom Stranger would note that yes, Christmas can be materialistic but it's also a season of hope and peace and the lack of such created by the change in the timeline most definitely worsens the world in general. Besides, how much better is a month of depression, nastiness, and snarling at your neighbor as you act like a Scrooge who forsook all charity? NOT much of an improvement.

Dolphin: "Wait a second. One book, one hundred and fifty years old, in public domane, that can't be uses as a marketng ploy, is having that much effect in America? Not possible. Somebody has a financial or supernatural interest in this. Who's behind it?"

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Re: WWYCD: A Christmas Carol, Champions Style!


If approached in Mundane ID:

If you want to go back in time to fix things, how about taking me where I can take out Hitler before he does any great damage?


*lots of stuff snipped*


You can waltz through time, and all you want to do is save some Christmas fairy tale? What’s WRONG with you?


PS: "There are things that are beyond my control, include the ability to chose which events to occur and which events not to occur. I am bounded by the balance and must simply let what was, continue to be."


Out of character: basically the whole point of this little exercise was that meddling from the future screwed up the past and it has to be rectified. It's should be rather obvious but some characters might not see that. Mucking around with time is a BAD thing in general that can destroy the whole space-time continium which is a reason why the balance has to be righted to be what is should have been before the Spector Smashers screwed up.



Originally Posted by Powerhouse

. Besides, how much better is a month of depression, nastiness, and snarling at your neighbor as you act like a Scrooge who forsook all charity? NOT much of an improvement.


Doesn’t look any worse to me.


Let's see... nastiness, glorification of miserliness, spitting on charity and helping our fellow man is no worse than what Christmas is, in spirit at least, supposed to stand for. Wow. Just... wow.


As for depression, want to bet me that the suicide statistics for December are any worse now than they were before? If you want to make that bet, I’ll take it – and you’re a fool.


PS: waves his hands and makes this sheet appear:




PS: So... Spirit of Christmas Future was it?


First of all, the world BEFORE was suffering under the philosophy of misers who extolled the acquisition of wealth above all things. That in fact is what Christmas WAS – a means for the rich to get richer. And I don’t understand why the world looks this way now, but your explanation doesn’t make any sense at all.


Apparently, Stranger, you’re laboring under a misapprehension. The story Dickens told is the one Scrooge hired him to tell, but Scrooge paid for that story not because it was accurate to his experiences, but because it was the most profitable story to tell. The real encounter of Scrooge with his deceased partner was more like this:




I'm sorry if I'm being dense but I'm not following.


1. You do realize that your character was exempted from the effects of the change in history and hence he realizes what the original story was as well as how drastic these changes in the world are.


2. If your character has had any dealings with the PS (or like), you'd know that he seldom makes mistakes with all of that cosmic knowledge he has.


3. Finally, the whole take on what Christmas is kinda out there unless your character is a complete cynic. Yes it has become secularized and is more materialistic but to state that Christmas is simply there to make the rich richer ignores a great deal of history, events, as well as the religious aspects.


Wouldn’t it make more sense to try to find out what really happened, and how Scrooge came to write that book? As I said – your explanation just doesn’t make sense.


It makes plenty of sense if you don't think about it too hard. Historically, the Christmas Carol has been one of the works that has taught people what Christmas should be about and it's not beyond the pale that its antithesis could be as popular or influential. Please remember that this is just intended to be a nice light hearted adventure. Maybe your character is overly cynical. Try moving into a Silver Age mentality.


I'm really sorry if I seem mean or rude since I'm interesting in various character responses but your take just seems really out of whack, especially for a hero. Hopefully I clarified a few things.

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Re: WWYCD: A Christmas Carol, Champions Style!


Dolphin: "Wait a second. One book, one hundred and fifty years old, in public domane, that can't be uses as a marketng ploy, is having that much effect in America? Not possible. Somebody has a financial or supernatural interest in this. Who's behind it?"


PS: "History is replete with books that have been influential: the Bible, Common Sense, Communist Manifesto, Mao's little red book, and the writings of your own faith. Is it so hard to believe that another book could have so much influence? As to your faith, are you not committed to follow the Noble Eightfold Path which seeks to end suffering caused by greed and desire through the silia of Right Actions and Right Livelihood? Or that one seeks Right Thoughts by changing their mindset? Would you abandon your faith now?"


"For your question, if this is not the cause, then what has changed your world so suddenly? Who do you think could have caused this? You ask me to name the source and I have yet you demand a new answer which would make me either incorrect or a liar. On this basis, why trust me to answer any more correctly a second time?"




