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WWYCD: "I" in Team


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Re: WWYCD: "I" in Team


Okay here it is; All the superhero characters that you play in various games meet. They are chosen to form a superhero group.


Which would be the leader? What would group politics be like? Who would be friends, and who would wind up killing one another?

Do you mean every superhero character we've ever played, or just those we're currently playing?
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Re: WWYCD: "I" in Team


Assuming that you mean "all superheroes you've played", well. . .


Strictly defining "superhero" as "heroic character from a supers setting", the list for me would be:

-Microman II


-Jack Frost

-Prince Henry Rasputin


-Dr Franklin Century


If you loosen the definition some, to any character who could reasonably fit into a superteam, you could also add:

-Agent Spencer ( alt-WoD, but basically pulp hero as Man in Black )

-Operator A4 ( pulp hero )

-Tevik Duli ( sci-fi hero, but generally square jawed and epically heroic )


Between the full lot, there's two scientific genius, three ( or four, depending ) skill master types, an ice-controlling Spiderman analog, an android jack of all trades, and a magic-using density controller. Between them, you have four guys who could potentially be leaders, though its unlikely you'd have too much clashing.


All told, quite a powerful team ( weakest members are 350+ superskill types, strongest are 1000+ or equivalent ), though somewhat lacking in certain areas ( brickitude mainly ).

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Re: WWYCD: "I" in Team




Okay, I've got Cyrande(Crown Princess of Malva, Quantum manipulater), Nox (Shadow user, and not bad MA), Artemis(Shapeshifter(all animals/plants), Healer, and brick), Masquerade (Empath and shapeshifter(humanoid forms)) and Scathach (Brick, ritual mage, and good with people). (Note, this team ranges from 550-1000+ points or equalivent. Though, given the personalities, they'd be closer to Doom Patrol then the JLA)



Okay, so they have a lot of coverage of the archetypes(Artemis would likely edge over into speedster). Cyrande would likely be leader( Nox has her own concerns, Artemis isn't a leader, Masquerade doesn't want to, and Scathach would happily be co-leader for Earth customs and the like)


Group relations... surprisingly good. It helps that Scathach and Nox are the only natives to modern day Earth, and they've concentrated in different areas. There's only one person who's not socially adept or sensitive to the emotions of others, and she'd be happy to help, though would hope that her "family" could come find her soon.


No one would kill each other, though I imagine Masq and Scathach would have a few harsh words for each other. Cyrande and Artemis would likely become friends, though that would be a weird relationship by anyone's standards.

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Re: WWYCD: "I" in Team


All superheroes I've played would be something like 30+, so I'm just going to go currently active.


The team would be:

Terminal Velocity 400 pts. Teen speedster, male, always cheerful, no matter how badly things go. He would end up movement specialist, and secondary offense.

Sift481 pts. Supermage with a small (10 pt) cosmic pool, female, Can be a minibrick, martial artist, but is primarily a spell based energy projector, very versatile. Would find Terminal Velocity cute. :) Support, and secondary offense.

Smokeater 448 pts. Classic Energy Projector, male, fire, and a "professional superhero", second in command. Primary offensive.

Meeb 489 Pts. Shape-shifting/stretching based mini-brick (high D, 50 STR), no gender. Like most other shape-shifters, the team comedian. Primary offense, and good at taking out massed agents.

Shadowolf 360 pts. Ch'i trained martial artist,male, back from the dead. Desolid, Invisibility, and Teleport. Secondary offense, infiltration, and recon. Is 50 years old, and a grandpa, although no one knows that, he wears a full body costume.

Blackcat 942 pts. Team Leader, female, and damage dealing powerhouse. Tactician, team trainer and all around impressive character. Has 4 or 5 pts of CV and Damage Classes on the rest of the team. Mid 30's. Is also just discovering mental abilities.


Most of them would get along, the more serious character (Smokeater, Black Cat and Shadowolf) might be a little annoyed by Meeb's flippancy. They would also take TV under their wing.


This one was pretty cool - I find it interesting that my current characters actually make a solid team, with every niche filled except for mentalist, and Cat and Sift are both strong defensively there.

