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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


I recently showed the 1960's film Zulu! to a couple of friends. It inspired me to draw some new cardstock figures, one of which is now my avatar!


I think the things I love most about that movie are the example of pure heroism in the face of certain doom, and most especially the fact that the film makers did NOT see the need to make one side or the other either "all good" or "all bad". They dont even go into the reasons for the Zulu War; it just happens. We find out about it pretty much the same way the soldiers at Rorke's Drift did.


I first saw the movie in a European History class. At the time it was considered "remarkably histyorically accurate", although by todays standards, well...there are errors.


But its still one of the great heroic movies of all time, in my opinion. It was also inspirational to Peter Jackson for the battle at Helm's Deep.


And its Michael Caine's first screen appearance! :D

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


I just watched the Buffalo Sabres beat the new York Rangers 3-2 to take a 2-0 lead in the Eastern Conference Semis. And BUFFALO'S coach is having a conniption fit.


You gotta love a sport where the WINNERS get into an uproar over a call(or lack of one) at the end of the game instead of shrugging it off.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Word Wars - a documentary about tournament scrabble players. Interesting enough, but I think I prefer my documentaries to be a bit heavier in facts and whatnot; lately, the ones I've watched mainly just follow people around and show what they do.


Millenium Actress - an anime about a guy putting toegether an interview/documentary about a famous (fictional) actress's career from the 1930's-1960's. It does a really good job of mixing her memories of her childhood with her memories of making movies, and how they intertwine and flow between the movies and the memories and the action taking place in the interview itself.


A Very Long Engagement - a very French quasi-fantastical movie about a woman seeking to know what really happened to her fiance during WWI. While I find Audrey Tautou an attractive woman (and holy, crap, was that just Jodi Foster?), I'm finding her acting style of determined-yet-innocent girl to grate after a while. The movie itself was well-filmed, though

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


I saw Sunshine last night.


I really liked the way the first part was going - very 2001 meets Silent Running meets the start of Alien vibe.


I really disliked the second part, where it turned into Event Horizon.





This morning I saw the swimsuit section for Miss USA on TV (which Miranda - wife - is watching as I spend my time more efficiently). It's like Choose-Your-Own Barbie (and I have it on authority from Miranda just now that one of the gowns in the evening section was "awful").

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Zulu was Caine's first starring role. He then did The Ipcress File followed by Alfie.


Oh, and I liked Sunshine. I liked the fact that the monster was clearly human - nothing supernatural, nothing weird, just a madman.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Oh' date=' and I liked [b']Sunshine[/b]. I liked the fact that the monster was clearly human - nothing supernatural, nothing weird, just a madman.


Then what was with all the vibrating/blurry camera effects? That implied the supernatural or more than human to me...

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


I picked up a DVD box set of Space Academy.


Cheap special effects, but the implied tech level is way over the top.(Old show. It came out a year before Star Wars)


Honestly? I've been tracking down older shows I saw when I was a child or ones that I missed. Even if they are bootlegs.


On that note:

The New Adventures of He-Man


I also head to YouTube to watch the latest episode of Demashita! Powerpuff Girls Z every week.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Then what was with all the vibrating/blurry camera effects? That implied the supernatural or more than human to me...


I think they were just trying to deny us a clear look at the Captain. They let us see enough of the burns and injuries on him to stimulate our imaginations into making him far more horrible in our minds than they could ever make him on the screen.


Either that or they really botched his makeup and this was the only way to fix the problem.:D

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Over the last few days I've worked through about the first 10 episodes of Season One of the Shield. I'd been avoiding this show, as I'm not much of a cop show fan.


Wow. This is a really good show. Highly recommended, even for non cop show fans.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


I think they were just trying to deny us a clear look at the Captain. They let us see enough of the burns and injuries on him to stimulate our imaginations into making him far more horrible in our minds than they could ever make him on the screen.


Either that or they really botched his makeup and this was the only way to fix the problem.:D


I vote the latter :D

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


10 Items or Less. Morgan Freeman and Paz Verda as a Hollywood actor (huge stretch for him, I'm sure) and a supermarket cashier who befriend one another on one life-changing kind of day. Freeman's amazed reaction upon stepping into a Target is worth the price of admission.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


I glutted myself on forgotten masterpieces of low budget action.


The Challenge (1982 Dir. John Frankenheimer) starring Scott Glenn and Toshiro Mifune. That's right..the Toshiro Mifune. Notable for the boxing vs. kenjutsu duel at the end. IMO one of the great movie swordfights of all time. Too bad it never came out on DVD I had to rent it on VHS with a stiff security deposit from Scarecrow Video.


The Hunted (1998) Christopher Lambert picks up a sword again in this samurai vs. ninja flick set in modern day Japan. Not a great movie, but a lot of fun to watch.


The Kille Elite (1975) James Caan, martial arts, mercanaries, what else could you want? Not Sam Pekinpah's greatest, but another fun one.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Just re-watched High Plains Drifter and the first twenty minutes of Joe Kidd.


HPD is a classic, just fantastic both as a straight Western and as a subtle ghost story. Misogynistic by any standard, even the 1970s, but still a fine film.


Joe Kidd is a "progressive" film about Mexicans cheated out of their land rights, where all the main Mexican characters are played by Anglos. Tres 70s.

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