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What are you playing now?

Doc Samson

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Re: What are you playing now?


I haven't played Champions in 12 years. My last pc was Plex- twin bricks that could combine into one bigger tougher brick. I've been running a d20 campaign for the past 4 years and as soon as that starts I'll finally get to run my champions campaign. I create a lot of interesting plots and run them through my head, though, when really bored at work... does that count?

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Re: What are you playing now?


I'm not playing any Champions FTF right now. In our FTF Fantasy Hero game, I play Niels Treymaine, warrior-scholar and (secretly) second son of the Duke of Keoland. We've only had two sessions so far.


Online, I play:

Georgette Batroc "Ze Fightaire," daughter of Batroc the Leaper. Considerably cooler and more competant than her father.


Arachne, daughter of Peter Parker and Mary Jane. Personality is based very much off of Ultimate Spider Man. ;)


Grasshopper-Man! He is MIGHTY! He can LEAP! He is a complete nincompoop! This game takes place in the same universe as The Tick. :D


Felix Chance, a simple common sailor who's had the good (or bad) fortune to survive innumerable encounters with the supernatural.


Why the tears 'lil bunny?


'Cause Hermit hates me! :weep:

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Re: What are you playing now?


It's been years since I actually got to play Champions' date=' rather than GM. My last PC was some kind of humanoid plant with the ability to steal/imitate other people's powers. I think he was called The Mimic or something similarly original. I actually came across this character sheet several years back and was embarrassed at how badly we'd misunderstood how Transfer works. Fun character, but it'd probably cost 450 point to do him [i']legally[/i]. :o


When our group comes up with a power we can't quite seem to nail down right, we just throw something together so it works well enough and don't worry about the cost of the power. We've had some characters with powers that were so complicated we needed to write out all a formula in the event the character added another power. We have some loose campaign limits but if it fits the character and isn't too overwhelming, we allow the power.


Now back to our regularly scheduled forum postings..

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Re: What are you playing now?


I'll mention only a couple of mine as I have quite a few:


I still play my first character, Neutron. I came up with his name and concept before Enemies I hit the shelves. Yeah.. I guess that makes him about 25 yrs old or so. (I stopped playing him for a long time but pulled him out of retirement after awhile.) He uses neutron energy and has one of the most powerful 'explosion' attacks around. Okay, so it's actually Area Effect but the special effects are he releases an explosion. He's become the leader of our first hero group, which interestingly enough is still around, although membership has changed time and again. It was not in my original concept to make him leader material but it slowly worked it's way into him. His powers originate with VIPER experimentation (no surprise but back then, Viper was behind almost everything). He's become slightly harsh on criminals I suppose but perhaps it's because he takes his leadership role seriously, especially since Viper has dared to threaten his family twice. As played, he's a good leader, confident yet not arrogant, is confident in his very large list of skills and for those times others in the group want to step up to a challenge or he isn't sure, he moves aside.


Titan - a superstrong hero and extremely durable. First based off of Wonder Man, his origin had him fall into a vat of adamantium resin and he eventually gained superstrength and durability. After awhile, I got sick of Marvel and erased all traces of Marvelishnish (a new word - heh) from the campaign. I rewrote his entire origin/history from scratch, changing his name slightly and skills. Now, his powers stem from a combination of his own natural emerging powers and his childhood friend, Helena Amory ('Normals Unbound') who at a young age tried making super vitamin drinks that unknowingly triggered his emerging powers to accelerate and be stronger than he would have without it. He has gone toe-to-toe on seperate occasions with Grond and Annihilator ('The Great Supervillain Contest') as well as the entire Ultimates supervillain team. He has his own company called 'Titan Securities' where he sells most everything from low-tech securities to (more often than not) hi-tech securities. He personally tests each system to ensure it meets his high demands for quality. Surprisingly, he is quite good at security systems himself.

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Re: What are you playing now?