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Re: WWYCD: "I" in Team


Assuming that you mean "all superheroes you've played", well. . .


Strictly defining "superhero" as "heroic character from a supers setting", the list for me would be:

-Microman II


-Jack Frost

-Prince Henry Rasputin


-Dr Franklin Century


If you loosen the definition some, to any character who could reasonably fit into a superteam, you could also add:

-Agent Spencer ( alt-WoD, but basically pulp hero as Man in Black )

-Operator A4 ( pulp hero )

-Tevik Duli ( sci-fi hero, but generally square jawed and epically heroic )


Between the full lot, there's two scientific genius, three ( or four, depending ) skill master types, an ice-controlling Spiderman analog, an android jack of all trades, and a magic-using density controller. Between them, you have four guys who could potentially be leaders, though its unlikely you'd have too much clashing.


All told, quite a powerful team ( weakest members are 350+ superskill types, strongest are 1000+ or equivalent ), though somewhat lacking in certain areas ( brickitude mainly ).


Oh, and putting Hermes and Dr Century on the same continent is asking for epic pain, as both are scientific geniuses, Dr Century is basically Reed Richards level, and the only thing limiting Hermes' ability is bronze-age tech foundation. Letting Hermes loose with Richards-class nanotechnology, among other things? Recipe for either disaster or utopia, or both.

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Re: WWYCD: "I" in Team


Expanding the list to my main characters would be Vera the sword fighter, Gwendolyn the flying energy blaster and Lauren the rich hacker.


Vera would find the other two girls very annoying. Liking Gwen a little more, because she is just an innocent, though the child-like attitude would grate on her nerves. Lauren's wealth and her tendency to show it off would spark Vera's jealousy hubris and cause friction, but Vera would admire Lauren's skill at the computer.

Lauren would find Gwendolyn fascinating and slightly confusing. She would probably trade barbs with Vera given the opportunity.

Gwendolyn would automatically make friends with both, would be confused by the sniping between Lauren and Vera, but would shrug it off. She would probably be the one that encouraged them to do heroic stuff.


They would only work, because Gwendolyn would keep dragging them together until they built a group foundation. Then Vera's underling loyalty to her friends would kick in and keeping them apart would become harder than separating them. Lauren would fund any of their projects and get them an intel needed and Gwendolyn would end up being 'tough' guy.


I think the group would be interesting to watch. lol :P

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Re: WWYCD: "I" in Team


Okay here it is; All the superhero characters that you play in various games meet. They are chosen to form a superhero group.

Which would be the leader? What would group politics be like? Who would be friends, and who would wind up killing one another?


Interesting Question. The team would obviously be a dimensional cross-over, since there's no way they cold meet in the current campaign world otherwise. For one thing, The Professor's version of Earth got blown up with several gigatonnes of anti-nuetronium, and he fled, aghast, to Mars to breed dolphins.


It would consist of Vitus D'rhazz ul Kashrak ur R'raschd, a non-human ( and proud of it ) magic-worker from an erased bronze-age universe.


Schrodinger's Dog, a quantum entity constantly cohereing into new potentially useful (if weak powers) and skill sets


Truman Golightly, more widely known as Zero, when he can't help it, a mentalist and coward.


Malcolm Junker, autistic, painfully shy, and a genius builder of impossible technology.


Miss Frances Braxton-Hicks, 130 year-old hermetic magician


and The Professor - A super-genius, technologist, and mastermind, with one other power he never dares use on an inhabited planet.


Vitus would, with very poor grace and despite being the youngest member at a mere 27, assume leadership of the group, and probably never realise that that it was The Professor who was really pulling the strings. There would be much grating of personalities between Vitus and Braxton-Hicks, and the two would remain barely civil with other save when on a mission and attempting to outdo each other in magic. At other times, icy formality would be the norm.


Vitus would be continually frustrated by Junker and Zero, Junker would probably never notice, and Zero would be terrified.


Schrodinger's Dog would shrug off even the worst personality clash - after all he'll be swapping places with a different version of himself in a minute anyway.


