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Let's Do Lunch


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Your character is approached regarding the movie rights to some of their exploits. The offer seems legitimate, although the studio does reserve the right to change a few details to make the script more saleable.


Would your character accept? What adventure would the film be about? What changes to the facts about the incident and your character would have to be made to protect identities, the innocent, and your dignity? Would it be big-budget, cable, or direct-to-DVD?


And who does your character want playing you? Conversely, who would you as a *player* want playing you?

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Re: Let's Do Lunch


For a start Zero wouldn't give his permission - he is highly protective of his identity and is too paranoid to even let them substituted a completely dissimilar actor under the mask. And what incident would they be wanting to film, anyway? Is this going to be some expose-all true story? There's a lot of stuff Zero doesn't want anyone to find out about. He hasn't even told his Mother he quit his job, yet!


But as far as a good actor to play Zero in an accurate flick? The actor playing the check-out clerk in The Mist would be good - I believe the character name was Ollie.




Vitus... Vitus would be delighted by the additional fame. Assuming the script went all out to make him look good. Difficult, given he's an amoral, ruthless, frequently murderous son-of-a-bitch. But then this IS Hollywood we're talking about.


Recent events worth mythologising - Doctor Destroyer's attack on the Skeleton Crew and apparent horrible death as an Earth Elemental's stress ball.


The script writer would probably have to be pretty creative as to why the whole thing went down - Vitus being a unacceptable threat to the ongoing existance of Earth wouldn't play well in Preoria - but Vitus wouldn't mind the neccesary changes there. Although god help the producers if any inconvenient facts appear in finished flick - or help them at all once Doctor Destroyer eventually resurfaces.


Vitus's refusal to appear even as a character, in the same movie as 3 may cause some problems.


Vitus would probably get quite emotional over any flashbacks about his homeworld.


As to actors... Vitus would probably want to play himself ( and bonus, he could do all his own special effects). Make-up would be a bit busy concealing his more horrible scars tho. And Vitus would be highly sceptical about requested costume changes. Me, I'ld love to see Vitus voiced by somebody with a good line in bitter sarcasm.

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Re: Let's Do Lunch


Badger- *blink blink* *walks away* (not the promotional type, or someone with any desire to be accessible, how did this guy find Badger anyway)



Frosty Bob- Will only care about how much money he gets and how bad@$$ it makes him look. (Chuck Norris'll do. :doi:)

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Re: Let's Do Lunch


Millennium, having flight and invulnerability, did stunt work before his Hero carreer. He's made several pictures starring as himself. They have not always been factual, but he does insist they be inspirational and uplifting, bo downer endings. Royalities from his movies and action figures are his only source of income.


Cheeta would decline, fearing Identity compromise.


HipHop would decline, given that his parents are in an informal version of the Witness Protection Program (or on the lamb, depending on you point of view).


Snow Leopard would consider how few roles for strong Black women there are in movies, and agree.


Iron Will: "I'm 13. Take it up with my parents."


Dolphin would agree. as long as the script was true to his Buddhist ideals and the movie had an ecologically positive message.

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Re: Let's Do Lunch


Batroc would readily agree -- but only if she had script approval, and could play herself! "'ere is my agent's card. 'e will 'elp you work out all ze details, oui?" :bounce:


Gabriel Shaw: "No." :mad:


Arachne: "A movie? About me? Really? Wow! That's so cool... I mean... Wait, what kind of movie? I think... I don't... I don't know. I think maybe it's against the Avengers' rules or something? I have to check, but... That'd be cool but I don't know..." :(

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Re: Let's Do Lunch


Pyrie doesn't have a Secret ID, so she wouldn't be worried about her identity being compromised. She'd question the guy's sanity, though, as her exploits so far mainly concern run-ins with organized crime (which might not be too healthy to publicize even if they did use fictional names). Also, good luck finding a teenage actress willing to work with pyrotechnics on the necessary scale--especially if Pyrie's anywhere near the set ^_-

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Re: Let's Do Lunch


Your character is approached regarding the movie rights to some of their exploits. The offer seems legitimate, although the studio does reserve the right to change a few details to make the script more saleable.


Would your character accept? What adventure would the film be about? What changes to the facts about the incident and your character would have to be made to protect identities, the innocent, and your dignity? Would it be big-budget, cable, or direct-to-DVD?


And who does your character want playing you? Conversely, who would you as a *player* want playing you?


War Wolf would not be interested. He's not a gloryhound in the slightest.


Vixen would have the contract signed by the time the agent finished his first sentence. More than anything else, she wants to be rich and famous; she's intending to use her superhero status as a springboard into the entertainment industry.


She would let them fabricate everything about the adventure; as a teen, she hasn't been involved in anything earthshaking yet, and most of her adventures have revolved around the Ravenswood Academy, so it'd have to be or their cover would be blown. In fact, I think they'd *have* to fabricate everything at this point.


