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What Are Your Hero's Most Embarrassing Moments?


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Re: What Are Your Hero's Most Embarrassing Moments?


The GM gave you experience points for killing people accidentally?


No no no - that would be too sensible and normal.


The GM gave the entire *party* experience for accidentally decimating the local police force and causing millions in property damage in an incident that will be forever remembered as a dark day for the city and that probably did more harm than letting the bad guys set off the Big Bomb.


Of course, this was in Heroes Unlimited, a Palladium game where the philosophy re: Experience was that it didn't matter if it worked or not, what mattered was that you tried something spectacular and/or clever.


And it was *certainly* spectacular.

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Re: What Are Your Hero's Most Embarrassing Moments?


Enigma. Supermage. Leader of the Defenders. Repository for great knowledge of all kinds. Speaks almost a dozen languages. Decent in a fight. Comes with a number of mystical gadgets at her disposal.


Most effective "weapon against crime" to date?




(I'm not sure if that's embarrassing or shows just how bad@$$ she is. She did get one-shotted by Anubis. . .)

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Re: What Are Your Hero's Most Embarrassing Moments?


This wasn't my character, and happend a long time ago, so the details are a bit hazy...


We're responding (individualy, it's the intro adventure to get us all together) to some 'strange costumed characters' seen inside a local factory. Our hero, the "Super Ninja", lands his jet-powered Hanglider on the roof and proceeds to the access door. Upon opening it he's confronted by a security guard, gun drawn. Being totaly new to Champions (and I think Roleplaying entirely) he consulted his fellow players on what to do. We told him to use his Lightening Bolt (8d6 EB) as it was unlikely to be lethal, and would probably stun him. We were right, it worked.


Then we were introduced to the fact that the GM wasn't perfect, as he didn't point out that the doorway only lead to a stairwell down to some catwalks. This was brought up when we were also shown the consequences of Knockback, and the lethality of a normal person falling multiple stories after being hit by a Lightening Bolt...


I don't remember but I think the GM just hand-waved it, as that character continued in the campaign (short-lived though it was).

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Re: What Are Your Hero's Most Embarrassing Moments?


Vitus murdered and ate a couple of Sprites once. He's a bit embarrassed about that.


My old club had annual awards. The Stealth Award one year went to the modern-day ninja who slipped off the face of a skyscraper at midnight, bounced off a couple of balconys on the way down, crashed thru the glass atrium roof and landed face-down in front of the security desk.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: What Are Your Hero's Most Embarrassing Moments?


In a game I was running based on VOICE of Doom the PC's where trying to rescue some hostages being gaurded by agents with two villains visible on the roof . They worry that in any assault the hostages will die , so they come up with a PLAN, Two PC's and the NPC Heroes launch a diversion while the Supermage sneaks up on the hostages and converts his entire VPP into an area effect teleport usable on others. Normally part of his VPP went on defenses, (Normally) . The plan goes perfectly they even made their stealth rolls for the 1st time in the campaign, the villains did not expect this plan.The teleport takes place , the Supermage, arrives in a celler with a few SWAT members and medics and the hostages . Success !!!All 5 hostages where disguised Supervillains .The Supermage survived as I could not bring myself to kill him for such a cunning plan. He was very upset when he found out what he had done.Also with teleports in another low powered campaign where we where police officers with one superpower each my character was at the weekly poker game with 5 other police officers she was female as was one other character a lebian and 4 men, Much alchohol had been consumed, I decided to teleport across the Room to get more alchohol, the GM makes me roll , 18. My character collapses unconcoious and manages to teleport herself without clothes across the room.She was very embarrassed for quite a long time afterwards particulary when one of the other pc'smanaged to recover ger underwear and nail it to the squad noticeboard the next day.

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Re: What Are Your Hero's Most Embarrassing Moments?


Iron Alloy was very mousey and shy before her transformation into a super. She embarrassed herself often just by clumsily handling the male attention she was suddenly getting. She handled it a lot like a kid in a candy shop for awhile, acting very juvenile, until she realized she needed to calm the heck down.