The Professor, however, would remain apparently cheerful and friendly with the rest of them, always on good terms (at least from his end) and providing them all with everything they actually need, whilst at the same time quietly manipulating them all into positions to do what actually needs to be done.

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Re: WWYCD: "I" in Team


Badger and Frosty Bob are the only 2 I have really played. And they actually have been teammates in a fashion. Since Bob was created in tribute to a friends character in the game I used Badger. :rolleyes:



Anyhow, basically in battle they would get along well. They both are a bit on the ruthless side. Frosty Bob is an indestructible gun bunny who if given free reign in battle would just go through agents pumping up the body count. Badger being a flying MA/energy projector (think DBZ lite) could take the head villain in that scenario. He is a bit merciless (if no one reigns him in) and considers himself at war. And in the case of the especially vile villains would like to be in "take no prisoners" mode.


Interestingly, they might not get along well in down time. Badger would strongly disapprove of Bob's womanizing and rampant bar hopping. Bob would think Badger needs to relax and get out more and have fun.


Course, if you add the female half-banshee character I never have played......


Well, Bob would be constantly flirting (and probably be a victim of an "angry female strike" type attack a lot :D). Badger has no Earthly clue how to interact with women. :rolleyes: (though he would figure out a way to compliment her attacks with his own in battle). How would she be in interacting with them? Well, the personality I had in mind, she was meek to a large degree, as she would have wanted to blend in with the group she was in (though this was largely from spending her entire childhood hiding her powers as an orphan, from some awfully powerful hunteds, which she still would like to still hide from if possible). My guess is she would probably ignore Bob's antics while maybe befriending Badger to some degree (although he would rarely be able to talk to her. :rolleyes: Though, they do have a common feature in their childhood, being orphans trying to hide their powers)

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Re: WWYCD: "I" in Team


Hm, just going with recent games:

Bolt - Energy projector, an electrical engineer outside heroic id. Put herself on reserve status at the end of the campaign because she didn't actually like hurting people (and thanks to some really unlucky rolls, had a body count.)

Bast - Shrinking and Teleport, along with some martial arts skills. Hard to include here because her concept was well entwined with a twin sister (with Growth and Invisibility). Most notable for turning villains by being really nice to everybody.

Dragonfly - Flying Brick. The only one that actually was team leader in the pertinent campaign. So laid back out of combat, folks were often surprised when the damage-dealing started.

Roxy - Shapeshifting alien (also invisibility and teleport) - a trickster type. Does a lot of infiltration and general mayhem causing.

Delusion - Mentalist. Recently released from an institution as her powers were originally mistaken for mental illness. Still a little shaky with the 'real world'.

Sparkle - Light manipulation/energy projector - former mob moll who used her new superpowers to end her employment with organized crime.


Dragonfly would be in charge, as the only leader type. She'd have no trouble with Delusion, as she likes being given boundaries. Bolt and Sparkle would likely get along, and are generally team players. Bast and Roxy would constantly strike off on their own, causing trouble.

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Re: WWYCD: "I" in Team


Jake the Troll - Power of Earth incarnate; point cost is irrelevant. Probably would fill the Superman role if he felt like it. But he's by no means a lead. He'd probably be a reserve on-call, to help if the team actually found something dangerous. Consider him for the Reserve SatNuke role.


Icon - teenage energy/strength flying brick. 250 points, but borderline min-maxed. However, she's extremely good in teams, and is going to grow up to be a federal uberhuman. Likely would be 2nd in command, except she's the youngest and least experienced in the team by about 10 years. Would cede to both Shinji and Widower, just because they're more experienced, more powerful, and older. She is more photogenic and has a greater PRE/COM, though, so she might end up (literally) as the icon of the team.


Shinji Miromoto - mid-20's martial artist/dark sorcerer/investigator, built on 350 points. Has all the skills needed to do a lot of stuff, and the experience to put it to use. Definitely leadership material. Only issue would be is that he likes to be underestimated, and tends to put on a buffoonish attitude to throw people off.