When our group comes up with a power we can't quite seem to nail down right' date=' we just throw something together so it works well enough and don't worry about the cost of the power. We've had some characters with powers that were so complicated we needed to write out all a formula in the event the character added another power. We have some loose campaign limits but if it fits the character and isn't too overwhelming, we allow the power.[/quote']

Well, in this case it wasn't a question of miscalculating the cost; it was a fundamental mis-reading of what the Power does. Ie - "What do you mean Transferring points from Fire Dude's Flamestrike power doesn't automatically allow me to throw my own flamestrike?" To build the character correctly would require adding about a 75-point VPP. :doi:

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Re: What are you playing now?


No slight to you was intended' date=' Bill. The game that Banner is in has kind of been on hold for a bit and I wasn't sure if he counted for the purpose of 'current' exactly or not. I also didn't list Doctor Sanguine for a similar reason[/quote']


I was just pulling your leg, Hermit. Probably Bill too.


Now I feel bad. :(

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Re: What are you playing now?


I get to add a new character to the roster.. the Star Hero game is on hold as we let the GM rest...


Gunnery Seargent William Coglin - Marine Recon in a Post-Apocalypse game just starting up. So far... the world appears to have blown up.


Blown us as in gone... no more Earth?


Or blown up as in scorched wasteland?

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Re: What are you playing now?


Blown us as in gone... no more Earth?


Or blown up as in scorched wasteland?


The Evil Midnight Bomber: You'll never prove a thing copper, I'm just a part time electrician. I... I... I... Bad is good, baby. Down with government!


The Evil Midnight Bomber: And then I says, tell me I'm wrong. and he says I can't, baby,


The Evil Midnight Bomber: 'cause you're not!


The Evil Midnight Bomber: I'm cookin' with gas. I've gotta handful of vertebrae and a headful of mad. Yeah. That's your spinal cord. Baby. Dig it. Who's the man? I'm the man. I'm a bad man. How bad? Real bad. I'm a 12.0 on the 10.0 scale of badness.


The Evil Midnight Bomber: So she says to me, do you wanna be a BAD boy? And I say YEAH baby YEAH! Surf's up space ponies! I'm makin' gravy... Without the lumps. HAAA-ha-ha-ha!


The Evil Midnight Bomber: Yeah, baby, yeah! I'm the Midnight Bomber what bombs at midnight!

The Tick - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0112196/quotes


On the scale of badness, would you call it a 12 or 10?

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Re: What are you playing now?


Blown us as in gone... no more Earth?


Or blown up as in scorched wasteland?


Earth is still there... But we left the first session just before we got to the surface from the underground bunker where we were guarding the Vice President... year is 2010.


Our job is to get him to a hidey hole in South Carolina; but we don't know the exact conditions of the planet yet.. we're assuming it was nuked. Or at least D.C. was.

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Re: What are you playing now?


My group is getting ready to start the second round of our Teen Champions game. My character is the spirit of a 12-year-old boy who was able to possess machines. He was in control of a bipedal unit when his body was killed. That action caused his "spirit/soul/essence" to fuse with the robot he was controlling. He is no longer able to possess machines, but he is able to create little robotic minions to help him do battle. He is also a halfway decent brick. Oh and he can create his own robotic girlfriends as well. :D


Goes by the name of Mechboy.

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Re: What are you playing now?


The character I made for this current campaign (the halfling drill sargeant mentioned in an earlier post) hasn't been introduced. I made him because the DM killed one character and banished another (don't worry, it wasn't DM abuse, it made sense in both cases). Anyway, he's a backup for my current character which is...


Gilda, a Half Orc girl (age 13). Fighter/Barbarian/Menacing Brute. In D&D terms she has a +22 intimidate skill, but a 6 INT. This means I can play her impetuous, which is fun. But last game whe got enough experience for another level; During that game we fought alongside a bunch of summoned bears, whom she enjoyed a lot. So with her XP she's taken the "Bear Warrior" prestige class. She walks around all day right now going "RRRRAAAArrrrr." But when she gets to right she'll have some great combat bonuses when she rages due to the transition to bear form.


That campaign was an interim campaign. It's only got a couple sessions left in it, then we go on to another one.


This one is it's own setting but using the mechanics and abilities of the Exalted "Lunars" book. So my character is the fate weaver, a craftsman known for predicting the future in his works, sought by kings and generals for his ability to render in cloth the outcome of actions taken. His changing form is SPIDER. Should be fun, though he's probably less combat oriented than I like.