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Re: What Are Your Hero's Most Embarrassing Moments?


Hmmm... a stupid moment in negotiations with Minotaurs recently brought to the post-modern world regarding a bad trade deal.. Character whips out his handcannon, "Take this in trade!"


Several critical failure/fumble rolls later (home-brewed thing of the GM's), the gun blows up in his face, embedding parts of the action in his skull and torso.


Minotaur Chief: We have no need for your dangerous fireworks. What else have you to trade?

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Re: What Are Your Hero's Most Embarrassing Moments?


My wife's character did that once in an old Fantasy Hero game ... tried to leap over a low wall and hooked her foot on it. *WHUMPH*


This is why I intend to use the "Dude, he's f***ing Tarzan" rule in my next campaign.

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Re: What Are Your Hero's Most Embarrassing Moments?


My DC Heroes ninja-esque martial artist was facing off against Batman knockoff villain Catman, who was holding a hostage. My character, never one to balk at bloodshed, lobbed a throwing star in a difficult trick shot intended to maim Catman's weapon hand and break the deadlock. Then I rolled double 1s.


The GM must have been feeling particularly cruel that day, as he ruled that my miss resulted in a bullseye to the hostage, who fell down stone cold dead.


It did make Catman retreat from the field of battle, convinced that my character was considerably more hardcore (and apparently psychopathic) than was actually the case. But I ended up playing out "on the run from the authorities" subplots for months afterwards before I could clear things up with the police and get exonnerated of murder charges.

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Re: What Are Your Hero's Most Embarrassing Moments?


WEG Star Wars Game:


I'm a slicer-turned rebel pilot with an impressive list of heroics in the name of the Rebellion. Teamed-up with the teams not-so-nice former bounty hunter, we've been left behind to guard the x-wings while the other squadron members go after our contact on a hostile planet.


We're hidden alongside another starship, smuggler's vessel. We grow board so break into the smuggler ship and decide to steal his "cargo", a couple of kilos of high-grade coffee, worth a small fortune due to Imperial embargoes.


Needless to say we get caught by the owner and immediately get ourselves into a Bothan stand-off (kind of like a Mexican one but with blaster pistols). The Bounty hunter has a big nasty blaster rifle, while the smuggler has his hand on a thermal detonator, ready to activate it and blow us all to hell.


Well at this point I think the GM is bluffing so I throw a data pad at the smuggler planning to hit detonator and ending the whole affair. Well the gods of dice rolling were on a potty break because I managed to hit nothing but air and the ground.


The smuggler shoots me dead with his blaster. The bounty hunter shoots the smuggler for killing me. The smuggler detonates the grenade before he dies killing the bounty hunter and retuning all our bodies and the ships into the molecular components that make them up.


Yeah... exactly.

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Re: What Are Your Hero's Most Embarrassing Moments?


What Are Your Hero's Most Embarrassing Moments? They say the secret to comedy is timing, but sometimes its timeless. Why not share your pain with the rest of us.








As a player, we're fighting some tough guy and I break out my "crystal Tipped arrows" a 4d6 RKA, 3 recoverable charges power, that I use fairly rarely. I roll about a 5 to hit, then I roll me damage






and on the stun multiplyer

2 (for a total of 1)


Total 4 body, 4 stun, did not get through the defenses


my group still talks about that roll


The character's dnpc seemed to get hospitilised alot as well...

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Re: What Are Your Hero's Most Embarrassing Moments?


The story that springs to mind isn't particularly amusing, but had some interesting character repercussions.


We're playing Aberrant. My character is a young City Defender, Flare, who is totally into the superhero thing. His Eufiber is set to be a skin-tight spandex suit, symbol on the chest, the whole deal. He's a classic flying energy blaster with a dash of speedster.