Widower - Spiderman homage (martial arts demi-brick with a bit of gadgeteer). 700 points, but only has a max DC of 14. Could be a leader, but only if others couldn't handle it. Knows the value of teamwork, so doesn't sweat it. May end up being the lead, but once he got to know Shinji he'd try to push it off onto him. Would also try to convince Icon to hang up the cape for just a bit, as she's 1) Too young (in his mind), and 2) reminds him too much of his deceased daughter.

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Re: WWYCD: "I" in Team


Let's see.


Mister Nonsense- Nobody would ever consider him a potential leader. He makes Foxbat look normal.


Shift- Background-wise, is the most experienced of the group. ("I logged in more time at the shooting range when I was 12 then most PRIMUS agents do in their lives.") However, he's not well-liked in the public eye.


Emerald Dragon- He's considered forming his own group before but now admits he doesn't have the chops to be a leader. His outgoing attitude would make him a good 'face' of the group, though.


October Raven- Being the most level-headed of the four, he'd probably be the best leader. He would also be easily the best to prepare the group for threats from the mystic world. (Which is good because the group would be in Vibora Bay).


October Raven would be the the choice of the others, and although he would be reluctant to do it, ("I think Shift's experience is more valuable..."), he will take the leadership role.

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Re: WWYCD: "I" in Team


Lineup - Arac-4105, Mythic, Dracomancer, American Shield, Manhunter Omega (spidey tribute, centaur mage, dragon-aspected mage, superpatriot and total copy of DC Comics Manhunter Mark Shaw)


The team might actually gel. Any friction would probably be between AmShield and Manhunter. AmShield definitely would be team leader, he's built for that role. Manhunter would be 2nd in command and team Blaster. Dracomancer would be team Brick, Mythic is a backup Blaster with some group defenses. Arac's the back-up martial-artist (after AmShield) with some stealth skills.

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Re: WWYCD: "I" in Team


Lessee. I'll just take a group consisting of characters I have played (often as GM PC) in various campaigns run and participated in since I moved to Southern California 12 years ago.


Golden Angel - Wings, sword, angel of vengeance attitude. Not a leader, but a front-line fighter.


American Avenger - Essentially a Telekinetic Superman, leader of his own team (appointed to the position rather than voted into it).


Plastics Man - A golden Age character from a lower-powered campaign. Essentially Tony Stark in bakelite. Doesn't like the limelight so he would defer to others. Lends an inventor-archtype to the mix.


Lash - Essentially Lash Larue, the whip-using cowboy star of the 30s and 40s who decided to use his abilities as an adventurer. Originally played by my friend Steve Henderson, but I used him on a few occasions in the Golden Age game I ran for several years. Strictly a pulp adventurer.


Jo-Tan - The sumo-wrestling brick from my VOICE of Doom scenario for Hero. He was a GM PC for a modern-day campaign set in St. Louis. Older and wiser, he acted as mentor for a group of young mutants.


Bronze Spectre - Essentially J'onn J'onzz before he became the Martian Manhunter, he masqueraded as a Negro (this was set in the early 1950s) ghost - though no one was particularly fooled, even when he casually walked through walls.


Redman - Red (really red)-skinned alien who was sent as a child to this planet and was raised by Apache Indians in the late 1800s. Adventured with a mixed group of adventurers in 1900 and 1901. Strong, tough, leaped medium-sized buildings with a running jump. Had a deadly allergy to chlorophyll.


Captain Liberty (you were waiting for him, right?) - actually only played once in this period in a test M&M game, though he is a long-played Champions and fan fiction character of mine from an earlier time. He would want to be leader and probably conflict mightily with American Avenger, who tends to follow the government line. Lib is a libertarian.


Rubber Baron - formerly a very flexible jewel thief known to the papers as the Rubber Robber, he took an offer to become a hero as an alternate for a long term in prison. Plastic Man grade stretcher and morpher.


Justicar - gun-toting female vigilante from a world in which super powers work, but only with great difficulty. Much like the world of Watchmen.