Vixen's powered form would need to be CGI'd, and since she's a budding actress herself, she'd play herself.

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Re: Let's Do Lunch


Mr. Terrific would have to decline. He's in enough hot water for borderline security violations that anything as blatant as a film about him would require his sponsors' prior line-by-line vetting in any case.

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Re: Let's Do Lunch


Let's see....


Siberian Tiger: "What the heck. It could be fun.


Outreach: Would decline, he has more important things to do, like destroying VIPER. Besides, Secret ID.


Redline: Would probably be asked in conjunction with Sovereign, our game's Iron-Man type and Redline's employer. "If Sovereign is up for it, sure, why not?" It is worth noting that Redline does not have a secret ID, having been a cop and then (after his powers emerged) a member of the Paranormal Crime Division.


Vigil: Assuming they found him to ask in the first place (Invisibility is fun for that) would turn it down vehemently. (If he lost his mind and did agree, his Dark Secret ever came to light they would sue him for breach of contract.)


Simoriah: Has other things to do, charity work, preaching, saving the world from Evil....


Dante:In his secret ID is already a celebrity. But he would probably turn it down until he solves a particular problem (involving the Demon who gave him his powers on a lark... Dante doesn't have full control over them all the time...)


Living Target: As a shapechanging member of the Secret Service, would demand to know who told the agent about his existance (when operating with a team he borrows other 'brick' personas) and arrest him. His mere existance is classified Secret or better.


Mist Dragon: Would decline, assuming they found him to talk to (ninjas are sneaky that way). Depending on how much has been discovered, he might be forced to 'remove' some people to preserve the secrets of the clan...


Pride: Would accept, as long as he could get the movie to address the harm done by genetic engineering on a macroscale. He is a genetically engineered lion moreau, and while he covers it well, he feels totally out of place in human society - and normal lions only tolerate him, to a point. But he has both species' social needs...


(Yes, I've played a lot of different characters over the years...)

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Re: Let's Do Lunch


Darkness - "You're kidding me...right?" She doesn't want a movie.


Iron Alloy - It would go to her head for about 2.5 seconds and then she'd get over herself. "That's very kind but my life isn't something for the big screen. There are some great pirate comics you could turn into a movie, though..."

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Re: Let's Do Lunch


Volt - Unlikely to do it, unless he got a percentage of profits (and a minimum) that went to a charity he approved of. He'd want last approval, but changes would not bother him. What about? Probably his helping the Chanpions with Doctor Destroyer. Would want Anthony Hopkins doing him, since he tends to disappear in the role and is about the right age, but would accept anyone who does a good job. Secret Id would be kept; maybe a fake one could be used in the movie.


Olorin - Oh yes! No secret Id. Would want final approval and a cut with a minimum. "Hey, heroing is what I do for a living! That means pay!" What about - an incident from his world where he and allies (including dragons) fight demons. The CGI would be off the map - unless Olorin magiced it up - for which he'd expect extra pay. He could play himself, but if not he'd insist on Jim Carrey "Only person manic enough to pull it off."


Black Tiger - no way. If they did it anyway, even a derivative but obviously him, he'd quietly sabotage the filming until they gave up.


Futurian - "Where's a pen?" Would want final approval and a cut with a minimum. Public Id, so that is not a problem. What about? They'd have to make something up, he has not done anything really famous yet. Who to play him? He'd first say Humprey Bogart (He's from the future, and does not have the dates completely correct.) Then when told he's dead, Christopher Lee. When he found out how old Christopher Lee is he'd say "Someone with stage presence, fame and good looks. Let me know."

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Re: Let's Do Lunch


Mole might be very vulnerable to this pitch right now. He's seen a future where he feels his as yet to be born son is going to need somethings... and he feels pretty helpless about it so is trying to think of how to save up cash for his kid to live very well off and have his condition's medical and other costs covered.

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Re: Let's Do Lunch


Sir Johnstone, being a battle butler/hyper-skilled normal who arranges for people's lives to be saved, whether by him in secret, or by other people, would not think of himself as good summer blockbuster movie material. However, he might write a basic proposal of a movie script about his employer, (think Bruce Wayne/Tony Stark without the secret superheroing) and how he is secretly funding an undercover team of urban myth style superheroes, including his 'alternate' self, Dr Magister. The movie ends up being a massive hit and starts a new comic company devoted to the characters from the movie. Majority shares are owned by Sir Johnstone's employer, and the 'original concept writer' maintains editorial control over the plots.

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Re: Let's Do Lunch


Microman II: "Movie? But I have only been an active hero for approximately one week. . ."


Hermes: Presuming either movie making came back to his home time, or this was while visiting another, he'd decline. Not that he's inherently opposed, but too many ways it could be dangerous to bystanders.


Mereneptah: ". . .I am a spy. Even if I were to approve a movie, you don't know enough about me to make one." "Actually. . ." "You. Do not. Know. Enough. About me. To make. A movie. Right?" ". . .right."