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Re: What are you playing now?


I'm still running "St Barbara" my little Danish flying energy projector/ex- gymnast/ex "model" in a long running "Champions" (after a fashion, the rules have been substantially "tweaked") campaign. Also playing in a "7th Sea" campaign where I have another female character, an ex-slave named "Cassandra" who has escaped from "The Crescent Empire" and is currently adventuring. Her main skills are actually storytelling and dancing but she's pretty spectacular with a pair of curved swords if things get violent ! I'm also co-refereeing a "Pulp Hero" campaign ("The Adventurers' Club") in which the P Cs are members of a club in New York that also has analogs of many famous Pulp heros (Doc Savage, Indiana Jones, Lord John Roxton, Lara Croft etc, along with a few of my own invention). After adventures in Haiti, Rome, a lost Island off the coast of New Guinea, Britain and Germany the players are about to get involved in the inner secrets of the club that they belong to as they investigate the theft of some rare (and possibly dangerous) books from the club's library !

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Re: What are you playing now?


Currently playing:


The Torch of Liberty, a cross between the WW2 human torch and Marvel's Captain Universe in a Golden Age campaign set in a North American Front.


Deus X.0, a Ultron/Brainiac like evil robot fighting alien invaders in Savage World's "Necessary Evil" setting but using the old DC Heroes Megs system.


Asa Caradine, The Cavorite Man, kind of a Victorian era powered armor hero fighting the martian invaders. Uses John Ivicek's digital hero article as a basis.



Currently running:


Weapons of the Gods, a WW2 setting using David Brin's story "Thor meets Captain America http://www.davidbrin.com/thor1.html " as inspiration but diverging sharply. Sort of a a 250 pt pulp game.

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Re: What are you playing now?


No Hero system for me currently (as a player: I'm GM'ing a FH campaign). I'm playing D&D 3.5 - and this is Myrial, an orphan raised in a temple of Torm (if you know the Forgotten Realms backstory you probably know why - otherwise let's just say the temples raised a lot of orphans in the last generation) who has a touch of divine blood. He's another attempt to make a "light fighter": Monk/Cleric. He's the party's scout, with good stealth skills, Darkvision (he's an aasimaar) and decent combat skills: I especially like to be able to creatively combine unarmed and armed combat with a decent weapon. As he starts to gain levels of Paladin (next level) he should start to kick a fair amount of bottom. In a few more levels, when he finally hits the top of the feat tree I have been building, he'll become a death-dealing machine of the Gods. But even without that, he's fun to play. :D

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Re: What are you playing now?


Dreadnought: the second hero system character I ever built, he's an amorphous brick made entirely of nanobots. Can you imagine how sad I was when VVV contained someone who not only had the same powerset and name, but was better than me at it?


Metalhead: Teenaged son of two world class superheroes. Got the ability to turn himself into metal from his father, got some music based sonic blasting from his mother. Wants to be a rock star.


Pak'Cha (DnD): Ranger from a species of humanoid dragonflies, he's one of the leaders of one of the rebellions against the Illithid empire at the dawn of recorded time. Very fun to play, with an amazing party dynamic.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: What are you playing now?


Currently playing:


Cornerstone: A overly religious brick type character with Earth Powers.


Super! Absorbant! Sponge!!!!! A character from "The Tick's" universe. He grows when he he gets wet. Has accounting skills (and contacts), Plus he has a power to put to sleep villian - with boring conversation.



Formerly playing:


Silver Speedster: A speedster, and actor with a vain personality


Mark IV: An android. - Never got to play him much.

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Re: What are you playing now?


Pensativa: a mentalist badly injured early in her super career at the battle of Detroit (a building fell on her) - she let the world continue to believe her dead after she (mostly) recovered until she was recently coerced by a somewhat nutty AI into helping form a new super group.

(in Crosshair Collie's Champions game)


I run a teen Champions game set at Ravenswood. PCs are: Vixen (massive multiform), Golem (earth \ stone powers), and Lucky (probability manipulation). It's set in the same game world as Pensativa's team, so there is the occasional crossover.

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