And that's about it, discounting a pulp hero with no super attributes, a heavy-planet galaxy's greatest detective, another pulpish hero who was the descendent of Solomon Kane, some space-going heroes, and other non-supers played along the way, including Brother Herbert, the 12th century Engrish (intentional spelling) monk I'll be playing in a Fantasy Hero game tonight.


The above heroes would probably work together fairly well. It's a bit top heavy in bricks - which I often use as GM PCs because they are simple to work with. Mentalism is taken care of by Bronze Spectre and Rubber Robber has the infiltration tasks covered. Probably a bit short on energy attacks, though Captain Liberty packs a thermal gun and Golden Angel's sword flames. American Avenger also projects a heat attack. And Plastics Man can rig up almost anything doable with 1940s technology.


Decidedly disproportionate number of females in the group, of course, but there has always been someone else playing the feminine side of the business. I think I may have played two female characters in the last 12 years, and only one, Justicar, was a super - and that only by courtesy.

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Re: WWYCD: "I" in Team


T.N. Lung: Pocket Godzilla and even-tempered Buddhist

Riptide: Fast talking aquatic speedster and team leader

Hellfire: Bad tempered romantic flying zapper with a religious streak

Phreak: Grotesque stretching guy

D'Arc: Electricity and computer controller in a long jacket and a short skirt who was a hero to get out from under hacking charges.

Winterfrost: Self-hating mutant with cold powers

Moonchild: Empathic healer and manipulator

Poet's actually a character who I wrote stories about instead of playing.



Riptide's going to end up being the leader but D'arc may wrestle with him for control. Hellfire will fall in love with him and suspect Moonchild of trying to control him. Winterfrost will be something of a problem child since she doesn't like mutants. Phreak will be the class clown. There's a nice spread of abilities I think. The girls somewhat outnumber the boys 4 to 3

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Re: WWYCD: "I" in Team


Easy. Olorin the medival mage and large, oddly limited VPPer would be the leader, as non of my other characters would want to be unless absolutely necessary.

Volt, an energy caster with organic chemistry and programming skills (age 62)would be backup if he must, and probably be the "conscience" of the group.

Leadman gloomy brick and PI in secret ID. "Leader? Ya gotta be kidding! I'd mess it up for sure!"

Futurian (who I "borrowed" from someone else and will play shortly)- tech and anti-tech (He either controlls machines, destroys them, or slows them down to the point of immobility) would not mind being backup lead, but would defer to Olorin and Volt at least until he got more experience as a hero. At that point Volt would step down from lead backup.


A fairly balanced team, if a bit weak on skills. Olorin can "Spell up" some, but very few. They'd get along quite well. The man from the past (Olorin) and the future (Futurian) would ge along very well, and would be fascinated by each others abilities. (Olorin loves computers and is learning to program. Takes "computer wizard" a whole new direction.:rolleyes:) And, of course, any sufficiently developed technology is indisquinguishable from magic. _ and that works both ways.

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Re: WWYCD: "I" in Team



Redman - Red (really red)-skinned alien who was sent as a child to this planet and was raised by Apache Indians in the late 1800s. Adventured with a mixed group of adventurers in 1900 and 1901. Strong, tough, leaped medium-sized buildings with a running jump. Had a deadly allergy to chlorophyll.


hope he doesn't inhale any airborne algal spores then. Or drink anything other than filtered tapwater.

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Re: WWYCD: "I" in Team


Redman - Red (really red)-skinned alien who was sent as a child to this planet and was raised by Apache Indians in the late 1800s. Adventured with a mixed group of adventurers in 1900 and 1901. Strong' date=' tough, leaped medium-sized buildings with a running jump. Had a deadly allergy to chlorophyll.[/quote']

Sent to this planet as a child? Did his parents hate him or something? They sent him to a place where the stuff to which he has a deadly allergy pretty much covers the planet...!

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Re: WWYCD: "I" in Team


Sticking with current characters only, and discounting those in non-superhero games. This is probably not going to end well regardless....