So eventually, these Mafia guys decide to kill us, as they often do. They fake a call and ambush us, with cars full of mobsters shooting. One of the mobsters gets out an actual heat-seeking missile and fire it at Flare. He easily evades it, then decides to lead it into the car the mobsters are standing around.


Naturally, a military-spec missile hitting a car with people standing around it is kind of deadly. It hadn't occurred to me this would happen, but just as I was about to say that ("No wait, I didn't mean that! I actually meant something else!"), I realised that Flare wouldn't have either. It was entirely in character for him to do this particular bone-headed blunder, as nobody had tried to kill him with military-grade weaponry before. Up to that point, being a superhero had been a fantasy-fulfilling game.


It was a surprising amount of fun to roleplay through his resulting problems with depression and self-doubt, and to then develop his abilities and personality accordingly. Flare is much more cautious now, but is still active, using his force-field to protect people - even criminals. He's developed non-lethal ways of using his energy blast. And generally, he's grown up.

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Re: What Are Your Hero's Most Embarrassing Moments?


Much alcohol had been consumed' date=' I decided to teleport across the Room to get more alcohol, the GM makes me roll , 18. My character collapses unconscious and manages to teleport herself without clothes across the room.She was very embarrassed for quite a long time afterwards particularly when one of the other pc's managed to recover her underwear and nail it to the squad noticeboard the next day.[/quote']


Clearly she was using the Infinite Improbability Drive.

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Re: What Are Your Hero's Most Embarrassing Moments?


I was in a very low powered fantasy game once that had several embarrassing moments. 65 points with disadvantages I think.


We were blundering around in a dark temple at one point hunting a shape shifting Naga. My character was the closest thing we had to a tank, strong for a normal person and wielding a big spear covered in sharks' teeth. So when he bumped into something in the dark he made sure to strike it with all his strength and was rewarded with a scream. Perhaps he had finally managed to wound the beast, only time would tell.


Once we got a torch lit we found that another character had sprouted a rather nasty gash across his back and was feeling really rather vengeful ... My character tried to look innocent but the embedded sharks' teeth kind of gave it away.


That character's worst moment however was when he was dropped by an oversized flying squirrel that managed to critical him in the vitals. That character explored whole worlds of pain once he regained consciousness.

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Re: What Are Your Hero's Most Embarrassing Moments?


Tao: Doesn’t really get embarrassed but her most comedic moment was when after having had the concept of “off duty” explained to her, she showed up to go out for “Girl’s night out” with the other female members of the team…totally naked. Her uniform was for active duty functions and specific types of training so...


Ivy: Walking in on her son describing her as “Swamp with tits” to his friends


Velocity: Her first time appearing in public in her costume and having on the bad guys comment. “The only difference between that get up and fetish gear is no zipper in the crotch.”


There was also the embarrassing incident I mentioned in the Super Darwin awards thread.

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Re: What Are Your Hero's Most Embarrassing Moments?


That character's worst moment however was when he was dropped by an oversized flying squirrel that managed to critical him in the vitals. That character explored whole worlds of pain once he regained consciousness.


Super-Squirrel Says "Protect Your Nuts"

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Re: What Are Your Hero's Most Embarrassing Moments?


Naturally, a military-spec missile hitting a car with people standing around it is kind of deadly. It hadn't occurred to me this would happen, but just as I was about to say that ("No wait, I didn't mean that! I actually meant something else!"), I realised that Flare wouldn't have either. It was entirely in character for him to do this particular bone-headed blunder, as nobody had tried to kill him with military-grade weaponry before. Up to that point, being a superhero had been a fantasy-fulfilling game.


It was a surprising amount of fun to roleplay through his resulting problems with depression and self-doubt, and to then develop his abilities and personality accordingly. Flare is much more cautious now, but is still active, using his force-field to protect people - even criminals. He's developed non-lethal ways of using his energy blast. And generally, he's grown up.

Rep points for being willing to bite the bullet - or the missile, as it were - and play it out. :)

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