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Re: Let's Do Lunch


Adventus-been there done that it FLOPPED! Big time. He is a movie stuntman who happens to be made of Adamantium. So the SFX guys get to use the GOOD explosives with him. He also has the small problem of always rushing off to deal with nnatural disasters. He is a first in for the red cross and a smoke jumper.

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Re: Let's Do Lunch


Your character is approached regarding the movie rights to some of their exploits. The offer seems legitimate, although the studio does reserve the right to change a few details to make the script more saleable.


Would your character accept? What adventure would the film be about? What changes to the facts about the incident and your character would have to be made to protect identities, the innocent, and your dignity? Would it be big-budget, cable, or direct-to-DVD?


And who does your character want playing you? Conversely, who would you as a *player* want playing you?

Great WWYCD question, *3*! :thumbup:


Unfortunately, my primary character Zl'f doesn't really have any such moments or adventures she'd be willing to relate or that is public knowledge. The closest one would be her taking down Mentalla of Eurostar in a fight on a trawler on the Aegean Sea*, but she had plenty of help and (more significantly) I'm not sure any film studio would be willing to risk pissing off Eurostar -several members are still at large.


Zl'f might be willing to deal with a general history of her life from Olympic gymnast, orphan, metahuman fugitive, and finally field leader of Earth's most respected superhero team, MidGuard. Sounds more like a Lifetime miniseries than a feature film. ;)



* http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6990

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Re: Let's Do Lunch


Hal Fleisner would simply smirk and go along with it, he knows how this works. As a Government Sanctioned Bounty Hunter he has no Secret ID, but he'd have to consult his better half, and the other member of the MACH 5 team. His girlfriend Tabetha Suzumaki.


After all she's the robotics expert that built the basic frame, he just used his military engineering background in weapons to arm it. She's also something of 'RIO' to him, taking care of the sensors and telemetry from a remote location.


If they were allowed to choose who they wanted to have them play their roles... Tabby would want Kelly Hu, and Hal, hmm, probably Nathan Fillion, just to mess with peoples heads. He'd want 10% of gross sales, though. That would be non-negotiable. Not that he's greedy (As a Super Bounty Hunter, he's actually rich) but because he think that movie execs are theives and deserves as much trouble as he can cause them.

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Re: Let's Do Lunch


Uncle Slam has several documentaries ("Made in America", 1974, running time 80 minutes, being the best known), but there's no way he'd consent. Problem is there are several films that feature an Uncle Slam-like hero whose been changed just enough to save them from lawsuits. He doesn't like movie producers much or their interpretations of the truth.


Anthem would actually find herslef giving the counter argument that her exploits are too small, not interesting enough for a movie, her biggest moment involving an incredibly lucky shot against a nearly unbeatable foe. She'd also not appreciate someone making money off the deaths of the many heroes in that particular incident. If somehow that whole incident was excluded and this was a tiny little intimate flick then probably Hayden Panatiere (She's blond, can play a few years younger, and can act; Problem is Hayden already plays an indestructable chearleader, so wouldn't happen really).


Audra Blue wouldn't give them enough information to make a film. She's very secretive about her past. Assuming she somehow agreed and had some editorial control, she'd cast Jessica Alba. Not because the girl's a great actress but because they look similar (Keep in mind I actually drew my first picture of Audra Blue from a picutre of Jessica Alba years before she became famous with Dark Angel; I had no idea who she was, I just thought--she's young and pretty and would work well. Little did I know she'd be huge some day).

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Re: Let's Do Lunch


I can only share from the vantage of the GM's chair.


A player of mine, Rage, went to Hollywood to seek his fortune as a stuntman. He, being a crazy-fit human specimen and martial artist, found work right away. The player was a bit of a frustrated actor himself, so Getting Work was a smidge of wish-fulfillment. One day on set, Rage got tapped to be an extra with a few lines. I had the player make an Everyman Acting roll and he cranked out a 3! I gifted the character with a hefty Acting skill as he suddenly "discovered" how good he was. The performance led to him getting an agent (The Vic Alsano Agency) and a string of work, including some Miramax-ish stuff where he wowed the critics.


This led to a major studio offering him the "part" of Ronin. The contract involved all the physical stunt work of the movie plus he was to take on the role of Ronin as his superhero identity, for the PR and for the footage that came from the cameras installed in the Ronin armor. To give you some idea of when this happened, the helmetless parts of the Ronin movie had Michael J. Fox in the starring role! :D

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Re: Let's Do Lunch


Gem: Absolutely . . . NOT. I do sing jazz. An audition would be nice. Just kidding.


Blade: [He just gets up from the table, shakes his head.] Au revoir.


The mogul says "But you can't possibly refu---!"


[While the mogul speaks, he withdraws a blade and throws it---with perfect precision---at a designated target]


Blade: Next time, it's your neck. Won't hurt a bit, 'cause you'll be dead. Au revoir.

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