Soulbarb: If I were to throw in the high-powered version she would easily dominate the team, so I'll stick with her default street level version. Young woman whose soul has been bonded with a demon. Mainly a fast brick with an investigative/occult bent and easily acquired street-level gear. Among other things, has the ability to directly read the soul just by looking at a person. This will be a source of tension within the team as she (a) is not hesitant about using it on teammates, (B) has an at best abrasive personality, and © is nevertheless the most likely candidate for team leader. Bronze-Iron in outlook.


Sylph: Young woman who has been chosen as a Champion of Dionysius. Mostly she is a low-powered heroine specializing in plant control and healing. Not much in the way of experience or skill apart from power use. Normally she is an ultra-sweet but timid girl, but in times of sufficient stress (or inebriation) transforms into Maenad, an alternate persona with a substantially upgraded powerset (standard level superhero, concentrating on brick attributes while retaining her plant control abilities) who is as wild as Sylph is timid. Silver Age outlook.


Revenant: Young man with a dark past, was a junior member of VIPER's Dragon branch for several years before falling in love with an undercover UNTIL operative and getting his head screwed on straight. Trained human (no meta abilities) who uses a hoverboard ala Green Goblin to get around. Not really a hero's hero, as he's (a) on the lam and (B) more concerned about finding the woman he fell in love with (who's missing) than he is with traditional heroics, but he feels guilt about his past and so often pitches in anyway. Bronze age outlook.


I'm going to assume they are thrown together in order to survive and eventually get back to their respective lives. They certainly wouldn't work together for any length of time by choice.

- Soulbarb would consider Sylph too saccharine and naive to live, and wouldn't trust Maenad who should, by her standards, cause as much harm as she does good. (Whereas in Sylph's actual Silver Age game setting, the downsides of being a maenad are somewhat less severe.) Soulbarb would quickly realize that Revenant is more focused on finding his girl than on being a real hero, and would interpret his lack of commitment as untrustworthiness. Then again, Soulbarb is not very trusting in general.

- Sylph would find both Revenant and Soulbarb to be overly violent and, in Soulbarb's case, downright scary. This would be even more true once she finds that they are both vigilantes who have committed serious crimes in the past.

- Revenant is too jaded to find Sylph appealing on a personal level, and while Soulbarb is smart and edgy enough to be appealing, that whole 'reads my soul' thing would prove to be a real quick turn-off, since Soulbarb can be a pretty judgmental girl, and his conscience isn't exactly untroubled to start with.


During the time they are thrown together, Soulbarb's take charge attitude, detective/leadership skills, and general street smarts would make her the most natural leader. While Revenant has a decent amount of street smarts, he lacks detective and leadership skills to go with them; given that and his relative lack of drive for hero work, he'd be content to follow Soulbarb's lead for the most part. Sylph is no leader material and would not take such a position under any circumstances.

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Re: WWYCD: "I" in Team


Sent to this planet as a child? Did his parents hate him or something? They sent him to a place where the stuff to which he has a deadly allergy pretty much covers the planet...!


Turns out there were a number of reasons for him getting sent to Earth, all of which involved him otherwise being enslaved to a dominating race (think War of the Worlds Martians) and being his peoples' "last best hope" and like that. The allergy, while deadly, could be shaken off by his monumental constitution except in large concentrated amounts. Algal spores were not a problem, salads were right out. We had a biologist in the gaming group who passed on the concept.


The main idea, of course, was for him to have a "green" weakness.

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Re: WWYCD: "I" in Team


Turns out there were a number of reasons for him getting sent to Earth' date=' all of which involved him otherwise being enslaved to a dominating race (think [i']War of the Worlds[/i] Martians) and being his peoples' "last best hope" and like that. The allergy, while deadly, could be shaken off by his monumental constitution except in large concentrated amounts. Algal spores were not a problem, salads were right out. We had a biologist in the gaming group who passed on the concept.


The main idea, of course, was for him to have a "green" weakness.


and his mentor was Dr Atkins. :rolleyes:

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Re: WWYCD: "I" in Team


Turns out there were a number of reasons for him getting sent to Earth' date=' all of which involved him otherwise being enslaved to a dominating race (think [i']War of the Worlds[/i] Martians) and being his peoples' "last best hope" and like that. The allergy, while deadly, could be shaken off by his monumental constitution except in large concentrated amounts. Algal spores were not a problem, salads were right out. We had a biologist in the gaming group who passed on the concept.