PS: "I am one with time and space, knowledge of the cosmos streaks through my mind as my sense touch the infinite of..." *looks to see Dolphin looking on unimpressed* *massages his head* "Look Dolphin, it's a Christmas special... work with me here!"




PS: "Sorry, but I need to take away your superhero union card now..."




PS: "look, big cosmic guy here with plot information straight from the writer! Christmas storyline to be all sentimental and make the fans say "Ahhhh.... the true spirit of Christmas! "FINE! I'm gonna contact a team that still remember the Silver Age! They ALWAYS go for this sort of stuff! But first I'm gonna wave my little finger and make it legal to stick dolphin into cans of tuna again! Watch out for that f****** harpoon!"


*walks away muttering*


"Damn Iron Age with its thinking, intricate plots, and adult ideas. In MY time if the bad guy wanted to turn all the socks in the world purple, we ran with that plot! And we were grateful for a single plot twist! And we resolved our problems in one 22 page issue! And every single hero has their chaste and virtous girlfriend who never did the nasty until they got married! Heroes these days!"




I'm just teasing. I guess this plotline just isn't for everyone but really, if you can't even save Christmas, what kinda hero are ya?

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Re: WWYCD: A Christmas Carol, Champions Style!


I guess this plotline just isn't for everyone but really' date=' if you can't even save Christmas, what kinda hero are ya?[/quote']

A Buddhist one. With a Buddhist player, whose four other characters nonetheless went along with it.

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Re: WWYCD: A Christmas Carol, Champions Style!


Jake the Troll - "Hey, old guy! Merry Christmas Eve! Try this ludafisk! Go on, it's partially gelled whitefish, soaked in lye! What, it's not like it's any worse than what you were eating before. Um...Ok. So, we gotta take you to the past, which means we need to step here into the spirit world *tears open the gates to the Other* mind the Veil, there, and then try to step back into the Material Realm! Here we are in 754 BC. D'oh! OK, I can fix this, but you're gonna have to hiberante for a couple of millenia. G'night! *Buries Scrooge in the ground, and puts him to sleep for 2000 years plus change. 3 months later in Jake's timeline, he manages to get to the place and time to wake up Scrooge.* "Whoot! I rule! Right, so I need to sneak you around and show you how much your life doesn't suck. Activate leet troll ninja powerz! Um..it's a magic spell. Shut up." *Throws Scrooge over his shoulder, and goes leaping around Merry Olde England like a kabuki-black-clad-Hulk.* "OK, now that we've shown you how much you blow in comparison to when you were young, I'm gonna hand it off to my main lady here, Emma....wait, we're still in the past." *Knocks Scrooge out and buries him in the ground again. 20 years later (4 days by Jake's timeline), goes and digs him up, and leaves him in his bed for Emma to find.*


Icon - "Hey, Mr. Scrooge, why are you covered in dirt and clay? No, I'm not going to change my clothes for your Victorian sensibilities. It's perfectly appropriate wear for...us spirits...to wear. Yeah." *Grabs Scrooge in an energy fold, and yanks him around London at the speed of light. Realizes at the first stop that kevlar-lined spandex really isn't helping the cuase. Changes her outfit to something more appropraite, probably by hitting up the Scrooge coffers for a couple of pounds sterling.* "Right, that was embarassing. Now, I"m going to hand you off to Mr. Creepy, here. Take it away, Shinji-kun!"


Shinji Miromoto - "Greeting to you, Sukurugu-san. Please excuse the burdern of foreknowledge." *Runs a current of dark psychic energy through Scrooge's brain* "The ears and the nose should stop bleeding in several minutes, Sukrugu-san. This one begs your forgiveness." *Leaves.*

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Re: WWYCD: A Christmas Carol, Champions Style!



Originally Posted by Powerhouse

I guess this plotline just isn't for everyone but really, if you can't even save Christmas, what kinda hero are ya?


A Buddhist one. With a Buddhist player, whose four other characters nonetheless went along with it.


But isn't (and this is no doubt a rather simplistic take), Buddhism in part about walking a path to go past his ignorance and greed to become something better? To do nothing and let this man spread his "philosophy" to make the world a darker would seem to contradict such values. Maybe there is something I'm not grasping here about your faith.


Wow, heady stuff we're talking about here. Herogames isn't just for fun for learning as well! Then again, we've always learned math with this system!



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