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Best superhero titles of the 70's


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Just wondering -- what do you folks think are the best superhero titles of the 1970's? I remember it as the time when I first got into comics, but can remember very little beyond TWO-IN-ONE, SON OF SATAN, AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, GODZILLA, SHOGUN WARRIORS, and THE MIGHTY THOR. (Okay, some of them are technically horror titles. We didn't have specialty comic shops locally back then.)


What were the best titles/characters/stories coming out of Marvel and DC?

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Re: Best superhero titles of the 70's


That was back when I was collecting The Invincible Ironman and Captain America. Those two were always my favorites, true heroes and true friends. It was inconceivable that anything would ever destroy that friendship.

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Re: Best superhero titles of the 70's


I've always liked Ghost Rider and Luke Cage, Hero for Hire (I liked it when Iron Fist showed up too).


When I was a kid I was pretty random about what comics I got. It would be a Hulk here, a Spider-Man there, a Justice League of America or an Unexpected some other time. Ghost Rider and Luke Cage were different from the other supers though. A bad guy who does good and a small businessman. They're the only comics I've ever bought out of the back issue boxes at the FLCS, although Weird War Tales would make the cut if it was ever for sale anywhere.


They really need to bring Weird War Tales back.

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Re: Best superhero titles of the 70's


I'm going to stick to DC. There was a lot of pretty neat Marvel too.


Green Lantern/Green Arrow. There were (at least) two series of these. The first were the famous ones. The second were more routine, but still very good.


Teen Titans. The second incarnation. Enjoyable, if not truly wonderful. As in "I enjoyed them".


All Star Comics. Power Girl. The Huntress. Wildcat. Doctor Fate. Alan Scott. Jay Garrick. Need I say more?


I could go on and on and on...


I'll nominate All Star Comics as my absolute favourite.

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Re: Best superhero titles of the 70's


I was a kid in the 1970s, but I remember black & white collections of older books, Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, the Justice League of America, the Legion of Superheroes (my favorite at the time), World's Finest, the Fantastic Four, the Avengers, and the Defenders.


Probably started consciously "collecting" in 1976 or so.

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Re: Best superhero titles of the 70's


I was a kid through most of the 70s as well ... but, thanks to my bro, that's when I started collecting ;) Of the comics I liked:

Ghost Rider, Devil Dinosaur, Marvel-Two-In-One, Marvel Team-Up, Batman, Iron Fist, Godzilla and Micronauts. I also dug many of the old B&W horror mags and the Star Wars comic :)

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Re: Best superhero titles of the 70's


The first two comics I regularly read were DC but not superheroes. I liked Sergeant Rock and The Haunted Tank. The latter because my father was a tank cannoneer during WW2. When I started reading about superheroes I gravitated toward Marvel.

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Re: Best superhero titles of the 70's


Am I the only one who remembers a Lee-Kirby title that was totally revamped in 1975? I believe the name was X-Men.


X-Men kind of lost me somewhere around the late 1980s (issue 175 or near enough), and I didn't start reading it until the early 1980s. I remember being a fan of the New Mutants in the 1980s as well, though they pretty much lost me about the time the art went to hell (again, somewhere in the late 1980s).


Teen Titans was more my model of how to do Teen Heroes, but the New Mutants are definitely part of the template.

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Re: Best superhero titles of the 70's


Legion of Superheroes, JLA, Brave and Bold, Avengers, Captain America, Iron Man, Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, X-Men and New Mutants.


I was a teen during the later part of the '70s, but I will say this, at the time Make Mine Legion was my fav saying. I loved the Legion of that time, after it was revamped a number of times ..... not so much.

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Guest steamteck

Re: Best superhero titles of the 70's


All Star Comics. Power Girl. The Huntress. Wildcat. Doctor Fate. Alan Scott. Jay Garrick. Need I say more?



I'll nominate All Star Comics as my absolute favourite.



I'll second that maybe my favorite period. I actually tend to prefer the earth 2 incarnations of the heroes esp. Superman.

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Re: Best superhero titles of the 70's


I'll second that maybe my favorite period. I actually tend to prefer the earth 2 incarnations of the heroes esp. Superman.


Same here actually. The Earth 2 versions of the heroes always felt like they had more gravitas and depth than the Earth 1ers, the result of having been alowed to age past 29.

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Re: Best superhero titles of the 70's


Kamandi, Last Boy on Earth.*

Jimmy Olsen (Kirby)


Keith "Can't include things like the X-Men, since they bled over into the 80's and beyond" Curtis


*Savage Earth is a pale attempt to capture that lightning.



EDIT: OK, Kamandi wasn't a superhero title, but was related to them, and Superhero enough for my definition.

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Re: Best superhero titles of the 70's


Jimmy Olsen (Kirby)


The oldest bits of my collection include a disturbingly large amount of 60s era Jimmy Olsens. (Australian black and white reprints.) Lots of silly fun.


Ignoring that, though, the Kirby Olsens are huge amounts of fun as well.


In fact, I think they could be used as a template for an eminently playable campaign. Tone down Superman a little, maybe throw in Lex Luthor as a rival centre of villainy, and away you go.


Hunted by Darkseid, 14-. Are you hero enough?

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Re: Best superhero titles of the 70's


Well, I was born in 1975, so I really didn't start reading comics until 1981 or so, and then it was all Archie/Richie Rich from the Navy Commisary. I do recall reading some hardbound Golden Age anthologies, though, as for some reason I know the original Batman/Superman/Green Lantern stories (from the 30's and 40's).

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Re: Best superhero titles of the 70's


The first thing I remember reading from the 70's were the occassional EC reprints. At least I think they were reprints. I thought it was funny that scary comics were in a dentists office.


The first superhero comic I actually collected from the 70's were the Champions.


Was Batmite from the 70's?

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Re: Best superhero titles of the 70's


For me' date=' it's [b']The Defenders[/b]. They shaped my perception of what a superhero team should be, and it still strongly influences my games.


That was a great comic title that unfortunately got ruined when they decided to make more like a regular sanctioned team, then it lost it distinctiveness and was canceled soon later. I thought this was a bad move because what made the Defenders cool was that they were a non-team. They had no charter, no permanent base, no code words, and if you wanted to be a member you just showed up and you were a member. Just like that.


Man, I wished they would bring that back, I loved that little mini-series with the Order a few years back.

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Re: Best superhero titles of the 70's


For me' date=' it's [b']The Defenders[/b]. They shaped my perception of what a superhero team should be, and it still strongly influences my games.


Absolutely! Besides the Defender, the Avengers were great in the 70s, as well as Master of King Fu, Iron Fist, and I could go on and on. A bulk of my collection is "brilliant but canceled" comics fo the 1970s.

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Re: Best superhero titles of the 70's


Am I the only one who remembers a Lee-Kirby title that was totally revamped in 1975? I believe the name was X-Men.


They killed off Jean Grey in the early '70s and I stopped reading Marvel. Has anything happened since then?


(I don't think I was into collecting anything in the 70's. I vaguely remember scrounging up old Vampirellas...)



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