The main idea, of course, was for him to have a "green" weakness.

Thanks for the extra info. ;)

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Re: WWYCD: "I" in Team


This one was pretty cool - I find it interesting that my current characters actually make a solid team' date=' with every niche filled except for mentalist, and Cat and Sift are both strong defensively there.[/quote']


Amazing what happens when you play something besides a Martial Artist once in a while. :D


(You must spread Rep around, yadda yadda yadda.)

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Re: WWYCD: "I" in Team


Okay here it is; All the superhero characters that you play in various games meet. They are chosen to form a superhero group.

Which would be the leader? What would group politics be like? Who would be friends, and who would wind up killing one another?

All right, here's my lineup:


Amethyst: Combat mage with some telekinetic and telepathic powers, among others. Trained from birth to combat an extra-dimensional invasion that was foreseen to happen in her lifetime.


Morningstar: Flying martial artist with a stick. Tactically, think Hawkgirl from the Justice League animated series.


ColdFire: Energy projector with mystic-based cold powers. Also has teleportation and a small (10 pt.) VPP. Also a computer hacker and new mom.


Wild Card: Savate master with a deck of enchanted playing cards he can throw as weapons. Professor of Archaeology at UF-Vibora Bay.


Onyx: Stone-based energy projector. Can also turn his body to stone to become (almost literally, as well as figuratively) a brick. Works as a geologist in one of NYC's museums.



Amethyst would be the team leader almost by default; she's been trained for leadership, and nobody else is particularly suited to the role. Being the oldest of the team members, Wild Card would be the lieutenant (second in command) and unofficial father figure.


I think the team would get along well, despite some drastically different personalities. Amethyst has essentially no personal life and very experience with 'civilians', but gets along well with other heroic-minded people. Morningstar started out depressed, then moved to angry, and is now well on her way to being merely driven. She doesn't have much of life outside of heroing. ColdFire has developed a liking for odd company (i.e., Meeb) and has always been a friendly, if nerdy, sort of girl. Wild Card is smart, friendly, curious, and unnaturally good-fortuned. And Onyx, while not the youngest member of this group (Morningstar claims that honor) is the newest at the whole hero thing. He's bright and enthusiastic, but still inexperienced and often impulsive. He's likely to cause a little friction just because he's not used to working with a team yet.


Great thread, by the way. Repped!

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Re: WWYCD: "I" in Team


Power-wise my team's covered pretty well.....I thought it would fall apart personality-wise, but writing the roster down I realised it's not so bad (except Hush, who would just leave unless forced to stay and then she would probably kill everyone else in their sleep if she really wanted to go). Only counting home-made characters and not any of the bazillion characters from Marvel Comics I've played at one point or another, we've got:


Fundament: would probably lead by default as the most intelligent and level-headed of the group. He's a physicist with highly developed control over gravity and density. His high power level can make him lean towards arrogance at times, but he's generally pretty reliable/responsible.

Razor: Indestructible martial artist with razor-sharp body hair and nails...he's kind of brutal, but Fundament is one of the few people who would be able to keep him in line so that could still work..

Hush: Psycho martial artist #2...mutant ninja with a sound suppression field that she can't turn off, she's been raised to think of herself as a weapon rather than a person a la the Cassandra Cain Batgirl - she only ever stayed with the heroes because of a connection with one of the other pc's, so I can't see her staying with this group. She has no heroic motivations at all.

Rewind: Cheerleader with the ability to teleport herself or anyone in her vicinity, but only to places they've been to previously...this isn't limited spatially at all - she sent Razor to Hell once when he was an NPC bad guy. She comes across as kind of ditzy, but she's actually a really great team player if a little immature.

Icestar: Personality-wise, very similar to Rewind...I think they'd spend a lot of time trying to one-up each other. Ice powers are pretty versatile.


No real bricks, but Fundament takes care of that anyway with his density/gravity control...there'd be lots of conflict but I think they could work if they had a common goal..

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